Gerald's Whispers
While I was in that "integrated program" rm lookin' @ Shannon's "Justin" software on Monday (I know, still Monday!), Gerald came bustin' in, like, "There U R! I've been looking all ovr!" And I was all, "Shannon has a computer program that reads 2 her, Gerald! It is so cool!" Which, y'know, is a bit exaggerated. It was more like mildly cool, but sumtymz U play stuff up 2 B nice. So, NEway, Ger was, "Come on! There's something really cool going on! Hurry up!" And I sed, "Bye, Shannon, I'll C U l8r." Then, like, once we were out in the hall, Ger was all whispering, "How come U were w/her? She's--U know...Retarded!!" An' I whispered back, "How can U B so cruel?!" Ger was then totally staring @ 3 "special needs" kidz in the hall while whispering "What's cruel? Those kidz don't know we're talking abt them." & they were staring back @ him w/these total "Dude, we know U're talking abt us, so step off lks on their faces." God, I was soooo embarrassed. I even felt three xtra zits spring out fr. nowhere on my left cheek. Grrrrr.
This was really weird, cuz Ger's never acted like this B4. I don't know what came ovr him. I'm nervous abt what this is gonna mean 4 our relationship. I sense big anvils about 2 fall fr. the sky, IYKWIM.
P.S. If I ever manage 2 get this 2 post--sorry it's sooooo disgustingly l8! Blogger has been flakilicious this morning. :(
This was really weird, cuz Ger's never acted like this B4. I don't know what came ovr him. I'm nervous abt what this is gonna mean 4 our relationship. I sense big anvils about 2 fall fr. the sky, IYKWIM.
P.S. If I ever manage 2 get this 2 post--sorry it's sooooo disgustingly l8! Blogger has been flakilicious this morning. :(
At 12:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
God! No worries. I've just been waiting to tell you this like ALL MORNING! Glad it was just Blogger and you didn't get, like, run over by someone on a bike or something ... Like nearly happened to me this morning!
April, have you ever noticed how pompous a lot of the "special needs" kids are? Like, when you're walking down the hall talking to your friends they ALWAYS glare at you as if you're talking about them!!??
Today I was walking down the hall and I nearly got ran over by a guy in a wheelchair and I was like, "HEY WATCH IT!" and he was, "You watch it! I'm special needs!" and I'm like, "You are not! You're in my English class. You're always reading in front of the class and you know all the answers to all the questions!" He comes back with, "Well the school thinks I'm special needs and I'm not about to argue with the special privileges I get!" So now I'm walking to class with this guy right and you know that little step down that has the ramp to the side for, like, guys like this. He totally just jumps the steps with his wheelchair! So then I said, "Aren't you on the Olympic Basketball team?!" and he goes, "The Special Olympics," and pops a wheelie in his chair AND then he totally spins on the back wheels!!!
So I'm like, "So being 'special needs'," and I totally did the little bunny ears to indicate quotation marks, "you must know Shannon Lake." He goes, "Oh, you mean The Retard? Yeah, I know her," and I'm, "You are so cruel!" and he's, "She gives us 'special needs' kids a bad name. All she does is sit in front of that computer all day 'reading'. Then she complains to everyone else that no one ever pays her any attention and she's soooo lonely. How great would it be if I got email for Justin to read to me. Boo fucking hoo!" I'm like, "I can't believe you!" and he's like, "Like you weren't thinking the same thing! Everyone feels that way. There's nothing wrong with it. You don't HAVE to like everyone you know!"
I'm just completely floored. I can't believe this guy gets special treatment and he's so totally not special needs. He's no different than you or I, he just can't walk. And the things he said about Shannon! Wow. I had no idea that other people felt this way. When you thought people were talking about you for talking about them, they were probably talking about you for hanging out with Shannon!!
Anyway ... I am SO glad you're not, like, hurt or injuried or anything. I was way worried.
At 1:10 PM,
April Patterson said…
d00d, that guy who's alwayz acing everything in english is considered "special needs"? that's so wrong!
so, like, rite b4 lunch, i was asking vicki if we had ne quizzes coming up in geography, cuz i'd totally 4gotten, & she was, like, "let me think a sec." & u know how sumtymz u need 2 look off in2 the distance 2 think abt sumthin'? she did that, & she happened 2 look in the general direction of sum of those "special needs" kidz. & 1 of them was all, "quit talkin' about us!" talk abt touchy!
At 2:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah! He's kind of cute for a "special needs" kid too! His name is Cameron, Cameron Mitchell. I don't really like that name, Cameron. Not that I care, it's not like I'm going to be his friend or anything. He was so rude!
You know if we were to do any of the things that the Special Needs do to us, we would be put in detention for sure! What's it called when someone gets special treatment just because their different???
