Dad mentions the big potato nose. . . .
OK, so last nite, Mom sploited sum foul I-don't-know-what food substitute in2 a pot & started 2 heat it up 4 dinner. Dad was snacking on half-wheat crackers (what's the other half?), & while he was chewing, his mouth looked like a tiny spot off to one side of his face. NEway, Mom sed, "I've been thinking again abt selling the store, John. My heart just isn't in it NEmore. Moira mite B keen 2 take it over." (Oh, MITE B? What was yr 1st cloo, detective?) She went on, "MayB she could lease the space......" Dad sed, "U've thot it all out then." Which is a weird thing 2 say, cuz nothing she'd just sed needed 2 come outta thinking thingz out. This is the xact same drill they went thru the last time this tired ol' subject came up. Well, whatev. So, Mom went on, "Yes, but I'm not sure when or how 2 make the change. I like 2 choose the stock, do the books... SLPP" (That last bit was Mom tasting the nasty canned junk she was heating up. Y?) Then Dad sed, "That tellz me U're not completely ready 2 give up Lilliput's Elly. Yr heart may not B in it....But yr nose still is!" When Dad sed that last bit, Mom clenched up her whole face, & leaned her big potato nose in2 the steam fr. the pot o' yuck. I dunno, foax, mayB Dad shd encourage Mom 2 make a decision 1 way or another insteada helping her stay all wishy-washy. But U can't reason w/Mom after U mention her nose. That's alwayz a bad idea.
Paul, no, I never was referring 2 NE plant, LOL! I C U listed yr dictionary defs & U made sum correct conclusions abt the meaningz peeps were using. BUT! Did U KNOW all theze defs B4 U looked up the word? (Just curious.)
So, we've got a yrbook mtg this aft. Alex sez she's gonna tutor Drew Fontaine in French afterwards. It turnz out they're both fr. the capital region of New York State.
Liz, how's Shiimsa 2day? Better?
Howard, hope U R liking yr new home so far. . . .
Paul, no, I never was referring 2 NE plant, LOL! I C U listed yr dictionary defs & U made sum correct conclusions abt the meaningz peeps were using. BUT! Did U KNOW all theze defs B4 U looked up the word? (Just curious.)
So, we've got a yrbook mtg this aft. Alex sez she's gonna tutor Drew Fontaine in French afterwards. It turnz out they're both fr. the capital region of New York State.
Liz, how's Shiimsa 2day? Better?
Howard, hope U R liking yr new home so far. . . .
At 11:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, Paul, let's don't fight anymore. You know how much I really, really, really like you. The important thing to me is, just don't read any more English books about cats. Get American ones from the bookstore.
Liking you more than ever, Liz
At 12:02 PM,
howard said…
Thanks for asking. I moved in this morning, after Dr. McCauley and Krystle had gone to work, and Becky had gone to school. It was better to do it then than to try to do that kind of heavy lifting wearing my Belfrieda Batsize outfit. I have the room laid out in old lady chic, in case anyone comes to visit while I am not there.
Right now I am at Sugar’s on my first day of part-time work for her. Sugar wants me to teach her the shamp-Oh technique so she can handle the late afternoon customers by herself. I have been trying, but I don’t think she has the hands for it. She has me demonstrating on Marjee Mahaha, which Marjee is enjoying quite a bit, almost a little too much, if you ask me, but Sugar says, “It wouldn’t be proper for you to demonstrate on anyone but Marjee, since you two have a relationship.” I don't know where Sugar got that idea, but Marjee’s hair is really clean now.
Your mom stopped in the salon very briefly to ask me a very odd question. She said, “If someone tells you, ‘Your heart may not be in it…but your nose still is!’ and they are talking about a bookstore, is that a big nose joke?” I said, “I think the joke is a play on the phrase, ‘Keeping your nose in a book’ like you enjoy reading so much you miss something else that happens. For a book-reader, it would be a compliment.” Your mom brightened up and said, “Then John complimented me about my work. It’s been a long time since that has happened. I think I’ll get a muffin to celebrate.” And she left.
That’s it so far. Back to shamp-Ohing.
Howard K.
At 12:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think we need Howard to demonstrate a few more times to make sure Sugar really gets this technique down. . . .
At 12:15 PM,
April Patterson said…
howard, it doesn't take much 2 get my mom 2 "celebrate" w/a muffin. or, like, console herself w/1.
