OK, so I'm freaked abt my mega-boil zits, so freaked I'm even lettin' Ma hug me. She's all. "We scrub our floors, not our faces!" Gah, I wish I had one of those moms who teach their kids abt skin care 4 real, & B4 they scrub the heck outta their faces! But the worst thing? I've totally shrunk, like I'm even shorter now than I was B4 I had that amazing growth spurt overnite that made me abt the same height as Mom! Now, my head like barely comes up 2 her shoulderz & my limbs R all small & spindly. I lk like I'm sumwhere betw 5 & 8 yrs old! That bad magick fr. Corbeil is really kickin' my arse, peeps! So, like, I'm not going 2 school 2day. It's 2 dangerous. The way thingz R going, I wda been like the size of a newborn by the time the bus rolled in2 school.
Oh, & I saw this thot bubble over my mom's head, when she was cradling me as I shrank further 2 the size of a toddler: "My poor girl. She's between a rock... and a hard place." Is that, like supposta B a punch line of sum kind? Does it have sumthin' 2 do w/what we'd just been talking about? I don't get it.
So, Becky's been sharing stories about the Howard doggie, with sum messages 2 me fr. the spirits of Farley & Mr. B. Farley was totally luvvin' on me, but Mr. B's like super angry, an' I can't really blame him cuz he sez he wasn't fully dead yet when Ma stuck him in that freezer. I had this horrible nitemare last nite abt bein' frozen alive & then Lovey, like, almost turning me in2 stew B4 making a pretty coffin 4 me. Egads!
Oh, I got a txt message fr. Alex saying she's home sick 2day 2. @ least I think she's not shrinking, & her skin hasn't turned grotesque. Lucky girl!
Liz & Constable Paul R like a brite spot in all the scaree we've had l8ly. Keep up w/the happy, U 2, I need sumthin' 2 cheer me up B4 I shrink 2 the size of an embryo & vanish. :(
Teeny-tiny Apes
Oh, & I saw this thot bubble over my mom's head, when she was cradling me as I shrank further 2 the size of a toddler: "My poor girl. She's between a rock... and a hard place." Is that, like supposta B a punch line of sum kind? Does it have sumthin' 2 do w/what we'd just been talking about? I don't get it.
So, Becky's been sharing stories about the Howard doggie, with sum messages 2 me fr. the spirits of Farley & Mr. B. Farley was totally luvvin' on me, but Mr. B's like super angry, an' I can't really blame him cuz he sez he wasn't fully dead yet when Ma stuck him in that freezer. I had this horrible nitemare last nite abt bein' frozen alive & then Lovey, like, almost turning me in2 stew B4 making a pretty coffin 4 me. Egads!
Oh, I got a txt message fr. Alex saying she's home sick 2day 2. @ least I think she's not shrinking, & her skin hasn't turned grotesque. Lucky girl!
Liz & Constable Paul R like a brite spot in all the scaree we've had l8ly. Keep up w/the happy, U 2, I need sumthin' 2 cheer me up B4 I shrink 2 the size of an embryo & vanish. :(
Teeny-tiny Apes
At 12:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. sorry 2 hear ur feelin' shorter. never rote that b4. i hope u got 2 keep the boobs. ur not here & alexandra'z not here. becky iz n a freakin' gud mood. she gave me a big hug outa nowhere & she's singin' 2 herself "who let the dogz out." @least that's wut it sounded like. scared me. ttyl.
At 12:30 PM,
April Patterson said…
jeremy, i'm not sure abt the boobs. i m having trub sitting up w/out assistance & i have this strange urge 2 b swaddled.
At 12:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. that iz so completely freaky. i hope ur mom iz not rockin' u, or feedin' u w/a bottle or burpin' u or nuthing like that.
At 12:47 PM,
April Patterson said…
my mom's not here. my dad came by & fed me sum strained peas but then he sed he had 2 go 2 the practice. i'm scared. i don't wanna keep regressing till i disappear.
At 12:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. omg. wut can i do 2 help?
