Dang, peeps, my mom's a major pain in the arse & a foob, but every once in a while, she does say sumthin' kinda cube, eh? Y'know how a coupla nites ago she was organizing her photos & tryin' 2 pretend she's not a pack rat? Well, I got sorta curious abt sum of the pix & I sat down w/her @ the table. She showed me one of Lizzie @ age six & another of Mike @ age nine. Stating the total obvious, I was all, "They sure don't look like that NEmore." & then Mom showed me a baby pic of me. I sed, "U've filed all the otherz away in albumz. How come U've never put away these?" & Mom was like, ''B-cuz they're sum of my favourites." I was, like, "Do U wish we were all little kidz again?" Mom: "No." Me: "Y?" Mom then went, "These pictures say where U've been. ...& I want 2 know where U're going." Awwww. I thot that was pretty cube, eh? OTOH, the very next day, she was in the basement of Lilliput's harassing poor Beatrice 2 help her w/her scrapbooking. But @ least she'z got sum nice moments.
So the big wedding's 2morrow @ Becky's mom & Dr. Ted's place. Howard's, like, banging himself over the head 4 setting that up! @ least Mr. McGuire got a bunch of us outta school on the groundz that we R witnessing a big "cultural xperience." Of course, like I sed, Mom's makin' me write a paper abt it & do a lame presentation 4 a "family day" we're gonna have I-don't-know-when.
So the big wedding's 2morrow @ Becky's mom & Dr. Ted's place. Howard's, like, banging himself over the head 4 setting that up! @ least Mr. McGuire got a bunch of us outta school on the groundz that we R witnessing a big "cultural xperience." Of course, like I sed, Mom's makin' me write a paper abt it & do a lame presentation 4 a "family day" we're gonna have I-don't-know-when.
At 10:11 AM,
April Patterson said…
becks, ger just told me that yr dad sumhow got 2morrow afternoon's hockey game cancelled. ger wasn't sure how he swung that 1!
At 10:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for those comp tickets, Jeremy! My A-girls & I are super-psyched, since this Valentine's concert is gonna be the A-girls' social event of the season & all the grade-11 PH'ers are going! Sorry I was hating on you before.
Ava (aka Eva)
At 10:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Becky, you're not kidding about Howard sporting a six-pack these days! He's wearing this dress to the salon today to show off his abs. I keep wanting to touch them and Sugar keeps giving me dirty looks and shaking her head whenever I start to reach!
At 12:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am very serious about wanting to go on a date with you. Ever since Liz dumped me, I have been screwing my way around Western Canada, trying to blot out the memory of that little cocktease's nasty cybersex chats with the flesh of every whore and tramp I can find. But I constantly find myself thinking and fantasizing about her during the act. My thinking is, if I start sleeping with men, their hard muscular bodies won't remind me of her.
Plus--and I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this--I've always had a little bit of attraction to guys with really ripped abs.
At 12:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear April and friends,
I am really upset to read Warren's letters. I think it's all my fault he is so unhappy. I wish I could do something about it. Can anybody think of anything?
I am pretty grossed out by his sex talk though. That's sick. I don't want to know that he's turned into a sex fiend. Maybe I am lucky I chose the policeman over the pilot!
At 12:16 PM,
April Patterson said…
yeah, i guess i was a chump 2 fall 4 that, becks, but i guess i was feelin' a bit desperate 4 what it's like 2 have a parent care abt me.
liz, i dunno. i guess warren's gotta figure out stuff 4 himself, eh?
At 12:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest Adalbjorg flower and friends,
My friend Thorvald sent me a strippergram to 3rd period. That was exciting as well as stimulating! She produced from her cleavage the following message:
"Gerald Forsythe, my fine young Celt friend--I hereby bestow upon you the Viking name of GISLI."
I am very honored. Gisli is the name of a man who had his very own saga. I am so proud.
The strippergram was so stimulating that I would normally have found it embarrassing but every boy in 3rd period had a boner after that so it wasn't like I was alone.
Sincerely yours, Gisli Aloysiusson Forsythe
At 12:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
ava (eva), i’m glad ur happy w/the comp ticks. also, i am sure april wuz happy wen you found that gps sensor on her hair clip, evn tho she seemed mad & sed, “so this iz wut mom meant wen she sed she wanted 2 know where i’m going.” i’m sure april will thank u eventually. also, cud u tell ur blonde friend avery that rebeccah mcguire iz my xxclusive friend w/benniez. she duzn’t seem 2 b-lieve me. thanx.
At 1:13 PM,
April Patterson said…
ava/eva, i'm lucky u pay such close attention 2 peeps' hair clips. jeremy's rite, i was pissed abt the gps sensor, but i'm not mad @ u. i'm pissed @ my mom, not just 4 her surveilly stuff, but 4 making me think she carez like a normal mom does. but it's cube u r watching my back like that, ava/eva.