At 12:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Boozhoo (Hello).
You certainly have been asking interesting questions lately. I got up in the middle of what was a very restless sleep to see that your sister had forgiven me. I think I will sleep better now. I wrote your sister a nice romantic letter and included a catnip toy for Shiimsa as a peace offering and put it in the mail this morning, when I got off work.
As for your question, before I looked up the “P” word in my dictionary, I think I knew all those definitions except for #2. I did not know the “P” willow had a part on it named the “P.” It was good to learn something new.
I read your writings about your mother and her indecision over selling her store. Don’t be too harsh with her. Those kinds of decisions should be considered carefully, particularly if you have a staff of people whose livelihoods depend on you making the right decision. The Ontario Provincial Police detachment police station in which I work was built last year. It affected many officers’ lives who worked out of the old station. Sometimes it is better to wait until the right time to do things. I can tell you want your mother to retire so she can spend more time with you. That is the natural desire of any teenage daughter, but please recognize your mother has her own needs too, like choosing the stock and doing the books, which you mentioned in your writing. Your mother is a very nice lady and I am sure she will do the right thing, even if it isn’t as fast as you would like.
Gi'-ga-wa-ba-min' na-gutch! (See you later!)
Constable Paul Wright
At 12:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Paul,
My mother is a very nice person. I can see that you know this. But I am sorry to say that she has her bad points too. The major ones are:
1. Nosy.
2. Indecisive.
3. Uptight.
I have a problem being indecisive and uptight myself. So I understand how that can happen. But even I think Mom takes it too far at times. That should tell you something.
April has more of a problem with Mom than I do. I think this is because I do not live with her anymore. I really disliked her when I was a teenager. I think you should just accept that its normal for a teenager to find her mom annoying and not try to talk April out of it.
Best regards, Liz
At 12:59 PM,
April Patterson said…
aw, paul, it so cute how u c my mom in the best poss lite. don't think i'm a horrible person, but the idea of my mom retired & spending more time w/me like u say? it scarez the bejeezus outta me. what drivez me crayzee is the way she keeps going back an' forth on the ish.
p.s. thanx 4 understanding, liz!
At 1:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kaa-mesnin gwanaaj oshki-ikwe! (I miss you, beautiful one)!
I can tell from your writing that you have a special relationship with your mother and so does your sister. For your sister, she wrote that the idea of her mother retiring and not finishing the pursuit of her own dreams “scarez the bejeezus outta” her. I think I will like your sister very much, when we finally get a chance to meet. It is so unusual to hear of a daughter, so supportive of her mother’s personal goals.
As for you, my sweet girl, your writing tells me of your bad points. I have never seen them. By comparing yourself to your mother, you have let me know that she is an inspiration for you, and if I want to see what you will be like in the future, I can just remember my brief encounter with her. She appeared to be a very nice woman and concerned about the welfare of her daughter. I would be pleased if you turned out the same way.
Gawaabmin miinwa (Hope to see you again soon)
Constable Paul Wright
At 1:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
No offense, because I'm glad I met you, but I will never, ever go around showing a 5x7 glamour shot of my daughter to available men. It's humiliating.
Also, there is something I need you to understand if we are going to take our relationship to the next level:
My mother has some bad traits. They are annoying. It is OK to be annoyed when she is displaying these bad traits. Both April and I are frequently annoyed by her, though April more so than me.
I hope to be different from my mother. I do not want to have these bad traits. At least not as much as she does. Also, I hope not to look so frumpy when I am her age. I do not want a giant potato nose or the huge saddle bags, or the arm flaps. I actually do little arm exercises with dumbbells in my apartment, in an attempt to combat arm flaps. Also, I have a little "emergency rhinoplasty" savings account that I am adding to every month, just in case.
