Epidemic of Zits
So the girl I was talkin' 2 on the bus yesterday? Her name is Eva. Dunc totally checked her out & he wants 2 meet her, but only after his zits clear up. I've got sum 2, but I can hide 'em under my bangs. Tho Marjee told me the bangs cd B causing them 2. MayB sumday I'll get rid of them, but my mom's got this weird thing abt how I shdn't change my appearnce 2 much--so "casual acquintances" will recognize me. Whatevs. Mom clearly h8's me NEway, so who cares.
This morning, I was so upset abt that st00pid "friend audition" Howard told me about, that I left xtra early. I figured I'd rather stand outside in the cold than B in that house a second longer than I had 2. Good thing I did leave early, but I'll xplain Y in a bit. First, that disgusting "friend audition". U C, I know it happened after I met Eva on the bus, but the stuff my Mom was saying was like sum1 had watched & listened 2 our bus convo & then xplained it in a really mean, wrong way. Cuz, according 2 Howard, Mom told the audition peeps , "Your daughter must be willing to cater to the personality quirks of my daughter. April is blissfully unaware of her poor fashion sense and I do not want her to be traumatized by an ill-timed word of disapproval. Your daughter must be willing to compliment her on every part of her attire, including her hair clip and her shoes." U C? Eva complimented the clip and shoez I borrowed fr. Liz. But I don't have poor fashion sense, yo! The clip & shoez were way cute! Then my mom told the audition mommies, "Unfortunately, my daughter is very poor at math and still closes her eyes to count percentages on her fingers. Your daughter must be willing to overlook that and say things like, 'Math is interesting this year, isn’t it.'" OK, poor in math? I'm not poor in math! "A" average, peeps! And I wasn't friggin' "counting percentages on my fingers." It's not like I was using my fingers 2 add stuff up, I was just using them 2 make a point, like ticking off items on a list. Yeah, it's not the cubest thing in the world 2 do, but it hardly makes me deficient. And the closing of my eyes, that was totally the inherited "smug, close-eyed Patterson" look, & Mom totally does that more than I do.
So here's the thing. I was starting 2 doubt Eva, cuz what if Mom had held 2 audition sessions, but the l8 1 was the only I'd heard abt? After all, Eva does wear her hair in a tidy little bun, and she does belong to a mom-approved "ethnic minority".
So thank God I left early & ran in2 Connie this morning. She was sort of frantically waving me over when she saw me, so I dashed 2 the fence. She's like, "I don't know what's gotten in2 yr mother this time! She bribed yr bus driver 2 let her watch the security tape from your morning ride yesterday. Then she saw that girl U were talking 2 & listened 2 what U 2 sed & did. She decided 'I can use this.' She said, 'Connie I set up some fake friend auditions 4 her. The way gossip travels in this town, it's sure 2 get back 2 her. & when she hears comments that make it sound as if this new girl is my perfect choice for her, it will undermine her confidence, plus make her feel stupid and hideously attired. Serve her right for the whole chicken-wrap debacle. By the way, I know she's doing well in math & that her fashion choices R no worse than what the others her age R wearing. But am I gonna tell her that? No, & I won't tell that 2 Social Worker Lake, either!' I just thought U shd know, April!"
So, yeah, Mom's totally lost it. I think Gerald's dad mite B on2 sumthin' w/that "narcissistic personality disorder" thing.
