Pet Squabble an' Stuff
So, you totally hafta read through the comments from yesterday about how Anne Nichols tricked Becky's mom in2 giving Steve an OD of his meds by spiking the pastries he was tasting. Anne was way pissed abt having caught Steve having an affair w/Mrs. McGuire, & it ended up w/Steve being rushed 2 hospital, & Becky, Anne, Becky's mom, & Howard going along in the ambulance. While they were @ the hospital, Anne called Mom, who is captain of the Sharon Park drive neighbourhood crisis phone tree. While she was on the phone, she sed, "April. Go 2 yr room. U're not allowed 2 learn the secrets of activating the casserole phone tree until U R a married lady". So I was up in my room reviewing my French notes when I heard the door slam shut & the 'vASSe start up. I crept down the stairs & found my Dad sittin' @ the kitchen table kinda shakin'. I'm all, "What's the matter, Dad?" & he sez, "Yr mom. She put me in charge of a CASSEROLE TREE. Casseroles, April. They'll start 2 arrive next door. In fact, I think it's starting already. It's going 2 B like a rain of casseroles. Or the reign of casseroles. That's a pun on precipitation vs. a monarch's rule, and even I can admit that's not sticky-out-tongue phunny."
While Mom was @ the hospital, I got a txt message from Gerald: "April, my dove, U R very emotional rite now b/c of the pregnancy loss. I will go out of my way 2 make the partygoers & our classmates aware & sensitive abt the sitch." I just abt lost it & I called Ma on her cel. I had trub getting thru, & now I know it's cuz of all the calls she was getting fr. phone-tree foax abt casseroles. When I got thru, Becky answered, & it took her a coupla mins 2 find Mom. NEway, once I got Mom on the phone, I was like, "Mom. U totally need 2 go up 2 the OB/GYN dept. & make me an emergency appt." She was like, "OMG, April! R U OK? Is it b/cuz U really R pregnant! OMG, I KNEW it! I will kill Jeremy or Gerald or Gerard or Geranium, or whoever did this 2 U!" "Mom, chill, I swear 2 U, I M not pregnant & I nevr was. BUT! Gerald has it in his head that I WAS pregnant & lost the pregnancy. Now he's abt 2 go around telling every1 they need 2 treat me special cuz I had a m/c. & 1ce that rumour takes hold every1 in town will think yr little girl has gone roadside & they'll all say it's cuz U R a terrible mother! We need 2 get a dr 2 xamine me & give us sumthin' in writing that shows I've never been pg!" So, Mom was like, "April, I'm on it!" She called me back 10 mins l8r & sed I have an appt. @ noon 2day w/Dr. Inge Babyfangfederblech up in the OB/GYN dept. We're gonna haul Gerald's baby-obsessed arse w/us so he can hear this all fr. the baby-catching dr's own mouth.
We started getting sum strange calls, like Carol Enjo calling & saying, "April, does yr mom have a recipe 4 plaid leprecaun butternut squash casserole?" & Connie asking "Does yr mom have a recipe 4 "Magic munchkin MnM sausage tangerine cheddar eggwhite kidney bean surprise?" & ea time I got a call like that, I was like, "Nope, but I doubt NE1 else does either, so U can totally make sumthin' up & no1 will know." Most ppl kinda argued a lil bit & ended up agreeing w/me.
Soon, Dad was screeching, "The casseroles! Make them stop! They're piling up!" I sed, "Dad, relax, U R freaking out the pets!" Dad cd C it was true, Dixie ran & hid under Mom & Dad's bed, Eddie howled 4 an hr, chasing Buttsy around like he wanted 2 eat her, & then passed out by the stairs. I stuck Buttsy in her cage & gave her sum lettuce 2 calm her down, & I thought she was calm enuf that she'd stay there w/o me needing 2 lock the hutch, but as soon as I was outta site, she was bouncin' off Eddie's head. So of course, he started chasin' her again, & gettin' all agitated cuz Dad was by the window whining abt the casseroles again. Then I heard Eddie slogging his head in the toilet & then I saw him shaking the water out on2 Butts, who was hidin' out in her hutch again. Yuck.
When I heard my dad outside yelling abt making the casseroles stop, I popped my head out, as Howard sed, but Dad was all, "Go back inside & take covr!" B4 my eyes even had a chance 2 focus.
Much l8r, when Ma was home, Connie was here helping her load most of the casseroles in2 the big deep freezer in our basement. Ma was like, "Connie, it's a relief that poor Anne won't need these after all, but we certainly can't let them go 2 waste!" Dad was in a corner sobbing, "Pls, no more casseroles! I don't think I even wanna know what Marshmallow Spam Enchilada Havarti Tim Balls Melt is!" Ma was like, "Pipe down, trainboy!" At this pt, I was xhausted & I went up 2 bed.
Alexandra, now I understand Y "U" seemed a lil nervous when I met "U" @ Horny Tim's, like "U" were afraid some1 who knew "U" mite come by & say hello. & now that U mention it, I did keep thinking I'd seen another girl @ school who looked almost the same, but w/a nicer nose. So I think I prolly know who U R. No, do not ask Mike 4 help w/yr English paper. He stinx @ writing & wd make U flunk!