At 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
rebeccah, if u heard i wuz kissin’ lorraine shoobie, it wuz not my fault. during lunch i wuz sittin’ down eatin’ my lunch, like usual, wen lorraine shoobie sat down b-side me. i sed, “lorraine, yru sitting here? don’t u normally sit w/the othah grade 12 peeps?” lorraine sed, “jeremy. i need u2 go along w/wutevah i do. i don’t have tyme 2 xxplain, eh?” i sed, “it’s not dirty iz it?” lorraine sed, “no!! here they come, just play along.”
so, tom baddum & cindilu sera tonin r walkin’ up & lorraine starts sayin’, “jeremy, i wud luv 2 go 2c bon jovi w/u 2nite. ur so romantic. u know how 2 treat a girl, unlike so many other of theze boys ‘round here.” then she planted a wet, sloppy 1 on me just az tom & cindilu r rite next 2 us. tom sed, “ur gonna c bon jovi, lorraine? i wish i cud go.” cindilu sed, “tom. u know we r far 2 bizzy w/mr. perspastick’s v.v. important yrbook project 2 do that, just like lorraine shud b.” lorraine sed, “it’s a gud thing i’m not the kinda girl who makes her man do yrbook every day & ncouragez him 2c the concerts he wants 2c, isn’t that rite jeremy?” i sed, “um.” cindilu sera tonin sed, “lorraine, yru kissin’ that 40-year-old man? he’z the same perv who tried 2 break n2 our party.” lorraine sed, “cindilu. this iz jeremy jones & goez 2 skool here. he haz connectionz n the musick biz, cuz of hiz dad. u know, that jeremy jones.” i swear cindilu sera tonin’s eyes went back n2 her head & fluttered around b4 they snapped back 2 normal. she sed, “jeremy jones. i am so sorry 4 callin’ u a 40-year-old man & not lettin’ u n2 our party the othah nite. i swear it will nevah happen again.” i sed, “um.” lorraine sed, “xxcuse me cindilu, but jeremy & were havin’ a private conversation.” cindilu sed, “sorry.” then she & tom left & she wuz talkin’ rilly fast & high-pitched.
aftah they left, i sed, “wut iz goin’ on, lorraine? i’m friends w/benefits w/rebeccah mcguire. i’m not ur bf.” lorraine sed, “jeremy. i wuz tryin’ 2 make tom jealous & stick it 2 that bitch cindilu.” i sed, “by kissin’ me? ru crayzee. i don’t think ur gonna get jealousy. more likely pity or nausea & vomitin’.” lorraine sed, “jeremy jones. ur so funny. do u rilly not know how popular ur?” i sed, “u gotta b kiddin’.” lorraine sed, “every1 knowz ur dad iz famous.” i sed, “dad’z not famous. he’s not like celine dion or evn bobbie curtola.” lorraine sed, “yes, but every1 round mboro knowz who he iz.” i sed, “so ur sayin’ that cindilu iz gonna b jealous cuz my dad iz supposedly famous.” lorraine sed, “well, yeah. ur not rilly this clueless ru? there’s lots of girlz who wud like 2 d8 u.” i sed, “u gotta b kiddin’.” lorraine sed, “wen becky mcguire broke up w/u the 1st tyme, how soon wuz it that u started d8ing that grade 9 girl frum the st8s?” i sed, “a couple of dayz, i guess. her name iz alexandra love.” then lorraine sed, “wutevah. when the st8es girl broke up w/u, how soon wuz it that u started d8ing becky mcguire?” i sed, ”mebbe a couple of minutes.” lorraine sed, “becky wuz movin’ fast cuz she knew if she didn’t, sum1 else wud get u.” i sed, “u gotta b kiddin’.” lorraine sed, “jeremy. yru so down on urself? the girlz @skool know ur a good bf. u brot that st8s girl coffee & every day & u took her 2 leafs gamez & u took her 2 adult dance clubz on a skool nite & i saw sum poetry u rote 4 her.” i sed, “omg. u didn’t. omg.” lorraine sed, “u know how many guyz @skool do that?” i sed, “40?” lorraine sed, “try none. u may not b v. gud-lookin’ or have a hot body, but lots of girlz think ur hott neway.” i sed, “u gotta b kiddin’.” lorraine sed, “stop sayin’ that.” i sed, “do u rilly xxpect me 2 go 2c bon jovi w/u? i don’t have bon jovi tickets.” lorraine sed, “but i do. n a little while, i will go up 2 tom & tell him of our tragic breakup & how i have tickets 2 bon jovi u didn’t want cuz u only got them 4 me. tom will b mine. he will leave that bitch cindilu sera tonin doin’ her yrbook work by herself 2nite.” i sed, “gud luck w/that.” i am so glad i don’t work yrbook. lorraine iz whacked.
rebeccah, that long story iz the truth. lorraine kissed me & not the othah way around. i am not goin’ 2c bon jovi w/her, eh? oh, & i washed my mouth out aftahwardz, 2 get the lorraine taste out. i thot u wud needta know, b4 u hear nething frum nebody else. ur still my friend w/benefits & that hazn’t changed. please don’t b mad @me.