This morning, I was so upset abt that st00pid "friend audition" Howard told me about, that I left xtra early. I figured I'd rather stand outside in the cold than B in that house a second longer than I had 2. Good thing I did leave early, but I'll xplain Y in a bit. First, that disgusting "friend audition". U C, I know it happened after I met Eva on the bus, but the stuff my Mom was saying was like sum1 had watched & listened 2 our bus convo & then xplained it in a really mean, wrong way. Cuz, according 2 Howard, Mom told the audition peeps , "Your daughter must be willing to cater to the personality quirks of my daughter. April is blissfully unaware of her poor fashion sense and I do not want her to be traumatized by an ill-timed word of disapproval. Your daughter must be willing to compliment her on every part of her attire, including her hair clip and her shoes." U C? Eva complimented the clip and shoez I borrowed fr. Liz. But I don't have poor fashion sense, yo! The clip & shoez were way cute! Then my mom told the audition mommies, "Unfortunately, my daughter is very poor at math and still closes her eyes to count percentages on her fingers. Your daughter must be willing to overlook that and say things like, 'Math is interesting this year, isn’t it.'" OK, poor in math? I'm not poor in math! "A" average, peeps! And I wasn't friggin' "counting percentages on my fingers." It's not like I was using my fingers 2 add stuff up, I was just using them 2 make a point, like ticking off items on a list. Yeah, it's not the cubest thing in the world 2 do, but it hardly makes me deficient. And the closing of my eyes, that was totally the inherited "smug, close-eyed Patterson" look, & Mom totally does that more than I do.
So here's the thing. I was starting 2 doubt Eva, cuz what if Mom had held 2 audition sessions, but the l8 1 was the only I'd heard abt? After all, Eva does wear her hair in a tidy little bun, and she does belong to a mom-approved "ethnic minority".
So thank God I left early & ran in2 Connie this morning. She was sort of frantically waving me over when she saw me, so I dashed 2 the fence. She's like, "I don't know what's gotten in2 yr mother this time! She bribed yr bus driver 2 let her watch the security tape from your morning ride yesterday. Then she saw that girl U were talking 2 & listened 2 what U 2 sed & did. She decided 'I can use this.' She said, 'Connie I set up some fake friend auditions 4 her. The way gossip travels in this town, it's sure 2 get back 2 her. & when she hears comments that make it sound as if this new girl is my perfect choice for her, it will undermine her confidence, plus make her feel stupid and hideously attired. Serve her right for the whole chicken-wrap debacle. By the way, I know she's doing well in math & that her fashion choices R no worse than what the others her age R wearing. But am I gonna tell her that? No, & I won't tell that 2 Social Worker Lake, either!' I just thought U shd know, April!"
So, yeah, Mom's totally lost it. I think Gerald's dad mite B on2 sumthin' w/that "narcissistic personality disorder" thing.
At 9:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Stupid, hate, stupid, hate, stupid, stupid, stupid.
Sorry but I'm in a bad mood.
I was going to ask Jeremy out today at my locker but the only thing I could talk about was how mad I was and how it totally sucks that my phone is trash and I can't post on ARB anymore with it -- I'm in the library btw. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Hate, hate, hate. And now I'm just mad that I didn't ask Jeremy out on a date because of how mad I was, am, so now I'm just madder than I was before for missing the opportunity. Mad, mad, mad, mad, mad.
I noticed three zits on my forehead today, and without bangs they're noticeable so lay off if you know what's good for you ... Wait, I didn't mean it that way. Obviously I must be PMSing. Do you think it's safe to ask Jeremy out later in the day? Like if I see him in the halls?
God I suck. Maybe that's why my phone is trash. I suck so much. Suck, suck, suck, suck, suck.
At 9:25 AM,
April Patterson said…
i think just abt every1 in school has zits @ the mo, alexandra. i heard 1x that they get spread around cuz we touch our faces & then we touch, like, desks & doorknobs & stuffs, & then our faces again. i'm not sure abt all that, but it can't hurt 2 wash our hands xtra & try not to itch our faces 2 much.
oh & we all have bad dayz. b glad yr mom isn't doing, like, fake friend auditions or trying 2 poison u!
At 9:29 AM,
Anne said…
OMG guys, did you catch the report on CTV last night about the herpes epidemic in the greater TO area? :-S It's just weird that everyone got zits all @ once. Oh well, at least we girls can hide it w/makeup.
I guess we should wear plastic gloves, Apes. Schools an' work are a breeding ground 4 germs!
