What's next, a duel?
Lizzie & Paul were driving along, & Liz spotted Warren's helicopter. She was all, "Oh, my gosh. There he is!" And Paul was like, "U lead an amazing life Elizabeth. I can't compete with a helicopter pilot, can I." Liz sez he didn't say it like a question. It was like a statement. But Liz was like, "There's no competition, Paul. Warren & I haven't seen each other 4 ovr a year." So, next thing, Paul & Liz were all standing by his car embracing while Paul sed, "Well...have a good holiday, sweet girl. I hope, when U come back, we'll still B...." & Liz was like, "Yes, we'll still B...." Then while she & Paul hugged with their eyez closed, she had this weird feeling that Warren was standing there, in his gogglez, thinking, "Is that who I think it is?...With another guy?!! ....Well, I'll B." Erm, U'll B what, Warren? A guy who xpected Lizzie 2 w8 4 U all unattached in case U decided 2 fly back in2 her life? But also, Liz? When U made yr arrangements w/Warren? & told him U wanted 2 B picked up in White River insteada Mtigblahblah? Y didn't U xplain that the guy driving U 2 WR is, like, a guy U've been d8ing. & hiking w/whenevs U get the chance? Oh, well, I'm prolly 2 yung 2 understand, eh?
Dunc & I R scoping the prezziez under the tree & guess what? Dunc's got more prezziez there than I do! Sum of them have labels where "April" is, like, crossed out & "Dunc" written in. I guess Ma's still sore @ me. But she gave Dad his "completion certificate" 4 the Elly 12-step programme 4 his drinking, so I guess that's progress.
Dunc & I R scoping the prezziez under the tree & guess what? Dunc's got more prezziez there than I do! Sum of them have labels where "April" is, like, crossed out & "Dunc" written in. I guess Ma's still sore @ me. But she gave Dad his "completion certificate" 4 the Elly 12-step programme 4 his drinking, so I guess that's progress.
At 3:55 PM,
April Patterson said…
yeesh, it's been, like, impos 2 get away fr. the fam 2 post 2day. well, i guess i'm not alone w/that cuz, like, no1 else is posting either. mom keeps offering dunc more & more food. he's like, "no more! i've eaten 2 much. where's the pepto?"
At 4:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
yoohoo, dunc, i'm out of the detention centre! i get 2 spend the holidaze w/my 'rents & then i hafta go 2 ottawa next month 4 catholic military reform school. so, wanna get 2gether b4 i go?
i know i went psycho on u, but i've had lots an' lots an' lots of time 2 think. & i know i was wrong. 4gives?
kiMMi <3 <3 <3
At 6:33 PM,
April Patterson said…
alex! come ovr! dunc & i r having non-alcholic egg nog & playing puter gamez. i wanted 2 xchange prezziez w/ger, but he had a big family thing 2day & sed he'll come by 2morrow.
becks, i called yr house 2 c if i cd give u yr prezzie, but yr aunt arlene answered & she 4 sum reason thot i was, like, raising $ 4 a charity & i cdn't get her 2 change her mind. she cussed me out! & when i tried yr cell, she answered that 2 & the same thing happed again! wanna xchange prezziez 2morrow?
p.s. alex, i removed the dbl posting 4 u!
At 6:46 PM,
April Patterson said…
alex, don't worry! i wasn't really xpecting a big gifty thing w/u since we haven't known ea other 4 very long. i just got u a nice espresso blend u can make @ home!
At 6:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, the gift giving didn't go so well. can i come ovr 2 veg out & play games w/u and dunc?
At 6:54 PM,
April Patterson said…
jeremy, sure! u shd know it's me, dunc & alex here rite now. we're filling our glasses w/the non-alk egg nog & trying 2 decide which gamez we wanna play.
At 7:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
April, Becky, & friends,
Howard asked me to let you know what happened so you wouldn't worry about him. Yesterday evening, just as we were closing, he had a surprise. His parents, whom he hasn't seen since they agreed to be his surety when he was having those troubles of his, showed up unexpected! His mother said, "Howard! We've missed you and we're here to kidnap you! Your Uncle Melville and Aunt Winnie will be meeting us at the family compound. It's been too long since we've had a real family Christmas!" And Howard's father said, "We're going to stop off at your apartment so you can pack a weekend bag and change out of that dress!"
I'm not sure, but Howard seemed to have mixed feelings about all this. Anyway, he whispered to me that he'd post when he got back, but that his parents are not online.
Sorry it took me so long to post. Nardo & I had a big fight and he went back to his dad's trailer in B.C. :(
I'm spending the weekend at Vicki's house.
At 8:35 PM,
April Patterson said…
alex, i m sorry u had 2 witness that. i can't believe my mom actually thot i was rentin' out the closet as, in her words, "a bordello", & tryin' 2 b, like, teenage "milboro madam". & jeremy, sorry mom yelled @ u 4 being a "dirty old man" trying 2 corrupt impressionable yung girls.
then when dunc tried 2, like, help the sitch, it came out all wrong, & now mom thinx i was trying 2 brainwash dunc or sumthing. omg, i hafta lie down.
p.s. i thot what jeremy told u was v. sweet. when u told him u've never known ne1 like him b4, it's good that he knew u were, like complimenting him.
At 9:17 PM,
April Patterson said…
alex, my mom is vacuuming again. after she yelled @ the dogz 4 shedding & the xmas tree 4 dropping pine needlez, lol!
sorry abt that "room" comment. it's just that i really miss ger 2day & i cdn't help being a bit jellus!
At 9:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Becks, I think Birth-Dad Thor's been drinking again! I was checking my voicemail, to see if maybe Nardo called to apologize (of course not!). And there was this long, long message from BDT. He was going on and on about "Merry Christmas, my lovely half-native bastard daughter I unknowingly fathered when I was young and stupid. Now, I'm just stupid!" He laughed and laughed at this, but then started to cry. He said, "Well, I hope you have a wonderful holiday, illicit fruit of my over-eager loins!" And he said a bunch more, but I had a hard time making it out. He ended with some kind of apology that he didn't have a "Marjee" tattoo. Weird.
At 9:38 PM,
April Patterson said…
the sox r cube, alex! they don't clash w/our uni, but they r also cute. thanx! :)
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