So, more abt that convo w/Dad during our walk this past Sunday. I didn't really want 2, but I knew we'd hafta get 2 the subj Dad had wanted 2 talk abt in the 1st place, & I figged I mite as well B the 1 2 bring it up after I managed 2 throw him off with all that "U & Mom R moody" & "that house is tiny" stuff. So, I went, "U asked me 2 go 4 a walk, Pop. Did U want 2 talk 2 me abt sumthing?" Dad was all "Um... Yeah. Yr mom is concerned abt the internet." "Yr mom"? OMG, what a liar!!! I know this is all coming from him, not Mom! Y's he gotta lie like that? NEway, he went on, "She wants 2 know if U've been xploring 'all those sites'." "All those sites"? WTF does that mean? I didn't know, but I decided 2 play along & C what I cd find out abt Dad. I sed, "Dad, I don't have time 2 xplore 'all those sites'." Then Dad was, like, "But U've gone 2 a few." Still thinkin' the "WTF" but I decided I'd keep going & use the word "gross" since it's a bit ambiguous (vocab word!): "Sure! Everybody checks out the internet--& I've looked up sum gross stuff." Then I turned the tables, all "....Haven't U?" Dad got all quiet & shifty & looked guilty. So I sed "AH-HAH!" & his eyez bugged out as he prolly pictured like choo-choo n3kr0ph!li@ or sum-such. LOL! So, so busted.
Paul. Not EXERCISE. EXORCISE! Pls, foax, B serious! I wanna go 2 Mtiggy, really I do. But I ain't goin' up there until U guyz resolve this Angra Mainyu ish. Please read thru thoze sites. I'm not playin' peeps!
Paul. Not EXERCISE. EXORCISE! Pls, foax, B serious! I wanna go 2 Mtiggy, really I do. But I ain't goin' up there until U guyz resolve this Angra Mainyu ish. Please read thru thoze sites. I'm not playin' peeps!
At 9:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ssshhh. Beau Dacious is in my shower. All this tantric celebacy stuff made my "scarcity" anxieties pop up something awful, and I guess I got a little freaky with Beau last night. Well, better finish getting ready for work.
At 12:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Boozhoo (Hello).
I just got back to Otter County and read your writing from this morning. I am sorry I misunderstood you. I already wrote you about what my cousin, the animal shaman did for your sister and her cat, remember? The exorcising has already been done. As far as I can tell, the Angra Mainyu issue is solved. Shiimsa seemed perfectly normal and I did not see her once try to type anything. I am not sure how she did that in the first place. Your sister did type a few times, but Shiimsa was quite comfortable being petted and enjoyed our usual conversation about string theory using a length of string. She tried to scratch me when I went to pick up the cake pan for her tuna cake, to clean it. Nothing unusual for cats. They are usually a little defensive when it comes to food. I was a little surprised when your sister did the same thing when I tried to pick up her breakfast plate. She got over it and we had a nice good-bye, just as she left for work and I had to start the drive back to Otter County.
Gi'-ga-wa-ba-min' na-gutch! (See you later!)
Constable Paul Wright
At 12:29 PM,
howard said…
Marjee is humming and looking very happy at work today. Sugar went over to her and said, “Marjee. How could you? After all Howard means to you.” Marjee said, “Everybody’s got to get some. Haven’t you been getting some?” Sugar got all quiet and shifty and looked guilty. So Marjee sed "AH-HAH!" Sometimes the stylists and Sugar have some strange conversations.
Howard K.
At 12:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, ur a genius. wenevah my mom wunts 2 walk & talk, i usually don’t say nething, so i can get it ovah w/. askin’ ur dad wut he wunts 2 talk ‘bout & then makin’ sure he knowz u know he duz the same thing az wut he wants 2 talk ‘bout u doin’. that’s genius. i gotta remembah that, the next tyme my mom wunts 2 do the walk & talk.
oh, if uc eva hangin’ close 2 me 2day, it’s cuz of the wannab a-girlz (avery, alanis, & anais) she sorta broke up w/yestahday wen they wunted her 2 change her name legally to ava. she knowz they won’t bug her if she’z w/me cuz of avery wuntin’ 2b my gf & stuff. so there’z no reazn 4 ne1 2 get jealous, eh? it’s just temporary, till the a-girlz focus on sumbody else.
At 3:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hee! It's true, April. My Shiimsa is a cute, sweet, normal kitty.
I guess I should explain why she calls herself "Angra Mainyu." You are clearly not up on your T.S. Eliot. If you were, you would understand.
"The Naming of Cats" by T.S. Eliot
The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
It isn't just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.