Cheer up Alex! MayB ur phone just needs a new battery. @ least it's Friday an' we can have 2x as much espresso today. :-)
At 9:41 AM,
April Patterson said…
wow, vicks, i missed that ctv report. ger, u totally need 2 tell yr dad abt this & tell him u r lucky u r not d8ing a skank giving u stds!
At 9:50 AM,
Anne said…
It must B something serious bcause I saw Nurse Horbreth/Hogbreath (?) tap Jeremy on the shoulder an' tell him 2 go to her office 4 "quarantine." :-|
See Ger, aren't u glad u an' Apes didn't go roadside? lol
At 10:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry, again, to go off on your Blog. I was really mad.
My mom told me some zits are hormonal. She said that she sees a lot of older woman who still have zits and some don't even get zits until they're well into their twenties. She said she's sees woman come in to have their babies all broken out. She said I'm lucky to only have one or two show up only for a few days when I'm going to get my period.
I shouldn't complain, you're right. My mom hasn't tried to kill me via food yet.
I'm nervous about asking Jeremy out, I think he's going to say 'no'. I'm afraid he only likes kissing me and doesn't actually like me. My mom says there's a difference. I was going to ask him to go to the hockey game with me tonight, it's a really big night and should be a lot of fun and really wild and I'd really like to take him. My snotty sister's not going so I have a ticket for him an' everything. I think I'll ask him next time I see him and if he says 'no' I'll stop kissing him.
PS: No Vick's, not my battery. My mom's totally stalking me. I explained in my own Blog.
At 10:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
That stupid Chef. Someone tries to posion him, hurts one of his dogs, and he stands up and gives everyone free dessert. I want to get out of here! I'm taking Sunday and the better part of Monday off! I've had enough. Would you like to head up to Corbeil with me? If you can't get away I'll understand. I don't want you to change your plans for me.
I saw a picture of Duncan walking with April today and it looks as if his age has accelerated.
Becky! You have not been sticking your tounge in the place where tounges should not be stuck have you? I know we gave everyone the antidote, but it only has a slim chance of working. I'm worried about Duncan. Please hold off any saliva exchanges with him until I can get a hold of The Professor!
I am worried about the children at April's school. Not only at the outbreak of zits, which is usually normal, but at the accelerated aging my informants are informing about. Especially Duncan!
Also, I really need information on that Nurse. I'm sorry Gerald by she's pinging my reporter instincts. Something isn't right!
At 11:36 AM,
April Patterson said…
so @ 11 am, we had our 2-min. moment of silence 4 remembrance day. afterwards, dunc told me he was totally thinkin' abt his zits during the silence & he mite hafta buy sum zit remedy fr. dee. alex told me she spent the 2 mins. thinking abt how much she wants more coffee. becks was thinking abt sum fantasies involving a handsome native constable. ger sed he was thinkin' abt me "in a series of suggestive poses involving no clothing". jeremy was all, "i was thinkin' how not 2 b stupid 4 the rest of the day". vicki told me she was thinking abt chris cornell. since i don't know eva v. well yet, she didn't tell me what she was thinkin' abt. me, i was thinking abt putting myself up 4 adoption. mayB i'll move in w/gramps & iris 4 a lil while.
At 12:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was thinking about my dad's friends that have served and my old neighbor, neighbour, who is serving in Iraq right now. And the Stars and Strips and how proud I am to be an American and all that good stuff but I was too embarrassed to mention that in a Canadian school in front of all the Canadians and it's kind of dorky. I thought it might be safe to mention here.
My dad's friends are like family to me. They served in WWII and in the Cold War. I think I'm going to email them later and thank them for serving and let them know how much I miss them.
PS: Hi Mom!
At 12:20 PM,
April Patterson said…
naw, alex, that's pretty cube, actually. i'm gonna visit gramps after school & buy a poppy fr. him. i hope a loonie will be enuf cuz mom won't let me have much $.