At 1:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, Jeremy, just wanted to let you know, I told Avery what you said. But her reaction was, "as long as they're not really BF/GF, he's fair game" and "I'll treat him the way a BF should be treated."
Ava (aka Eva)
At 1:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kaa-mesnin gwanaaj oshki-ikwe! (I miss you, beautiful one)!
I read your writings. I am happy my sweet girl is a person who is concerned with others. However, I would prefer it if those others were not ex-boyfriends. I consider myself very lucky you chose the policeman. Do not be concerned about the pilot. He has chosen a different path.
Gawaabmin miinwa (Hope to see you again soon)
Constable Paul Wright
At 4:29 PM,
howard said…
Marjee asked me to do things for her all day, so I have to bend over and she looks at me. I think Sugar would be upset, except she likes to look too. I swear I have never had to pick up so many things off the floor before.
After I got off work at the salon, I have been doing some decorating of the party pavilion for the wedding. This would normally be a pleasure except for having to do it in Icelandic style. Thorvald and Krystle are having to do the traditional Icelandic engagement announcement, which means it has to be announced three times before the wedding can take place: in the bride’s church, in the groom’s church, and finally, in the church where the couple is to be married, which in our case is Becky’s house.
Tonight is the pre-wedding party, for which I will have to escort Becky as Belfrieda Batsize, but also participate as a member of the wedding party. Fortunately it is not being held at Becky’s house but at some awful place being catered by Anne Nichols, so Dr. McCauley and Krystle will not be lurking about. I can switch out of my Belfrieda Batsize outfit after we leave the house. (I hope Dr. McCauley and Krystle aren't around tomorrow.) All the guests are to prepare a speech, a poem, and a song verse for the toasting. Becky and I are quite ready in this area. Thorvald has gotten one of his halfway house buddies to be the Vitabikar, which is sort of a game where a dressed up man comes running up to guests with a cup and curses their behaviour and says something bad about them. Then they have to drink up what’s in the cup and all would be forgiven. It is mainly a game to get everyone intoxicated.
Thorvald is supposed to make his way to the wedding ceremony with a town official. He invited the mayor of Milborough to perform the honour, but I think he may have to settle for the head of the Milborough Animal Control Department, who has had to make daily visits to Becky’s house to pick up electrified rodents I have subdued. They keep on showing up for some reason. In any case, I have gotten pretty handy with a broom and a card board box. I can usually the daze the animal with one side of the broom and sweep it into the cardboard box with the other side of the broom in a few seconds. Oh, the skills you develop.
Becky has been practicing the Prayer to Freya to invoke Freya’s good will, and see the newlyweds blessed with fertility. I have been setting up tables and candles for the wedding reception, which by Icelandic tradition occurs by candlelight. Becky has been seeing to the food requirements, so I don’t have to deal with Anne Nichols. I understand that Anne is preparing a "Kransekage,” a large, almond-flavoured wedding cake consisting of at least twenty rings called ‘kranse,’ arranged in a cone shape. Knowing Anne, it will only have 19 rings.
Thorvald wanted me to obtain for him a raven’s heart to carry with him and a crow’s heart for Krystle to carry, per Icelandic tradition. I told him no. He would have to get those himself. He went out with his axe and who knows what he did to get those disgusting boxes that he and Krystle are carrying around. I know I don’t want to know. Thorvald is also insisting that Becky perform the ending part of the ceremony, where the bridesmaids take the bride to her bridal bed and undress her, leaving her wearing only her bridal headdress, which her new husband would remove. But before this can happen, Becky and the other women in the wedding party must take bids from the men on a wedding gift to enter into the bridal bed (highest bid prearranged to be Thorvald). Then the priest blesses the bride and groom in their bed and they drink from the bridal cups to seal the marriage.
Becky is adamant that she is not going to undress Kortney and is also adamant that the bridal bed is not going to be in her bungalow. She and Thorvald have been going on and on about it.
That’s what has been going on,
Howard K.
At 4:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, basketball wuz v.v. difficult. i wuz there 2 help out ava (eva) cover it w/shannon lake 4 yrbook. wen shannon saw me there she sed, “jeremy…thank…u4…comin’. they…have…been…drivin’…me…crayzee.” i sed, “who? ava (eva)?” shannon sed, “no…the…grade…9…a-girlz.” i sed, “they’re here?” shannon sed, “oh…yeah. they’re…here.” so i find ava (eva) & sit b-side her 2 help her take notes. 1 of the blondes sed 2 me, “so jeremy can i rub ur shoulderz while u help ava (eva)?” i sed, “i don’t think thass a gud idea.” the other 2 blonde girls sed, “oh, avery iz rilly gud @shoulderz. u shud let her show u.” i sed, “no thanx.” of course avery starts doin’ it neway. i sed 2 her, “i sed no 2 the shoulder rubbin’.” avery sed, “u boyz just don’t know wut u rilly need. u need a strong woman 2 make decisionz 4u.” i sed 2 ava (eva), “help.” ava (eva) sed, “there’z nothing wrong w/a gud shoulder rub. it’s not like ur makin’ a commitment or nething.” shannon smacked avery’s handz & sed, “ur…distractin’…him. jeremy. help…eva. she…just…rote…down…‘bouncy…ball…nstead…of…basketball.” avery glared @shannon & sed, “we blondez make fun of the freaky kidz.” shannon sed, “not…if…u…wanna…keep…all…ur…perfectly…white…teeth.” avery wuz a little quiet after that, then she pulled out her cell phone & started talkin’ 2 the othah girlz.