First of all, there's the name that the family use daily,
Such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo or James,
Such as Victor or Jonathan, George or Bill Bailey--
All of them sensible everyday names.
There are fancier names if you think they sound sweeter,
Some for the gentlemen, some for the dames:
Such as Plato, Admetus, Electra, Demeter--
But all of them sensible everyday names.
But I tell you, a cat needs a name that's particular,
A name that's peculiar, and more dignified,
Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular,
Or spread out his whiskers, or cherish his pride?
Of names of this kind, I can give you a quorum,
Such as Munkustrap, Quaxo, or Coricopat,
Such as Bombalurina, or else Jellylorum-
Names that never belong to more than one cat.
But above and beyond there's still one name left over,
And that is the name that you never will guess;
The name that no human research can discover--
But THE CAT HIMSELF KNOWS, and will never confess.
When you notice a cat in profound meditation,
The reason, I tell you, is always the same:
His mind is engaged in a rapt contemplation
Of the thought, of the thought, of the thought of his name:
His ineffable effable
Deep and inscrutable singular Name.
Since your learning curve seems to be a bit long on this issue:
Everyday name: Shiimsa
Dignified name: Angra Mainyu
Singular name: ???
April, I highly recommend Cats for Dummies to you. You need to learn to understand cats better if you are going to be a vet.
At 4:04 PM,
howard said…
Thanks. Now I have Cats melodies going on in my head. I'm going to put on some opera to clear my head, while I clean the house and wait for Becky to get home from working at Krystle's Kakes & Pies.
Howard K.
At 4:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
After I finished posting the T.S. Eliot poem to you, I went to go get a snack ready for Jesse's visit. As you probably knows, he peeks in my windows every Tuesday and Thursday from 4-6 pm. Sometimes I invite him in to talk. I think if I show him I am just a nice, normal teacher, he will stop being so curious about me.
Anyway, we started talking and I told him your problem with Shiimsa. Jesse told me, "You know, I am a shaman in training. Shamans know all about animals." I was surprised. I probably had that dumbfounded look on my face that Pattersons get at least 5-6 times per day!
So I decided to ask Jesse, the little shaman-in-training (I think I'm going to abbreviate that to Sh.i.T., because it's too long to type) some questions about Shiimsa. "April thinks she is possessed," I told Jesse.
Jesse picked up Shiimsa and stared into her eyes. At first, Shiimsa stared back. Then she swiped at his face with her paw, and so Jesse put her down.
"She's just a normal cat," Jesse told me.
"I know that," I said to Jesse, "but April thinks she must have an evil spirit in her because of our little jokes." Then I told him about how I know what Shiimsa's thoughts are, and how I type out her little messages for her.
Jesse stroked his chin in a very wise-looking way and said, "Hmm. You have a special connection. Where did you learn about cats?"
I told him, "Cats for Dummies, The Idiot's Guide to Cats, and A Guide to Cats for Total Morons Like You."
Jesse nodded. "Yeah, that should do it. After reading all that stuff, you are prob'ly really in tune with the ways of the cat. It's a good thing you read those books! I was starting to worry that I shouldn't have given Shiimsa to you."
Then I said, "April is upset because Shiimsa chose 'Angra Mainyu' for her singular name."
Jesse didn't get it at first.
"'Angra Mainyu' is the name for the personification of evil in the Zoroastrian religion," I explained.
"Oh!" Jesse said. "That's not weird at all! Cats like to seem tougher than they really are. Auntie Marg has a cat who calls himself 'Satan'." Then Jesse said, "Maybe Shiimsa used to be a Zorowhatian in her last life."
I kind of frowned at him. "I don't know if I believe in reincarnation."
"Oh," Jesse said. "Well, we do."
"Who do?" I asked him.
"The Ojibway!" Jesse told me. "My mishomis told me. We believe that if a person dies before completing all the lessons they need to learn in life, their spirit body returns and is reborn in another body."
"Even in a cat?" I asked.
Jesse said, "I don't know. Do those Zorro people believe in reincarnation?"
"I think so," I told him. So we Googled it. Some ugly sites came up in our search, and I had a hard time keeping Jesse from looking at them, but we eventually found the answer. Zoroastrians do believe in reincarnation, and a person can be reincarnated in many different forms.
"Probably Uhura Mazda thought Shiimsa could best learn her lessons as a cat," Jesse said. We learned online that Uhura Mazda is the Zoroastrian god.
"Wow. You are so wise," I told Jesse.
Jesse shrugged. "Yeah, First Nations people are really wise. That's just how we are. We're, like, born with it."