At 2:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. i must have made alexandra rilly mad ‘bout sumthing. she wud luk @me like she wunted to say sumthing & then she wud get this rilly mad luk on her face wen she saw me posting on my cell & wud say, “suck, suck, suck, suck, suck.” i know. i shud’ve given her my cell, cuz hers iz busted. i am so stupid.
every1 haz zits 2day. vicki simone wuz talkin’ 2 me ‘bout the report on ctv last nite ‘bout the herpes epidemic n to, wen nurse horbreth tol’ me 2 go 2 her office 4 "quarantine." she left me there 4 a long time & all there wuz 2 read wuz pamphlets frum the johnston institute for better living. booring.
then nurse horbreth came n & tuk a skin sample from a zit near my mouth &she had me strip & xxamined my boy parts lukin’ 4 spots. she sed, “have u been kissin’ ne girlz?” i sed “only becky, april, tangi, and alexandra.” she sed, “i think ur the cause of all these zits. my favrite patient gerald delaney-forsythe tol’ me ur a trubblemaker. the cook thinks it’s the extra portions of the double-chocolate, chocolate chip, fudge brownie surprise they served @lunch yestuhday, but i know bettah. wen that skin sample comez back positive 4 herpes, i am gonna hafta give sum bad news 2 those girlz.” april, becky, tangi, alexandra, i’m so sorry. i didn’t mean 2 give u herpes.
At 2:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Becky,
Don't worry about having herpes. My dad says it's a very cool disease. Herpes virus acts like the bandits in the American Old West. It hides out in your nerves until your immune system is compromised. Then it rushes down from the hills to stage a raid/ outbreak while you are least prepared for it. Then it runs away and hides again before you can shoot it dead or hang it at high noon.
Don't worry. My dad says that you can do the same thing dirty filthy girls have been doing for years, and lie to boys so they will still exchange bodily fluids with you.
I'm sorry April, but if you have herpes, we have to break up.
Sincerely yours, Gerald
At 2:42 PM,
April Patterson said…
i think they r just regular zits & not herpes, but i'm not a medical xpert, just a kid. but the zits every1 has do not lk like the herpes pics in our health books. i think the cook is prolly rite. i hope so.
At 2:45 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, ger, yr dad is more of a perv than i thot! & i think u have it backwards. if u have herpes, we have 2 break up. then mayB yr dad can send u 2 a whorehouse & get sum hooker 2 make u xceptional.
At 2:56 PM,
howard said…
Brenda Starr may have some other advice, but you are looking for material that has a picture of a red brick house with a stone front as its logo. Look for anything filed under J for the Johnston Institute for Better Living. In April’s dad’s office, the stuff she found was filed under S for secret. Anything you can find would be helpful for Brenda’s and my trip to Corbeil next week.
Be careful,
Howard Kelpfroth
At 2:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am trembling with excitment! You'll have much better access to Dr. McCauley's office than I could have dreamed or hoped for!
Look for anything pertaining to the Johnston Institiute for Better Living. Look in files of people we know are deteriorating quickly, such as Anthony. Check out the files for John and Elly Patterson and their children as well. If you can manage to make copies of these files and sneak them out to us to study that would be optimal! Otherwise, just let us know what you find out!
Howard if Becky can pull this off I can ditch my appointment with Dr. McCauly and make one with you, a robe, and eye patch and some scented oils!
At 3:05 PM,
howard said…
No pressure Becky, but if you find some good stuff, I would really, really appreciate it.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 4:02 PM,
April Patterson said…
i'm posting this fr. gramps & iris's place. gramps is feeling v. serious 2day, thinking abt all the ppl he knew fr. ww2. he attended a memorial svc & saw a few ppl he's kept in touch w/all these yrs. he gave me a poppy & refused 2 let me pay 4 it cuz he heard all abt how mom tried feeding me garbage yesterday insteada lettin' me have $3 4 a chicken wrap.
i'm staying here overnite & i mite stay over 2morrow nite 2, depending. mom was afraid 2 say no when i requested the time off fr. the store, cuz of the appt. w/shannon's mom, the social worker. i haven't talked 2 my mom, so i don't know how-all it went. she did mention 2 my dad that she was gonna treat herself 2 some "goodies fr. krystles kakes & pies" & then "a nice, relaxing dinner w/the girlz @ mayes midtown motors restaurant", & then have her bun polished "by that nicenativehairdresser girl" [marjee], so mayB some1 who posts @ this blog will hear somethin' & check in!
p.s. gramps has even given up his dixie visit this wkend so i can have mom-free time. that's pretty cube.