At 3:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kaa-mesnin gwanaaj oshki-ikwe! (I miss you, beautiful one)!
Your mother’s 5x7 glamour shot of you was the first time I saw the woman I have grown to love. I understand you find it humiliating your mother showed it to available men, but I will never think of it that way. Your mother cares enough for you that she tells people about you. I am glad she did. In my work, I see many women who would love to have their mothers feel that way about them. Your mother’s bad traits seem small in comparison. However, just for you, I will try to be annoyed by them, when you are being annoyed by them. If you could give me a written or verbal cue to help me know when I should be annoyed, that would help.
I like your appearance very much. I am glad you exercise. When we went hiking, I was glad you could keep up with me and take the lead. I know you do not like your mother’s appearance. I think that for a woman her age, she does not look too bad. When my sweet girl gets that old, if you look as good as or better than your mother, I will have no complaints.
Gawaabmin miinwa (Hope to see you again soon)
Constable Paul Wright
At 3:41 PM,
howard said…
It was strange leaving the hair salon before it closed. I am at Becky's house now, starting dinner and cleaning at the same time. The house is pretty clean already, so there is not much effort. That 50-kilo vacuum is pretty heavy, but not too much for me to handle.
Becky is here. She is muttering something about Jeremy Jones, but I have been too busy to ask for details. I have to be done with the dinner and cleaning in time to get my costume on before Dr. McCauley and Becky's mom get home from work. So far so good.
Howard K.
At 4:43 PM,
April Patterson said…
d00dz! just had a v. odd yrbook mtg.
so, hi started thingz, as usual. he asked cindilu sera tonin how the research is going. u know, like, how we're all supposta study ol' yrbks 2 learn all abt the best layout, photo, & caption practicez.
cindilu was like, "mayB we shd have lorraine comment 1st. if she's not 2 bizzy sniffin' after tom baddum. eh, tom?" tom was, like, "cindilu, if i go 2 bon jovi w/lorraine, it's not gonna mean nething!"
cindilu was all, "if this yrbook research is 2 much of a time drain 4 u, tom, mayB we shd cut back yr responsibilitiez. u know, glen moby'z been doing top-notch work this yr." glen got all xcited, but tom sed, "e-z boy, no1's deciding nething now. i didn't say 4 sure i'd go 2 the bon jovi."
lorraine started 2 argue, but hi was like, "this is all v. interesting, but cd we get back 2 our topic?" cindilu, all kissing up, was like, "of course, hi, that's the most important thing." then she pulled a big notepad out of her backpack & started describing all theze teensy-weensy deets abt all theze yrbooks fr. the past 100 yrs, fr. r.p. boire & other schools. u cd c, like 20 mins in2 this, the only person still paying attention was hi. every1 else was seriously trying 2 fite off sleep.
so, cindilu was going on & on, when i saw eva getting a kinda funny lk on her face, & she sed, "y'know cindilu, i thot the 1965 yrbook 4 r. hinterteile stoß secondary school had really xciting layout, photography, & captioning."
alex shot her a look, like, "what r u doing, girl?" cindilu frantically flipped thru her notes, all, "i don't recall that 1? may i c that 1, hi?" hi sed, "eva, i know u mean well, but i had 2 lock away that particular yrbook b-cuz its layout, photography, & captionings r very poor specimenz indeed. in fact, b-sidez sentimental connections, the only reason i keep that book around is as a negative xample."
cindilu was all, "mayB i shd lk @ it 2 know what 2 avoid then?" hi was, like, "no, cindilu, i don't want u 2 waste another minute thinking about that mess fr. 1965. yr instincts r xemplary. now, pls continue." & she went on & on 4, like another 35 minz, i'm not kidding u. that was bad.
after the mtg, cindilu & lorraine were back 2 arguing w/ea other, bobby was all in hi's face trying 2 convince him that there shd b "a luvly yung laydee" accompanying him 2 becks's gigz. & paul frontenac was arguing w/betty narnia abt whether r.p. boire's class of 1994 book was better or worse than the class of 2000. i think. my brain hurts. i m now @ the bookstore. mom'z in the breakrm being all "2 b or not 2 b" abt selling the store. meanwhile, moira & bea just keep rollin' their eyez really hard. mom told me no 'bucks break 2day. :(
At 4:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please tell me that you are not attracted to my mother. I need to hear you say this very, very clearly.
