February Letters!
Already, it's that time again! The monthly letterz from my fam. Here go my comments on them.
My letter: Yeah, so U can C I'm counting down the time left B4 I can leave the nuthouse on Sharon Park Drive. 3.5 yrs 2 go. Oh, & I think I had sum transient colour-blindness goin' on there 4 a while, like the kind where U can't tell the diff betw. blue & purple? Weird. NEway, my new jeanz R a dark blue. Not purple.
So whattya think? Shd I pierce my nose & browz & mayB dye my hair? "Crayzee" haircut? I know my usual look is hella boring, eh? Shd I go "goth" like the peeps I C in Toronto? Hm.
So, the grade-11 girlz. They call themselvez the Paris Hiltonz & they all, like, need 2 get their size-0 uni's taken in cuz they're that skinnee. Tangi Origami bleached her hair & tried 2 get in2 the PH clique, but U hafta B grade 11, & Tangi's grade 9. She was all, "Is it cuz I'm not skinnee enuf?" & they were like, "No, it's cuz U're not grade-11 enuf."
So, U mighta noticed I mention hangin' out w/Ger, Dunc, & Eva on wkendz but not Becks or Alex. Becks & Alex were both having pretty bizzy wkends l8ly.
So, what was I on abt w/missing Mike & Liz living w/us? Mike moved out when I was three, so it's not like I even remember him living there. I do miss Liz. Mom added "Mike" in 4 sum kinda "equal time" sorta reason, I guess.
Going 2 TO w/my Dad. OMG. Mom totally cut out the part where I ragged on his st00pid train hobby. But, U C, I'm gonna use this as an opportunity 2 shop 4 that locket Ger wants.
So, Ger & I decided 2 have our d8 Sunday insteada Sat. I'll give him the locket then. Like I say in the letter, we're talking abt getting the band back 2gether, but it's just talk still. We're having fun doing sum songwriting, tho.
Mom's letter: Mom putting off spring cleaning. ZZZZZZZ. Liz & the Mtiggy students: "Many of the kids miss school at this time of year to work on trap lines, hunt, or take care of elderly relatives, so her classes are small and not very taxing." Interesting; may I remind you that back in June of last year, Liz wrote, "Kids are slipping out of class to work on the traplines now that the weather's warmer, so we're shifting our focus off of the textbooks and onto some exciting stuff for the remaining students." So is there NE time of yr when the Mtig kiddiez AREN'T slipping away 2 work on their traplinez? Does the school even enforce NE attendance rulez? Sheesh. MayB my friendz & I oughta try the "traplinez" xcuse w/R.P. Boire, eh?
Mom & her "proper" folding--as if her friendz, female or otherwise, give a flyin' flip! Share the housework, whatevs, no1's listening 2 U, Mom. Xtra eyerollz 2 this stupidity: "Underwear is 'rolled' - which bears no relationship to its ultimate 'end'." Yes, every1 knowz yr undiez go over yr ARSE! Way 2 bring the funnee, eh, Ma? Only NO1 but U thinx that's funnee. & rolling yr undiez? Hellz 2 the no. My underwear, my decision. I fold them, like a normal person*.
"In regards to my other life, I find myself running more errands now and leaving the day to day workings of Lilliputs up to Moira and Bea." LOL! I guess "errands" is her new code 4 loading up on lattes & muffinz all day long. Yeah, Ma, no1's on2 U. Just decide abt the st00pid store, K? Sell or don't sell. Make up yr feeble mind. "60 in a few years"? Try FIVE yrs. Mom's gonna B 55 this yr. Oh, hey, Mom, I'm gonna B 20 "in a few yrs"--can I have my own apartment?
"I don't often say this - and I'll try not to say it again (for a while) but - we're crazy about the grandchildren!!! " Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! This is totally in there cuz peeps notice that Mom almost nev. mentionz her g-kidz eh? & notice how she sez "I'll try not 2 say it again (4 a while)", like she'll B doin' peeps a favour by not talkin' abt the littlez v. much, insteada just goin' back 2 being her usual self. Whatevz, Mom, ppl know U better than U think they do.
Oh, & check this bit:
Gramps's health. ZZZZZ.
Mom & Dad's holiday next month. God help us, no1 iz looking forward 2 how they're gonna B talkin' abt that 4ev. & did U notice how it seemz I get left behind? Again? W/Connie lookin' after me? & totally NO mention of me mayB goin' 2 visit Liz during my March break? Dunc sez if I don't get 2 go sumwhere 4 March break this yr, I should call Shannon's mom (the social worker) & get my 'rents in trub. Whattya think?