At 1:05 PM,
April Patterson said…
i dunno! this has gotta b more of that bad mojo fr. corbeil! becks, mayB yr mom can find us a spell?
apes, totally freakin'
At 1:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Don eat the stwain peas Apwil! Don eat the stwained peas. day owe dangawus! Don poopie in you diapy ether. member you gots a period member kissing boys and wearing a bra. member all you gwon up tings and you be fine. Better than stuck as baby for 51 yeaows!
At 1:14 PM,
April Patterson said…
i know! i don't wanna b a baby! i'm putting all my energy in2 resisting! :(
At 1:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. i'm stuck @skool & i can't come 2 help. mebbe u cud think dirty thots 'bout sum guy u like 2 luk @. b-ing a patterson that cud b hard 4u. mebbe turn on the afternoon soaps. there'z gotta b sum1 on there.
At 1:25 PM,
April Patterson said…
jeremy, i put on sum soaps like u sed, & there's a hunky guy w/no shirt. i'm not getting ne taller, but i seem 2 b holding even.
becks, pls xplain 2 yr mom it's not the acne but the shrinking! if this keeps up, i mite go thru reverse gestation & disappear! i m totally terrified!
i'm sorry howard is so sad abt the singing. :(
At 1:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. mebbe think 'bout having babiez w/the guy w/no shirt. mebbe think 'bout drivin' a crevasse w/hiz kidz n it. mebbe think 'bout him leavin' u2 go b w/hiz c/w band nstead of b-ing a dad & leavin' u alone 2b a mom by urself. my mom sez thinkin' 'bout stuff like that makes her feel old.
At 1:47 PM,
April Patterson said…
jeremy, i will try those ideas.
becks, yikes! what an angry spirit-bunny! & poor farley, blamin' himself abt mike. so not farley's fault!
btw, mike's publisher put that bk on hold when he got wind of the libel case.
At 2:58 PM,
April Patterson said…
howie mite not have known. w8, what were we talking abt?
i tried what jeremy sed & i think it was helping. but i'm starting 2 4get things. like i have moments where i'm thinking only in picshurs an' i don't kno wat ne wurdz mean. abda dda bu bu bu. oh, no, it's starting again, i'd better hurry!
my teeth like shrank back in2 my gums & my babee teeth came back in. i keep falling down. ba. ba. ba. aw, help!
At 3:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
becky. u drank toad sweat? wudit taste like?
At 3:37 PM,
April Patterson said…
whoa, becks, thank god! i was crawlin' on the ground w/the urge 2 poop my pants when yr spell musta kicked in. i started 2 grow again & i'm back 2 yesterday's height. i have my adult teeth & boobs again 2.
but i had the freekee-est thing happen. when i went 2 my puter 2 post this, i got an im: "Nicely played, April Patterson! But beware! If I'm in a bad mood tomorrow, I might you itty bitty again! Don't cross Lynn of Corbeil!"
thanx 4 the save, becks!
At 3:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. u got ur boobs back. thass gud. how 'bout the zits? r they gone 2?
At 4:04 PM,
April Patterson said…
sadly, the zits r still there. must b separate magicks. i guess can live w/sum zits if i get 2 b full-sized april. but these zits r still not normal, they're like boils. i hope i'm not dying. :(
At 4:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Der Aprol
hi my name is Zoe MacPherson. I am lookin to grow up fast two cause I am seck of my broter Hammie givn me a hard tim.
So ifn you can help me grow fast two like you did i would be happy. Then I coudl kick Hammies butt and Mom woudn't be abl to stomp me.
At 4:14 PM,
April Patterson said…
hi, zoe. I don't know about growing up faster. this was undoing a spell that was making me, like, ungrow. don't feel 2 bad, u r @ least growing, unlike trixie flagston.
p.s. becks is here. she brought howard-dog 2 re-meet eddie & dixie.
At 4:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
april. i know u don't like the zits, but trust me. w/good hair & big boobs back, gerald won't care 'bout zits. i wudn't if i wuz ur bf. there'z lots of girlz w/zits, but not that many w/good hair & big boobs. alexandra iz 1, 4 sure. she iz ez on the eyez.