At 4:13 PM,
April Patterson said…
wow, becks, those files must b, erm, interesting. mayB we shd b suspicious abt sum of what u find, tho, cuz remember how "off" that chart was, the one that dr. ted helped dr. forsythe make that was full of liez abt u? just a thot!
p.s. mayB there's a sekrit code 2 find out which stuff is true & which is lies?
At 4:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear friend Becky,
I am on my way over to your house now!
Sincerely, Gerald
At 4:45 PM,
howard said…
I am thrilled that you got files on the Johnston Institute. However, I am a little distressed that you got copies of my medical files from Dr. McCauley. I forgot that he used to be my doctor. He was my doctor when I was in the Training School for Boys, so the material in the files may be extremely unpleasant and not for the squeamish. I would recommend you not look in those on a full stomach. I would rather you not look at them at all. There's stuff in there I have never told you about and I don't want to be pitied by my bud.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 4:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
becks. i am so glad i don't go 2 creepy mccauley or u wud b tellin' every1 the deets on my car accident. nurse horbreth called my house & sed negative on herpes, so u don't hafta kill me. it's a gud thing she did cuz my mom locked me n my room & tuk away my cell wen she found out i wuz n the nurse's office all day. sed i wuz just like my dad.
At 5:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dudes! I saw the title of this post and thought you all were dedicating the day to me! Imagine my profound dissapointment when I found out it's all about facial blemishes.
Peirce says the best way to deflect attention from blemishes is a good bar-bell through the nose, eyebrow, or lip.
At 5:20 PM,
howard said…
A newer file. Hmm! I would like to see it then. Can you bring it by the restaurant, or should I come to your house after I close up?
Howard Kelpfroth
At 6:42 PM,
April Patterson said…
the weird thing abt the nose jobs is that our old noses weren't even big. they were small an' button-shaped. they had 2, like, add cartilage 2 build 'em up.
At 7:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. i called up the girlz i kissed 2 tell them i don't have herpes. when i called alexandra she sed, "ur safe then?" & i sed, "'cording to nurse horbreth." she sed, "gotta go. i'm gonna go 2 a hockey game 2nite. bye." i sed, "u like hockey. i wud luv 2 go 2 a game w/u sumtyme." so, then alexandra sed, "so my sis who's not like me decided not 2 go so u can come w/me if u wanna so we don't waste a ticket. but it's not like a date. so i'm not gonna hold ur hand or kiss u." i sed, "ok" & so alexandra & me r sittin' n the stands w/her 'rents n between us. they're luking @me funny 4 posting 2u. i bettah stop.
At 9:30 PM,
April Patterson said…
gramps & i did a lil jam session & in betw songs, we gossed abt mom. i was, like, "gramps, did u know mom isn't sure whether she's 54 or 55?" he rolled his eyez & sed, "yep, no1 does. it's that midwife, lynn johnston. i understand she delivered many babies in milboro over the past 100 yrs, but when yr grandma marian was pregnant w/yr mom, ms. johnston was spending a year in our part of british colombia. she was hi-ly recommended, & yr g-ma was yung & trusting. when she handed yr mom 2her, all bundled up in a flour sack. . . ." here i interrupted & asked "flour sack?" & he sed, "yes, ms. johnston, she was a little unconventional. so neway, she handed elly 2 yr grandma & sed, 'i've never seen a baby w/a potato nose b4! sure, it's shaped like 1 of those tiny "new" potatoes now, but sumday, i'm guessing in her 40s, she'll have a big honkin' idaho spud in the middle of that face!' we just lked @ her kinda stunned.
