April's Real Blog

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I'm STILL talking about VACUUMING?

Oh, man, I thot it was bad when I cdn't stop talkin' abt that 1 Monday, fr, like, almost a MONTH ago. But now, I'm abt 2 dwell on the vacuuming fr. this wkend. Like, remember I told U abt Mom vacking the stairs after Mike & co. left Sunday nite? Well, Ma was making such a huffy-puffy deal outta it that I offered 2 take ovr. And while I was cleaning thoze stairs, she took a look around & realized the rest of the carpeting was also lookin' schmutzy. So she got the central vac hooked up, which made Edgar whine. She was all, "I know. I hate this thing as much as U do." Which I guess is true, cuz after all that fuss, she did such a poor job that Howard still had lotsa cleaning 2 do when he came by yesterday afternoon, @ Tracey Mayes's request. My mom's got it in her head that if she & Dad buy that smaller house the odefoax own (the 1 my dad keeps drooling ovr in his monthly letters 4 its choo-choo yard potential), cleaning wd B a breeze. But U so know she'd bitch an' moan abt that 2.

Becky's been asking peeps what's the big deal abt honeymoons. She's wondering abt that cuz her Mom's planning on marrying Dr. Ted & is way xcited abt the hmoon. & Becks doesn't know Y, since they already, U know, do the "wide awake dance", & they take trips whenev they want. & Ger was trying 2 help out by asking his dad, who then got Ger all scared w/all this talk abt how Mboro married couples don't have sex. Xcept 2 get pg. & he talked 2, like, all the married men in Mboro 2 confirm this. Last nite, he started gettin' Becks & me all worried 2. S o they both came ovr so we cd, like, comfort ea other. & Becks called up Mike 2 interview him abt this marriage an' sex stuff. She sed he owed her since she let him have that xclusive interview w/her abt the prison riot & all. And he got us even more scared. It's, like, if U R a Milboro girl & U marry a Milboro guy, U will totally bcome this typical Mboro woman, even if U move away. & the only hope is 2 marry sum guy who's not fr Mboro. Tho I wonder what happed 2 my 'rents. Cuz Ma's fr. Vancouver & Dad's fr. Winnipeg. But I guess that's a mystery 4 another time.

Ger, U R supposed 2 cuddle ME 4 comfort, not my bud! NEwho, Ger, Becks & I R starting 2 think mayB yr "vitamins" cd B steroids. Cuz, U know, no1 evr heard of "vitamin rage". MayB we shd get a sample of yr vites analyzed @ a lab. & while it's cube that U R so big & strong now, U don't want those nasty side-effects!

Alex, believe me, U R way lucky not 2 know what we're going on abt w/the Mboro antisex weirdness. Lucky, lucky, lucky! & sounds like U & Jeremy had yrselves a gr8 d8 last nite! Jeremy, 2 answer yr question abt that feeling U R getting in yr heart & whether Ger makes me feel that way: yeah, he does. @ least he does when he's not giving me a detailed outline on ways 2 improve myself. But he's been happy w/me since thoze cheer tryouts.



  • At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    alexandra, i made the mistake of mentionin’ 2 geranium that april wuz talkin’ ‘bout vacuumin’ 2 dayz n a row on her real blog & it cud b the start of a nasty trend, since april talked ‘bout her zits & shannon lake 4 3 weeks b4 on her real blog. i sed to gerbil jokin’ like, that i wuz thinkin’ ‘bout reading her fake blog nstead, if it kept up. well, gerund got rilly mad & slammed me n2 a locker & made me swear 2 read the real blog. he wuz rilly sorry aftahwardz but it kinda got my stomach goin’ frum the ribs & all the unshelled peanuts we were eatin’ last nite. i don’t digest peanuts az fast az i used 2 b4 i started luking 40. i’m gonna ask 2 go 2 the washroom now.

  • At 11:50 AM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    omg, ger! u r reacting 2 thingz in a v. v. xtreme way these dayz! it's cube u wanna defend me & all, but u cd hurt sum1!

    in other news, there was just this announcement ovr the p.a. system. all the boys on sports teams were called 2 the auditorium. "b prepared 2 p in a cup, boyz!" i wonder what that was all about? i saw a coupla coaches lookin' kinda panicky.


  • At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest April,

    Don't worry, my love. I went down to the gymnasium as requested, but when we got there, the principal told us it was just a false alarm to remind us that we could be subjected to random drug testing at any time. Then he showed us a video called "The Good Sport." It was very educational. Afterwards, I thanked the principal for the fine assembly and shook his hand. I think I might have squeezed a little too hard though, because his hand made popping noises. Nurse Horbreth says nothing was broken, however.

