Liz, can I live with you?
Liz sez that as every1 was leaving & she was abt 2 pack up her telescope, that Paul guy asked if he cd look thru it & she told him "Sure!" Also, "April, when he touched that telescope, I wished that telescope were me! But I'm leaving that out if I tell Mom this story!" NEway, when he was looking thru, he sed, "My mishomis* told me that every star represents the spirit of some1 who's passed away." Liz was, like, "That's a nice thought." Then, he was all, "Well . . . If it's OK, I'll walk U back 2 yr house . . . & mayB I'll C U 2morrow." Then, Liz thought, "That's a nice thought 2," while making doe eyez @ him. She sez she'll tell me more deets when she e-mails me 2morrow nite. She sez she needs Sunday off 2 think abt totally random, non-continuity-type stuff.
Well, O.M.G. If U followed the comments fr. yesterday, U know that thru a buncha misunderstandings worse than the stuff U C in really bad sitcoms, Mom, Dad, & even Gerald thought I was PREGNANT! Of all ppl, U'd think Gerald wd know better. Cuz we haven't, U know, done it. But he went all crizazee picking out namez & looking 4 jobs. & Then my 'rents got the idea that I cd B pg w/Jeremy's baby! Well, Jeremy's last comment pretty much xplained how that got sorted out, if U can even call it that. The one thing he didn't know about was what happened when Dad went out 2 get a shotgun. It seemz that while he was out, he got distracted & he ended up coming home w/a new train. My mom yelled @ him, but he was, like, "What? I can hit a teenage boy on the head with a good, solid train!" Alexandra, wd U pls NOT tell yr mom that I'm pregnant! Cuz I'm not! (Also, I wish she wdn't say mean thingz like that abt Liz, who's not an idiot!) & U totally hafta convince her that U R not d8ing me! Tho Gerald sez he's got a new fantasy now. . . .
& I still need 2 tell U about the play last nite, Mike's Romie & Julie, supposedly a modernized Romeo and Juliet. Well, here's a lil review in our local paper:
And in case U hadn't heard, Mike is now telling ppl that I killed Farley by holding his head underwater! That is such a lie, peeps, & I don't know WTF is up w/that! Look @ the stills from the documentary the CBC did abt my accident & tell me if it lks like I evr pulled that poor doggie's head under water, as if I evr cd or wd! Mike = arse! (& Becky, thanx 4 that dirt abt Mike & his lil "visits" 2 Martha McRae. That cd B v. v. useful!)
Well, I'm meeting Dunc @ Horny Tim's in a lil while cuz I've just gotta get outta that house! I was planning on getting 2gether w/Ger, but he's being so weird, I just can't do it!
Apes, not pg, not a dog killer
*OK, so I didn't know what this meant, so I checked the Ojibwe dictionary Liz told me about, & the closest thing I found was "Grandfather: mishoomis". So mayB this Paul guy was so xcited abt Liz that it came out kinda wrong?
Well, O.M.G. If U followed the comments fr. yesterday, U know that thru a buncha misunderstandings worse than the stuff U C in really bad sitcoms, Mom, Dad, & even Gerald thought I was PREGNANT! Of all ppl, U'd think Gerald wd know better. Cuz we haven't, U know, done it. But he went all crizazee picking out namez & looking 4 jobs. & Then my 'rents got the idea that I cd B pg w/Jeremy's baby! Well, Jeremy's last comment pretty much xplained how that got sorted out, if U can even call it that. The one thing he didn't know about was what happened when Dad went out 2 get a shotgun. It seemz that while he was out, he got distracted & he ended up coming home w/a new train. My mom yelled @ him, but he was, like, "What? I can hit a teenage boy on the head with a good, solid train!" Alexandra, wd U pls NOT tell yr mom that I'm pregnant! Cuz I'm not! (Also, I wish she wdn't say mean thingz like that abt Liz, who's not an idiot!) & U totally hafta convince her that U R not d8ing me! Tho Gerald sez he's got a new fantasy now. . . .