Dad's letter: In other news, Dad's still boring!
Hot holiday. He'z complaining in advance. Geez, stay home & send ME! I won't complain! "But not to worry, we go back to work to relax from our holiday." Yeah, delusional-Dad. Peeps everywhere were sooooo worried abt U & Mom & getting enuf relaxation.
& here he goez abt me: "I have to say, though, other than her amazing moods, she is a pretty good kid, and so far has shown fairly balanced judgment." Way 2 do the left-handed compliment. My amazing moods? Gimme a break. What abt yr amazing moods, & Mom's. Whatevs. Again.
Hmm, so has Dad fired Everett Callahan & replaced him w/that Elliot Everett guy who works by the mall? Or has Dad just decided he can change ppl's names? I hope it's the name-changing thing, 4 Everett's sake, eh? So, my Dad dumpster-dove sum stinky "tooth" display & is using it 4 a Valentine'z-day drawing? Puh-leaze. & is the gift basket gonna have toothbrushez, paste, & floss insteada chocciez?
Ew, Dad, no1 wants 2 think abt U tryin' 2 romance Mom, w/Valentinez baskets or housework, K? Just keep that image 2 yrself & outta every1 else's brain!
Dad & the Bushwacker. No wonder he's no help when Mom's sitting on the fence o' st00pid abt selling or not selling the store. Just sell the dumbarse car already. Insteada goin' on & on abt it every month. Guess what, Dad? No1 thinx yr dumb car is romantic, never did. & shut up abt the GPS devices, like U don't know all abt them already.
Liz's letter: "I'm experiencing a really nice stage in what I hope will be a long-term relationship. Paul makes me laugh and he treats me like a queen! My head says to take it slow, but my heart takes over whenever he's around. But...I'm not ready to say too much about this yet!" Liz, this is so U! But then @ least U share a lil bit more l8r in yr letter, eh? Soundz like things R going well, & it's cube how U both luv yr jobs. & NE1 who followz this blog sure knowz U 2 have discussed "pet ownership", LOL!
MayB U were supposta meet Paul. . . . Wow, it's no small thing 4 Liz 2 come out & say that, eh?
Mike's letter: OMG, Mike, obsessed w/Martha much? "She's cut her hair short and put on a little weight, but she's still pretty and active, loud and gregarious. " Geez, Mike, she'z turning 30 this yr (like U), not 206! Soundz like U're telling us abt a senior-citizen who's "still spry".
Martha's abt 2 marry again, & Mike'z going in2 a fantasy abt what if he'd married her? Then he all backs out & pretendz he'z super-happy w/his life the way it is, wdn't change a thing. So Y the big fantasy abt marrying Martha?
& like pretending U spend enuf time w/yr littlez 2 know the way they feel abt NEthing. Gd 1, Mr. Hides-in-the-Attic.
Also funny how Mike pretendz he's ever been able 2 understand Shakespeare & Chaucer. Ne1 who's witnessed 1 of his "modernizations" knowz better.
Dee's letter: I think Dee mite B one of thoze germphobez U sumtimez C on the talkshowz. Being a pharmacist's not a gd job 4 a germphobe, eh?
"Lots of people are planning to embark on tropical vacations at this time of year"? U mean, like my leaving-April-behind 'rents? Ooh, & Dee's practically a detective keeping the world safe fr. the drug dealerz tricking docs in2 giving them a scrip. Man, I feel sorry 4 the peeps who R wrongly accused of this. U so know it's happening!
I think Dee's taking martyr lessons fr. my mom. She wants 2 get away w/out the kidz 4 a wk, & she knows both sets of g-'rents wd B willing 2 sit, but she just can't, just can't. Cuz if she did, she'd hafta quit complaining abt how she just can't.
More ridiculousness abt how Mike does every kinda writing imaginable:
Of course, Dee segues rite back in2 how he's running himself ragged & she'z just worried abt the poor dear's health. Ew, make it abt how he's a jerk, Dee! It's pretty clear & simple. But if he's getting sick a lot, this must B pretty ruff 4 the germaphobic Dee, eh?
"The Kelpfroths are impossible.." Yeah, yeah, second verse, same as the 1st. Have U guyz EVER tried a reasonable convo w/theze peeps? No? I didn't think so.
Weed's working on a project so that'll mean Mike will B involved? ::rolleyez:: Gotta laff @ this bit, tho: "I suspect he'll be asking Mike to collaborate. They're a hot team! Together they've produced some wonderful things." Yeah, that's the way 2 describe their seekrit luv!
