PUSHY Shannon!
So remember that day I told U abt fr. last wk, when I was in a pissy mood an' didn't feel like going 2 pizza & moviez w/Ger & Dunc & whoev else was going? Well, rite after Shannon had her thot bubble abt how no1 ever asks her 2 NEthing, she was all, "April...re...mem...ber when I...showed U my...re...ading...pro...gram?" I'm like, "Uh-huh", while thinking, "Yeah, I'm trying 2 wipe that fr my brain but whatevs." And by the way, who breaks up "reading" between the "E" and the "A"? "Ree-ay-ding?" Wha? NEway, next she goes, "U sed...U'd send...me...an...e-mail. Did...U...mean it?" Now, look @ what she did there. If U remember, I didn't say I'd send an e-mail. What I sed was, "So, if I sent U an e-mail, the voice--I mean, "Justin"--would read it 2 U?" And when I sed sure, I was all, "That wd B amazing!" And that was when she hit me with, "April, if...some...1 sent me...an e-mail....that would be....amazing." But I never, ever sed I was going 2 send me an e-mail. But when she asked whether I meant it, I was thinking abt something else, an' I just sort of automatically went, "Sure!" But what a manipulator, peeps! Sheesh! Then she was all, "U R...so totally...awe...some!" And remember, I was in a pissy mood that day. Was. Remember, this was well over a week ago, and I'm feeling much better. So pls try not 2 worry abt me. NEway, in the crabby mood I had, I answered Shannon's "awe...some" with "I am so totally ugly!" Then she laffed, an' I'm all, "What R U laffing @" Shannon goes, "And ppls...call ME...crazy!!!" And I think I had a st00pid, cartoony "D'oh!" xpression on my face.
But B4 U go an' start inviting Shannon 2 stuff cuz U feel bad, read Alex an' Jeremy's posts abt what Shannon did after she, like, invited herself 2 go C hockey w/them an' Alex's fam. Even her Mom paid Alex's Mom 2 try an' get rid of her, but it didn't work. She's not easy 2 ditch! An' she totally kept tryin' 2 hit on Jeremy, so rude when he obvs has a gf. U so don't do that, Shannon, not cube!
Becky & Howard wrote fr. Brenda Starr's where they had an overnite while w8ing 4 her 2 return fr. an assignment this morning. Fingers crossed, peeps!
Ger & I had a v. v. nice d8. I definitely feel much, much better abt life an' everything. I sure hope that holds! And I can start talking abt other ppl in my family next wk, not me, me, me, cuz I'm really sick of my own whining!
Apes out
Edit: I 4got 2 mention this cuz I'm kinda blockin' it out. . . . After Mom caut Dad all fall-down drunk nite-B4 last, an' found out abt the snowplow accident @ Gordo's, she totally tore him a new 1. She's like, "I will not have an alky in my home! We R nipping this in the bud!" & he's all, "OK, I'll sign up 4 a recovery programme." & Ma was, "No way R U putting this family thru the embarrassment of having U in an alky group! I'm going 2 B yr 12-step manager!" & She put on the "12-step manager" t-shirt I posted abt last nite. She told my dad that she read up on 12-step programmes on a buncha websites that Steph the web designer helped her find. & She's gonna B totally in charge of his recovery. I dunno, peeps, this soundz BAD!
But B4 U go an' start inviting Shannon 2 stuff cuz U feel bad, read Alex an' Jeremy's posts abt what Shannon did after she, like, invited herself 2 go C hockey w/them an' Alex's fam. Even her Mom paid Alex's Mom 2 try an' get rid of her, but it didn't work. She's not easy 2 ditch! An' she totally kept tryin' 2 hit on Jeremy, so rude when he obvs has a gf. U so don't do that, Shannon, not cube!
Becky & Howard wrote fr. Brenda Starr's where they had an overnite while w8ing 4 her 2 return fr. an assignment this morning. Fingers crossed, peeps!
Ger & I had a v. v. nice d8. I definitely feel much, much better abt life an' everything. I sure hope that holds! And I can start talking abt other ppl in my family next wk, not me, me, me, cuz I'm really sick of my own whining!