    Devotedly, Gerald

  • At 1:35 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    ok, becks, i thot it was a "native mboro thing" only. i guess we all had better plan leaving mboro & marrying a non-mboroite, eh?

    yeh, steroidz is what i was trying 2 say in my entry this morning, yo.

    overherd a strange thing in the hall. principal was telling coach reed, "u owe me 1, chuck. u owe me big time! now, watch yr arse!" wonder what that was all abt.


  • At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Don't worry, my darling April. I am fine. I only sustained mild contusions in that fight, but I successfully defended your honor, which makes it all worthwhile.

    Becky, I can't believe I actually cuddled with you.

    Sincerely, Gerald

  • At 2:34 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    ger, it is v. v. sweet of u 2 defend my honour, but don't 4get u can get in2 serious trub 4 fiting! u don't wanna get kicked off yr teams or lose yr chances @ getting sports scholarships, eh?

    also, cd u tell us xactly what yr mom has sed 2 u abt yr vitaminz? cuz mayB there r special thingz we oughta know abt them. b well informed & all that stuff.


  • At 2:43 PM, Blogger howard said…


    Drove the motorbike to work today. The garage mechanics made a few jokes about me taking “a bite” out of my fuel usage, because of the bite marks Gerald left up and down the hood of my car currently being fixed in the garage.

    Gordon Mayes came up to me in his lederhosen and started speaking casually to me (or at least casually as Gordon can). He said, “Guten Morgen Howard. I understand you are saying that your car was attacked by Gerald Forsythe and that’s why it was damaged?” I told Gordon that Gerald had admitted to doing so. Gordon said, “This is the same Gerald Forsythe that is playing sehr gut for the R.P. Boire basketball and hockey teams?” I said that Gerald did play for both teams, to my knowledge. Gordon said, “Those teams have been playing sehr gut lately. I think it would be a schreckliche Schande if Gerald had to quit playing because of a wenig Sache like attacking a car. Don’t you agree?” I said I didn’t want to get Gerald in trouble. Gordon said, “Well Howard. I think it would be a wirklich nette Sache if your car was repaired for free and you didn’t mention this incident to anyone else. Don’t you think that would be a wirklich nette Sache?” I said I thought it would be. Gordon said, “Thanks, Howard. It is good to hear you say that and also, may I compliment on what a wonderful job you have been doing here.” I said thank you and that the custodial duties are far easier than they were when I worked at the Milborough Seniors’ Living Palace. Gordon said, “Oh no, Howard. I wasn’t talking about the cleaning. I was talking about how well you have done keeping Dr. P occupied when he comes to visit every evening. I am sure the cleaning is good too. Mach weiter so, and I’ll make sure the boys in the garage know not to charge you for your repair.”

    So it’s good news. My car is being repaired for free.


  • At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Howard,

    I am very glad to hear that you are getting free car repairs. When I send you my "I'm sorry I attacked your car" note, I will also send a "Thanks for saving my butt" note to Gordon. I talked to Gordon on the phone this morning and he told me that the repairs would probably cost at least $3000. Since I only get $20 allowance every week, it would have taken me three years to pay you back, and that is if I gave you my whole allowance and didn't use any of it to buy necessities like lunch or condoms. (Not that I need condoms now but I will when my April flower turns 16 which is in 17 months.)

    Wow. It is really nice to be a jock. I have noticed that I get away with a lot of stuff. Like fighting. Mr. Bloatrip caught me beating on Drew Fontaine in the commons before geography, and he let us go with only a verbal warning. Of course I was even later to geography than Becky was, but Mrs. Prescott marked me "present" even though she marked Becky "tardy."

    Excuse me, I have to go. I think that Peruvian exchange student is looking at me funny. I might have to rearrange her face.


  • At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    rebeccah, i called the doc 'bout the prostate exam u suggested 2 alexandra & they sed unless i had an immediate relative that had cancer, they wudn't do that kinda exam till i wuz 45. i am only 14 & evn if i luk 40, that's still not 45. ok?

  • At 3:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    alexandra, ru goin' 2 the skool hockey game w/me or ru doin' sumthin' w/eva? the way geranium haz been actin' l8ly, the hockey game cud b rilly innerestin'. i wudn't wanna miss it.

  • At 3:35 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    hey, i'll totally c u guyz @ the game! i'm supposta cover it 4 yrbook, an' bobby sparkindale's doin' fotos.