Yoga & Deanna time: Cube, it's abt time U did that, Dee! Tho U know when that 1st Thursday rollz around, Mike's gonna totally whine & try 2 get outta it. MayB call Mom & beg her 2 come over so he can hide in the attic as usual.
Iris's letter: Well, Jim & Iris R still alive. Whoev had "Feb 1" in the death pool 4 either of 'em loses!
Do U care abt their Aquafitness? Me, neither.
Moviez, book of the month club, lecture seriez @ the uni. Of course Gramps thinx it's s00per-funnee that the topic is "ancient ruins", cuz, y'know, old foax go 2 the seriez. U're not laffing? Don't feel bad, it's just cuz U're normal.
So, like, Y can't Gramps & Iris visit Iris's kidz & g-kidz 2gether? Iris is alwayz doing the Patterson-family stuff. Does her family not count as much? Not cube, Gramps!
So, Gramps giving Iris his "time to wind up" salute. OK, 1st he'z 2 lazy 2 write this month's letter. Then he actually rushes Iris 2 finish up faster after he palms it off on her. V. nice, Gramps.
Pets' letter: U mite B wondering Y I wd write out the pets' letter w/pen & paper insteada on the 'puter. Mom insisted 4 sum reason. "Let's celebrate the lo-tech 4 a change, April." Mom so luvs being a technophobe.
I know, the pets' letter's a real snoozer, eh? Butts & the chewing. Finally, we're doing sumthin' about it. I don't know what took us so long, really, I don't. Doggie daycare. I know, U can barely keep yr eyez open. Friday guitar lessons. After hockey coverage 4 yrbook. Bizzy Fridayz!
Well, sorry this took s00per-long AGAIN! I'll just publish this B4 I proof cuz I wanna not keep U w8ing NE longer. . . .
*OK, if NE of U out there prefer 2 roll yrs, that's yr biz. I just don't like how my mom triez 2 MAKE us all do thingz her way, even 4 our skivviez.
My letter: Yeah, so U can C I'm counting down the time left B4 I can leave the nuthouse on Sharon Park Drive. 3.5 yrs 2 go. Oh, & I think I had sum transient colour-blindness goin' on there 4 a while, like the kind where U can't tell the diff betw. blue & purple? Weird. NEway, my new jeanz R a dark blue. Not purple.
So whattya think? Shd I pierce my nose & browz & mayB dye my hair? "Crayzee" haircut? I know my usual look is hella boring, eh? Shd I go "goth" like the peeps I C in Toronto? Hm.
So, the grade-11 girlz. They call themselvez the Paris Hiltonz & they all, like, need 2 get their size-0 uni's taken in cuz they're that skinnee. Tangi Origami bleached her hair & tried 2 get in2 the PH clique, but U hafta B grade 11, & Tangi's grade 9. She was all, "Is it cuz I'm not skinnee enuf?" & they were like, "No, it's cuz U're not grade-11 enuf."
So, U mighta noticed I mention hangin' out w/Ger, Dunc, & Eva on wkendz but not Becks or Alex. Becks & Alex were both having pretty bizzy wkends l8ly.
So, what was I on abt w/missing Mike & Liz living w/us? Mike moved out when I was three, so it's not like I even remember him living there. I do miss Liz. Mom added "Mike" in 4 sum kinda "equal time" sorta reason, I guess.
Going 2 TO w/my Dad. OMG. Mom totally cut out the part where I ragged on his st00pid train hobby. But, U C, I'm gonna use this as an opportunity 2 shop 4 that locket Ger wants.
So, Ger & I decided 2 have our d8 Sunday insteada Sat. I'll give him the locket then. Like I say in the letter, we're talking abt getting the band back 2gether, but it's just talk still. We're having fun doing sum songwriting, tho.
Mom's letter: Mom putting off spring cleaning. ZZZZZZZ. Liz & the Mtiggy students: "Many of the kids miss school at this time of year to work on trap lines, hunt, or take care of elderly relatives, so her classes are small and not very taxing." Interesting; may I remind you that back in June of last year, Liz wrote, "Kids are slipping out of class to work on the traplines now that the weather's warmer, so we're shifting our focus off of the textbooks and onto some exciting stuff for the remaining students." So is there NE time of yr when the Mtig kiddiez AREN'T slipping away 2 work on their traplinez? Does the school even enforce NE attendance rulez? Sheesh. MayB my friendz & I oughta try the "traplinez" xcuse w/R.P. Boire, eh?
Mom & her "proper" folding--as if her friendz, female or otherwise, give a flyin' flip! Share the housework, whatevs, no1's listening 2 U, Mom. Xtra eyerollz 2 this stupidity: "Underwear is 'rolled' - which bears no relationship to its ultimate 'end'." Yes, every1 knowz yr undiez go over yr ARSE! Way 2 bring the funnee, eh, Ma? Only NO1 but U thinx that's funnee. & rolling yr undiez? Hellz 2 the no. My underwear, my decision. I fold them, like a normal person*.