Apes out
Edit: I 4got 2 mention this cuz I'm kinda blockin' it out. . . . After Mom caut Dad all fall-down drunk nite-B4 last, an' found out abt the snowplow accident @ Gordo's, she totally tore him a new 1. She's like, "I will not have an alky in my home! We R nipping this in the bud!" & he's all, "OK, I'll sign up 4 a recovery programme." & Ma was, "No way R U putting this family thru the embarrassment of having U in an alky group! I'm going 2 B yr 12-step manager!" & She put on the "12-step manager" t-shirt I posted abt last nite. She told my dad that she read up on 12-step programmes on a buncha websites that Steph the web designer helped her find. & She's gonna B totally in charge of his recovery. I dunno, peeps, this soundz BAD!
At 10:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
april, please tell me u didn't e-mail shannon. u do not wanna ncourage her, b-lieve me.
At 11:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
I saw you leavin' with Shannon that day. I was going to interrupt (read "save you") but you kind of looked like you were having a 'moment'. I wanted to tell you that your coat (and we should go coat shopping because that is the most unflattering coat, okay? They have nicer coats out there. I love pea coats, a pea coat wouldn't ride your skirt up either.) was pulling your skirt up and once those doors opened your crotch would be out there for the world to see. You'd be pulling a Ana-Lucia. I guess you felt the breeze yourself because you fixed it. Shannon would have probably told me, "Why?...are...you...mean...to...April. I...like...her...crotch...It's...totally...awe...some!"
I'm so upset right now. I had no idea that Shannon's tongue was in Jeremy's ear. I ... I thought ... I thought she was discussing hygiene with him and didn't want to tell the whole car that he needed to wax his ears. If I had known she had her tongue in his ear ... Why do you think Jeremy didn't tell her to stop??? Oo April, I suck = (
I wonder if I should call Jeremy and see about going over today. I'll stick my tongue in his other ear ... But I really don't think that's going to work. It might bring back memories that he's trying to regress. I'm wondering now why Jeremy kept jumping and fidgeting when he was holding the popcorn on his lap and Shannon kept digging for the bottom kernels. Do you think maybe she wasn't reaching for the popcorn at all?
Aww man = (
At 11:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can vouch 4 that. Shannon is still sending me emails. The most recent was that "I Love U" virus, she told me it was a fun game. I'm still trying 2 clear it from my system. Now she's all defensive that I don't email. I tried 2 xplain that she sent me a virus that effed up my computer but she just said, "For...every...in...sen..s..itive...person...who...taunts...me... 4...being...differ...ent...I...no...many...others...who... would...B...happy...2...email...me...&...come...2...my...defense!" I was like, "Then email them!" She told me I'm insensitive and she was going to think up a witty reply and get back to me. I'm still waiting.
At 11:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
alexandra, it's hard 2 defend urself, wen ur sittin' on ur handz. if u wanna come ovah, that wud b gr8. i need 2 vent a little 'bout shannon lake 2 sumbody neway. oh, the 1st thing i did wen i got home frum hockey wuz 2 wash my earz. i definitely need sum help 4getting wut shannon did 2 my ear.
At 11:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Do you think it looks desperate of me to show up at Jeremy's so soon after he invited me? I'm standing out in front of his house. If you tell me yes I'll walk around the block some more.
At 12:15 PM,
April Patterson said…
not desperate, alex! go in! :)
thanx 4 mentioning that coat, cuz i've totally been meaning 2 get a more flattering 1. u won't b surprised 2 know my mom got that coat 4 me w/out consulting w/me. i'd luv 2 go coat shopping w/u, tho there will prolly b dayz when i'm seen wearing the ol' uggo 1 cuz mom inspects me b4 i leave the house & sumtymz she insists on st00pid thingz like that. & i hafta pick my battles. but u r rite, i noticed the breeze rite in time & adjusted. nah, i wan't having a moment. i was trying 2 think of a way 2 escape.
eva & jeremy, i haven't e-mailed shannon. the way i c it, i nevr promised her nething abt e-mail. it annoyz me she tried 2 make like i had.
eva, that sux about the virus! :(
At 1:09 PM,
April Patterson said…
i m soooo sorry 2 hear that brenda did not turn out 2 b the tru luv 4 howard, becks. she seemed like such a sure bet.
has howard sent u ne thots abt whether he feelz his tru luv is most likely male or female? cuz if yes, mayB that can help u narrow down?
yikerz abt that kama sutra pic on yr cheek!
p.s. is there nething i can do 2day 2 help?
