April = Incredible Hulk w/a 2Head
OMG, Liz, U know how sumtymz yr forehead kinda contracts so U lk like U have a 2head? It lks like I'm startin' 2 get that same prob. I noticed when I had my bangs pinned back so I cd obsess abt my (gulp) acne. (There, I sed it. Acne.) @ 1st, it was just on my forehead/2head & I cd hide it w/my bangs, but now it's spreading 2 my cheeks. & it got even worse w/2 much messin' w/it. MayB I need 2 take sum sick dayz until I lk non-scary again?
Becky, R U OK? R U guyz in Corbeil yet? NE news abt Howard?
Liz, Paul soundz like such a sweetie!
Dunc, pls write in! Yr mom sez U've taken 2 yr bed again. :(
Jeremy & Alex, I'm not gonna say NEthing, cuz U guyz seem 2 B in a loop where NEthing can be taken the wrong way. I already had sumthin' I wrote that didn't mean NEthing taken the wrong way, so it's shuddup time 4 me!
That's it 4 now. Sorry so l8.
Edit: In my hurry 2 get my post up, I like totally 4got 2 xplain the "Incredible Hulk" think in my title. I was getting so worked up abt my zits (acne) that if U saw me, U wda thot I was havin' a roid rage or turnin' in2 the Incredible Hulk. I've gotta relax!
Becky, R U OK? R U guyz in Corbeil yet? NE news abt Howard?
Liz, Paul soundz like such a sweetie!
Dunc, pls write in! Yr mom sez U've taken 2 yr bed again. :(
Jeremy & Alex, I'm not gonna say NEthing, cuz U guyz seem 2 B in a loop where NEthing can be taken the wrong way. I already had sumthin' I wrote that didn't mean NEthing taken the wrong way, so it's shuddup time 4 me!
That's it 4 now. Sorry so l8.
Edit: In my hurry 2 get my post up, I like totally 4got 2 xplain the "Incredible Hulk" think in my title. I was getting so worked up abt my zits (acne) that if U saw me, U wda thot I was havin' a roid rage or turnin' in2 the Incredible Hulk. I've gotta relax!
At 10:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
=, (
So you probably all saw by now that Jeremy dumped me last night. I read it this morning and as soon as I got into school, I confronted him about it. I had to hunt him down because he didn't meet me at my locker like he sometimes does. When I found him I yelled, "Jeremy Jones! I want to talk to you!" I think it came out as, "Jeremy Jones, I want you!" thought.
So I pulled him into the utility closet so we could talk in private and he stood there like I was going to kiss him! I said, "What are you doing?!" and he said, "Don't you want to kiss me?" and I said, "No! I can't believe you dumped me. ONLINE!" and he said, "What?! I didn't," and I said, "You did!" and he started stuttering, all nervous like and I said, "You don't dump people online Jeremy! You just don't do that. It's rude. It's not even like we had an online relationship. You don't dump people online!" and I left the utility closet.
Jeremy followed behind me and he said, "Well I just thought that's what you wanted, you're always telling me I suck and always yelling at me!" and I said, "I just say those things because you frustrate me sometimes. I kind of really like you Jeremy. I enjoyed going to the hockey games with you and kissing you. And I yell at everyone," an' he said, "No you don't, you don't yell at Vicki or April and you're afraid of Becky, you don't yell at her," an' I just stood there like an idiot, and Jeremy said, "And I like you too," and I said, "But you're still dumping me?" and he said, "Yeah," and I said, "Fine!"
And then I threw up. I'm in the nurses office now, resting. I hate being sick. Should I know anything about this nurse? She keeps asking me ... Strange questions.
At 11:27 AM,
April Patterson said…
alex, most of us think nurse horbreath is, like, a bit 2 obsessed w/sex an' askin' us nosy questions abt our private bits. but gerald thinx she's cube.
i m sorry 2 hear u got sick. now i know y i saw jeremy goin' "gd thing i keep an xtra uniform in my locker!" while running thru the hall.