"In regards to my other life, I find myself running more errands now and leaving the day to day workings of Lilliputs up to Moira and Bea." LOL! I guess "errands" is her new code 4 loading up on lattes & muffinz all day long. Yeah, Ma, no1's on2 U. Just decide abt the st00pid store, K? Sell or don't sell. Make up yr feeble mind. "60 in a few years"? Try FIVE yrs. Mom's gonna B 55 this yr. Oh, hey, Mom, I'm gonna B 20 "in a few yrs"--can I have my own apartment?
"I don't often say this - and I'll try not to say it again (for a while) but - we're crazy about the grandchildren!!! " Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! This is totally in there cuz peeps notice that Mom almost nev. mentionz her g-kidz eh? & notice how she sez "I'll try not 2 say it again (4 a while)", like she'll B doin' peeps a favour by not talkin' abt the littlez v. much, insteada just goin' back 2 being her usual self. Whatevz, Mom, ppl know U better than U think they do.
Oh, & check this bit:
Mike and Deanna are also struggling with decisions about their future. Mike has decided, more than once to leave his full time position with the magazine and write for his own clients exclusively. He says he feels like he's falling without a parachute when he's close to quitting - but if he just spread his wings a bit, this old bird knows he can fly! Dee is good with the kids, supportive, smart and loving - so whatever he decides, we're all on his side!Isn't it funnee how Mike is the same way abt quitting Portrait as Mom is abt selling the bookstore? Oh, w8, "funnee" izn't the rite word. "Lame", mayB? & I guess the whole bit abt Dee B-ing "good with the kidz" is meant 2 B code 4 it's OK that Mike xpects her 2 do EVERYTHING as far as the kiddlez go while he hidez up in his "delicate genius" writing attic. What an enabler Mom is. Of course, we all know Mike's her fave.
Gramps's health. ZZZZZ.
Mom & Dad's holiday next month. God help us, no1 iz looking forward 2 how they're gonna B talkin' abt that 4ev. & did U notice how it seemz I get left behind? Again? W/Connie lookin' after me? & totally NO mention of me mayB goin' 2 visit Liz during my March break? Dunc sez if I don't get 2 go sumwhere 4 March break this yr, I should call Shannon's mom (the social worker) & get my 'rents in trub. Whattya think?
Dad's letter: In other news, Dad's still boring!
Hot holiday. He'z complaining in advance. Geez, stay home & send ME! I won't complain! "But not to worry, we go back to work to relax from our holiday." Yeah, delusional-Dad. Peeps everywhere were sooooo worried abt U & Mom & getting enuf relaxation.
& here he goez abt me: "I have to say, though, other than her amazing moods, she is a pretty good kid, and so far has shown fairly balanced judgment." Way 2 do the left-handed compliment. My amazing moods? Gimme a break. What abt yr amazing moods, & Mom's. Whatevs. Again.
Hmm, so has Dad fired Everett Callahan & replaced him w/that Elliot Everett guy who works by the mall? Or has Dad just decided he can change ppl's names? I hope it's the name-changing thing, 4 Everett's sake, eh? So, my Dad dumpster-dove sum stinky "tooth" display & is using it 4 a Valentine'z-day drawing? Puh-leaze. & is the gift basket gonna have toothbrushez, paste, & floss insteada chocciez?
Ew, Dad, no1 wants 2 think abt U tryin' 2 romance Mom, w/Valentinez baskets or housework, K? Just keep that image 2 yrself & outta every1 else's brain!
Dad & the Bushwacker. No wonder he's no help when Mom's sitting on the fence o' st00pid abt selling or not selling the store. Just sell the dumbarse car already. Insteada goin' on & on abt it every month. Guess what, Dad? No1 thinx yr dumb car is romantic, never did. & shut up abt the GPS devices, like U don't know all abt them already.
Liz's letter: "I'm experiencing a really nice stage in what I hope will be a long-term relationship. Paul makes me laugh and he treats me like a queen! My head says to take it slow, but my heart takes over whenever he's around. But...I'm not ready to say too much about this yet!" Liz, this is so U! But then @ least U share a lil bit more l8r in yr letter, eh? Soundz like things R going well, & it's cube how U both luv yr jobs. & NE1 who followz this blog sure knowz U 2 have discussed "pet ownership", LOL!
MayB U were supposta meet Paul. . . . Wow, it's no small thing 4 Liz 2 come out & say that, eh?