At 2:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, alexandra iz so cube. she let me vent a lot ‘bout b-ing molested by shannon. she sed i cud vent wenevah i want 2 her. she’z a gr8 gf. she wuz all ears, wen she wuz lissenin’ 2 me vent. i feel a lot bettah.
my mom sent us out 4 sum food 4 lunch & while we were out we saw a strange thing. we passed by ur mom’z store & she had on this shirt that sed "12-step manager" on it. ur dad wuz there & he wuz disinfectin’ the doorknobs, the counters, the debit machine @the store. then he had a big pot of boiling water & he wuz puttin’ money n2 it. ur mom wuz sayin’ “1 of the most important of the 12 steps iz cleanliness. aftah u finish w/those billz, i xxpect thoze floorz 2b sparklin’.” we passed by & he sed, “let this b a lesson 2u jeremy, honesty iz not the best policy wen it comez 2 ur wife. it gets u n2 hott water w/hott money.” freaky.
At 2:22 PM,
April Patterson said…
jeremy, i am sooooooo glad i don't have 2 b @ the bookstore 2day! my mom is crazee!
At 2:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am the worst girlfriend.
Jeremy was venting about Shannon and I didn't hear any of it. All I kept thinking while he was venting was, "God, he looks so good when he's mad. Look, his nostrils are flaring. I've never noticed that vein in his neck before. I would ..." well I don't have to tell you that part but I totally missed whatever he was saying because I just kept fantasizing about all I would do to calm him down.
I think his mom must have noticed because she said, "Alex, you need some cold air. Jeremy, go get us some food for lunch," and she sent us out into the cold to go shopping for food. I don't think she trusts me after that sponge bath thing.
Then Jeremy started venting about the cold around the time we got to your mom's shop. Your dad was talking about getting into hot water and stuff when you're truthful with your wife. I think if I marry Jeremy I'm going to do stuff to make him vent more. If I do it right he'll vent to me.
At 2:34 PM,
April Patterson said…
lol, alex, just so long as he's venting 2 u, & not about u!
At 2:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, alexandra & i saw rebeccah get off the bus w/howard the dog & she told us brenda starr wuz not howard's true love. kinda sad 4 howard. i dunno who he hazn't kissed. haz he been 2 ur grandpa'z place? mebbe 1 of thoze old geezer's iz his true love. or she cud take him by ur mom'z store. i think howard usedta date 1 of thoze ladeez who works 4 ur mom. mebbe she iz his true love.
alexandra sed she rilly liked rebeccah's makeup, cuz it wuz makin' a statement. she sed it's b-cuz rebeccah iz an artiste, she can do that kinda stuff & it luks gud on her. i dunno 'bout that. i don't if rebeccah can wear that kinda makeup @the mary worth partee. i started 2 vent 'bout how the makeup wudn't work @mosta the places where rebeccah duz gigz, & how it wuzn't gud 4 her career 2b wearin' that kinda makeup. i hadda stop cuz alexandra sorta distracted me, but it wuz a rilly gud distraction.
At 6:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dudes! U R so lucky U don't have 2 live with Shannon! We've got a computer in the family room, rite? And I have 2 share it w/Shan. I was reading my e-mail this afternoon, when our doorbell rang. Our 'rents were out, so I had 2 go answer it. It turned out 2 B a package delivery. So I signed for it & went inside.
I then heard that voice from Shan's "Justin" program reading an e-mail my gf had sent me. An e-mail that, like, describes what she wanted 2 do 2 me, if U know what I mean. I ran over there & closed the e-mail, yelling, "WTF R U doing reading my e-mail?" & she just stared @ me like she does and went, "No1...sends me...e-mail....I need...2...read...e-mail....So I'm...re...ading yrs." I was soooo pissed!
Oh, BTW, the package? Shan used our 'rents' credit card 2 buy a whole bunch of hockey jerseys (diff teams) & "#1" foam hands. Weird, eh?