At 12:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, u prolly saw by now that alexandra dumped me last night & threw up on me this morning 2 make sure i didn’t 4get it. i guess it wuz obvious wen she sed on-line i lied ‘bout everything we did last nite. wen u think u had a gr8 nite & the othah person sez it wuz a horrible nite, then u know the person who had the horrible nite iz gonna break up w/u. aftah she worfed up her coffee candy on me, nurse horbreth came 4 alexandra & sed, “jeremy jones. i shuda know it wuz u. wut kinda disease did u give this nice girl? thoze results for herpes came back negative, but i know u got sumthin’. my favrite patient tellz me ur not 2b trusted ‘round girlz.”
oh, wut did u say 2 me n the hall? i saw u & u sed to me sumthin like, ”ymereJ, olleH” wuz that french?
At 12:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
.serutcip on s’ereht tpecxe, golB leaR ym ekil si sihT. gnitseretnI
At 12:55 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, becks, u r rite. my mind, like, has blanked abt gma carrie & gpa will & auntie bev & unk danny & cuz laura. & dad, like, doesn't ev seem 2 think of them either.
gah, i m scared of those thingz steph told u abt ms. johnston. s00pr scaree! becks, get home fast & safe!
At 1:00 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, did lynn sic my "thru the lookingglass" mirror-image april on me? that backwards message scares me. in case u don't have a mirror 2 hold up 2 it, it lks like mirror-april sed "interesting. this is like my real blog, except there's no pictures." i guess in "thru the lookingglass world" the mirror april wd totally think my fake blog is my real blog & vice versa. scaree thot, peeps. yo, lirpa, i do have pix here, but unlike on that bs other blog, it's not the only thing i have, & the pix i post rn't, like, random & meaningless!
non-mirror apes
At 1:02 PM,
April Patterson said…
jer, i didn't say nething like that! was it mirror-april (lirpa)? i m freakin' peeps!
At 1:17 PM,
April Patterson said…
wow, i feel like we r suddenly stuck in 1 of those horror moviez where the peeps in the audience r all, "hey! the killer is b-hind the door! run the other way!" 'cept we can't hear those peeps tryin' 2 help us! :(
At 1:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. there’s this girl ‘round skool who totally looks like u, cept she talks funny. i wuz walkin’ between classes & she wuz motioning @me 2 talk 2 her & i thot it wuz u. wen i got there, she grabbed me & pulled me n2 the utility closet. i thot, “i’m gonna get thrown up on agin & i don’t have ne more clean unis @skool.”
then she sed, “.mih ekil ssik uoy fi ees ot deen I .ymereJ revol ym ekil tsuj kool uoY” then she gave me this rilly hott kiss. i sed, “april, wut ru doin’?” cuz i thot it wuz u talkin’ french.
then she sed, “.deifsitas eb ot evah taht sdeen sah namow nosrettaP yreve tub ,ymereJ ym ton era uoY .evil I erehw morf drawkcab si gnihtyrevE .ereh dednal I dna yaw eht fo tuo depmuj I .em ta gnikop saw dna rorrim eht hguorht emac dnah a dna moorhtab ym ni saw I gninrom sihT .gniyas era uoy gnihtyna dnatsrednu t’nod I .ymereJ” then she ripped the shirt off my body & gasped. she started feelin’ the scarz frum my car accident. she sed, “.ymereJ ym ekil sracs evah uoY”
then she tuk off her shirt & i sed, “wow. u got bigguns. ur obviously not april. she wud nevah take off her shirt w/me. whoevah ur april creature. u shud leave ur clothez on.” she sed, “.erofeb yob rorrim a dah reven ev’I .oot uoy ekat ot naem I .stseuqnoc lauxes rieht rof nwonk era nemow nosrettaP .ymereJ ym neam I ,uoy depar I thgin eht , now I dna ytinigriv ruo esol ot slrig tsrif eht eb ot erows yknip I dna eriuGcM ykceB .latipsoh ni mih tisiv ot ton nosrep ylno eht saw i nehw ymereJ ym htiw evol ni llef I .em morf yawa teg ot gniyrt erew uoy nehw rac eht yb tih neeb evah tsum uoy ymereJ ym ekiL”
then she started undoing my pantz. just then, nurse horbreth opened the door & sed, “jeremy jones. wuz infecting 1 girl not enuff 4 u? get outa there. april patterson, i am surprized @u. if ur gonna b w/sum1, it shud b my favrite patient.” then the april-like girl ran down the hall & got away. nurse horbreth tuk me 2 the principal’z office. i am posting az i w8 4 my doom.