While Mom was @ the hospital, I got a txt message from Gerald: "April, my dove, U R very emotional rite now b/c of the pregnancy loss. I will go out of my way 2 make the partygoers & our classmates aware & sensitive abt the sitch." I just abt lost it & I called Ma on her cel. I had trub getting thru, & now I know it's cuz of all the calls she was getting fr. phone-tree foax abt casseroles. When I got thru, Becky answered, & it took her a coupla mins 2 find Mom. NEway, once I got Mom on the phone, I was like, "Mom. U totally need 2 go up 2 the OB/GYN dept. & make me an emergency appt." She was like, "OMG, April! R U OK? Is it b/cuz U really R pregnant! OMG, I KNEW it! I will kill Jeremy or Gerald or Gerard or Geranium, or whoever did this 2 U!" "Mom, chill, I swear 2 U, I M not pregnant & I nevr was. BUT! Gerald has it in his head that I WAS pregnant & lost the pregnancy. Now he's abt 2 go around telling every1 they need 2 treat me special cuz I had a m/c. & 1ce that rumour takes hold every1 in town will think yr little girl has gone roadside & they'll all say it's cuz U R a terrible mother! We need 2 get a dr 2 xamine me & give us sumthin' in writing that shows I've never been pg!" So, Mom was like, "April, I'm on it!" She called me back 10 mins l8r & sed I have an appt. @ noon 2day w/Dr. Inge Babyfangfederblech up in the OB/GYN dept. We're gonna haul Gerald's baby-obsessed arse w/us so he can hear this all fr. the baby-catching dr's own mouth.
We started getting sum strange calls, like Carol Enjo calling & saying, "April, does yr mom have a recipe 4 plaid leprecaun butternut squash casserole?" & Connie asking "Does yr mom have a recipe 4 "Magic munchkin MnM sausage tangerine cheddar eggwhite kidney bean surprise?" & ea time I got a call like that, I was like, "Nope, but I doubt NE1 else does either, so U can totally make sumthin' up & no1 will know." Most ppl kinda argued a lil bit & ended up agreeing w/me.
Soon, Dad was screeching, "The casseroles! Make them stop! They're piling up!" I sed, "Dad, relax, U R freaking out the pets!" Dad cd C it was true, Dixie ran & hid under Mom & Dad's bed, Eddie howled 4 an hr, chasing Buttsy around like he wanted 2 eat her, & then passed out by the stairs. I stuck Buttsy in her cage & gave her sum lettuce 2 calm her down, & I thought she was calm enuf that she'd stay there w/o me needing 2 lock the hutch, but as soon as I was outta site, she was bouncin' off Eddie's head. So of course, he started chasin' her again, & gettin' all agitated cuz Dad was by the window whining abt the casseroles again. Then I heard Eddie slogging his head in the toilet & then I saw him shaking the water out on2 Butts, who was hidin' out in her hutch again. Yuck.
When I heard my dad outside yelling abt making the casseroles stop, I popped my head out, as Howard sed, but Dad was all, "Go back inside & take covr!" B4 my eyes even had a chance 2 focus.
Much l8r, when Ma was home, Connie was here helping her load most of the casseroles in2 the big deep freezer in our basement. Ma was like, "Connie, it's a relief that poor Anne won't need these after all, but we certainly can't let them go 2 waste!" Dad was in a corner sobbing, "Pls, no more casseroles! I don't think I even wanna know what Marshmallow Spam Enchilada Havarti Tim Balls Melt is!" Ma was like, "Pipe down, trainboy!" At this pt, I was xhausted & I went up 2 bed.
Alexandra, now I understand Y "U" seemed a lil nervous when I met "U" @ Horny Tim's, like "U" were afraid some1 who knew "U" mite come by & say hello. & now that U mention it, I did keep thinking I'd seen another girl @ school who looked almost the same, but w/a nicer nose. So I think I prolly know who U R. No, do not ask Mike 4 help w/yr English paper. He stinx @ writing & wd make U flunk!
At 10:44 AM, howard said…
That's what was in those casseroles? I wondered what that odor was last night.
I hope your appointment with Dr. Inge Babyfangfederblech goes well and you convince Gerald and everybody else that you are not pregnant.
Tracey Mayes plans to pick you up at your house at 5 to take you to the restaurant for our big send-off for out celebratory "girl and her promised back-up gay" date. I don't know what Tracey has planned, but I'm sure it will be pink. Then we will head off to Becky's house for the party. I'll see you then.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 10:48 AM, April Patterson said…
yeh, there were sum v. v. bizarre casseroles coming in. it's a relief 2 know that most of them will end up in mom's digestive tract, lol. props 2 becky 4 thinking up weird combos 4 the neighbourhood busybodies 2 cook!
yeh, i'm hoping the doc's appt. will just settle this big st00pid mess 4 good. & i'm glad tracey's picking me up, or else it'd be tuff 2 xplain 2 ma y i'm going out on a d8 w/"becky's nice music teacher."
At 11:15 AM, Anonymous said…
If you wanted to meet up at Horny Tims before your appointment my mid-morning is pretty clear. I only had three cups of coffee this morning and I could really use two more. Maybe you could explain this whole ... Steve widow thing to me.
If you show, I won't be wearing my "My Name is Alexandra Love" tee-shirt because my sister apparently wore it yesterday and didn't properly refold it. Apparently, she didn't go to your mom's seminar on "The Proper Way to do Household Chores".
At 12:05 PM, April Patterson said…
alexandra, i'm sorry, but i didn't get yr post early enuf. i'm in the w8ing rm now. i just peed in a cup (ew), & now i hafta fill out a buncha st00pid forms. gerald & mom r "helping." i will give more deets l8r after the appt is ovr.
At 12:32 PM, April Patterson said…
dang, dee, i knew my bro was cheep, but i didn't realize he was that bad! since yr b-day's coming up next month, mayB i'll buy u a casserole dish. that is, if i don't get torn a new 1 for not giving u "the gift of time" instead.
i m in an xamining rm wearing a paper gown w8ing 4 the doc 2 come in. my bp is xcellent & mom is holding on2 ger so he won't get close enuf 2 glimpse my nekkid arse stickin' out the back of this gown. lol.