"well, i wasn't paying much attention 2 what yr it was bcuz, u know, i'd been in a war. sure, it had been over 4 quite a long while by the time yr mom was born, but it took me abt 20 yrs b4 i bothered paying attention 2 things like that. when we asked ms. johnston 4 our little girl's official paperwork, she sed she didn't have her forms w/her but wd sent everything in the mail. months passed, & nuthin'. when we tried 2 contact her again, we learned she'd returned 2 mboro. finally, three or four years l8r, we received two sets of paperwork. in 1 set, yr mom's year of birth was listed as 1950, & in the other, it was 1951. & i'll b darned if i remember which set we actually used!"
gramps also told me, "u know, since yr birth turned out 2 b an unxpected home delivery, ms. johnston did not attend yrs. she did check in on yr mother & u abt a wk after u were born &, according 2 yr mom, she sed the weirdest thing. 'she's not real, but she's a fresh face.' yr mother said she felt the oddest chill go down her spine when ms. johnston told her that. neway, i'm tired of this topic now. let's talk sum more abt my service in the war."
well, iris wants me 2 play bridge again.
At 11:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear friends,
I have been at Becky's house with her, Howard, and a very tall stack of purloined photocopies of medical records for many hours. Wow, this is some really cool stuff! Mostly I have stuck to reading Dr. McCauley's "slut file, female" while they go through the other stuff. I am going to ask Becky if I can have a copy of it for personal use. It's really, really good. I mean, really good. And by "really good" I mean "the best thing I ever read."
All except for the parts about Liz. I don't know how that stuff got put in the slut file. I guess whoever keeps his files just assumed any girl who had that many questions for her doctor about sex must be a slut. I don't think I want to pay to photocopy 1500 pages of transcripts of meetings between Liz and Dr. McCauley in which she asks him, over and over again, "Are you sure I won't get pregnant from __________?" (fill in the blank with dumb activites like "double-dating," "French kissing," and "borrowing Anthony's debate team t-shirt.")
I am so glad my April got an A+ on the sex part of health class in Grade 8. If she spent that much time in Dr. McCauley's office, we'd never have time to make out behind the gym!
Howard says he has some important information to share with you all about what he learned in the medical records, so I am loaning my phone to him now.
Sincerely yours, Gerald
At 12:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
The Toronto Marlies are way this weekend so my parents and I went to see the Milton IceHawks. Just before leaving Jeremy called me to tell me he didn't give me Herpes. I didn't think he did but I'm no medical expert and I didn't ask my mom because she would want to know why I was asking and "Jeremy thinks he gave me herpes" would have gone over badly.
So mom, dad, and I went and picked Jeremy up at his house. He was wearing jeans and a tee-shirt that said, "What happens in Spruce Narrows, stays in Spruce Narrows". I thought it was cool, my mom thought it was provocative and Jeremy sat up front on the way to Milton. I think he was surprised to see all of us dressed ... Well ... For a hockey game. My dad welcomed Jeremy to the front with the ringing of his cow bell, OMG I was so embarrassed! He was wearing his hockey jersey, mom had on her hockey jersey, and I had on mine.
When my dad wasn't singing -- NOT along with the radio, just randomly singing -- he was trying to engage Jeremy in conversation ... About the death rate in Milborough and the embalming process. I thought I saw Jeremy turn green once, I felt so sorry for him. I tried to change the subject but mom said "Your father's talking. Let him finish. I think your little friend enjoys the conversation. Are you comfortable with us Germany?" How could he tell them no???
I think Jeremy enjoyed the game but I have no way of telling because my parents sat between us. This is how Jeremy got caught posting on ARB. My dad glanced down and saw Jeremy typing with his thumbs. He nudged my mom. My mom leaned over my dad and said, "Whatcha got there?" Jeremy must have pushed send then because the next thing I know mom's confiscating Jeremy's phone and she's all, "You can have it back at the end of the game."