At 2:18 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, i think i know what musta happened. my mom's been all "don't poke @ yrself in the mirror!" & i thot that was the most ridiculous thing in the world. this morning, she was yellin' thru the door again, same kinda stuff, & i thot, "yeah, i'll poke @ myself in the mirror!" & i started 2 reach @ my reflection. & 4 a split sec, i cda sworn i thot i saw her, like, flinchin'! & then, i kinda blanked out. & when i stood up, i had NO REFLECTION, like i was a vamp! but i thot mom musta dun somethin' 2 the mirror & i just finished getting ready 4 school w/out lkin' in the mirror. omg, omg! this is 2 f-in freekee!
& now i know y the nurse was givin' me a funnee lk in the hall. i guess everything is opposite in mirror world, & mirror-me's like a slut & mirror-jeremy is, like, her lovr! omg, we have 2 find a way 2 return her 2 her own world! this is like that episode of buffy where evil-willow gets released fr. the wishverse in2 the normal buffyverse!
At 2:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. i am n the principal'z office. i tried 2 xxplain i wuzn't tryin' nuthin' w/u, it wuz mirror-u. he duzn't b-lieve me. he'z gonna call u n here. mebbe he will b-lieve u since ur a patterson.
At 2:35 PM,
April Patterson said…
jeremy, i c lirpa. i'm gonna c if i can grab her & drag her 2 the princ. offc!
At 2:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
.taefed ot ysae saw ehS .ma I sa ajnin esroh a sa deniart ton si fles rehto yM
At 2:47 PM,
April Patterson said…
i m writing fr. the nurse's office. she found me knocked out in the hall & sez she saw another me running off in the other direction. nurse h sez this is "highly irregular" but it showz jeremy was not lying. she is calling the princ. 2 say he can let jeremy go.
At 2:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
.em rof tseb eht stnaw ylno ohw retirw tnaillirb a si eH .leahciM rehtorb ym llac dluoc I hsiw I
At 2:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. thanx 4 getting’ me outa the principal’z office. sorry u got knocked out. the principal got me a spare white shirt, cuz 1 wuz covered n vomit & the other 1 wuz ripped. then i hadda go back 2 class. i passed by ur french class & i saw u there or mebbe it wuz lirpa. ru n the nurse’s office or in french?
At 3:01 PM,
April Patterson said…
no, i m still in the nurse's office, an' i have french in 5th period, not 8th! omg, i hope lirpa doesn't get me in trub w/madame!
neway, the last bell just rang, i'd better get the bus if nurse h let me!
At 3:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
.yltcefrep rehto hcae dnatsrednu eW .yas I gnihtyna sezicitirc reven ehS .dlrow eht ni mom tseb eht si ehS .rehtom ym llac dlouc I ebyaM
At 3:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
!elaidémér tse esiaçnarf essalc aM .siaçnarf el etsetéd eJ
At 3:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. i think i saw lirpa. u usually get on bus 81 & i saw her 'bout to get on bus 18, but gerald stopped her. lirpa got n2 the car w/gerald & his dad. i cudn't get ovah there fast enuff 2 stop them.
At 3:15 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, omg! i m calling ger 2 tell him that if he goez roadside w/lirpa we r sooooooo over!
apes, fr. the bus!
At 3:18 PM,
April Patterson said…
just got off the phone w/ger. he sez that he & his dad can't understand a word that lirpa sez but that dr. f considers her a "gr8 improvement" 4 sum reason. ger promises not 2 go roadside w/her.
At 3:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
?mih deen I nehw ymereJ yxes ym si erehW .rac s'dad sih 2ni em deggard tsuj dlareG krod taht ekil tsuj skool ohw yug sihT
At 3:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
yldab ti stnaw dna xes dah reven sah eh llet nac I .ysae eb dluohs tI .egami-rorrim a ylno si eh fi neve, lavir rettib ym ecudes ot erusaelp a eb dluow tI .em htiw enola esuoh eht otni dlareG teg nac I fi rednow I .tou dekconk gnieb morf derruls si hceeps ym skniht eH . tluciffid si ti tub ,mih htiw etacinummoc nac I sdrawkcab kaeps I fI .seod ehs erofeb ereht evirra lliw I. esouh s`regnagleppod ym ot em gnivird era rehtaf sih dna yenaleD-ehtysroF dlareG ,ymene hcra yM
At 3:44 PM,
April Patterson said…
ger, DON'T! i have the busdriver speeding 2 get me home faster!