At 1:32 PM, April Patterson said…
well, we are home now. ger is curled up in the fetal position on my bed, but i'll get 2 that in a minute.
when dr. babyfangfederblech came in, she sat down & introduced herself. she's a tall, skinny blonde who looks like she shd b on 1 of those medical shows, like er.
dr. babyfangfederblech: so, the pregnancy test came back negative. (to gerald) that means she's not pregnant. this is no surprise, as i see fr. yr paperwork that u have not yet engaged in sexual intercourse, miss patterson. so, i'm a little stymied about what we're all doing here.
me: (sighing) gerald here got this idea in his head that i was pg w/his baby. & when he finally got it thru his thick head that i'm not, well, he decided that i had been pregnant, but lost the pg. so now he's abt 2 tell every1 we know they hafta b gentle w/me cuz of the "loss." & he's totally gonna ruin my rep.
dr. babyfangfederblech: gerald, surely u know that u and yr gf haven't had intercourse. how did u imagine that she cd have been pregnant.
ger: flustered. well, er, what abt "immaculate conception." "virgin birth"?
dr. babyfangfederblech: (w/look of disbelief, but speaking gently) well, those are articles of faith, and therefore out of my purview. however, even if they are part of yr belief system, u must concede that this wd require u being, well, god. & tho u seem like a nice enuf young man, u must admit that u r not god, yes?
ger: (sheepish) yes.
dr. babyfangfederblech: (to me) so, do we still need an exam?
me: we do. unfortunately. cuz i totally need sumthin' in writing & official saying i'm a virgin & i've nev. been pg.
dr. babyfangfederblech: i must say, that's a bit irregular. however, it's ez enuf 2 achieve, and fr. a women's-health perspective, it won't hurt 2 have an exam.
so she gets me 2 lie down on the table & asks if i do a monthly breast self-exam.
me: sure, i check @ least 1x/month 2 c if i've gotten ne bigger. u know, in case i need a new bra.
dr. babyfangfederblech laffs & xplains she means checking 4 lumps that cd b cancer. so she shows me how 2 do a self-xam, & mom totally clamps her hand ovr ger's eyez so he can't c my nekkid boobs. but he still kinda groans 2 himself just knowing they're visible. freak.
next, she kinda prods my belly asking if it hurts newhere. then the really embarrassing bit where she xamines "there", & i don't really wanna go 2 much in2 that, 'cept 2 say mom was like, "gerald, u stay @ april's north pole, cuz yr not allowed 2 c the south".
after the xam was dun, the dr. had ger & mom leave 4 a while so i cd change & then when i was ready i let them all back in.
dr. babyfangfederblech: (showing us a form w/a pic of some1's "down there") april has an intact hymen, which i will represent here (sketches).
ger groan!
dr. babyfangfederblech: xcuse me?
ger: nuthin'.
dr. babyfangfederblech miss patterson has, i confirm, never engaged in sexual intercourse. the condition of her uterus is also consistent with never having been pregnant. i will have this typed this up in a short report for u, and have three copies made.
me: thanx, doc.
mom: thank god!
ger: ::sob:: does this mean my angelapes is barren?
dr. babyfangfederblech: gosh, no! she's in perfect health and, while it's too soon to know whether she'll ever have fertility issues, there is no reason to believe she will.
so now i have my printed proof, & ger's been going thru "loss" of my imaginary pg. ::sigh::
At 1:40 PM, April Patterson said…
dee, ok, cube, i'll get u a gr8 casserole dish, then. yeah, mike's totally turning in2 mikelly. those toilet-paper-roll "dolls" mom makes r so lame. when i c her doing that w/merrie & robin, i alwayz dig out sum of my old toyz. gd thing i kept 'em. mom usually yellz @ me, but i do it neway!
ger sez he feels better now & he promises no pg talk @ the party or school. if he lapses, ne1 & every1 r encouraged 2 give him a lite but sharp swat. lol.
At 4:05 PM, Anonymous said…
I know it's been awhile since you've heard from me Darling. But, as you know I've been so tied up at the paper with that damnable chef. I wanted to get out to Corbeil last week to the Johnston Institute. I thought about this week, but it seems we both had prior engagements. I'm hoping that perhaps next Sunday we can finally make our investigation come to a head.
I should be free late this evening, leave your door unlocked and I'll be there as soon as I free myself from my current entanglement.
With love,
At 4:31 PM, April Patterson said…
omg, liz, pls help me stop the madness w/mom & certificates & shirts! this is a nitemare. just when i made the last nitemare stop, i get a whole new one.
i wanna live w/u 2. "2" meaning u & shiims, of course. ;)
At 4:41 PM, April Patterson said…
if u do, make sure u show it 2 dr. forsythe. so he'll shut up w/his st00pid theories abt us!
At 5:32 PM, April Patterson said…
i am writing this fr. the back of the powder-pink limo tracey sent 2 pick me up, & i'm wearing the girly-girl pink dress an' shoes & of course matching clutch purse she sent 2 me as howard.
neway, yeah, i c what u mean abt gerald. i brot him 2 the appt cuz i figured it was the only way he'd believe i'd nev. been pg. u know how whack he's been on this subj! so it finally sunk in & now he's been moping abt not having gotten me pg. he sed he thot he'd b ovr it after he had sum time 2 surf the "loss" support bds online.
neway, we're almost @ the restaurant. c u @ yr house 4 the party! btw, when my mom saw the limo, she totally thot tracey was rewarding me 4 my purity, lol.
At 6:13 PM, Anonymous said…
I'm sorry to read that you got my post too late. That's cool though because I was able to have three pots ... cups, I've been trying to cut back, of coffee without interruption. I stopped at three because I was shaking so much I could no longer hold the cup steady. I walked around town a bit but I don't recall anything of interest happening.
So anyway. When I got home today my mom met me at the door, which no longer surprises me. She's still dressed from work, which did surprise me. She says, "April was at the hospital today." And I'm like, "Yeah I know," as I walk passed her because I didn't want to have this conversation, whatever it was, in the doorway to the house. So she follows me an' she's like, "Do you know why?", all cryptic like. An' I'm like, "Yeah." She's like, "How do you know??" an' I'm like, "She told me. It was all just a big misunderstanding." And she's like, "You KNEW she was cheating on you!" and I turn around and she nearly runs into me because she was still following me, an' I said, "She's not cheating on me!" An' mom said, "She was there with a boy. He went into the room with her. Another lady was with her. They all went in together. When they came out the boy was near tears and the lady was beaming. April's pregnant!" And I said, getting really frustrated, "April is NOT pregnant!" And mom's like, "I'm a delivery nurse, I know what pregnant looks like! Don't tell me someone's not pregnant when I know." And I'm, "Gerald is April's boyfriend! I have no idea why he was near tears but April IS NOT pregnant! And we're not dating! She's just a friend! Just. A. Friend!" And I totally expect her to go all banshee on me because I don't know if she took her medication today or not, an' she goes, punctuating every word with a sharp poke to my chest, "Don't use that tone of voice with me young lady! Up to this point we were having a civilized conversation about the day. If you want to take that tone with me you can just spend your evening locked up here in your room!"