& I still need 2 tell U about the play last nite, Mike's Romie & Julie, supposedly a modernized Romeo and Juliet. Well, here's a lil review in our local paper:
If you would like to see a modern adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, please consider renting William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet (1996), or West Side Story (1961). Do not, under any circumstances, see Romie & Julie, Michael Patterson's erstwhile adaptation, currently at the Toronto Little Dinner Theatre. I don't exaggerate when I say the rubbery chicken was the best part of my evening.So, yeah, it was pretty awful, yo.
Not only does Mr. Patterson demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of Shakespearean language, culture, and nuance, let alone the point of the original play, but he introduced baffling changes and new material. In order to understand the meaning of these bizarre additions, it was necessary to read some of Mr. Patterson's other writing. I was unfortunate enough to read his article "Knocking on Wood, Neighbours From Hell", a so-called "humourous exposé" about his downstairs neighbours; a recent interview in The Clairion; an "Edgewise" column called "Wedded Bliss or Bedded Miss?"; a profile called "Josef Weeder, Photographic Genius"; as well as some very frightening fan fiction based on the U.S. series Star Trek: Next Generation. I have reached the conclusion that Mr. Patterson, who has somehow stumbled into a coveted position as editor-in-chief of Portrait magazine, is congenitally incapable of writing anything without introducing autobiographical elements. These autobiographical elements are all the more disturbing since they appear to constitute the writer's attempt to lash out at the people in his life.
For example, many audience members were baffled at Mr. Patterson's choice to make the feuding families the Montagues and the Sobinskis. In light of my research on Mr. Patterson, I am unsurprised to discover that this is his wife's maiden name. Another oddity was an interlude that bisected the fifth act. An actor dressed to resemble a sheepdog jumped into a river where another actor, depicting a small girl with a bowl cut, was splashing and thrashing. The dog woofs, "Reye'll rave roo, Raye!" And he jumps in, grabbing ahold of the little girl, who then pulls the dog's head under the water and shouts "Doggie breathe under water!" There is also an odd soliloquy where Romie praises Mercutio's artistic ability and nose while complaining that Julie is cold and uncompromising. Space limits preclude me from providing more instances of Mr. Patterson's Shakespeare butchering. I know it is a cliché to note that a dead author is spinning in his grave, but I'm pretty sure I can hear the actual spinning all the way from Stratford.
And in case U hadn't heard, Mike is now telling ppl that I killed Farley by holding his head underwater! That is such a lie, peeps, & I don't know WTF is up w/that! Look @ the stills from the documentary the CBC did abt my accident & tell me if it lks like I evr pulled that poor doggie's head under water, as if I evr cd or wd! Mike = arse! (& Becky, thanx 4 that dirt abt Mike & his lil "visits" 2 Martha McRae. That cd B v. v. useful!)
Well, I'm meeting Dunc @ Horny Tim's in a lil while cuz I've just gotta get outta that house! I was planning on getting 2gether w/Ger, but he's being so weird, I just can't do it!
Apes, not pg, not a dog killer
*OK, so I didn't know what this meant, so I checked the Ojibwe dictionary Liz told me about, & the closest thing I found was "Grandfather: mishoomis". So mayB this Paul guy was so xcited abt Liz that it came out kinda wrong?
At 9:48 AM,
howard said…
It sounds like you had very exciting evening. After your description of Gerald's behaviour, I am getting a sense of why your family considers a back-up gay to be so important.
My life is pretty boring these days. I have been attending rehearsals at the Milborough Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Light Opera, which I like, but I still miss my Brenda Starr. I don't want to call her, because I know she's in the middle of a long interview with chef Rock Roquefort, and I will just look like a jealous nag.
Oh well, I am supposed to help Becky serve food to Anne and Steve Nichols this afternoon to help out her mother. Maybe that will perk things up.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 10:15 AM,
April Patterson said…
howard, after what i've just been thru, boring soundz terrif!
dunc & i r @ horny tim's & we mite hide out here all day.