"What lessons do you think Shiimsa has to learn?" I asked him. As a teacher, I am very concerned about neglecting her education.
Jesse thought about it a minute. Then he said, "Well, she named herself after the personification of evil. And she's been trying to scare your sister out of coming up to visit you. Prob'ly she needs to learn about niceness. I could help you," he said. "I'm a real Sh.I.T."
"I know you are," I said. "How often do you think we need to do lessons together?"
"Every day," Jesse told me right away. "Until Angra Mainyu learns to be nice."
"Well, she already is nice sometimes," I said.
"Then learning to be nice most of the time probably won't take too long. Only two or three years, prob'ly. We'll have to work together every day--just you and me and Shiimsa." Jesse seems very excited about our lessons. He is so devoted! I think he is a great little Sh.I.T. and will make an excellent shaman someday.
"How will we know when Shiimsa learns her lessons?" I asked him.
"Prob'ly when she changes her singular name to something nicer. Like 'Spenta Mainyu,'" Jesse told me. We learned that is the personification fo good in Zoroastrianity (or whatever you call it).
Jesse stayed for milk and cookies. Then, when he said goodbye, I gave him a kiss on the cheek to thank him for his help. Jesse seemed to really like that. His pupils turned into weird heart shapes for a second. I think maybe that's a trick he learned for Valentine's Day to impress some girl. Probably Alice. She's cute.
So, will you come for spring break now?
At 4:56 PM,
April Patterson said…
paul the issue's not resolved. did u not see what "angra mainyu" wrote after that so-called exorcism? she wrote that she was faking the happy-happy stuff & it wd take more 2 get rid of the eeevil.
liz, do u think it's funny that yr cat is getting u 2 write threatening messagez 2 me under yr name?
paul, u didn't c shiimsa typing b-cuz she's controlling liz's mind & getting liz 2 do her writing 4 her. haven't u noticed posts that say "liz patterson" @ the top but then r signed "angra mainyu"? btw, when liz swiped @ u--JUST LIKE SHIIMSA--it was cuz SHIIMSA WAS CONTROLLING HER MIND!
liz, i don't think i'm the one w/the long learning curve. what's it gonna take? paul or me eviscerated w/shiimsa feasting on human guts? wd that b lol funnee, "shiimsa is so whimsical"?
jeremy, thanx 4 the compliment. & good 4 marjee getting 1 over sugar like that!
At 5:13 PM,
howard said…
When I think about my one day in Mtigwaki, I can understand why you might be afraid to go there. It is not a town for the weak-willed or timid. Just the thought of going back there fills me with fear. You certainly would need your sister to have all her senses about her to protect you from the Mtigwakians, much less her homicidal, domesticated cat. Becky’s dad might be willing to let you borrow Freyfaxi for your trip up. If it were me, I would go in armed to the teeth but not with a dog. The Ojibway influence might turn Freyfaxi away from his Nordic heritage. Mtigwaki. Brr! I get chills just thinking about that awful place.
Howard K.
At 5:20 PM,
April Patterson said…
i dunno, liz, i'm sure jesse's an earnest lil Sh.i.T. & all, but keep in mind that he has a major crush on u, so theze intensive "nice" lessons 4 shiimsa r also a way 4 him 2 spend a lotta xtra time w/u.
also, don't 4get that paul's cousin, a full-fledged shaman, not only wasn't able 2 fix this prob, but shiimsa also tricked him in2 thinking he'd fixed it. so what's 2 keep her fr. tricking jesse, who's still just a Sh.i.t.?
also, like, when u swiped @ paul, do u remember that happening? if so, do u remember having the feeling that u weren't in control of yr own actions?
At 5:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
I swiped at Paul because Shiimsa and I thought it would be a funny little joke! She sent me the message telepathically.
The line about "I'm going to scratch you, Mountie," was the same thing.
Don't you get it yet? Shiimsa and I have a special connection. That's all. She's not the devil or an evil spirit or anything like that. Sheesh. You have a crazy imagination!
At 5:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, about Paul's shaman cousin--Jesse tells me that he does not have a very good reputation for effective shamaning in the community. Last year he tried to cure his Aunt Marg's cat Whiskers, aka Satan, from being mean, and Whiskers fooled him too. Jesse says he's gotten very good results from his niceness lessons with Whiskers.
Because I know you do not trust Jesse to tell the truth--which is silly, given his reputation for honesty even when it is not in his best interests--I called his Aunt Marg. She says that Whiskers was even meaner than Shiimsa, and that Jesse has gotten good results with him through niceness training.
Really! You are being sillier than my first graders!