At 3:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
.stra evitcudes eht ni llew em deniart sah rehtom yM .em gnitsiser ecnahc on sah dlareG .em mlehwrevo ot tuoba si noissap yM .sex dah tsal I ecnis sruoh lareves neeb sah tI .em htiw si dlareG .srellik eb ot deniart neeb evah ton tsum yehT .emas eht tca ton od yeht tub ,sgod ym ekil kool yehT .sgod 2 eht rof tpecxe ytpme si tI .sredurtni morf esuoh eht draug ot edistuo gnidnats si eH .sey dias rehtaf sih erus ma I .on dias eh kniht I .em htiw xes evah ot ekil dluow eh fi dlareG deksa I
At 3:50 PM,
April Patterson said…
i just found lirpa & ger. lirpa smashed a window in 2 get in2 the house cuz "!sdrawkcab si kcol siht" dr. f tried 2 keep me out of my own house, but i distracted him by pretending i was abt 2 flash him. lech! ger's crying, "i won't b unfaithful 2 my little aprilblossom!"
At 3:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
!kniht I ,em no eye na peek ot erotskoob eht ot em gnikat era yeht woN !hctib ytfarC .ymereJ devoleb ym fo erutcip a htiw em detcartsid sah oge-retla yM
At 4:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. i will try 2 get there az soon az i can. my mom sez i can't help u till i finish my homework. she duzn't b-lieve me @all 'bout ur mirror-self.
At 4:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
.noissap ym ot pu dnats ton lduoc traeh sih wonk ton did I. dnabsuh daed-won reh gnicudes rof em setah ohw ,oreraflA ecirtaeB derih dna deroda I mohw ,ztublerK yentroK derif rehtom ecnis reve ,erotskoob eht raef I
At 4:31 PM,
April Patterson said…
we r @ the store. ger helped me tie up lipra in the backroom. 4 sum reason, she screamed when she saw beatrice: "!namowdam ,em truh t'noD"
jeremy, pls hurry! we need all the help we can get!
At 4:33 PM,
April Patterson said…
lirpa. not lipra. m not gd @ the backwards typing!
At 4:48 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, becks, i m so glad help is the way! this lirpa is way freekee!
At 5:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello friends. I am still stuck at the Flash. I've been reading my notes and April's blog and most of it's coming back to me now.
I don't think I can rescue Howard, we'll just have to rely on the goodness of Web designer Stephanie's heart.
April's mirror image has given me an idea for escape. I have to go find a large mirror. I hope to be seeing you all soon.
rratS adnerB
OOhh wow I can feel it working already! My body is tingling. Wow! Mmmmm Ahhh that's nice!
At 5:14 PM,
April Patterson said…
becks, just got here w/her mom & dad, an' jeremy's here now, 2. will keep u posted, liz!
At 5:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
!od ot tahw wonk d'ehS ! ereh erew yentroK lap ym hsiw I !tib a siht ekil t'nod I .gnirepsihw raeh I .kcab ym dniheb deit era sdnah ym esuaceb ,kcab eht ni retupmoc eht no siht epyt ot htuom ym ni licnep a gnisu ma I
At 5:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
i got here@ the same tyme az becky and her mom & dad. just now, april’z mom came n the store & wen 2 the backroom 2 eat her muffinz. she sed, “krystle, ru here 4 my personal pastry delivery?” krystle sed, “no i am here 2 send a demon back 2 the evil dimension.” then lipra saw april’z mom & started yellin’ “mom. mom. mom. .em pleh.” april’z mom sed, “u’ve tied up april & she started 2 untie her” then the real april sed, “no mom, that’s lipra frum the mirror world. april’z mom sed, “u were pokin’ @urself n the mirror. i told u not 2 do that. c wut happenz wen u don’t lissen 2 ur mom.” april sed, “mom. thorvald & krystle r here 2 send her back.” april’z mom sed, “& u tied her up. luk how scared she iz.” so april’z mom untied lipra & she jumped up & hugged april’z mom & sed, “mom. ah lovee eeuu. mom.” april’z mom sed, “well, ah lovee eeuu too.” then she luked @april & sed, “u know u learn a little frum ur mirror self.”
thorvald & krystle r settin’ up thingz 4 6 o’clock. lipra is serving april’s mom hand & foot. she keeps getting her thingz & saying, “ah lovee eeuu.” or “eeuu arruh tuh bets mom”. sumtymez april’s mom gets confused & callz lirpa, april & then april sez, “mom. i’m the one who can talk.” then april’z mom sez, “i dunno. i can understand lirpa bettah than u.”