At 11:31 AM,
April Patterson said…
mayB it wasn't such a gd idea 4 me an' dunc 2 get in2 a coffee-drinking contest this morning. we're both so caffeinated our handz r shakin'. then dunc thot having lotsa tim balls wd help lessen the effect of the coffee. only now we also have a big sugar rush. uh-oh.
apes, still hiding out
At 12:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Somewhere Near Yorkville: Paul's Picks
Watch out, Shakespeare! There's a new genius in town! Last night, the Toronto Navette Players debuted the latest by our "own" Michael Patterson. In a startling followup to his updating of Blithe Spirit (it was brilliant to replace the bitchy dead first wife with the saintly dead mother, and have the hero pick her over the frigid chemist!), he has outdone himself with Romie and Juliet.
"It's post-millenial," the proud playwright pondered after the show. And how! Romie and Julie are separated by their parents' hatred, and thus spend the first act furtively e-mailing each other. "I wanted to capture how teens really talk, and was inspired by my sister April's "conversations" with her male friend," Patterson said. In Act II, he chooses to demonstrate the impossibility of their love by a touching scene of a child and a dog, symbolizing the drowning of dreams in the river of reality. Romie's choice, to wander the world with Mercutio, caps off this tale of tormented love. What light through yonder window breaks? It is the sun of Michael Patterson's talent!
At 12:11 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, dee, is that u writing under a nym? i know u r a big u2 fan! & if it is d, y wd u write gd thingz abt a play that puts u in a terrible lite? kool-aid again?
btw, get this, peeps--i just got a txt mssg fr. ger, who was all, "apes, u have 2 tell me next time yr 'time of month' starts, so i can chart yr cycles & we can figure out yr most fertile times 2 make a baby geraprildina!"
ger, 4 cryin' out loud! how many times do i hafta remind u that:
1. i am not going all the way b4 i'm 16
2. i am not having a baby before:
(a) i finish hi school
(b) i finish uni
(c) i establish my career
(d) i'm married
[yes, in that order!]
At 12:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Leonard Cohen is not an evil reptilian kitten eater from another planet. The paper regrets the error.
Paul Hewson's Paul's Picks column is in fact a paid restaurant review column, and not a theatre review column. The paper regrets the error.
At 12:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
OMG, Apes, OMG!!! Im not @ Horny Tims w/ u, Im on my cousins 'puter in TO. Did u take sum vitamins w/ yr dbl dbl?
Im freaking here. Put yr cell on an' Ill call u btween the wedding ceremony an' the reception.
At 12:39 PM,
April Patterson said…
eeshk, naw, dunc, i just wanted ger 2 think u were with me @ horny tim's so horny ger wdn't try 2 b all abt the making babies. i was actually sittin' here by myself & guess who walked in? alexandra love! i only sorta knew her by site @ school, but she's been posting on the blog here & she knew who i am, so she introduced herself. we're talkin' abt having parents who don't believe us when we try 2 xplain ourselves & tell the simple ol' truth!
At 1:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Cube, Apes. Im sorry Im not in Mboro 2 hang w/ u. U must b so bummed.
Yr mom called my mom this am b4 we left 4 TO an' said we shld check out Mikes genius play. So my mom says we hafta go c it 2morrow nite aft the kitty cat circus. Oh, man, Id rather b @ Horny Tims w/ u than in TO 4 this crap weekend.
p.s. Beckers, I wont slow dance w/ ne hott chix @ the wedding.
<3 <3 <3
At 2:39 PM,
April Patterson said…
yeah, dunc, i wish u were here, 2. sad thing: the coffee contest was sorta true, 'cept it was me challenging myself 2 drink as much coffee as poss. then i really did try 2 reduce the jitters by having a buncha tim balls.
