Shannon last wk
Yeah, so one of the reasons I got so upset on Monday when Liz called me "picky face" was cuz she'd been calling me that 4 @ least a week an' I was getting s00per-sick of it. I even told Shannon abt it in school last week, back when we were still looking forward 2 this wk being March vacation (even tho my vacation suxx eggs).
So, like, I was @ my locker, and Shannon came along, as she likes to do when I'm having a crisis (not "cry-sis," Liz!), and she was all, "Hi, April! ...Are U ...OK? ...U ...don't ...look ...OK." I was, like, "Hi, Shannon. My sister and I Rn't getting along. She thinx she's so gr8! This morning she called me 'picky face'! Like I was sum kinda, I dunno. I mean, how wd U like 2 B called 'picky face'?!!" Then as we started 2 walk down the hall, she was all, "It's ...better ...than being ...called ...retarded!" And I guess I looked gobsmacked just then. This was supposta B one of those moments that puts things in perspective 4 me an' makes me realize I don't have it so bad. Xxcept the very next time Liz called me "picky face," I got upset all over again. And she mite as well have sed "retarded" cuz in the way she sed "picky face," U cd tell that's really what she meant.
So, like, I was @ my locker, and Shannon came along, as she likes to do when I'm having a crisis (not "cry-sis," Liz!), and she was all, "Hi, April! ...Are U ...OK? ...U ...don't ...look ...OK." I was, like, "Hi, Shannon. My sister and I Rn't getting along. She thinx she's so gr8! This morning she called me 'picky face'! Like I was sum kinda, I dunno. I mean, how wd U like 2 B called 'picky face'?!!" Then as we started 2 walk down the hall, she was all, "It's ...better ...than being ...called ...retarded!" And I guess I looked gobsmacked just then. This was supposta B one of those moments that puts things in perspective 4 me an' makes me realize I don't have it so bad. Xxcept the very next time Liz called me "picky face," I got upset all over again. And she mite as well have sed "retarded" cuz in the way she sed "picky face," U cd tell that's really what she meant.
At 9:57 AM,
duncan anderson said…
Oh, man, these cricket fans r crazee. We had a full house by 8 am cos Canada is playing Kenya @ 9:30 am. Its going 2 b a long day.
Apes, I feel bad, y didnt u tell yr best bud abt yr probs @ home? Mayb I cld of dun sumthing 4 u, I dont no what but mayb I cld of thot of sumthing. Dont 4get, only 18 more days till its legal 4 u 2 move out. Bambi shld b back aft March break, mayb u can stay w/ her till I turn 16yo & we can get r own place.
Yr mom told me ovah & ovah again how much Liz loved u when u were a baby, she let u sleep w/ her when u were skared @ nite & she made an Apes-2-English dictionary so yr 'rents understand yr baby talk, WTF happened? My sister Perdita tried 2 kill me by pushing me in2 a goat pen when I was a baby but we r cube now.
L8r. Breaks ovah.
p.s. Jay-Z friended me on Myspace, Im so pumped, he must recognize tru talent. I wish The Mighty Gabby had a Myspace, Id post 2 it evry day.
p.p.s. I no Snitch doesnt like my poems but Im riting 1 4 myself. Its called Marineland vs. C-world, Ill post it 2 my blog soon. I hope u like it.
At 6:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
I still think I should of slapped you, it would of been the best thing for the family and humanity, I don't know what your problem is, but trying to mock my Mom-like perfectness is not going to get you anywhere except crying like a baby when you realize you are just a meany face.
At 6:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
I know it's hard when you've got a sister who is beautiful and accomplished and spirit-named, but you've got to learn to deal with it instead of taking it out on her through extra-long showers and emotional outbursts.
Sure, you're frustrated. You don't have nice clothes and you don't do anything for what you have, Mike eats your favorite breakfast cereal, Merrie and Robin punched out the bottoms of all your IKEA furniture by dancing in the drawers, and Dee accidentally erased your hard drive (your dad gives me the news when he calls late at night after Elly is asleep). But that's no reason for you to be mean to your sister.
You have a lot of growing up to do, young lady.
BTW, Liz, looks like materials for a 12X9 cage will run about $325.
At 7:23 PM,
April Patterson said…
dunc, i guess i felt kinda shy abt talking abt what's going on @ home. @ least until recently. it's nice that u wish u cda dun something, tho i'm not sure what u cda dun.
i'm not sure y liz turned on me. it's true she useta luv me an' take gd care of me.
liz, y r u so mean?
anthony, y r u so crayzee? c that peeps? he wants 2 lock me in a cage! help!
At 8:11 PM,
duncan anderson said…
Im remembering more & more of yr moms dum stories. Thats what happens when u wash dishes 4 hrs & hrs & hrs & hrs & u have no priv8 time in the can. Yr mom told me that when Liz was skared @ nite she used 2 pretend she was Sno White & locked inside a beautiful glass case the 7 dwarf d00ds made 4 her. U shld insist on a beautiful glass case, fair is fair.
Oh, man. Now I'm remembering the story where Liz found the button u swallowed in yr poop. I think yr mom told me that 1 while I was eating her c-food surprise. I bettah go wash more dishes b4 I remember nething else.
p.s. Did Canada or Kenya win the match 2day I didnt get 2 c ne of it.
At 8:30 PM,
April Patterson said…
dunc, bad news. canada lost 2 kenya by 7 wickets.
man, i hadn't thot abt that whole "button" thing in 4evs. i still can't believe liz dug that thing outta my poop and washed it an' all. so much ew.
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