This is how the first period went. My parents were sitting forward on the edge of their seats, watching the game intently. I was sitting back and trying to get Jeremy's attention behind my parents back. My mom noticed and she sat back blocking my view. My mom hit my dad to tell him to sit back, so my dad sat back. A few minutes later, I leaned forward pretending to watch the game when really I wanted Jeremy's attention. My mom leaned forward blocking my view and then hit my dad so he'd do the same. This went back and forth for 20 minutes. I didn't see Jeremy the entire period. I haven't a clue if he enjoyed the first period or not. Once the buzzer went off to indicate the period had ended, my dad stood up and practically pulled Jeremy out of his chair -- Jeremy's pretty light I guess -- and said, "Let's go to the head." I heard Jeremy said, "Only Nurse Horbreth has been there." I REALLY hope my dad didn't ask what Jeremy was talkin' about. I never got to find out.
So then my mom looks to her right, right, and she sees a guy about my age with his girlfriend, he's like totally necking with her! She jabs me in the ribs with her elbow really hard like and says, "Hey, he's cute. You should go over and talk to him." And I'm like, "He's totally with his girlfriend! Did you miss his making out with her!?" Wrong choice of words because she totally wraps me upside the head and says, "You are way prettier than whoever he's with." And then she straightens my hair she totally messed up and tries to act like I'm her best friend and well I'm totally getting off topic but I'm at the game with a guy who's not my boyfriend but I have absolutely no problems with kissing on a pretty regular basis and here she is setting me up with a guy who is necking with his girlfriend. I was so mad.
So I'm, like, trying to change the subject and I'm like, "Can I sit next to Jeremy?" and she's like, "No I don't like his tee-shirt. I've heard about Spruce Narrows. It's full of bars and floozies that come in from Mitchacallit." Well she's hit my once tonight so I'm not going to argue and I'm, "He can wear my jersey and you won't have to look at it." She's all, "That's not the point and I'm surprised you think I'm that dumb."
Thankfully Jeremy and dad came back and they had food and soda. Jeremy looked shell shocked. I couldn't ask what happened because dad was all, "Germany, sit." and Jeremy did ... I was really concerned for Jeremy than because, you know, he had a tough week with getting hit in the head so many times.
The 2nd period started and I was so engrossed in the game I don't even know if Jeremy ever tried to get my attention. The score was 3-2 after the second. My dad stretched out his legs and wrapped his one arm around Jeremy, and pulled Jeremy in for a head noggy. Jeremy is never going to talk to me again. And my mom informed me that the girlfriend went to the bathroom, now would be a good time to make my move. I have never hated the 15 minutes between periods like I did this game.
For some "ASTROMONICAL" reason my mom thought it would be a good idea if I got to sit by Jeremy for the 3rd period. Of course, she sat Jeremy and I on her right, closest to the boyfriend/girlfriend combo. No doubt she probably would have throw popcorn in his general direction to get him to notice me if it wasn't for the simple fact we didn't get popcorn. I felt like holding Jeremy's hand in the 3rd, only for assurance that I wasn't alone through this ... But he had been sitting on his hands since he came back from the bathroom break with my dad. If anyone sees Jeremy tomorrow, can you maybe ask him what happened?
The score ended 4-2, our win. The ride home wasn't as bad as the ride out because mom found Tetris on Jeremy's phone. (Jeremy, I'll totally pay you back for that download too!) My dad sang to the radio this time so he was kind of in key. Kind of, like a howling dog kind of sounds musical. If you jam a sharp lead pencil into your ears kind of way.
It was a very long time. Tomorrow is another game but I'm thinking of playing ill and making my sister go. I think I have herpes or something, anything would be better than reliving this twice.
Jeremy, let me know if you're, like, okay.