& guess what? ger's here now. he was reading the comments, & when he saw alexandra was here, he got on his bike & rushed ovr here so he cd tell us abt his fantasies. he's like, "just kiss a little bit! just a little!" alexandra got so disgusted she practically ran 2 get away fr. ger. now he's back 2 talking baby names & ovulation calculators. boy doesn't listen!
At 5:02 PM,
April Patterson said…
yay, so blogger finally str8ened out. 4 a while, it was being all "cannot find server" on me. blechh.
neway, i actually stayed @ horny tim's till around 3. then mom called me on my cel & was all "come home rite now! i'm in the mood 4 freshly baked homemade bread!" ::sigh:: so i made 4 loaves & she's eaten them already.
At 5:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Weird conversation I had with your brother, April. He called me today and said, "Rhetta! Do you remember when we stood under the Farley tree and I promised you I'd write about Farley's death someday?" And I said, "Well, no."
"Aw, come on, Rhetta, think! It was like ten years ago! Farley, the dog, and my sister, April, and the tree, and. . . ."
I said, "Oh, right, you said your weren't ready to write about it yet, and I said you should someday."
Mike goes, "No, you didn't just say I should write about it someday. You made me promise! And I'm keeping my promise to you, Rhetta Blum!"
I said, "Mike, we were 19! Frankly, I don't give two shits whether you keep that promise!"
"Well, you can sound tough all you want, Rhetta Blum, but I'm going to follow through! I'm planning to write a novel, Farley's Murder."
I say, "WTF do you mean 'murder'?"
And he said, "Well the protagonist, a precociously brilliant young writer, has a little sister called May who jumps into the river and then holds the family sheepdog's head under water until he drowns!"
I said, "Mike! What the hell! That's not what happened!" He started to huff something about being a professional writer, like la-di-da, but I interrupted and said, "Mike! Hold on a minute!" I went to where I keep my old diaries, dug out the one from those days, and I found an entry about all this.
"Mike, listen, this is from my old diary: I found Mike sitting under Farley's tree. He told me he goes there when he needs time to think. He really misses that dog. Anyway, he showed me where it happened. He showed me where April fell into the river and said she still has bad dreams. He was very concerned because she blames herself, but he said she's getting better. This all seemed so important to him that I got him to promise to write about it someday. He said that the reason he wasn't ready yet was that it would be like having major surgery. I pointed out that people have surgery when something needs to come out."
Mike scoffed, "You might be a diarist, but I'm a writer!"
"Whatever, Mike, but here's the thing. When I got you to make that promise, it was so you could get out the truth. Why would you change things around to make the May character a dog murderer?"
He made a kind of sniffing sound and said "I think it makes the protagonist more sympathetic and the story more tragic."
"Really?" I asked, "Because I think it makes you an arsehole!" And I hung up.
Anyway, April, I thought you'd want to know.
At 5:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
My dearest fecund fairy,
Please do not worry. I completely understand why you are not eager to try for another pregnancy so soon after our tragic loss. I spent all day surfing and found the following helpful article:
When can I try to conceive again?
You may have to wait a bit. Whether you miscarry spontaneously or have a D&C, you'll generally get your period again in four to six weeks. Some practitioners say you can start trying to conceive again after this period, but others recommend that you wait until you've been through another menstrual cycle so that you have more time to recover physically and emotionally. (You'll need to use birth control to prevent conception during this time since you may ovulate as early as two weeks after you miscarry.)
Don't worry, my love, I will conserve all my manly essence until then, so that I will be at my most potent when we begin trying again.
Devotedly yours, Gerald
At 6:01 PM,
April Patterson said…
becks! steve nichols is in hospital? wtf?
rhetta, omg! i really don't know what mike's prob is, but i guess it's sorta nice 2 know that once he actually cared abt me insteada caring only abt glorifying himself. u r rite about him coming off like an arsehole! thanx 4 letting me know abt his call.
ger! i haven't had a pg loss! u can't lose something u never had! how can i get it thru yr head that I WAS NEVER PREGNANT! omg, my head hurts! (& no, it's not b/c of hormones fr. a pg loss, u dip!)