At 5:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
ders a rumer goin round the cirbs dat you gots some ways for us babbies to grow up.
Lstn kid. I been a baby since 1960. I ain't evne loud to talk an belee me I gots lots to say, specially to those crappy ass siblings of me. Billy, Doily and that jerk Jeffy.
Sos mame you can share soem of dat spell stup that changed you back to odl cause I'd like to be a grn up someday. Jeffy sayd I'll never gro up and dat really pissed me off. I want to be growed up so I can kick his ass!
At 5:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well blow me down! Yous guys are some real cry babies! I been a little kid for 76 years and you don't see me pissen and cryin in my little diappy bout it.
I don't get what you little bitches are upset about. People carry us round, we gots not work, we gets taken care of and fed and changed and payed wiff.
Souns lik yous all need som naps! now shut yar wyning or I'm gonna call your mommies on you all! Bitches!!
At 5:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh and I don't gots no legs fer cryin out loud! Top that!
At 5:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, Mr. Pea. If I may interject for a moment the fact that I have been a kid for a long time. I don't even know how old I am. I just know I've been Good'Ol Charlie Brown for about as long as I can stand it.
It is always raining on my parade, his baseball game, and my friggen life! My friends call me a blockhead. I'm always the the butt of the joke. Not only that I've been wearing the same darn sweater with the zig zag trim for 55 years too! It's so bad for me that I am seeing a psychiatrist, and the sick thing is she's a kid too. Even sicker than that is she keeps pulling the darn football away from me and I just can't kick it! I am considerate, friendly and polit, but people take pleasure in the fact that I will never win a baseball game or the heart of the little red-haired girl, kick the football Lucy is holding or fly a kite successfully. I'm not even going to get into with you about my dog.
So yeah Mr. Pea I got something to bitch about! I have got a bone to pick. How come these FOOBS here get to grow up and then grow down and then grow up and I am perpetually stuck in prepubesence?
At 5:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh shaddup you punk kid. I wuddnt talkin to yous. I was talkin to dos wynie babbies Trixi, Zoe an P.J. (Ya kno what P.J. stans fer? Piss Juice) Ahhh I cracks me up!
An Charlie Brown Underpants. Mebbe you wuddn't be such a lusser if you wuddn't such a dork bout everything. Least yas don't have to have spnich shoved down yas throt bout 30 fricken times a day by some weird one eyed saler and his skinny dmented goyil friend!
At 5:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah maybe you have a point. I don't have it so bad and at least I know Peppermint Patty loves me, even if people do question her sexual orientation. I mean is she really a girl or is she a boy? I dont' know I'm afraid to look
You know, Peppermint Patty once told me a joke once about a one eyed sailor.......
At 6:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Don't even go der wif thos damn one eyed saler jokes. I has don heard dem all an I don find one of dem to be funny!
P.J. go tell your stupid haird mommy to change your diappy, I can smell yous stinkin ass from here! Galldern it! Yous all are a bunch of pissen wynie little bitches. I'm otta here I gots to go tend to be sleepin before they come in here again an feed me more spnach
And Charlie big Browneye! BITE ME!
At 6:04 PM,
April Patterson said…
hey, i don't know how 2 help u non-aging babiez cuz the magic keepin' u as babiez isn't fr. the johnston institute. u need 2 find out who's in charge of yr magic!
At 6:10 PM,
April Patterson said…
lol, becks, abt bein' musical vets 2gether! that wd rock! :)
i'm glad u told us what edgar, buttsy, & howard were talking abt. i was v. v. curious! & mayB i oughta give that cage an xtra-gd cleaning 2 get rid of that 'fiti mr. b left. there's no tellin' what else buttsy's gonna find!
At 6:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who are you calling a baby?
My dog can ttly kick your dog's butt!
So, ummmmm do you think you could set me up with that Becky chick cause you know I like blondes just as much as red heads and I heard she's got a nice rack!