At 6:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kaa-mesnin gwanaaj oshki-ikwe! (I miss you, beautiful one)!
You are so funny. I love your sense of humour. On the chance that you are not joking, I will say:
I am not attracted to your mother.
Gawaabmin miinwa (Hope to see you again soon)
Constable Paul Wright
At 6:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
rebeccah, i am so confuzed. ur not mad ‘bout lorraine?! u don’t think it's fair 2b friends w/ bennies ne more?! ru breakin’ up w/me?
At 6:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest Paul,
Thank you!
I was talking to Shiimsa today, and she said that there are often misunderstandings like this in new relationships. She says that working through them will make our relationship stronger.
I had no idea that cats were so wise!
Anyway, I have talked to Shiimsa about yesterday's misunderstanding. She agreed that you are not a pervert, and that your platonic courtship can begin at once. She is looking forward to her catnip toy, but says to tell you that she also likes fresh flowers. She says roses are pretty, and they taste good too.
Liking you so much, your sweet girl, Liz
At 7:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
rebeccah, other friends w/ bennies? i’m gonna read thru ur post carefully.
u sed, i want 2 b friends w/ bennies w/ u.
i say, “i wunt that 2.”
u sed, but i m not sure it is fair 4 me 2 xxpect us 2 b xxclusive. mayb u want 2 have other friends w/ bennies?
i say, “my dad tried this w/my mom b4 i wuz born. he sed, ‘let’s not b xxclusive nemore.’ it didn’t work. dad got ticked off the 1st tyme mom went out w/anothah guy & decided he didn’t wanna do that nemore. i’m kinda a 1 girl guy. i can barely handle 1 girl. actually i can’t evn do that, az u know.”
u sed, i don't know. and i m not sure if that would b ok w/ me.
i say, “me either.”
u sed, if that wuz what u wanted, i think i could try 2 b kewl abt it, but i don't know. i m the jellus type.
i say, “it’s not wut i wunt. i’m kinda happy u wud feel jellus ‘bout me, tho. weird.”
u sed, i do not know ne1 else i would like 2 b with rite now--just u.
i say, “me either.”
i think i red everythin' u rote. wut i rilly wunt iz 4 us 2b bf/gf, like april & geranium, xxcept w/o all the doctorz & hospitalz. if we were bf/gf, then i cud get my mom off my back, i wudn’t hafta worry ‘bout girlz like lorraine thinkin’ they cud just kiss me, & especially cuz thass wut i alwayz wunted w/u, evah since we started workin’ 2gethah. i unnerstand if thass not wut u wunt, cuz ur gonna b a big star sumday & u don't wanna b tied down. i thot it wud b fair 2 let u know wut i wud rilly like. lemme know what u think.
At 7:33 PM,
howard said…
My first meal with Dr. McCauley, Krystle McGuire and Becky. It went pretty well, I think. I was wearing my Belfrieda Batsize costume and using my old lady voice, when Krystle arrived home. The first thing she did was to check that the carpets had been vacuumed. I found some bricks that Becky told me had been place in the vacuum, however that fiendish Krystle had superglued them in, and I did not have the time to properly remove them without injuring the vacuum. Weight-lifting paid off and I still got the vacuuming done, which seemed to irritate Becky’s mom.
She started growling about the dinner when Dr. McCauley came home and said, “I’m home mom. What’s for dinner? It smells good.” Krystle said, “Why are you calling her mom?” Dr. McCauley said, “It is a term of endearment appropriate for women of her age. You don’t mind, do you, Mrs. Batsize, if I call you mom, do you?” I said, “No, sir. As long as you are speaking respectfully and not using any bad language, ‘mom’ is a perfectly acceptable term. Although I hope it will not upset your own mother.” Dr. McCauley started sobbing a little when I said that. “Mother. Mother. How I miss her. That reminds me, I need to go to her old house tonight to clean up some more of her stuff. It holds such a sentimental place in my heart; it is hard to get rid of it without bringing up old memories.” Krystle said, “Again? How long does it take you to clean up that place?” Dr. McCauley said, “You can’t rush the grieving process.”