At 6:17 PM,
howard said…
I will be glad to help you tell the pastry tasting story, but first I have to call Tracey Mayes and explain why I am at the hospital and not at work.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 7:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, i donno wut 2 do 2 get ger 2 stop w/the pg talk. u don’t wanna be zoned residential by the kidz @skool.
2nite my mom & i r gonna c “chicken little” @the moviez w/my future dad & future sis. i wunted 2 c “doom”, but mom sed afta last nite i need sum wholesum entertainment. she spent all day tryin’ 2 figger out when i cud have got u pg, then she wacks me n the head w/a paper & sez, “u aren’t gonna abandon ur child, like ur father did u.” its been a fun day.
future dad wuz going off on the paul hewson play review n the to star globe sun of the play we saw last nite. he sed he shud just stick 2 musik & stay away frum drama. mom liked the play 4 sum reazn & that’s wut they talked ‘bout @dinner. my future sis sez her dad iz talkin’ ‘bout us movin’ n2gether. it cud be inneresting having a real oldah sis, instead of a future sis.
At 7:55 PM,
April Patterson said…
hey, lizzie, i'm glad that paul is nice. abt time u meet some1 nice & cute 2!
jeremy, i wish i cd find a way 2 get ger off the pg stuff. u r rite, i don't need him doin' that talk @ school. i hafta try again 2 talk sense in2 him, even tho it feels like talkin' 2 a giant brick wall.
ger. we hafta talk b4 the party 2morrow. cuz if u won't stop this, i don't want u 2 go 2 the party.
At 8:39 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, becks, how freaky & scary!
At 11:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
OMG my mom kept me out so late. I am only now getting home. When she said, "Hey, lets go to the casino tomorrow. It'll be fun!" what she really meant was, "Let's drive for hours to a small casino with lack rules on a reservation. I'll sit on an end machine and you can sit out in the hallway and watch me. It'll be so much fun!" OMG, I didn't think the day would EVER end! The only good thing to happen the entire 10 hours we were there was when some totally hot older guy, like, TOTALLY was checking me out. He did a whole, like, wrap around. And my MOM was no where to be seen!
When I did get home, I said, "I'm going to check my mail." My parents said, at, like, the same time, "Okay but after that it's time for bed." I'm totally like, "What!? It's Saturday!" They're like, "It's a school night!" And I'm like, "It so is not!" and they're, like, "Go to bed Allie!"
I swear I think my parents are the only married couple in Milborough still having sex! GOD! This totally sucks. So what'd I miss while I was at the run down Indian casino being checked out by the totally hot older guy. Argh!
Later :(
At 12:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
O. M. G.!!!!
I have my iPod turned up as loud as it goes and I CAN STILL HEAR THEM THROUGH THE WALLS!!! They couldn't wait until I was asleep? How am I suppose to sleep now? OMG.
April I am so pissed. I was with my mom all day. My sister must have found this blog and went as me to Horny Tims. People have told us we look alike but I AM SO MORE PRETTY THAN SHE IS! She had to go as me BECAUSE SHE HAS NO LIFE AND NO FRIENDS!
We'll have to come up with a secret handshake or something. If I don't know it, you can totally PUNCH ME IN MY BIG UGLY NOSE! Because that'll totally be my sister WITH THE BIG UGLY NOSE! Because I got the cute nose in the family.
I am so pissed.
PS: Don't ask my sister's name. You can just call her "Not Alexandra" ... Or THE GIRL WITH THE BIG UGLY NOSE!
PSS: I will totally try to get my mom to like your siblings and to think we're not dating. I was wondering if Michael could help me on my English paper. Do you think that'll be a good start? On getting my mom to like your siblings???