::Sigh:: So, I guess, maybe, wearing those tee-shirts "I'm 100% Pure" wouldn't be such a bad idea.
At 6:22 PM, April Patterson said…
omg, alexandra! i guess yr mom musta been the nurse who was lookin' @ me funny. mayB i will have 2 wear that shirt after all. otoh, does yr mom snoop? cuz if she snoops in my file she'll c 4 herself i'm not pg.
so tracey gave us a lil reception & had a buncha photos taken of me w/howard. we're abt 2 get in the limo & go 2 becky's house. howard sez u're welcome 2 come 2 the party if u can, alexandra.
At 6:30 PM, Anonymous said…
Well I definitely think I'm going to bruise from where my mom poked me. I won't be able to wear anything too low cut ... Or anything too constricted either since I'll have to climb out of my bedroom window ... But sure, I'm in. Uh, any ideas on how I'll get there? Directions might help ...
At 6:49 PM, April Patterson said…
the limo driver sez he'd b happy 2 come get u. call him on his cel @ PNK-LIMO & tell him yr addy.
gotta go, ger's standing on a chair wailing that he cd get me pg if he tried!
At 6:56 PM, Anonymous said…
OMG. Is he going to do that all night because I think I have, like, ironing to do or have to wash my hair ... or something. You know what might help, coffee.
Hey, do you think the limo driver will stop at a coffee shop en route? I could totally go for a coffee right now!
See you in a bit,
At 7:01 PM, howard said…
I am posting this to you so that you will know what is going on here. As you may or may not be aware, in order to celebrate the fact that the assault charges against me are being “conveniently forgotten,” Tracey Mayes has arranged for a celebratory date between April and me, her promised back-up gay. April was limoed to the Mayes Midtown Motors restaurant, so that Tracey could give us a proper “send-off”. I am wearing a morning suit Tracey bought for me, and April is wearing the very pink outfit that Tracey bought her. Tracey and Gordon and their 2 kids were here. Tracey took a lot of pictures of the two of us together. Tracey gave me a corsage to give to April, and she gave April a boutonnière to give to me. Then I had to read a poem Tracey had written. It went like this:
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
This happy day
I commit to you.
In the future
There comes the day
When your straight love
Turns old and gray
Rolls over and croaks
And passes away.
I will be there
Your back-up gay.
Then Tracy gave me a very nice ring to give to April. I asked what this was for. Tracey said, “It’s a back-up gay promise ring, silly. It’s very traditional. See, here is the one Lawrence Poirier gave to me, when I was 14. When April sees her man getting old, this ring tells her that she still has a future as a married woman with you, so she can still participate in her Milborough Neighborhood Crisis Phone Tree. It’s also a good thing to wear, whenever your husband ticks you off. Gordon hates it when I wear my promise ring.” April accepted the ring and Tracey started crying. “Gordon and I were there for your brother’s real wedding and now we are here for you. Oh April, I am so happy for you and your back-up gay.” April started getting a little worried look on her face and asked me on the side, “Howard, you are not taking this seriously, right?” I said, “Don’t worry, April. This is just to get your friends and relatives off your back.” April gave me a little hug, and said, “Thanks, Howard. Let’s go to a party.”
We got into the powder-pink limo and gave the driver instructions to drop us at Becky McGuire’s house for the party. I could tell there would be trouble right off the bat, because Becky had promised me that her mom would not be there, and there she was. Krystle McGuire came up to me and said, “Howard. I saw the real you last night, all those things you did to protect Becky and me from stuff that could have happened with Steve Nichols. It was a revelation. I want you to know that you are the man for me.” I said to Krystle, “I am involved with Brenda Starr right now, and she is supposed to be here this evening.” Krystle said, “Brenda Starr. She might give me a little competition, but you will be mine Howard. Mark my words.” I panicked and ran over to Becky and said, “Why is your mom here? Is the food drugged?” Becky said that she couldn’t get her mom to leave, because she was going on about wanting Becky to get some purity notification from a doctor all afternoon. Becky said she made the food herself and it was not drugged.
Right as I was talking to Becky, there was a commotion across the room between Gerald and April. I don’t know what it was about, but April took the promise ring I gave her, out of the box, and put it on right in front of Gerald and made some comment about having at least one man who trusted her.
I will post to you later after I get more details,
Howard Kelpfroth
At 7:51 PM, Anonymous said…
I am posting from the back of my limo. The black one not the white one. I'm on my way to Becky's house. I thought I better make sure it's all right with Becky if I make an appearance. It looks like there may be a fight considering her mother's attitude toward you. Quickly let me know if you want me to hold back because we're just down the street...and I am wearing a particularly low cut, sparkly, slinky sexy black dress, which means I'm not dressed for fighting.
