Snow and Freezing Rain
Merrie e-mailed me this: "Auntie April. Merrie and Robin look out window see snow. Mama get snowsuits. Mama slow. We go outside. Snow turn to rain. Sad Merrie!"
Poor kid. I useta h8 when that kinda thing wd happ when I was a little!
Meanwhile, Mike also wrote to me:
Poor kid. I useta h8 when that kinda thing wd happ when I was a little!
Meanwhile, Mike also wrote to me:
Littlest Sis,Um, rite. Well, I'm gonna B jammin' w/the band a bit l8r. But first, I'm meeting Dunc @ Horny T's 4 sum dbl dbl's. It's just the weather 4 it, eh?
Enjoy being a carefree teen. Before you know it, life will get complicated! Something made me remember an ascerbic anecdote that occurred when I was a tender nineteen. I'd been working a night job, and I was talking to Lizardbreath while I combed my beard, brushed my teeth, and got my jacket before leaving for said job. I told her, "I'm never gonna get used to working nightshift. This business of getting up in the afternoon is weird! By the time I shower an' get dressed, the day's half gone--an' I still have to go downtown an' do stuff! --On top of that, Rhetta says I'm not spending enough time with her!! It's not fair!" Our sister of the reptilian breath asked me, "What's not fair?"" And as I made my egress with Eddie at my side, I said, "All my life, I looked forward to growing up.... 'Cause I thought it would be easier!"
And you know what, young sister? It's only gotten harder and more complicated, as you can tell from my travails with plumbing and Neanderthal neighbours. At least I have the solace of Sheilagh Shaugnnesseey (I must settle on a standardized spelling for that name) and the travails she dictates to me as I enscribe, ever the diligent scribe, not an unwilling scrivener like that shiftless Bartleby!
Well, I must away, inspiration calls again! I just decided to add a scene where Sheilaugh must fill her own cavities using an ice pick and some modeling clay!
Michael Patterson
At 10:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
april, i hate 2 say it, but i know wut ur bro, back wen he was 19, was talkin' 'bout. this friday nite, i hadda payin' gig @zapata henderson's house, & i went, thinkin' it wuz anothah goth thing, only 2 find out it wuz zapata's dad Skitch & her mom Florence, who wunted me. the musick they wunted wuz old time xmas music & xmas jazz. not only that but zandra wuz there & her 'rents made her wear a fluffy, green & red dress w/little twinkly lites on it. zapata sed 2 me, "kill me now, zeremy. ur the only 1 here my age & u look like ur the same age az my 'rents." i sed 2 zapata, "i guess this izn't a partee 4 the bf, eh?" zapata sed, "if he luvved me he wud b here. he duzn't spend enuff tyme w/me & he'z not evn workin' a nite shift 2 xxplain it. i can't w8 till i grow up & i don't hafta do these partees nemore."
so i wuz playin' wut i had of the musick her 'rents wunted. they were more 'bout drinkin' than dancin' neway, but they stayed up all nite long & had breakkie 4 all the guests the next day. i gotta tell, i used everything i had in my old peeps musick collection. lucky 4 me, mom likes all that kinda stuff.
wen i wuz leavin', zapata sed 2 me, "i think i am gonna tell eldritch i wuz up all nite w/u & i wuz wearin' a green & red dress the whole time." i sed, "if u wanna." zapata sed, "thass the kind of thing which will drive him crayzee." i hadda pack up my stuff & outside the weather wuz changing frum snow 2 rain. i sed, "typical ontario weather." zapata sed, "yes. i'll bet there r a lotta confuzed kids out there who wanna play in the snow, but who aren't smart enuff 2 w8 4 it 2 accumul8." i wondered if she wuz rite, till i read ur blog.
At 12:51 PM,
duncan anderson said…
Oh, man, Im so bummed. I keep thinking abt Mr. Malkmus and the kitty litter Bratto flushed down the toilet last New Years Eve, when Im not thinking abt how mad Zed is @ me. I 4got abt Zapatas partee on Friday nite. I went ovah 2 the Waltzing Weasel 4 karaoke nite like usual & got stuck cohosting w/ Arne. Zed doesnt blieve I had a worst time than she did & she went 2 TO last nite w/o me.
C u soon Apes. Mayb u can help me think of sum way 2 make it up w/ Zed.
At 12:55 PM,
duncan anderson said…
Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man.
I just got an IM from Zed I guess shes reading this blog. I was @ the Three Kronen Friday nite, not the Waltzing Weasel. Zed says I cant keep nething str8 cos Im 2 busy thinking abt my soulm8 2 think abt nething else. I think she means u, Apes. Zed was supposed 2 come ovah 4 dinner 2nite, now shes saying 4get it.
What am I going 2 do?
Fish Boy
At 1:11 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, i hope i haven't gotten dunc in trub w/zed. we're @ horny t's talkin' it over rite now. then we meet up w/the band in a coupla hrs.
At 1:35 PM,
duncan anderson said…
Oh, man, Zed just came in2 Horny Ts. When she saw me & Apes 2gether she screamed @ Apes, have u told him abt yr pinky swear? Then she stomped out. I chased Zed thru the slush in the parking lot 2 her car but she wldnt unlock the door 4 me. She hit the gas & now Im covered w/ slush.
Fish Bait
At 1:53 PM,
April Patterson said…
i chased after dunc sayin' he knowz all abt the pinky swear, an' besides, it doesn't matter cuz i'm w/ger, an' dunc an' i r platonic, but it didn't help, it was 2 l8. zandra drove off s00per fast. an' i got slush on me 2. i'm headed home so i can get a shower an' change b4 band practice.
At 2:16 PM,
duncan anderson said…
Hey, Apes,
Meet u @ band practice. I was going home 2 shower & change but Zeds car was in the driveway when I got home so I didnt go in. Evah must of been reading yr blog cos she texted me 2 come ovah 2 her place. Her 'rents rnt home & I can clean up there. Cube!
MCDunC the Studly
At 2:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
So, MCDunC is getting himself cleaned up, man. See ya soon!
At 3:35 PM,
duncan anderson said…
Evah went ovah 2 Horny Ts while I was in the shower & got me an xtra large dbl dbl & a 6 pack of maple dips. Mayb Ive been way 2 harsh 2 her.
At 4:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
We are jamming in April's basement. Duncan, I think, has a major coffee-sugar buzz going. He's playing much faster than usual and he keeps smiling at Eva.
At 7:38 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, guess what happed during our jam session? my dad? he popped in and was all, "duncan, gerald! u fellaz play sports, eh?" and they were both like, "yeah, so?" and dad was like, "well, when yr coach tellz ya 2 change yr workout regimen, know what that's called?" they both kinda shrugged, like let's get this over w/so we can go back 2 playin' our music, rite? an' dad was all, "it's a retraining order. get it? RETRAINING ORDER!" then he laffed @ his own joke, got spittle all over himself from the sticky-outy tung, and then went back upstairz. gah, that was sooooo lame!!!
At 10:18 PM,
duncan anderson said…
Oh, man, Apes, I was rilly, rilly trying 2 4get abt that joke. Thanx.
So I walked Evah home aft band practice. I just left & these hedlites came on. I figured out it was Dr. Larson's CRV & I thot I was doomed. But Zed just wanted 2 talk. So we went 2 Horny Ts & I had sum more dbl dbls & maple dips & then we sat in the car & watched the snow fall. I cant tell u the rest, but the 1st snow of the year made evrything cube.
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