At 5:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, i am rilly glad u & rebeccah r dog peeps. cats sound like 2 much trubble. speakin’ of 2 much trubble, avery iz drivin’ me crayzee. she called up my house & got herself nvited 2 dinner. i sed to mom, “wut did u do that 4? rebeccah iz my xxclusive friend w/bennies not avery.” mom sed, “she haz mannerz, she speaks proper english, & i asked her if she had evah been n a prison riot, used xxplodin’ clownz 2 seek revenge, or caused a boy 2b taken 2 hospital. she sed ‘no’ 2 all 3 questionz & she wunts 2b ur gf & not this silly xxclusive friends w/bennies bizness u have w/becky.” i sed, “avery iz also 1 of thoze skinny blonde girlz that makes fun of freaky kids, looks like all her friendz, wearz 2 much makeup, r always gettin’ kicked outa class 4 puttin’ on makeup while the teach iz talkin’, & iz always on her cell phone talkin’.” my mom sed, “she soundz like a regular teenage girl 2 me. she’z comin’ ovah 4 dinner & ur gonna b a perfect gentleman.” this iz gonna b a ruff nite. ne suggestionz 4 how 2 get rid of avery? i’m desperate.
At 5:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
BTW, Jesse told me that the reason the shaman cousin doesn't work is that he doesn't understand the true nature of cats. Jesse says that many cats just naturally have a mean streak. The shaman cousin doesn't understand this. He assumed that Shiimsa was possessed by an evil spirit. She isn't. That's why the exorcism didn't work.
Shiimsa says she has more to say about this, so I will turn the post over to her now--
Well, as you can see, the niceness lessons haven't taken full effect yet. But she's trying!
At 5:36 PM,
April Patterson said…
hm, mayB u can find out who her favourite musicians & actors r & then tell her they suck. & that her fone is ugly, her perfume is stinky, her blonde's 2 fakey, & her clothez r unflattering?
At 5:37 PM,
April Patterson said…
. . . & then let becky kick her arse?
At 5:43 PM,
April Patterson said…
becks, i dunno, w/all the experiencez we've had w/bad mojo, i'm just nervous. those "jokes" didn't seem jokey. & i'm a bit freaked that no1 else seemz 2 b takin' ne of this seriously. i don't think i'm gonna go 2 mtig. sorry, liz.
. . . . okay wrote this b4 the last "angra mainyu" message showed up on my 'puter. c, liz, "angra mainyu" already doesn't like me. obvs. i shd stay away.
At 5:45 PM,
howard said…
Staying away from Mtigwaki. I highly recommend it.
Well Becky just stomped out of here to Jeremy’s house. I asked her if she wanted me to save her some dinner and she said, “What is the best way to get rid of a rival for your boyfriend?” I said, “Aside from murder and physical threats?” Becky said, “Murder, physical threats. Those are good. Anything else?” I said, “Well it always helped me to be a better dresser and to have a much snappier repartee.” Becky said, “OK. I’ll stick to murder and physical threats.” I said, “What?” Becky said, “Just kidding, Howie. I’m prettier than Avery and a whole lot smarter. She doesn’t stand a chance.” I said, “Ooh. I wish I could be there to watch.” Becky said, “I’ll post it.” I am now checking your real Blog, waiting with bated breath, in between serving dinner to Krystle and Dr. McCauley.
Howard K.
At 6:52 PM,
April Patterson said…
becks, u totally know what 2 say 2 peeps! avery didn't stand a chance, eh?
well, liz called me & we had a serious talk. she convinced me it's safe 2 visit her in mtiggy.