At 7:57 PM, April Patterson said…
ok,liz, u r prolly wondering what that was all abt. well, 1st sum background info.
jeremy's here w/his future sis. u c, becks was, like, "since we have this truce, u mite as well come 2 the party." & plus she figured in case we decide 2 have a jam session, she wants sum1 who knows how 2 handle the offbrand equip 2 b on hand 2 help. also, i think she was curious 2 meet the future sis.
so neway, ger was standing up on the sofa shouting, "i cd get april pg if i tried! there's nuthin' wrong w/gerald millicent delaney-forsythe's spermatazoa!" jeremy was like, "chill dude, don't u know u're being uncube! lk @ yr gf, she's like so pissed @ u!" i sed, "it's true, ger, pls give it a rest!" ger got this even more hysterical look on his face (& if u'd seen how hysterical he already looked, u'd find this hard 2 believe). then he went, "so! it's true! jeremy jones IS the father of the baby u were never pregnant with! i knew u had a thing on the side w/him!" i'm like, "gerald, u're not even making sense!" he's like, "tell me u won't not get pregnant w/ne boy other than me, april may-rian patterson!" & i'm like, "i don't even know how 2 agree 2 sumthin' so, so, um, can't even think of the rite word," & becks is like, "bullshit?" & i'm like, "that'll work." he keeps going "swear, april! no jeremy jones love children not being conceived between u!" that's when howard came in & i did that thing w/the ring. oh, guess what? looks like jeremy duncan just showed up w/sum of his friends.
At 8:06 PM, Anonymous said…
I really wasn't expecting to get picked up alone but ... That's the way it happened. I had the limo pick me up a block from my house and when he shows up, there's no one in the limo but the driver. I was kind of bummed. The driver was really cool though, he said I could sit in back -- by myself (Boo!) or sit up front with him. I did fifty-fifty because I couldn't really decide. I'd never been in a limo before. We took the limo through the drive thru to get me some coffee ... Which was really cool because the people at Horny Tim's thought I was some buddy. Then I drove with the driver the rest of the way. Limos are really big, especially when you're alone in them. Have I harped on that enough because I really wasn't expecting just the limo driver to pick me up ...
So then I get to the party and I don't really know anybody and I've finished my extra large coffee. Someone stopped me and said "Hi", I think they wanted to stop and chat but I really wanted more coffee so I was kind of rude and I totally apologize. When I found the table set up for food and what not, my first priority was coffee and I was oblivious to everything else ... So I never noticed that this lady was watching me enjoy my coffee and she goes, "You drink your coffee black?" I was kind of dazed from my caffeine withdrawal so I wasn't really paying much attention. But I said, "Once you go black, you never go back." And she said, "That's what my daughter says too." I totally thought she was talking about coffee, I mean I was. So when I said, "Oh I know, it's just so much better. Black is rich and smooth. It goes down better." I was talking about my coffee!! She runs off all bothered, I have no idea why.
So thankfully, April shows up. She was like, "Oh you made it!" and I was, "Yeah, the limo found me." And she was, "Yeah, sorry you got picked up alone." And I was like, "Oh, forget about it. Already forgotten." Which you can totally see is not entirely true. So I was done with my cup of coffee and I wanted a refill and April says, "Wow don't you look nice. Those pants are so classy." And I'm, "Oh, thanks. It's all I really had for climbing out of windows and covering bruises. You look great too, I love the ring, is it new?" And she goes, "Oh, hey, let me introduce you to some people." And I'm kind of like, "Let me ..." but she was already pulling me around so I never got my coffee refill.
At 8:12 PM, howard said…
I don’t think a physical fight is necessary with Krystle McGuire, but who knows? You should be in for just a little catty conversation. Other than the spat between April and Gerald, which neither one will tell what it was about, everything else seems to be going pretty well. Gerald is sulking a bit, and April occasionally points her finger at him, the one on which she is wearing the promise ring.
Some people are here that you have met before and others that you have not. Becky’s half-sister, Marjee Mahaha is here with her boyfriend Maynard Mahoney. Marjee’s other half-sister, Vicki Simone is also here, along with Becky’s uncle Ralph and aunt Mark. Those two are really anxious to see you, since the last time they saw you was back at Thanksgiving. I am really anxious to see you also, it has been over a week since we last did things together and I find that I really, really miss you.
A girl from Becky’s school, Alexandra Love showed up and appears to have been drinking way too much coffee. She’s a little jittery, and don’t think it’s just because she is new to this group. She seems to be getting along well with Becky and April. Becky told me she invited Jeremy Duncan and his friends to come, but they have not appeared yet.
As for the party itself, we have done a little music jamming, and the group has been kind enough to listen to my version of “Mimi’s Waltz” from La Boheme, and a speech I made about the joys of being free. Mainly, I am just going around and socializing, while keeping a careful eye on Krystle McGuire. That part will be a lot easier once you are here.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 8:15 PM, April Patterson said…
yeah, every1 was pretty much here already when alexandra posted asking how she'd get here. it's not like we were sending the limo around like a shuttle picking ppl up. but no matter, she's here now. i think she's taken a liking 2 jeremy duncan, but he's got his gf sara here, who's giving a total "i don't play that" vibe.
apes, off 2 re-introduce howard 2 jeremy duncan & his pals.
At 8:16 PM, Anonymous said…
Dudes. Jeremy told me I was going to meet some real cube people tonight and we were going to totally jam. Except all of you are seriously addicted to this blog. Like, have you considered therapy or anything? Maybe a 12 step program? Cause Dude Jeremy is pushing me wanting to post something and now I'm scared that I'm going to be sucked into this thing. Dude!
At 8:29 PM, howard said…
April took me aside and explained the fight with Gerald, and she mentioned that she had already posted it. Every time I get together with Gerald, I get a sense of why April’s family is so concerned about the back-up gay thing.