At 1:39 AM,
howard said…
It has been a very long day. Tracey Mayes wasn’t happy about me not being at work, but she said that it was important that I help out the Nichols as much as possible. “Always be friendly with your catering competition,” she said. She is really looking forward to our “date” tomorrow and wants to give us a big send-off from the restaurant. That should be a relief considering what I have been through tonight.
As you know, I had arranged with Fiona Brass to cover me at the Mayes Midtown Motors restaurant, while I went to help Becky serve the pastries to Anne Nichols, so that her mother Krystle could possibly get a pastry catering subcontract with Anne’s employer, the Empire Hotel.
When I arrived at Krystle’s Kakes and Pies, much to my surprise Anne Nichols was already there. Becky stopped me at the door and said, “We told Anne Nichols that my mom thought Steve Nichols was a widower and that Steve told my mom that Anne Nichols was his sister. Go along.” I said OK, thinking I was going to be in for a treat once Steve arrived. However, I realized very quickly that things were going to go horribly wrong.
Anne and Krystle were giggling together like little fiends. The last time I heard Krystle giggling like that was shortly after I realized that she had drugged my food to knock me unconscious, and Becky stopped her just in time to prevent her from doing unspeakable things to me. That incident occurred weeks ago and yet that giggling remains firmly fixed in my memory. I told this to Becky and said, “I will bet you that your mother has drugged the food again. I will be very surprised if Steve doesn’t pass out after he eats these pastries.”
Anne left, Steve arrived and then Anne re-arrived. Anne was making a big show of not having been there before. She was saying, “Oh Howard. I remember you at the Brenda Starr party. It’s so good to see you again for the very first time since that party. Aside from you and my husband, I don’t recognize anyone else here. I have never, ever seen these other ladies before.” Then Steve said, “No Anne. Howard was our waiter at the Mayes Midtown Motors restaurant when we went there with John and Elly Patterson. So we saw him just a few nights ago. Don’t you remember?” And Anne was saying, “Oh was that you Howard? It’s so hard to remember when it’s been so long since we last met. I have a terrible memory for faces. At least I am sure that he’s the only one here that I have ever met before.” It was so overdone; I was surprised Steve didn’t catch on.
Becky and I were planning to serve the pastries, but then Krystle made a big deal about bringing the food in herself. Somehow I don’t think she trusted me and Becky to go along with her plan. She said to Steve, “Since you are such a fiery, hot-blooded, raging stallion of a man, you should get the red plate.” Then she said to Anne, “Since you are the cool and collected, loyal woman of royalty, you should get the blue plate.”
As Steve starting eating his pastries, Krystle and Anne could not have been more obvious about what they had done. The scary giggling started and occasionally Anne would say something like, “These pastries really knock me out, Krystle.” And Krystle would say something like, “Cooking really allows me to clean out my inner muse.” Sure enough, Steve started to look like he was going to faint, but then there was something a little different than I expected. He started sweating profusely and looked like he was going to vomit. I said to Becky, “Did I look like this when your mom drugged me?” And Becky said, “No Howard. You were just really sleepy.” So, Becky got him some water to help him feel better and then he fell over, starting vomiting, and his body started involuntarily convulsing. I grabbed him away from the sharp wall corners, chairs and the table. It was difficult, because he was shaking so badly. Once he was safe in the middle of the room, I called 911, and while we waiting for the ambulance to arrive, Becky and I started interrogating her mom and Anne Nichols about what they had done to the food. Her mom claimed she added only a laxative, but Anne just continued with that maniacal giggling.
I knew this was bad, and I didn’t know what to do to keep Becky and her mom out of trouble. I have learned the hard way that it is best to stay out of domestic disputes and laugh from the sidelines. The ambulance came and questions were asked. We were all straining to give information to help Steve, and yet not say anything to incriminate ourselves.