Mike's letter: OMG, Mike, obsessed w/Martha much? "She's cut her hair short and put on a little weight, but she's still pretty and active, loud and gregarious. " Geez, Mike, she'z turning 30 this yr (like U), not 206! Soundz like U're telling us abt a senior-citizen who's "still spry".
Martha's abt 2 marry again, & Mike'z going in2 a fantasy abt what if he'd married her? Then he all backs out & pretendz he'z super-happy w/his life the way it is, wdn't change a thing. So Y the big fantasy abt marrying Martha?
& like pretending U spend enuf time w/yr littlez 2 know the way they feel abt NEthing. Gd 1, Mr. Hides-in-the-Attic.
Also funny how Mike pretendz he's ever been able 2 understand Shakespeare & Chaucer. Ne1 who's witnessed 1 of his "modernizations" knowz better.
Dee's letter: I think Dee mite B one of thoze germphobez U sumtimez C on the talkshowz. Being a pharmacist's not a gd job 4 a germphobe, eh?
"Lots of people are planning to embark on tropical vacations at this time of year"? U mean, like my leaving-April-behind 'rents? Ooh, & Dee's practically a detective keeping the world safe fr. the drug dealerz tricking docs in2 giving them a scrip. Man, I feel sorry 4 the peeps who R wrongly accused of this. U so know it's happening!
I think Dee's taking martyr lessons fr. my mom. She wants 2 get away w/out the kidz 4 a wk, & she knows both sets of g-'rents wd B willing 2 sit, but she just can't, just can't. Cuz if she did, she'd hafta quit complaining abt how she just can't.
More ridiculousness abt how Mike does every kinda writing imaginable:
I've been having some discussions with Mike about our need to spend more time together as a family, but the manuscripts keep coming in, and his regular clients are referring him to their friends. He does everything from advertisements to introductions. He's written three speeches (one a charming acceptance speech for an award recipient who never showed up!) and he's edited too many manuscripts, many of which don't get published! He's written wedding vows and eulogies. He's gone over scripts and theses and when I talk about a "war of words" I mean that I have a small personal war with the endless writing - which I know is his passion and also his career!Is this supposta B a joke? & we all know Mike is hiding fr. his fam cuz he wants 2 avoid them. He pretty much admitted that last month. He's a jerk. He was a jerk last month, and he's still 1 this month. NE1 surprised?
Of course, Dee segues rite back in2 how he's running himself ragged & she'z just worried abt the poor dear's health. Ew, make it abt how he's a jerk, Dee! It's pretty clear & simple. But if he's getting sick a lot, this must B pretty ruff 4 the germaphobic Dee, eh?
"The Kelpfroths are impossible.." Yeah, yeah, second verse, same as the 1st. Have U guyz EVER tried a reasonable convo w/theze peeps? No? I didn't think so.
Weed's working on a project so that'll mean Mike will B involved? ::rolleyez:: Gotta laff @ this bit, tho: "I suspect he'll be asking Mike to collaborate. They're a hot team! Together they've produced some wonderful things." Yeah, that's the way 2 describe their seekrit luv!
Yoga & Deanna time: Cube, it's abt time U did that, Dee! Tho U know when that 1st Thursday rollz around, Mike's gonna totally whine & try 2 get outta it. MayB call Mom & beg her 2 come over so he can hide in the attic as usual.
Iris's letter: Well, Jim & Iris R still alive. Whoev had "Feb 1" in the death pool 4 either of 'em loses!
Do U care abt their Aquafitness? Me, neither.
Moviez, book of the month club, lecture seriez @ the uni. Of course Gramps thinx it's s00per-funnee that the topic is "ancient ruins", cuz, y'know, old foax go 2 the seriez. U're not laffing? Don't feel bad, it's just cuz U're normal.
So, like, Y can't Gramps & Iris visit Iris's kidz & g-kidz 2gether? Iris is alwayz doing the Patterson-family stuff. Does her family not count as much? Not cube, Gramps!
So, Gramps giving Iris his "time to wind up" salute. OK, 1st he'z 2 lazy 2 write this month's letter. Then he actually rushes Iris 2 finish up faster after he palms it off on her. V. nice, Gramps.
Pets' letter: U mite B wondering Y I wd write out the pets' letter w/pen & paper insteada on the 'puter. Mom insisted 4 sum reason. "Let's celebrate the lo-tech 4 a change, April." Mom so luvs being a technophobe.