At 5:51 PM,
April Patterson said…
liz, omg, yes, 6p est! ger rushed ovr here 2 give me 1st aid 4 my cut finger. thanx, guyz, even tho i acted like a big baby.
pls, pls, pls, every1 reading this in time: pls chant the spell @ 6pm!
ps--my mom likes lirpa a lil 2 much!
At 5:55 PM,
April Patterson said…
ok, 5 min 2 go! we r taking our places! get ready every1!
At 5:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lirpa came ovah 2 me & she had a piece of paper. She rote stuff so I cud read wut she wuz saying backwards.
?dneirflrig a evah uoy oD .ereh yats ot tnaw I .em ot leurc si dna siel eH .ymereJ ym naht retteb uoy ekil I.
I rote back that I thot I had a gf, but she broke up w/me last nite.
She rote: .uoy rof dneirflrig doog a eb lliw I ?epacse em pleh uoy naC
I rote: Won’t you miss your mom?
She started cryin’ & rote:
.me ot sgniht naem syas reven ehS .doof yhtlaeh ylno stea ehS .dlrow eht ni mom tseb eht si ehS .tnereffid si mom yM .seY
At 5:58 PM,
April Patterson said…
liz! no, 6 sharp! shoo, jesse!
At 5:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
i told lirpa that wenevah april wud let me i wud wave 2 her n the mirror. she'z reddy 2 go back 2 her mom.
At 6:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
demon spawn of the witch of corbeil
we bid you to at last retire
away to your backwards world in the mirror
lynn johnston, see we do not fear her!
At 6:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
demon spawn of the witch of corbeil
we bid you to at last retire
away to your backwards world in the mirror
lynn johnston, see we do not fear her!
At 6:02 PM,
April Patterson said…
i sed it w/out writing it! krystle's orders! it totally worked!
At 6:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
there wuz this big loud sound & lirpa disappeared & n her place wuz a big black dog. a newfoundland i think. thorvald tuk his knife out & wuz ‘bout 2 kill it, “sayin’ die demon, die” wen becky jumped n front of him & stopped him. she sed, “no dad. this is no demon.” thorvald wuz sayin’ “how do u know?” & becky sed, “talk 2 my dad. tell him who ur.” but the dog sed nothing. then becky sed, “dad ur gonna hafta trust me. mom, can u tell if it’s a demon or not?” becky’s mom checked ovah the dog & did sum stuff i donno wut, but aftah awhile she sed, “not a demon. needz a bath. smellz like bad ink.” becky sed, “mom i hafta take this dog home w/us.” becky’s mom didn’t wanna, but becky wuz rilly rilly anxious & so she tuk the dog out of the store.
i’m goin’ home now. i got lots of thingz 2 think ‘bout. lirpa tol’ me stuff that bothas me.
At 6:08 PM,
April Patterson said…
jeremy sez he'll show my mom what lirpa sed abt her in that note she passed him. she'll totally need pastriez 2, like, console herself!
& yeah, that was way freekee!
thanx every1!
At 6:12 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, becks, after what we all just went thru, i'll believe just abt nething!
At 6:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
becky. aftah 2day i'll b-lieve nething 2. but how do u know it's howard?
At 6:22 PM,
April Patterson said…
becks, wd u like me 2 bring by sum doggie shampoo? i've got lots!
At 6:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
becky. that iz so bizarro. r the 2 of u gonna give him a bath? that's kinda creepy 'siderin' he'z rilly a guy. i'm gettin' rilly jealous 4 sum reazn.
At 6:29 PM,
April Patterson said…
ger sez we shd make him wear a bathing suit! :P
At 6:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
becky. ok. i'm not jealous nemore. i've seen geranium's speedo @that howard pool party. that's the 1 w/the titanium cup attached, rite?
At 6:52 PM,
April Patterson said…
that combo of soaps shd work fine. ger! y'dya hafta get becks in trub? we cda found a way that didn't involve tellin' yr dad nething!
At 7:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
You all have my Howie? He's a dog? DO NOT feed him wine. Please.