Becky came in and said, “Howie…um…oh you’re home mom. Well how ee-ntense is that food, eh?” Dr. McCauley said, “For once, you’re right Becky. Let’s eat, if you are ready for us, mom.” I said, “Yes, sir. Dinner is ready. I’ll bring it out to the table.” After dinner, Dr. McCauley said, “I think that was the best meal you have made in awhile mom. What did you think, Krystle?” Krystle said, “It was passable, although some of these sauces seem familiar to me.” Dr. McCauley said, “What did you think of mom’s cooking, Becky?” Becky said, “Ted, you are creeping me out calling Mrs. Batsize, mom.” Dr. McCauley said, “Mom. What would you say to such a rude, little girl?” I said, “Sir?” Dr. McCauley said, “How would you correct her behaviour?” I said, “I understand now, sir. I would inform the young miss that the appropriate response would have been to direct her answer to your question, and also to take her elbows off the table when she is eating.” Becky stared at me. Dr. McCauley said, “Exactly. I knew you would know the right thing to say.” I said, “Thank you, sir.” Krystle said, “Just keep those elbows on the table, Becky. That’s the way I eat.” Becky took her elbows off the table. Krystle said, “Dammit Becky. What did I just tell you?” Dr. McCauley said, “Don’t criticize Becky, Krystle. She is doing just what mom asked her to do.” Krystle grunted a little at that.
Then Dr. McCauley said, “I have to leave to work on cleaning up my birth mother’s possessions. I left my sewing out for you, mom, and I got you a little surprise.” Krystle said, “Jeez. Are you buying her presents?” Dr. McCauley said, “Yes. I got mom some imported knitting needles.” I said, “Thank you, sir. You are too kind.” Krystle said, “At least it’s not anything good.” Krystle stalked off to her room, when Dr. McCauley left and then returned shortly afterwards. She said, “What did you do in my room?” I said, “You are referring to the equipment I discovered in your room, ma’am?” Krystle said, “Yes my sex toys! What did you do to them?” I said, “They were cleaned and lubricated or waxed and polished, ma’am. I hope you found them in good order.” Krystle said, “Oh. I forgot that was their original colour. All right. Just don’t use them yourself.” I said, “Heavens no, ma’am. I wouldn’t think of it.” Krystle then left and I could hear the hum of happy motors and happy Krystle.
I was cleaning up the dishes and Becky came in to help me. She said, “What is this about not putting my elbows on the table while I eat?” I said, “I don’t really care what you do with your elbows, but around polite company it is best to leave them off.” Becky said, “What are we going to do tonight?” I said, “Well first, I have to finish cleaning up the kitchen and make preparations for tomorrow’s breakfast. Then I have to interrupt your mother and tell her that I am going to bed. Once we are in your bungalow, I am getting this costume off, helping you with your math homework, and then I am going to do your nails while you tell me all about what is going on between you and Jeremy Jones. How does that sound?” Becky said, “Great. I think I may start calling you mom.” I said, “What?” Becky said, “Just kidding.”
That was the evening so far, but Becky may have some things to add.
Howard K.
At 7:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
rebeccah, ok. "kinda sort bf/gf, xxclusive" iz gud. i think it will help not 2 uze the word friendz. if i brot u sumthin' like a necklace, wud u wear it? it wud b so peeps wud know that we are "kinda sort bf/gf, xxclusive".
At 8:09 PM,
April Patterson said…
alex, mayB yr mom & my mom can form a support group 4 peeps who can't make up their mindz abt whether 2 retire, & then have sum1 make fun of their nose? hm, or mayB that's not such a gd idea, eh?
so how did the tutoring thingie go?
At 9:20 PM,
April Patterson said…
bad, eh?
At 1:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Paul,
Shiimsa got your wonderful cat toy present in the mail. She is a very happy cat right now. She says she is receptive to further courtship from you. I think she is really expecting you to send her roses. If you do, I would send her yellow ones. Yellow roses are for friendship. We don't want Shiimsa to get confused about your intentions again.
The kids are doing DEAR right now (drop everything and read) so I can post this. I admit that DEAR often comes in handy when I want a little computer time.
Like, Liz
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