I know, the pets' letter's a real snoozer, eh? Butts & the chewing. Finally, we're doing sumthin' about it. I don't know what took us so long, really, I don't. Doggie daycare. I know, U can barely keep yr eyez open. Friday guitar lessons. After hockey coverage 4 yrbook. Bizzy Fridayz!
Well, sorry this took s00per-long AGAIN! I'll just publish this B4 I proof cuz I wanna not keep U w8ing NE longer. . . .
*OK, if NE of U out there prefer 2 roll yrs, that's yr biz. I just don't like how my mom triez 2 MAKE us all do thingz her way, even 4 our skivviez.
At 4:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, lotsa of confuzing thingz u rote ‘bout. 4 xxample, u didn’t mention me or vicki simone. we’ve hung w/u on weekendz. don’t worry ‘bout us. we got thick skinz.
neway, u wud luk cube az a “goth.” i wud pay $ 2c ur mom’s face aftah u dyed ur hair & got piercingz.
oh, i tried the traplinez xcuse 2 try 2 get outa skool 2morrow. duzn’t work. don’t botha tryin’ that.
i dunno wut this biz iz w/ur ‘rents takin’ vacationz w/o u. my mom nevah duz that. rebeccah told me ‘bout how the last tyme they did that, they kept on sendin’ u pics of their trip, just 2 torture u w/how gud a tyme they were havin’ w/o u. if it wuz me, i wud b ticked off big tyme. of course i have a little problem w/a certain ‘rent that ran off on me, so i am ventin’ a little on ur b-half. how hard do u think it wud b2 convince ur neighbour connie 2 sleep @her own house, while we have a party @ur house? wutya think?
ur pets’ letter may have been a real snoozer 2u, but i am rilly concerned u have ur rodent under control. once ur house haz been invaded by electrified rodents, ur perspective changes, eh?
At 5:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Boozhoo (Hello).
Your sister has pointed out to me that you no longer plan to visit Mtigwaki. She says you are staying at your home with a neighbour during your March break. I am disappointed. As I wrote you earlier today, I had hoped to meet you for the first time. Your sister has also postponed our planned visit to my family in White River. I hope that I have not done anything to upset your family. If I have, I apologize.
Gi'-ga-wa-ba-min' na-gutch! (See you later!)
Constable Paul Wright
At 5:13 PM,
April Patterson said…
jeremy, sorry abt leaving u & vicks out. when i was working on that part of the letter, my mom was totally hangin' over me & doing that "wrap it up" gesture she learned fr. gramps. it's really unnerving & i got a bit flustered & 4got what i was writing.
yeah, i mite do the goth thing. hmmmm.
abt. getting connie 2 stay @ her own place, i think it kinda depends on if mom tix her off. & y'know w/my mom, there'z a gd chance she will. i luv the idea of a party. let's c wut we can do, eh?
i can understand yr worry abt butts, but i found the hole she'd gnawed in the garage 2 make her escape & patched it up. i don't think it'll happ again.
paul, i'm disappointed 2. it wasn't my decision. the 'rents didn't consult w/me @ all!
At 5:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Boozhoo (Hello).
Have I upset your parents in some way? If so, I must do what I can to make amends. Please let me know.
Constable Paul Wright
At 5:23 PM,
April Patterson said…
paul, no, it's not abt u. my 'rents got this idea in their headz abt taking 1 of their warm-weather vacationz, & the thot of sending me sumwhere 4 a vacation of my own, like, fell out of their headz. i don't know y that happs w/them, but it does. :(
At 5:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Boozhoo (Hello).
I am relieved to know that I have not upset your parents. Please let them know, if they change their minds, your sister would like for you to visit to see where she works and I would like to meet you.
Constable Paul Wright
At 6:26 PM,
April Patterson said…
paul, i mentioned what u sed 2 my 'rents just now. mom was, like, "what r un on abt, now, martian? u know u're going 2 b home here w/connie while yr father & i r enjoying our warm vacation." & dad was all, "u're a great kid when u're not having thoze moods of yrs. just butch up & accept our vacation planz!"
oh, well, i'll let u know if nething changez.
At 6:41 PM,
howard said…
I was really glad not to be in my Belfrieda Batsize costume while I was cleaning out that attic. Crawl space was an exaggeration in describing it. I could barely fit in there and I had to use brooms to extract the stuff that had apparently been placed there by the previous owner. There were a few old board games called Jumanji, Zathura and Sellmoira. They might be fun to play sometime. There was also evidence that something had been living up there. Things had been chewed on and there was some animal dung. It was a mess, but it was cleaned out. I barely got it done in time before Krystle (Becky’s mom) and Becky came home from working at Krystle’s Kakes & Pies.