Jeremy Duncan arrived with his friends and April introduced them to me. They are: Jeremy’s girlfriend Sara Toomey, Jeremy’s best friends Hector and Pierce and their girlfriends Autumn and D’ijon and a couple they call RichandAmy, who appear to be surgically attached to each other. Jeremy, Hector and Pierce want to jam with April, Becky, and Gerald; so Jeremy Jones is setting up the equipment for that to work, despite the fact that Gerald keeps making comments to him the whole time about how April is his to impregnate and not to get in his way. Jeremy is upset but is trying to be cube. I think he wants to impress this girl he calls his future sis, and he is also making sideways glances at Alexandra Love. It should be fun, I can’t wait for you to get here to hear it.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 8:45 PM, Anonymous said…
april wunts me 2 post so her big sis can b a part of this party. duzn’t make sense 2 me, but i promised my future sis i wud b nice 2 april. i’m @ becky’s house w/my future sis. i finished settin’ up equipment 4 becks 2 jam. geranium iz drivin’ everybody crayzee w/talking ‘bout april havin’ my love children. @least he stopped wen they started jammin’.
the other jeremy, jeremy duncan iz here. he iz totally cube. hiz favrite band is gingivitis, which iz a way rockin’ group. he tol’ me this story ‘bout this old vw van he’s restoring & wen he gets done, he’z gonna go drive X-country w/hiz 2 best friendz & their gf, if they will say yes. i wish i cud do that.
there’z a girl here called alexandra love. strange last name. i wonder if u luved alexandra love, wud it b alexandra love luv? that’s a bad pun. i been hangin’ ‘round april 2 much.
At 9:08 PM, Anonymous said…
OMG so I'm totally posting this from my cell phone, locked in the bathroom. There's a totally cute boy here. Okay, he's cute in the "I haven't seen anyone else available" kind of way but ... He's totally cute. In that way. Everyone's been telling me I've been checking him out but I totally don't see it that way. OMG! Guess what else. Someone hid the coffee maker and coffee tin and TOTALLY took my coffee cup. I am so not handling this well. Apparently they said I had too much. I tried to tell them they had it all wrong, that I didn't have enough but, OMG, either way I've been totally cut off.
So this cute boy. I think I saw him at school in math class because he totally said the same thing AGAIN! OMG ::Squeal:: I think he's hitting on me. Do you think he's hitting on me? I think he's hitting on me. He totally said, "If you give love for Alexandra Love, is that Alexandra Love squared or Alexandra 2 X Love?" and tonight he said, "i wonder if u luved alexandra love, wud it b alexandra love luv" He's totally hitting on me isn't he? I'm totally being hit on.
Gosh, I should get out of the bathroom, people are going to start talking!!!
At 9:41 PM, Anonymous said…
See. You take my coffee away and I start seeing things that don't make sense. I was just checking in ... because this jam session is great but it's not really my kind of thing so I'm totally daydreaming about coffee ... Sorry. Anyhow, I'm just checking in, right, and I see that April Patterson is posting but Marjee is signing. So that totally doesn't make sense to me. More coffee and probably would because I've done the same exact thing.
But this kid Jeremy Jones, not Duncan, totally makes up for it. He has nice eyes. I think. Whenever I try to look in them he looks away. It's kind of cute. But you know what ... I'm totally ditching this posting and I'm going to sit next to him!
Later people, I've got a boy to go meet!
At 9:43 PM, Anonymous said…
Ok. Dudes. I had to like totally post this behind Peirce's back because he's like totally buggin about this whole blog thing. He think's everyone is totally cube though. Sara really likes April and Becky though. Like the sound equipment totally rox! Jeremy Jones has done a rad job setting things up. OMG a woman just walked in the door. She's blindingly sparkeling like majorly. She just made a beeline for that Howard dude! Wow there are some major sparks there. Ok I need to go cause like this lady has every ones attention and like this is the perfect opportunity to push the send button before Peirce catches me and starts ragging on me about this blog and I have to totally concentraite hard to get that word verification thing to work for me and I have a totally long's something like kqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqszszszssqpqpdbdbdbd! It's like totally confuzzeling! Damn!
At 9:50 PM, howard said…
Just to catch you up. My beloved Brenda Starr finally arrived. Even though the jam session was occupying most of the people here, Krystle McGuire kept on licking her lips at me, and I was getting a little nervous. Becky’s uncle Ralph and aunt Mark immediately started chatting her up, but she pushed past them to me and gave me a kiss that literally and figuratively knocked my shoes and socks off. I am still looking for one of the socks. I asked Brenda how she got away from her interview with chef Rock Roquefort, and she said that during the interview the chef started feeding his Chihuahua dogs some expensive wine and then they got sick from it. While he was tending to them, she took a break to visit me. I am so glad she is here. I cannot believe how much I missed her.
Krystle McGuire came over and said, “So, Brenda Starr. I see that you have decided to date much younger men. When did you start reporting? Was that 1940 or 1930?”
Brenda Starr said, “1940. When was it that you lost your fashion sense? Was that at birth or some time later?”
Krystle McGuire said, “You know it’s hard for me to tell if I even lost my fashion sense with all this sparkling going on. Maybe you should lay off the glitter Brenda. The 1990s have been over for awhile.”
Brenda Starr said, “My Starr dust has always been in style. When you have had 3 movies made about your life, then maybe you can talk about style, Krystle.”
Krystle McGuire said, “I remember my grandfather telling me about those movies. He said the first one he saw was when they still had Saturday morning movie serials in the theatres, back in WW II. So, when you and Howard do it, how long does it take him to get you out of your geriatric support hose?”
Brenda Starr said, “After a night with me, Howard’s the one who needs support hose. Besides, with me he’s a willing participant. He doesn’t have to be drugged into it, unlike some women I know, who can only get a man in bed, if he’s fully unconscious.”
Krystle McGuire said, “I’m surprised at your age, you can even tell if a man’s conscious or unconscious. Why don’t you wear your glasses in public, Brenda? I can see from the ridges on your nose, that you wear them.”
Brenda Starr said, “I don’t need glasses to see through so obvious a {bad word} as you Krystle. I don’t know why you are after Howard. You don’t have the style or the intelligence to be attractive to him. Perhaps you should try going after men more your style, like escaped convicts or old married men.”
Krystle McGuire said, “Speaking of married men, what ever happened to your husband, Basil St. John? Wasn’t your style or intelligence enough to keep him around? Maybe he got tired of having to deal with your {bad word} and not being able to get a story without sleeping with your sources to get them.”