Thank God it's Friday. I'm going to spend the rest of the day thinking about my date with Jeremy tonight and try to ignore these "special needs" kids that just seem to be cropping out of nowhere! Yesterday, I thought Shannon was the only special needs basket case the school had!
PS: I really miss your sister. Have you heard from her? Is she alright?
At 2:16 PM,
April Patterson said…
i totally need a gd wkend, but i have a feeling that 2morrow i'll have more 2 say abt this past st00pid monday. u will hafta tell me abt yr d8 so's i can think of something else!
i miss liz, 2. liz, r u ok?
At 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
I will tell you all about the date. = ) I'm really excited. Jeremy hasn't talked to me much today except to ask me if I was still coming over -- every single time we met in the halls or class.
I'm so bummed about Gerald's change. I hope it was just a wicked witch thing and nothing permanent. Gerald always seems so sweet. I'm sure there's no anvils about to fall on your head.
I wish Howard and Becky were back = ( They would know what to say. How do you think they are???
At 3:44 PM,
April Patterson said…
i hope u r rite abt ger. this so remindz me abt that big threat fr. "she who must not b named" abt how she can cause nething 2 happen w/me & my friends. :(
the only thing i've heard fr. becks was a quick txt where she sed "v. v. interesting! much 2 tell!" so i m way anxious 4 their return!
At 9:46 PM,
April Patterson said…
liz! i m glad u posted & feel bad that u r lonely rite now. i'll bet paul's on the level & will b able 2 set yr mind @ ease when he returns.
i know what u mean abt not all sn peeps bein' nice just cuz they r sn. i've been surprised by shannon's erratic behaviour this wk, esp. since she's seemed nice & all up until now.
At 11:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow, now I'm more afraid of Shannon than I was before! Do you think she's really dangerous Liz?! I'm so glad you posted, sorry you're homesick and second guessing Paul = (. I am not second guessing Jeremy! The date was so ... interesting = )
I got there at five and Jeremy's mom had to work late so it was just Jeremy and me. I wore nice jeans and a nice shirt and Jeremy said I looked nice = ) He had on, pretty much, the same, nice jeans and a nice shirt, and I told him he looked nice too. Then he lead me to the dining room, which was set with paper plates and unlit candles, and he sat me at the head of the table and then went to the kitchen and got the pizza he ordered for dinner.
Before he offered any pizza he lit a match to light the candles he had on the table. Well he didn't kiss me hello yet and I really wanted a kiss so I grabbed his collar and pulled him towards me and kissed him for a good long time. Well, until the flame burnt out the cardboard match and burnt Jeremy's thumb and finger. He jumped and pulled away and dropped the match, which landed on a paper plate. He started screaming because his fingers really burned an' he kind of jumped in one spot from the pain, you know. I threw the lit paper plate on the floor and stomped it out. Then I rushed Jeremy to the kitchen and ran his fingers under cold water because that's what my mom did when I burnt my fingers really bad as a kid. I was really concerned that Jeremy's mom would blame me for burning her son so I was really worried that she was going to come home at any minute! I asked Jeremy if he felt any better with the cold water and he said, "I think so," so I said, "Okay, I guess you should put ice on it for now. I can't remember what else my mom did when I burned my fingers as a kid. I think I regressed that part." I don't know if that was of any help.
Have you ever tried eating pizza with one hand?
I wanted to ask Jeremy if I could help by, like, maybe, cutting the pizza and feeding him but I thought I did enough damage with burning him, you know? There's a small burn hole in the nice area rug in the dining room too but you can hardly see it, the chair leg covers it nicely.
Jeremy's mom came home while we were cleaning up and she asked Jeremy why his fingers were bandaged and he didn't use his one hand much. Jeremy told her the pizza was really hot. I don't know if she bought it or not.
So after cleaning up dinner -- the candles never did get lit -- Jeremy and I went out into the TV room to watch the hockey game. At first we were sitting on opposite sides of the couch, you know because Jeremy's mom was home and I set Jeremy on fire so he probably didn't want to touch me ... But I was bored and lonesome all by myself so I moved a little closer ... And then a little closer ... And then a little closer.
I never did see much of the hockey game. I couldn't even tell you who was playing or what the score was. I guess Jeremy didn't mind that I set him on fire during dinner. Hey! I think there's a pun there. Ha! Yeah, because I know I set him on fire during the game! Hee.
Sorry April, I know you don't like puns = )
At 11:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
The nxt time u want 2 snd a Fwd 2 a lonesome sn kid, can u take my name out of the email list? I keep getting an email from Shannon saying, " Your...e...pal...Shannon...Lake." It's coming like spam!
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