I had just gotten my Belfrieda Batsize costume on and made it to the kitchen when they walked in the door. As usual, the first thing Krystle did was to put on white gloves and check the attic. We rushed to her when she started screaming. I said to her in my old lady voice, “What happened?” She screamed, “Splinter! Splinter!” Well, Becky and I tweezed those splinters out of her hand. Krystle was livid. “Why didn’t you sand down the wood? A person could get severely injured thanks to your gross negligence. This wouldn’t have happened if we hired Lars.” Becky said, “Yeah, because he would have been too busy banging you for you to stick your hands in the attic.” Krystle turned extremely red in the face. I said, “Mrs. McGuire, ma’am. The reason I did not sand down the wood in the attic, is that it would have been no use. There is some kind of rodent living up there, ma’am. Until it is removed, there is no use in sanding.” Krystle said, “Then why didn’t you remove it?” I said, “I searched for the rodent, but it was not there, ma’am. I do not think it is confined to the attic.” Krystle said, “It’s in the house?” I said, “Possibly ma’am.” Well, then Krystle got a little hysterical and Becky calmed her down. Apparently, Krystle has a fear of rodents.
Around this time, we heard Dr. McCauley come home. He said, “I’m home mom. What’s for dinner? It smells great.” I said, “I had best attend to dinner, ma’am.” So, we went downstairs for the dinner. Dr. McCauley said, “I have a gift for mom. It’s salad tongs with gold leaf.” I said, “Thank you, sir. That is most generous of you. I can use them with tonight’s salad.” Becky said, “Salad. Not my favourite.” I said, “Young miss, please do not poo-poo my salad until you have tried it.” Krystle however went into hysterics again. “Salad! Salad! That’s the reason the rodent is here. It’s after the salad. Lars would never have served any kind of food that would attract rodents.” Dr. McCauley said, “What is she talking about?” Becky said, “Mrs. Batsize found big, giant, hairy rats in the attic.” Krystle shrieked. I said, “Young miss, please do not exaggerate at your mother’s expense. Sir, I found some rodent droppings and some chewed wires. Nothing more than that, sir.” Krystle shrieked again. Dr. McCauley said, “I knew we should have called the exterminator. Mom, I am so sorry you had to deal with that. I know how you feel about vermin.” I said, “Thank you for your concern, sir.”
I served up the salad, which did have some meat in it. Dr. McCauley said, “Good salad, mom.” Krystle said, “Too good. Is this dressing homemade?” I said, “Yes, ma’am. And each leaf is individually rubbed, ma’am.” Becky said, “It’s OK for rodent food, I guess.” Krystle shrieked. Dr. McCauley said, “Mom. What would you say to such a rude, little girl?” I said, “Well, sir. I would inform the young miss that that the sound of her mother shrieking is most unpleasant, and it is disrespectful of her to treat her mother in such disregard. I would also tell her to use her salad fork when eating salad.” Becky stared at me. Dr. McCauley said, “Exactly. I knew you would know the right thing to say.” I said, “Thank you, sir.” Krystle said, “Just keep using your spoon, Becky. That’s the way I do it.” Becky switched to the salad fork.
Then Krystle started shrieking and shrieking again, louder and louder. Dr. McCauley said, “Becky. What did you do this time?” But Becky seemed just as disconcerted as Dr. McCauley. I looked and saw that Krystle was pointing at a rodent in the other room, chewing on the electrical cord of a lamp sitting on a side table next to the chesterfield. Becky said, “It’s April’s rabbit, Butterscotch.” She ran to pick it up and there was a horrible zapping sound. Becky rolled over twitching a little and her hair standing on end. I was beside myself and shouted Becky’s name, and gathered her in my arms and took her to a different room. I checked her breathing and her heart and then laid her down with her head slightly lower than her trunk and elevated her legs. She seemed to be OK, but it took me quite a few minutes to calm down. Krystle was pushing Dr. McCauley over to her, and he checked her out. He said, “She seems to be fine. I don’t see any electrical burns on her.” Krystle said, “Mrs. Batsize, get rid of that rodent. Kill it if you have to.” I was still a little shaky, but I managed to squeak out, “Yes, ma’am.”
I took a cardboard box and a broom and coaxed the rabbit into the box. Inside the box, the rabbit was still sparking, but fortunately cardboard is nonconducting. Krystle said, “Now take that rodent out and kill it.” Becky started yelling, “It’s April’s rabbit. We took care of it a few years ago, remember mom? We can’t kill it. I’ll take it back to April.” I was about to help Becky deliver your rabbit back to you, when Krystle said, “And what is for dessert, Mrs. Batsize? Is it carrot cake?” Dr. McCauley said, “It’s not mom’s fault, her food is so good it will attract rodents.” Krystle said, “I am tired of you calling her mom. I am going back to work the evening shift at my store, where there is no rodent food being served.” And she left. Dr. McCauley said, “Perhaps you should lay off the green leafy food for awhile, mom.” I said, “Very well, sir.” Then Dr. McCauley also left. Right now, I am doing Dr. McCauley’s sewing, while I am waiting for Becky to return. It has been a frustrating evening.