At 3:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
april. i cudn’t post till now, cuz alexandra’s mom tuk my cell & sed she wud give it back, but she didn’t. she found tetris on my cell & got totally hooked.
neway, the games wuz the hamilton red wings playin’ the milton icehawks @ milton memorial arena n milton. alexandra’s ‘rents & her were all wearin’ hockey jerseys & they were for milton. i felt rilly stupid wearin’ a tee & jeanz.
@the game, alexandra’s ‘rents were leaning back & forth a lot. it made me dizzy. there wuz a break & alexandra’s dad yanks me up & sez, "let's go to the head." so we’re there & he sez, “germany. u need 2 know 2 things ‘bout my daughter al…ol… we'll just call her anonymous for now. number 1, she iz a lesbigay & iz not innerested nu. number 2, u will be peein’ from outa ur shirt if u touch her. u sit on ur handz 4 the whole game, evn if ur not sittin’ by anonymous. am i unnerstood?” i sed, “yes, sir.” then we went & got sum fud. aftah that, wen my handz slipped out frum under me, her dad wud lean over, put hiz arm ‘round me & say, “where r thoze hands?” he wuz totally scaring me.
so, alexandra’s dad wuz shakin’ this cow bell, but he started complainin’ cuz the little metal handle wuz hurtin’ hiz finger. i sed 2 him, “i got sum rope n my pocket u can use 2 tie 2 the handle, so it won’t hurt ur handz so much. i gave him the rope & he sed, “germany. that wuz fine of u. just 4 that, u can sit by anonymous, but keep the handz offa her. i’ll be watchin’.” i didn’t get 2 touch alexandra, but @least i gotta talk 2 her a little. she rilly likes hockey. almost az much az coffee.
wen we got back 2 my house, i got outa the car & wuz ‘bout n the house, wen alexandra came running up & sed, “i told my ‘rents u 4got sumthin’ n the car.” i sed, “wut did i 4get?” she sed, “this” & she gave me big kiss. i sed, “wen can we go out agin?” she sed, “omg. this wuzn’t a d8. i’ll hafta think of sumthin where my ‘rents won’t wanna go.” then they left. my head hurts, but i feel rilly gud.
At 3:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Boozhoo gwanaaj oshki-ikwe (Hello beautiful one)!
I will leave for Mtigwaki (Land of Trees) after my work is done tonight. I should be there before noon. I packed my ganawenindiwinan (a coat) and a anoominigan (map) so wiiyawimaa zinigobizh (travel) will go well. I wish to see your bingwaashaagidiwin (telescope). It will help us enjoy the stars.
Gawaabmin miinwa (Hope to see you again soon)
Constable Paul Wright
At 3:57 AM,
howard said…
Gerald handed me his phone and I called Brenda Starr. I took the copies of the stuff having to do with the Johnston Institute and my medical records to show to her at my apartment. There was stuff in my medical records that I did not want to show to you and Gerald, namely a series of photographs of Kortney Krelbutz and me in a variety of intimate positions with notes like “Uses Kama Sutra technique #7.” I told Brenda that I wanted to be the one to show those to her, so that we could any issues about them out of the way. I had no idea how Dr. Ted McCauley got those pictures. Brenda said, “It’s obvious, Howard.” Then she went to the light socket in my room, and removed a very small camera. “Someone has been spying on you, and inside these records may be the reason why.” We were looking over the pictures and Brenda kept on getting distracted and saying, “Have you done that technique with me?” or “Kortney is certainly unattractive. You must have been desperate.” Well, finally I couldn’t take it anymore and I said, “I liked Kortney, but I love you. You’re the one I want to be with. Can’t you see that?” Then Brenda said, “Oh Howard darling. I was only teasing. We can look at these records later. I have some techniques to show you that you have never seen before.” And she was right. I am too dazed now to continue this post.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 1:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 4:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Am I eligible for a rhinoplasty procedure even though
Im positive for Hepatitis b.? Although I had it for only two years and it's not severe.Does it it affect my
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