At 6:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear April,
I have been a little girl for 81 years now. I don't have much to complain about. I mean sometimes my stories are a little lame and all, but I've spawned sayings, musicals and movies. I know that were I to have aged, I would be a grandmother with one foot in the grave. But, being a little oprhan, the thought of some family is very appealing.
I didn't come here to ask to grow up. what I would really like are some pupils, because looking at myself in the mirror really creeps me out. No one in my world really has eyes though. My dream is to have pupils.
Thank you for your kind consideration,
At 6:36 PM,
April Patterson said…
wow, annie, that's rough abt the pupils! :(
At 7:01 PM,
April Patterson said…
yeah, that weird thing w/the colours happens 2 me, 2, but it changes back an' forth depending on who's lookin' @ me. weird.
& apparently mom went out of her way 2 rock me just so she could think her "rock and hard place" pun. so that's, like, what we r up against!
At 9:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
You could always have it worse, Apes, P.J. and Swee'Pea. What if you were a stocky 10 year old like me, and you had a mother who made sly, know-it-all grins all the time? Heck, at least April's parents pay attention to her. Mine ignore me for so long that my picture should appear on a milk carton sooner or later. Even our cat gets better treatment than me. After weeks of neglect, they'll spring $3400 for surgery on her spincter, or whatever. I just get yelled at for not doing my chores--before being subjected to those sly grins.
At 10:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
April. I got a letter n the snail mail frum Alexandra. It’s got sum personal stuff n it that I can’t tell u, but this iz the important part:
So I'm not going to tell you what to do to be my for sure boyfriend and I'm not going to tell you if I'll be your for sure girlfriend either. I want to get to know you without your future sister telling you how you should act. We should go do something that doesn't involve our sisters -- future or otherwise.
Your friend,
yeah, she uzed the “friend” word on me. My future sis sez thass the kiss o’ death 4 relationships. But I’m not gonna lissen 2 my future sis this tyme. I called n a favour & got us ticketz 2c the Maple Leafs. They r playin’ the Atlanta Thrashers 2morrow @ the Centre. My mom sed she wud escort us 2c the maple leafs, so I wudn’t hafta take alexandra’z parents. It’s hard 2 get 2 know Alexandra wen ur spending ur tyme afraid of her dad killin' me. I left Alexandra a message askin’ her if she wunted 2 go, but I donno if she iz well enuff. I hope she can, though. Mebbe she will tell me @skool, if she'z there.
At 11:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kaa-mesnin gwanaaj oshki-ikwe! (I miss you, beautiful one)!
Miigwech (thank you) for the story of your waaboozoog (rabbit), Mr. B. Your sister had good imagination today. Many friends helped her with her zits. It made me laugh to read how she shrank them like babies.
I did not understand the witch changing the colour of your suit. Is “witch” your name for clothes washer? There is much I do not know about you. It brings me happiness to learn more.
I am bakade (anxious) for the sound of your voice, your laughter and the godam (smell) of your waabigwaniin (pies) or zaagibagaa (meals). When I ate your waabigwaniin (pies) on Sunday, I knew that it had been long since your waabigwaniin (pies) had been eaten. You were aazhikwe (happy) and jiigawiganebizh (pleased) when I ate them. You are very beautiful when you are aazhikwe (happy).
Gawaabmin miinwa (Hope to see you again soon)
Constable Paul Wright
At 2:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Kaa-mesnin gwanaaj oshki-ikwe! (I miss you, beautiful one)!
The promise of your gwanaaj wiiyawimaa (cooking) makes me bazigwii` (hungry). My own wiiyawimaa gaandiN (cooking) does not compare to your baasaabikizigan boozi` (culinary skills). If I am not careful, you will make me giin zayaagi`iwedjig gaaginig (fat). It is a good thing we are going mazhiwe (hiking) to work off all that misawenim (good food). There is nothing like a good sweat to wiijiiw aazhikwe (burn off the calories). I am happy that you enjoy gonzhi (cooking) so much. I love to see you put niinag (food) into your warm biinjiya`ii (oven).
Gawaabmin miinwa (Hope to see you again soon)
Constable Paul Wright
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