Brenda Starr said, “I don’t think you have any room to talk when it comes to sleeping around, Krystle. The big difference between you and me is that after I have been to bed with a man, he is begging for more. After you have been in bed with a man, he is begging for a man.”
At this point, Becky came over and told me that I was needed. I left, with Brenda and Krystle still going at it. Becky wanted me to carry Gerald into her bedroom so he wouldn’t get stepped on. For some reason, he is completely unconscious. He was a little difficult to manipulate, so Marjee Mahaha got Maynard to help me. He said, “See. This is the benefit of proper weight-lifting. I don’t have any problem carrying this boy.” Then he dropped Gerald, and his head hit the floor. Gerald’s eyes flew open briefly and he said, “No April. Don’t hit me! I’m the step-father of yours and Jeremy’s children!” and then he went back to sleep. We got Gerald to bed, and he is sleeping fitfully at best.
I came downstairs with Maynard. Marjee called him over to join her in a conversation with Richandamy. Marjee was explaining the virtues of an open relationship, but Richandamy were confused and were saying, “Open? You mean like when we open the same box of cereal at the same time, or we open a door at the same time?” I think it’s a lost cause explaining it to them. I cannot really tell where one of them ends and the other begins.
Alexandra Love just sat beside Jeremy Jones and is clearly interested in him. For some reason, this seems to be upsetting not only the girl introduced to me as Jeremy’s future sister but Becky too. I don’t know the reason why. It may because she reeks of coffee. I can smell it from where I am and I am not anywhere close to her.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 9:52 PM, Anonymous said…
Something went wrong when I borrowed April's phone to post. I accidentally left her account logged in, so I've deleted and I'm trying again.
So, as I was saying, the jam session was great and Becky and April did a cube duet. I mentioned that Ger was asleep on the floor by the sofa. I think Krystle slipped him a little something to calm him down. Thank God.
Probably some other stuff from my deleted post I'm forgetting. Right. Nardo talking ppl's ear off about weightlifting. Some adorable flirting between Jeremy Jones and the new girl, who I think is Alexandra Love.
Well, Nardo and I have to go soon. He gets up early tomorrow.
At 10:01 PM, Anonymous said…
Oh, right, I forgot to mention that we did manage to move poor Gerald. I do want to offer a teeny correction on Howard's Gerald quote. What Gerald said was, "No April. Don’t hit me! I’m the step-father of yours and Jeremy’s children that you were never pregnant with!” Which is just weird.
So Nardo decided we can stay a little while longer, since he got into a conversation about weightlifting with one of Jeremy Duncan's friends.
At 10:03 PM, Anonymous said…
the jam iz goin’ gr8. jeremy duncan & his friendz totally rock. while they were playin’, alexandra love sat by me & we were talkin’ ‘bout muzik & coffee. my future sis sez 2 me, “jeremy i need 2 talk w/u.” so i sez ok & we go 2 anutha part of the house. then my future sis sez, “jeremy, u need 2 stop flirtin’ w/that girl.” i sed, “we r jus’ talkin’.” but my future sis sed, “u just broke up w/becky & she haz been nice enuff 2 invite u 2 her party. u don’t just start flirtin’ w/anutha girl rite n front of her. show sum class, future bro.” so we went back 2 the party & i sed to alexandra, “this iz my ex-gf’s house. my future sis sez it’s not cube of me 2 talk w/u, so mayb i can talk 2u n skool, ok, but not here. ok. pleez don’t b mad.” alexandra got up & sed she wud think ‘bout it, but then she went 2 talk 2 becks. i am so screwed.
At 10:27 PM, Anonymous said…
Dearest Howard,
I think you should accept Rebecca's wise proposal to become her stepfather. Marriage is a beautiful thing, and I can tell you from firsthand experience that stepfatherhood is an extremely rewarding life event. I imagine that it is almost as rewarding as if you father your girlfriend's pretend children yourself, instead of having her best friend's roadie do it for you.
Also, I have spent a great deal of time with the extended McGuire-Carrington family of late, and I can say that they are, without a doubt, the most upstanding family you will find on this side of the tracks in Milborough. And you know that is a three block area. And not city blocks either, but those semi-long suburban blocks.
Sincerely, your friend Gerald
At 10:29 PM, Anonymous said…
Darling, since I am trying not to consume every ounce of your attention, I thought I'd come post on April's Blog.
For the sake of Becky, for whom I have the utmost respect, I am trying to be kind to her mother. She is seething with jealousy over you though. Firstly, she doesn't understand that my power over you is only a temporary thing. It always is. I hardly want to enlighten her to this fact because she may decide to try and dig her little kitten claws into you, which I'm sure you don't want. I do not want to make this shrew think she has any hope of wresting me from you, however I don't want to destroy her as she is Becky's mother.
Oh dear here she comes again! "Ms. STARR she says to me in big capital letters. "You'll never be able to supply Howard with children! Don't you think a wonderful man such as he is should propagate?" I said to her, "Ms. McGuire, you've already had you're backup gay, don't you think you're a little greedy trying to nab another woman's man. Furthermore, why are you always going after men who are not available? Gay men, married men. Does it give you some sort of twisted thrill to make men desire you? "Look who's talking." she spat at me. I again pointed out that I've never had to use anything but my smile and sparkling personality to gain a man's admiration and desire. Also, I've learned never to make a man try to commit to something his whole heart is not into, it only results in heartbreak. You haven't been listening to Howard and what he wants, and needs. It's not fair to ask him to live a lie. Look how it worked out in your first marriage." She snorted and was about to come back with what I suppose was a stinging retort when Howard reappeared at my side. Thank you Howard.
At 10:39 PM, howard said…
If you read the post from Becky to me, she just asked me to be her step-dad. I am overwhelmed with emotion, but April is pressing me to keep you up-to-date, so I will post to you quickly what is happening at the party.