Howard K.
At 7:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear April,
I am very angry with Mom. She called me last night and said that she had changed her mind about letting you come to Mtigwaki while she was away on her trip during your spring break. She told me that she didn't want you up here interrupting while Paul and I were "working towards marriage." The way she talked, I think she is actually hoping we are having premarital sex so I will get accidentally pregnant and have to get married sooner rather than later. I think she is afraid that you visiting would interrupt some kind of twenty-four hour sex romp or something.
So I sat and stewed about it in my apartment for almost an hour. I was so angry that I cleaned almost the whole place. While I was scouring the bathtub, a thought came to me: WWBD?, or, "What would Becky do?" She always has the greatest schemes for getting her own way.
I couldn't quite figure out what to do on my own. Then, this morning, I called Connie Poirier. She too was very upset with Mom. She used some foul language that I will not repeat here. Basically, Connie thinks Mom is trying to keep you, me, and her and Greg from having any fun. Sounds like babysitting you might be interrupting her Retired Person's 24 Hour Sex Romp. :)
So Connie and I hatched a plan. When Mom leaves for vacation, Connie will put you on the bus to White River. Then, when you get to White River, Paul will pick you up and bring you to Mtigwaki. You will visit for your spring break, and then the trip home will work the same way. Connie and Greg will watch the pets.
What do you say, "Apes"? And Becky--what do you think of "prudy old Liz" now?!
At 7:22 PM,
April Patterson said…
wow, liz, that is v. cube! thanx!
becky just got here w/buttsy. it turns out that when dad was letting out the dogz, he wasn't paying attention & didn't notice that buttsy was pretending 2 b dixie. buttsy had tied dixie up in electrical wirez so she cd get out. i've gotta talk 2 my 'rents abt being more responsible pet ownerz. sorry howard, becky, becky's mom, & dr. ted.
At 10:29 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, omg, omg! kortney! ::gasp::
At 10:47 PM,
howard said…
I was shocked to see this also. Kortney is back in town, and she doesn't look me up. Now she's engaged to Thorvald. That's great. Just great. I think I am going to lift weights for awhile.
Howard K.
At 12:44 AM,
howard said…
It was real blast with Thorvald, showing off his stolen garnet ring to us and telling us about his engagement to Kortney Krelbutz (not). I have barely gotten over the fact that Kortney was in town and did not look me up and I have to put up with Thorvald leaning over every few minutes and saying things like, “Howie, when you did it with Kortney, did she prefer the circular motion or the vertical motion? I want to make our wedding night special, and it’s good to case the joint before you go in.”
He wanted me to spy on Krystle and Dr. McCauley for his child custody battle over Becky. He said, “Kortney has a clean criminal record, so she will help to improve my image.” I said, “Kortney told you her criminal record was clean?” Thorvald said, “Yeah. Are you calling my fiancée a liar?” I said, “Not at all. I was just checking the source of your information.” Becky said, “Dad. April told me last March, when her mom did not press charges against Kortney, the woman whose cheques Kortney stole DID charge her. She does have a police record.” Thorvald said, “Well, not much of a police record. Stolen cheques. Pfah. That’s nothing. The Crown will overlook that. So what do you have for me, Howie?” I said, “So far Dr. McCauley has been sleeping around on Krystle and Krystle has been sleeping around on Dr. McCauley.” Thorvald said, “That’s it? I need something good, Howie. Any bodies buried in the back yard?” I said, “Huh? Not that I know of.” Thorvald said, “Keep your eyes open, Howie. When my divorce is final, and Kortney and I are married, I want Becky living with us.” I said, “With you and Kortney?” Becky got a very frightened look on her face. I said, “I will do my best for you Thorvald. Tomorrow I will look around the grounds for any freshly dug dirt or any unusual smells.” Thorvald said, “I knew I could count on you, Howie.”
Then Thorvald launched into a discussion about the advantages of bisexuality to Becky and was about to talk about how if you are stuck on a deserted island, bestiality should be considered, when I said, “Becky has school tomorrow. She needs her sleep.” So Thorvald went over to my place and we lifted weights together until he got bored and left. Another eventful evening with Thorvald.
Howard K.
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