  • At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    rebeccah, i do not luk 48. 40 @the oldest. u rilly shud b here @the hockey game w/alexandra & april & me. if the warm-up iz ne indication, gerald iz gonna b puttin' on quite a show. gerald alreddy came off the ice 2 tell april 2 sit w/the othah hockey gf's. thass where we r sittin' now, n case u decide 2 come.

  • At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    rebeccah, i am beginning 2 wonder if geranium iz evn gonna play 4 more than a few minutes. so far he haz gotten penalties 4 chargin’, head contact, cross-checkin’, high-stickin’ & droppin’ gloves. i think gerund iz gonna live n that penalty box. alexandra sez this iz way bettah than the last skool game we saw.

    he's goin’ out again. oooh! thass gotta hurt. u shuld definitely b here.

  • At 4:22 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    i m getting sum really gr8 notes 4 yrbk. i'm glad alex knowz so much abt hockey, she's being a big help!


  • At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    rebeccah, gerbil’s new penalties r 4 touchin’ game official & continuin’ altercation aftah warnin’. on the plus side, he haz scored 2 goalz w/wut’s gotta b only 3 minutes of actual ice tyme.

    oh, u know how sumtymez wen april yellz she openz her mouth incredibly wide & tips her head back & her tongue sorta sticks out? well, she haz been doin’ a lotta that. she iz rilly loud. i guess cuz of that extra resonance frum b-ing able 2 open ur mouth az wide az that. alexandra wuz mpressed. she started teechin’ april sum cheerz.

  • At 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    rebeccah, slashin’ & leg-checkin’ r the newest penalties 4 geranium. i’m getting’ 2c sum penalties i never saw b4. oh, & anothah goal. i think it’s cuz the opposin’ team iz getting’ afraid 2 evn come near gerbil. go gerbil! oh, i think i shuldn’t have sed that out loud. he’z comin’ up n2 the standz. cu…

  • At 4:55 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    there'z a reporter here fr. the local paper. she was talkin' on her cell & gesturing wildly. the only thing i was able 2 catch her saying was "PSYCHO"!

    man, ger has spent more time in penalty than out!


  • At 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    alexandra, sure. come on ovah. mom iz gonna let me have the gud tv 2 watch w/the gud chesterfield 2 lie on. my head still hurts frum where Mr. Gerald Forsythe-- Sir! clocked me w/his stick durin' the skool game. i will feel a lot bettah if ur w/me.

  • At 8:00 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    btw, happy b-day, dee! big 29! i hope mike did sumthin' nice 4 u! did u like the gift i sent ya?

    so i got a lotta material 4 the yrbk, but ger's coach made a big deal abt how he gets 2 review nething & approve or not b4 it goes in. i will hafta see what mr. hi perspastick has 2 say abt that.

    ger had some v. interesting thingz happ after the game, but he made me promise 2 let him tell it. he sed not 2 believe what they were saying on the evening news. "a misunderstanding" he calls it. i m so glad that flying puck missed my head. that was close!


  • At 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Friends,

    That news report that called me "Milborough's own Thug-On-Ice" and "a menace on skates" was most unfair and, I must say, that kind of biased reporting should get that gentleman's reporting license revoked.

    Yes, I did purposefully hit a puck into the crowds. And yes, I did hit it in the direction of the section in which the girlfriends of all the Milborough players sit. But I very carefully aimed it at Jeremy Jones, who is a known juvenile delinquent and pervert. I saw him looking at me. Looking at me with a look in his eyes. A bad look. A look that said he wanted to do something to me. Something bad. He wanted to give me a "bad touch." Now, whether he wanted to touch my private parts or just to touch my body with his bicycle as it moved at a high rate of speed, I do not know. Should I have just waited around passively for him to make up his mind and commit his heinous assault? No! Gerald Millicent Delaney Forsythe will be a victim no longer! He is a strong man! Grr. Gerald fierce! He tough! Grr! Gerald KILL Jeremy!!!

    Sincerely yours, Gerald

  • At 8:26 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    omg, becks! that's horrible! what shd we do?!?! ger, did u c that?


  • At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    april, i am officially not goin' ne where near gerbil @skool. i am stayin' far away frum him. if u wanna post 2 alexandra, she iz watchin’ edmonton/new jersey ovah here. tied at 1-1 in the second period. ok game so far. alexandra keeps takin’ out her game puck & comparing it 2 the injury on my head. she kinda goez back & forth b-tween, “i’m a bad gf 4 not noticin’ u got hurt” & “wow. i’m so mpressed u got hit n the head w/a puck.” man, my head hurts. i hope it stops hurtin’ soon.