At 7:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. i went 2 alexandra'z house. her sis sed she didn't wanna c me, so i left a note. it sed, "i don't wanna fite w/u. i wanna be ur 4 sure bf. if u wanna b my 4 sure gf, lemme know xxactly wut i gotta do 2 make up w/u so i don't mess it up." aftah c-ing lirpa & how much she luvved her jeremy, i know that's sumthing i wunt 2.
At 7:41 PM,
April Patterson said…
i m writing this fr. becks' place. when i got there, becks was using a blow dryer 2 dry the howard-dog's fur. & ger had just put sum shorts on him.
hta lirpa had sum, erm, interesting qualities, eh, jeremy?
At 7:43 PM,
April Patterson said…
that lirpa, not hta lirpa. st00pid typy fingers. :(
my mom was all not wanting 2 let me outta her site, that's y it took me so long 2 get here, btw.
At 7:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. ur just thinkin' i sed that cuz i got 2c her 1/2 naked. no. she luked @me like she rilly luvved me, evn tho i know she rilly luvved that othah jeremy. wen she izn't yellin' @me, alexandra luks @me like that sumtymez. that's wut i wunt iz all. that look.
At 8:03 PM,
April Patterson said…
no, it wasn't just abt the 1/2 naked thing, tho i cdn't help thinkin' of that part of it all. ger sez she gave him this total h8 lk but acted like she wanted 2 jump him neway, which he sez was v. v. confusing.
At 9:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
No one is answering me and I still can't get out of the Flash offices except to visit the Chef.
Howard has been turned into a dog? What kind of dog? Is he ok? Please someone tell me!
At 9:26 PM,
April Patterson said…
brenda, he looks almost exactly like this. becks told us he wasn't happy w/the clothes ger put on him, so we had 2 take a trip out 2 his apt 2 get him a change of clothes. becks sed he was v. v. definite abt not being naked, even tho he's a dog.
i m home now. i'm sure becks will have lots more 2 say about this dog!
At 9:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh how adorable. My sweet Howard a fluffy black puppy. I was so worried about him! The poor dear!
Becky tell him his Brenda loves him. If I could get to him I would be there, but I can't get out of here!! Nothing works. I am stuck for now. I feel so bad, this is all my fault!
At 12:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Kaa-mesnin gwanaaj oshki-ikwe! (I miss you, beautiful one)!
Your letter bazigwii` (delighted) me greatly. I can't wait for giin biindigazh boozikamagad giin wiiyawimaa (us to go out on a date). We could have a good (mazhiwe) hike. It will put sweat upon your mitaagwazhe nindoodooshimag (forehead and arms). Or we could zoobam daso-godag (go fly-fishing).
The writings to your nijiimensag (sister) confused me today. I saw many words I do not know. I saw some say Howard is a dog. It reminded me of the Ojibwe story about how dog came to the Objibwe. Dog was given to the Ojibwe by a giant to protect them against an evil Windigo spirit. The dog grew, and grew, and grew. He sprang at the Windigo and killed him; then the dog grew smaller and smaller. The giant saw the Ojibwe were pleased with the dog and gave it to them as a pet. Perhaps a giant has given Howard dog to Rebecca McGuire to protect her against an evil Windigo spirit. I laugh as I write. Your nijiimensag (sister) and friends have good imaginations.
Gawaabmin miinwa (Hope to see you again soon)
Constable Paul Wright
At 8:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Apes! Glad u r ok.
Evrythings been so weird l8ly. 1st I was getting ready 2 make $$$ by training Faustus 2 b a circus cat. Then I had this irresistbl impulse 2 make this fone call 2 Ger an' say stoopid things an' it was even worse 'cos it was Beckers I was talking 2 not Ger. I kept wanting 2 xplain 2 Beckers but the story sounded 2 weird 4 Beckers 2 blieve. I decided I had 2 call her an' picked up the fone but then I had another irresistbl impulse 2 go 2 bed an' listen 2 96.3 an' think abt how gr8 life will b when Im married 2 Eva an' a dentist an' a model train enthusiast. An' the school didnt even call or suspend me or nething which is the weirdest part of all.
This Johnson Institute is scary stuff. Ill nevah shred papers again w/o reading them.
p.s. Beckers, do u h8 me? I havent even met this Eva an' mayB shes nice but all I rilly want is 2 b yr sort of bf.
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