Becky then said something about how she thought Steve was a druggie, and this caused me to think of a plan. After the doctors had taken Steve in the emergency room at the hospital I whispered into Anne’s ear, “Don’t you think you should call Elly Patterson? She is well known for her ability to give hugs in a crisis.” Anne Nichols looked startled and said, “How could I have forgotten Elly Patterson and the Sharon Park Drive Neighborhood Crisis Phone Tree? I can’t miss out on the casseroles. I haven’t had any casseroles delivered to me in ages.” Sure enough, she called Elly Patterson and things started to move in just the direction I hoped. Anne suddenly realized she might not have a husband anymore. I mentioned that she could rely on her back-up gay. This didn’t comfort Anne, who said her back-up gay left Milborough years ago. So, I told her I knew a few men, who might be able to fill the position. Then, just as I hoped, Elly Patterson came in the waiting room shrieking and crying and sobbing and moaning and she got Anne shrieking and crying and sobbing and moaning. While Anne was distracted, I grabbed her purse and ran out of the waiting area for the emergency room. Becky’s mom spotted me and said, “Are you in such bad shape after you stopped working for me that you would start stealing? Shame on you, Howard!” And then she started hitting me around the head and shoulders. I grabbed her hands and said, “Crazy woman! Stop with the hitting, already. I am trying to find out what Anne used on Steve. It’s got to be in this purse.” Then Krystle and I went through her purse and found an empty prescription bottle with Steve’s name on it. We walked nonchalantly past Elly and Anne and also Becky who was on the phone talking to people about casserole deliveries. Then we went to the ER doctor and said, “We found these in Steve’s car. Maybe it’s what is causing his problems.” The doctor was grateful, and we said to him, “We would appreciate it, if you didn’t tell anyone that we were in Steve’s car.” The doctor was cube and said he wouldn’t say a word. Steve came through all right, and Elly Patterson lent us her Crevasse to drive to her house.
We had to go to Elly’s house, because John Patterson had called up Elly frantically asking for help and Elly did not want to leave Anne in her time of need. We got to Elly’s house and John approached in quite a state of hysteria. He started saying, “The casseroles. The casseroles. Take them away. Take them away.” It was about this time April, that you popped out of your house to see what was going on, and your dad started screaming at you to go back inside the house and take cover. I don’t know what you did, but I didn’t see you after that.
It took awhile to calm down John and find out why he was obsessing about casseroles. Apparently, somebody who shall go nameless, told the people delivering casseroles to bring them all tonight, and not spread them out over a few days as you would normally expect. They were piling up in front of the Nichols’ house and when John went over there to put them into the house he got flustered by the sheer number of them and then dropped the key to the house. John told us that he had developed a phobia of casseroles over the years of being married to Elly and he was afraid that if he were around too many of them, he would have a panic attack. Krystle and I looked and looked on the ground around the Nichols house and finally had to give up. It didn’t help that the whole time we were looking, people kept arriving with more casseroles. Krystle and I tried to talk the people into holding onto their casseroles until another evening, but they said, “None of you look like married women to us.” Krystle said, “I am officially married. I am just separated from my husband.” The people would then invariably say, “Once your man is out of the house, you are worthless. Have a nice evening, and we hope you enjoy the casserole.”
John started weirding out over deactivating the phone tree. Becky and Krystle both tried making calls and disguising their voices, but the women on the other side of the phone kept on saying, “We can tell you’re not married, you single, roadside sluts.” Finally, I said to Becky, “Do you know any married women around here?” She said, “Well Connie Poirier, Lawrence’s mom, lives over there.” So I went to visit Connie. She was more than happy to deactivate the phone tree, and she was also willing to store the casseroles until Anne and Steve came back from the hospital. She’s a very nice woman.
That’s what happened. I’m heading to bed now. I look forward to seeing you in your new Tracey-style dress tomorrow. I know you will look great. I will probably look sleepy.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 1:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
alexandra love, i know just how u feel. my mom & my future dad r goin’ @it rite now. sumthin ‘bout the chicken little movie got them xxcited. my future sis thot it wuz funny @1st & then she wuz mpressed/disgusted w/her dad & then she fell asleep. i wish i cud fall asleep 2, but they r2 noizee.
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