Blair Lake
At 8:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
peeps, u gotta help me. wen my mom wuz @work n toronto she spotted sum brochurez 4 evening workshops & she wunts me 2 go 2 them w/her. the titlez of these workshops r: It's Raining Outside--They Say It's Global Warming, Writing The Great Canadian Novel, Marriage Counseling For The Career Woman, How To Be A Silent Partner In A Financial Successful Startup Business, & the 1 my mom wunts me 2 go 2 b-cuz of my english grades, English Assignments. How To Outline The Problem. here’z the freeky part. the lecturer iz named michael patterson, like april’z bro. i get enuf of skool n the day. i don’t want extra, but my mom rilly wunts me 2 go. do u know a way i can get outa it?
At 9:04 PM,
April Patterson said…
jeremy: here's something that mite work. show yr mom samplez of mike's writing an' ask her if she really thinx it's a gd idea 2 get english-class advice fr. him. i can give u xtra copiez of his portrait & clarion articles. & mayB also have her read his monthly letterz. that oughta scare her.
hm, so i bet that's y my mom changed that part of my letter where i'd sed i got the outlining fr the comp bk liz gave me, an' made it mike's "trick" instead. i'll bet they came up w/the idea 2gether. blah.
At 9:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
OMG, Blaine, er, Blair (Isn't there a Blair on Golden Girls? Wow, Shannon's the least of your problems!!) That totally explains why Shannon showed up on Jeremy's doorstep telling him she wants to model the new jerseys she bought for him!!!
No, you're reading that wrong, not FOR him to own, she bought them for her to model FOR him. From his venting I got, she pushed her way into the house and said, "Is..your...mom...here?" and started looking around for her. He said, "No, she's at work in Toronto," and Shannon said, "Good," and, I guess, started takin' her shirt off!!!! Once he saw the pasty white flab of her stomach he screamed and grabbed her to stop her from stripping. Shannon said, "I...knew...you'd...come...ar...ound...and...fa...ll...for...
Jeremy said he threw her out the front door and slammed the door. Shannon laughed and said, "I...love...when...you...play...hard...to...get...my...little... germy...wormy. Do...you...like...when....I...call...you...germy...wormy? My...little...germy...wormy..." Jeremy saw Shannon's coat and her box of jerseys still in the house and screamed again. He opened the door and threw them at her, knocking her off the front steps and into a snow bank. She said she'd be back when it was a better time.
He was really upset by that ... He did a lot of pacing and yelling. That vein on his neck was really popping. I could get used to this.
At 9:51 PM,
April Patterson said…
wow, sorry 2 hear abt that, becks! :(
& my mom? whatta freek. again!
p.s. mayB that theatrical makeup marjee haz can help til that img wears off yr cheek.
p.p.s. omg, alex! shannon's outta control!
At 10:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
I know! But it's working to my advantage. I don't know if I should try and stop her!!! My entire day was spent "helping" Jeremy forget!!
Though ... my lips are chapped.
At 2:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
april, i wuz dealin’ w/shannon 4 a lot of the day. she iz relentless. i swear i am gonna get an ulcer frum my nerves. alexandra has gotta b the best gf evah. shannon iz throwin’ herself @me & it duzn’t evn botha alexandra. i think she likes it that sum othah girl iz innerested n me, evn tho it iz shannon lake. mebbe she’z 1 of thoze girlz who likes competition. lemme tell u, the more i vent ‘bout shannon lake, the more alexandra iz nice 2 me, so n a strange kinda way it’z a gud thing shannon iz so crazee.
diffrent topic. do u think the guy doin’ the lecturez iz ur bro? he haz the same name, but mike iz a pretty common name & i thot ur bro wuz a magazine editor? i cud ask my mom if it iz ur bro. she mite not wanna go then, cuz she remembahs c-in’ romie & julie, ur bro’s translation of shakespeare’s romeo & juliet. ‘course she didn’t think romie & julie wuz that bad. it wuz my future dad, who didn’t like it. i’ll show her the monthly letterz 2c wut she thinks.
At 2:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
rebeccah, we need 2 get that makeup off ur face b4 the prison gig. i don’t think it wud b safe 4 us othawise. lemme know if i can help w/the scrubbing. b sure not 2 poke @urself n the mirror, ‘less u want haccebeR 2 show up.
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