  • At 9:00 PM, Blogger howard said…


    Is there a reason your boyfriend Gerald is running down the streets of Milborough in a half-shredded shirt? He keeps yelling, "Gerald Smash!" over and over again while growling.


  • At 9:04 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    omg, omg, omg! sum1, pls tell me what we shd do?!?!?!


  • At 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Sincerely yours, Gerald

  • At 9:19 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    man, becks, u r not kidding abt dr. ted bein' a dick! i can't believe he did this 2 ger! he's worse than schlanger. what, r we in the malpractice capital of ontario?!?!?!

    once we've helped get ger outta this problem, we have got 2 get even w/dr. ted. i m so pissed i'm like almost spitting while i write this!


  • At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    april, geranium iz gonna be a little sore 2morrow. he crashed n2 my house sayin’ “GERALD SMASH! GERALD MAIM! GERALD KILL!” mom & alexandra tuk him down w/a pair of fryin’ panz. i woulda helped but i wuz pinned undah the chesterfield gerald dumped ovah on me. while he wuz doin’ that iz wen i think mom & alexandra armed themselves n the kitchen, snuck up b-hind him & knocked him flat. i missed most of that action cuz i wuz under the chesterfield. alexandra may post her story, if she wunts. i think it wuz a real bondin’ moment 4 her & mom. they’ve givin’ each othah hi 5’s a lot.

    neway, mom called gerund’s dad & mom 2 pick him up. she haz promised them not 2 press chargez. they promised 2 replace the frunt door & i think mom got a little money. she’z like “r there ne othah rich peep’s kids u wanna get mad @u?” now, i am evn more beat up than b4 & nobody seemz 2 care. i guess that’s wut happens wen u luk 40. every1 just says, “well he’z gonna die soon neway. y botha?” feelin’ sorry 4 myself now. oh, edmonton / new jersey still tied 1-1 in the 3rd period.

  • At 9:39 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    aw, man, jeremy, that's terrible! becks, is it 2 l8 4 dr. ted 2 get ger that sedative? i guess his mom wd prolly not allow it? god, this is such a mess!


  • At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest friends,

    I am afraid that I have made quite an arse of myself this evening, and for that I am truly sorry. Amy Vanderbilt says that battery and aggravated mayhem are strictly verboten in the better homes and gardens. I don't know how I could have ever forgotten such a cardinal rule of etiquette.

    Becky's friend Dr. McCaulay was waiting for me when my parents brought me home. He gave me some lovely pills that have made me feel quite mellow. He says that he is cutting back the dosage on my fitness vitamins for the foreseeable future. I expressed my concerns about my performance in the hockey rink, but Dr. McCaulay promised me that I will still be Milborough's star athlete--though probably a little less vigorous.

    Jeremy, I am heartily sorry that I tried to kill you. It was a social faux pas that I am sure I will never live down. Alexandra, I am sorry about the destruction I wreaked at your house. I would not be surprised if you never invited me over for tea ever again. Also, do not feel bad for having dinged me with that frying pan. Though my noggin is a bit tender, I am sure that my boorish manners earned me your severe remonstrance.

    Sincerely and humbly yours, Gerald

  • At 10:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    devils 2 oilers 1 w/a shootout goal. crud! april, pleaze tell gerald wen he comez 2 hiz senses he attacked me n my house, not alexandra’z. unless he wuz sayin’ sumthin’ ‘bout how if i inherit the house frum my mom then it wuld b-come alexandra’z if alexandra & i were married.

    i am havin’ 2 type this one-handed on the fone. alexandra haz kinda fallen asleep on me. she gotta big adrenaline rush aftah she & mom stopped gerbil, but she crashed aftahwordz, wen we were snugglin’ 2gethah watchin’ the game. mom sez she iz goin’ 2 bed & i shuld just njoy snugglin’ my hero & let her sleep. i guess she iz rite. alexandra iz my hero, cuz she kept gerald frum killin’ me. it’s kinda nice 2 have a gf who’s a badass w/the fryin’ pan. fingerz getting’ tired. ttyl.

  • At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest Jeremy,

    Please excuse me. I was not in my right mind when I attacked you, and the sedatives Dr. McCaulay administered appear to have had a detrimental effect on my ability to read.

    Sincerely yours, Gerald

  • At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I guess this is where Alex posts?
    Has anyone seen her? This is her sister, she never returned home from Germany's after the game. I'm getting worried.

    Alex, if you get this, I told mom you weren't feel well and locked yourself in your room to be left alone. I hope you're alright.

    Alex's sister

  • At 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Alex, I hope you get this. You never came home last night. I brought a change of clothes for you to school with me. So far mom doesn't know that you never came home.

    Your sister.


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