At 6:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, we sat down @the table 4 dessert & my mom sed, “avery. i don’t know 2 much ‘bout u. wut iz it that u like 2 do?” avery sed, “my main gfs, alanis, & anais & i like 2 go shoppin’, & getting’ our hair done, & shoppin’” my mom sed, “do u evah do nething else?” avery sed, “mrs. jones. ur so funny. no. alanis and anais have bfs, so sumtymez i spend tyme w/them.” rebeccah sed, “avery. i did not know ur life wuz so inneresting. wut iz ur favrite store 2 shop?” avery sed, “my favrite store? hold on. i’ll ask.” then she whipped out her cell & started talkin’ to alanis & anais. then she sed, “alanis likes aritzia @eaton centre, but anais likes bebe.” my mom sed, “thoze r v. nice storez.” rebeccah sed, “yes. u have v.v. gud taste, avery. where do u get ur hair done?” avery sed, “hold on. i’ll ask.” then she whipped out her cell and aftah talkin’ r awhile sed, “alanis likes spa baby on yonge street. anais prefers hairgasm salon.” my mom sed, “do u do all ur shoppin’ n TO?” avery sed, “hold on. i’ll ask.” then she whipped out her cell and aftah talkin’ r awhile sed, “alanis sez she buyz skool supplies n m-boro. anais sumtymez buyz chocolate @mr. singh’s grocery.” my mom sed, “y do u keep callin’ ur friendz 2 answer theze questions? don’t u know?” avery sed, “alanis & anais both have a bf, so they get 2 make the decisionz 4 the group. wen i get a bf, then i get 2 make decisionz 2.” my mom sed, “tell me wut u think ‘bout my son.” avery sed, “who?” my mom sed, “jeremy.” avery sed, “oh jeremy. well, he’z a guy & he luks old enuff 2 get n2 clubz w/o havin’ 2 show hiz id, & he can get comp tickets 4 concerts. thass way cube.” then my mom sed, “nething else?” ?” avery sed, “hold on. i’ll ask.” then she whipped out her cell and aftah talkin’ r awhile sed, “alanis sez he’z not 2 short. anais sez hiz skin iz clear.” my mom sed, “thass v.v. inneresting. avery, thank u so much 4 comin’ 2 dinner. u have opened my eyez n so many wayz. let me drive u home.” so my mom left 2 take avery home. just b4 she left, she sed 2 rebeccah, “i think ur a fine girl. don’t put my boy n hospital or n a prison, & we will get along gr8.” rebeccah sed she wudn’t. rebeccah iz here w/me by herself. do u think we shud do sum studyin’?
w8. rebeccah sez she haz a bettah idea.
At 7:51 PM,
howard said…
I am so proud of my bud for the way you slammed that Avery girl. I am sure it is better than the soap opera going on here. Dr. McCauley made the mistake of saying he had a patient that might call tonight for a late appointment. So, your mother has been hovering over the phone with the caller ID all night to check and see if it is from Jackie, Laura, or Allison. Laura called once, but your mother picked up the phone and said, “Hello.” And then Laura hung up. So, your mother called back, based on the number on the caller ID and asked her what it was about. Laura said, “Oh, sorry. I dialed Dr. McCauley’s number by mistake.” Then there was a call later from a pay phone. Again your mother picked up the phone, said “Hello”, and the caller hung up. No one answered when she called the pay phone back.
Your mother hid Dr. McCauley’s cell phone while I was serving him dinner. She said, “Make sure he is busy eating for at least 5 minutes.” I am now hunting for the cell phone. Dr. McCauley said, “Mom. Do you know where I put my cell?” It was easy to find, but your mother intercepted me and said, “It would be in Becky’s best interests if you didn’t find that cell phone.” I said, “Why would it be in Becky’s best interests?” She said, “So, Becky can see how her mother properly handles this kind of situation.” I said, “Becky is at Jeremy’s house having dinner. She wasn’t at the dinner table, remember?” Your mother looked a little embarrassed. Then she said, “I will make it worth your while to not find the cell phone.” I said, “You aren’t thinking of offering me sex are you?” Your mother said, “OK. What do you want?” I said, “Saturday off to go with Becky to the Tantric Celibacy course.” Your mother said, “Done. Now don’t find that phone.” So, I am wandering around in my Belfrieda Batsize outfit pretending to be looking for a phone. It would be easier to do, if Dr. McCauley were not underfoot trying to help me not find the phone. He keeps saying, “Mom. We already looked there.” And I keep saying, “Sorry, sir. When you get old, the memory goes.”
Have fun with Jeremy and don’t hurry back, unless you are interested in not looking for a phone.
Howard K.
At 7:53 PM,
howard said…
Are you sure you want to go to Mtigwaki? It is a miserable place and the people who live there (not your sister of course) will try your patience. It's almost as bad as having to spend your evening not finding a phone.
Howard K.
At 1:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Howard! Why are you always saying such impolite things about my chosen home? It's a wonderful place! People here are so friendly. We have a very close-knit community. If I ever need help with something, all I have to do is lean out the window and ask a neighbor. They are always right there, peeking in my window, just waiting for a chance to lend a hand. Or, if I am wondering about a piece of village news, all I have to do is ask someone. Everyone always knows everything that's going on in the village.
See? Even Shiimsa wants you to come! Don't listen to Howard. He is just used to the rude and insensitive ways of the people from The Big Smoke.
At 1:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
pleze com too mtigwaki aprel. i want too meat you reel bad. your sistir says you are pritey. i can tech you how too chek a trap lin.
jesse mukwa
At 1:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Jesse! It's late! Go to bed!
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