The band took a break from the jamming when I brought out some more food. I decided to make some of my own since Gerald was suspiciously unconscious. When I brought it out, Autumn, took one look at it and started calling me a "Vampire", "Carnivore", "Assassin", and "Murderer." Hector said, “Sorry, man, but Autumn is a a radical vegan. She’s like that every time she sees meat.” I said, “But this is cheese.” Hector said, “Any animal byproduct counts, man.” RichandAmy took some, and they both ate each individual cheese slice at the same time. D’ijon got some cheese and as she was eating it, I noticed she had something on her tongue. I said, “What is that on your tongue?” And she said, “It’s a copy of Edvard Munch's The Scream I got tattooed on my tongue. Do you like it?” I said, faking it as best as I could, “It’s fascinating.” And then trying to change the subject I said, “D’ijon is an interesting name. It is a statement against the French imperialism that enslaved much of Africa?” She said, “No, my real name is Dionne. I started doing an "apostrophe drop" in 7th grade.”
April and Jeremy Duncan had a discussion comparing notes about what it is like to have dad’s with an occupation in tooth profession. It turns out Jeremy’s dad is an orthodontist. She will have to tell you more about that herself.
That’s it. I need to talk to Brenda and Krystle about Becky’s request.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 11:06 PM, howard said…
I went to Brenda Starr and Krystle McGuire and told them what Becky had suggested, about me marrying Krystle, becoming Becky’s step-dad and then hanging out with Brenda Starr. This is what happened next, as best I remember it.
Krystle McGuire said, “That’s my girl. You should listen to her Howard. She knows what’s best for you.”
Brenda Starr said, “You are not seriously considering this, Howard. I know you have been acting like a father to Becky, since her own parents sometimes refuse to, but that is no reason to ruin your life by tying yourself to her mother forever. The Howard I know has more self-respect than that.”
Krystle McGuire said, “I can’t marry you now, since my divorce won’t be final until next year, but if you say the word, you can move in right now. You’ll never regret it, Howard, and you know it would make Becky really happy.”
Brenda Starr said, “Krystle, you don’t seem to understand. Becky is asking Howard to marry you to save her from you. It isn’t that Becky really wants Howard to marry you, she really just wants him for her parent and not you.”
Krystle McGuire said, “Are you saying I am a bad parent?”
Brenda Starr said, “I don’t think you and the word ‘parent’ should even be used in the same sentence.”
Krystle McGuire said, “That does it. Get out of my house, you red-headed {many bad words}.
Brenda Starr said, “While the beast is raving, Howard. Let me suggest a different possibility. If Becky really wants you as a step-father, perhaps she would be willing to accept me as a step-mother. That way, Becky gets the parentage she wants, and you don’t have to worry about being married to a woman whose sanity is decidedly questionable.”
At this point, Krystle took a swing at Brenda and missed her, but she got me. Then Brenda made a right hook at Krystle, missed her, but got me. Then Krystle kicked a swift kick towards Brenda’s head. I was a little dazed from the prior 2 blows, so it got me again. I started to fall down, just in time to intercept Brenda’s purse as she swung it around at Krystle. That knocked the breath out of me. I landed against the table full of food, which pitched over and fell on me. I lost consciousness and when I woke, everyone was looking over me concerned. Becky said to me, “While you were unconscious, Howie, I had a long talk with my mom and Ms. Starr. Seeing you bleed made them stop fighting and start talking. We decided that you couldn’t be my step-dad. It wouldn’t be fair to you and Brenda. My mom didn’t like being called a bad parent, but she realizes she has made some mistakes, and she wants to spend more time with me, and not just make me work all the time at the bakery. I just need to know one thing, “Were you going to say ‘Yes’?” I motioned Becky to me so I could whisper the answer in her ear, and I am not going to post it on this Blog. Let’s just say that Becky was very happy to hear my answer.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 11:09 PM, Anonymous said…
Sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner. There's a whole lot of other talk between your question and my reply. I was so caught up in the Brenda Starr/Becky's mom "conversation" it was kind of like watching a Law & Order: CI episode and I got totally sucked in.
I'll see you tomorrow in math. You can totally say more cute things to me in, like, math equations and things. Math's not my forte, I may not understand what you're talking about but I'm sure I'll find it totally cute because it's coming from you. That sounds kind of, like, gaggy sick, huh? Hmmm. I don't know if our "relationship" is in the "pet names" stage. Let's forget I said all that.
I'm going to stop posting for tonight and just mingle until someone tells me I should leave -- though I have no idea how I'm getting home. I'll write up my own review of the party in my blog, I think.
At 11:30 PM, Anonymous said…
Dudes! This is some seriously wacked out stuff. I've been to parties where there have been fights before, but usually it's like the kids and not the adults swinging away at each other. This is like the most weirdest comicalist thing I've ever seen. Hector yelled, "Cat fight" just as those two women started fighting, only the guy got in the way and he got kinda hit instead! Dude! Man I can't believe my eyes! Now I know why people are compulsivly posting to April's blog. It's to touch themselves with reality because this all is truly boggling stuff! I'm so glad I live outside of Milborogh because no offense April but the people here are like, really weird!
And Dude! I'm totally with Jeremy on this word verification thing! What's with qpqpqpqpszszszszsdbdbbdbdbdqqpqpq?
At 12:51 AM, howard said…
The party at Becky’s house is over now. I am not feeling so good physically, but emotionally it has been a good evening. I am not sure how everyone got back to their respective homes, but I do remember a few things. Before she left, April came by, gave me a nice kiss on the forehead and said thanks for the ring and especially for caring about her best friend, Becky. I remember Becky having a really intense conversation with her mother, but not angry intense. It was more like, emotionally intense. Jeremy Duncan and his friends came over and thanked me for inviting them to the party, and said that it was unreal, which I guess it was. Brenda Starr took me to her home, where she is pampering me. I could get really used to being pampered by Brenda, but she tells me she is back to the chef Rock Roquefort interview tomorrow, so enjoy it while I can. You bet I will.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 12:55 AM, Anonymous said…
alexandra, i donno ‘bout talkin’ 2u n math equations. my future sis sez i do best wen i talk str8. ttyt n math.
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