so, i am sitting there w/ava (eva) tryin’ 2 xxplain that the possession arrow duzn’t have nething to do w/being possessed & that a turnover duzn’t have nething 2 do w/pastries. i am doing ok, when avery sed, “jeremy, do u wanna go w/me & alanis & anais, and ava(eva) 2 dinner aftah the game?” i sed, “i think ava(eva) & me r suppozed 2 go 2 a pre-wedding party 2nite.” avery sed, “ur goin’ w/ava(eva)?” i sed, “not az a d8. we’re just gonna b n the same place. my d8 will b rebeccah mcguire.” avery sed, “u’d rather do that than go out w/me?” i sed, “uh. yeah.” avery sed, “jeremy jones. aftah all i did 4u.” then she got up and ran off. i sed 2 ava(eva), “wtf. where iz she goin’?” ava (eva) sed, “she’z goin’ n the bathroom 2 cry.” i sed, “but y?” ava(eva) sed, “don’t worry ‘bout it. 1 of the blondez goes n2 the bathroom 2 cry ‘bout some guy every day. thass not 4 me. it requirez 2 much commitment. but i bettah go n there & tell her how awful ur, so she’ll stop cryin’.” so then ava(eva) gets up 2 leave. shannon sed 2 me, “jeremy…i…think…the…real…special…needz…kidz…n…our…skool…r…the…blondez.” i sed 2 shannon, “xxcept 4 rebeccah of course.” shannon sed, “wut…evah.”
At 5:09 PM,
April Patterson said…
gisli, i 4got 2 congratulate u on yr viking name, so congratz on yr viking name. how cube!
r we meeting @ the party or do u wanna come by my house 1st so we can go 2gether?
adalbjorg flower
At 5:19 PM,
howard said…
More craziness. A young man showed up at Becky’s house looking for me, but because Krystle (Becky’s mom) was home from work, I was wearing my Belfrieda Batsize outfit. He came to the door and said, “Does Howard Kelpfroth live here?” I said, “No, sir. He does not reside here. I believe I have his phone number, so I can call him, if you wish. Whom shall I say is calling, sir?” He said, “Warren Blackwood.” I said, “If you could wait just a minute while I call Mr. Kelpfroth? Won’t you come in, sir?” So, Warren comes in and he says, “There is some rabbit at the front gate.” I said, ‘Oh dear. Sir, please give me a few minutes to subdue it.” I ran out to get the electrified rodent and after I subdued it, I came back into the house, bearing cardboard box, rodent and broom. When I got there Warren was not to be found. I said to Becky, “Did you see the man that was just here?” Becky said no and I looked around for him, and then I heard some yelling. Krystle came out of her bedroom ½ naked and beating on a ½ naked Warren. She was screaming, “It’s one thing to call me a whore and a tramp and a cocktease. But no one, and I mean no one calls me ‘Liz Patterson’ when they are making love to me. Get out!” Warren ran out of the house and outside to evade the angry Krystle. Becky said, “Mom. Get some clothes on. You’re naked in front of Mrs. Batsize.” Krystle said, “It’s my house. I can be naked whenever I want and in front of whomever I want.” Then she left to put on clothes.
Warren has a nice body. Once this wedding stuff is done, I may have to look him up. That is, assuming that he has not already left Milborough.
Howard K.
At 5:20 PM,
April Patterson said…
wow, howard, what a freakee xperience w/warren.
y do u suppoze electrified rodents r alwayz showing up there, nehow? r they alwayz bunniez, or do other kindz of rodents show up, 2?
At 5:37 PM,
howard said…
I don't know if I can blame Warren. Most men do not come off very well after being taken to bed by Krystle. I know I didn’t.
As for the electrified rodents, the manager at the Milborough Department of Animal Control has theorized that the rodents are attracted to unprotected wires and cables. He said they used to be contained in the Sharon Park Drive area, because of the wealth of unprotected wires and cables in that area, but something must have upset the rodents’ source of electricity over there. He also has some crazy idea about a leader rodent who must have been dispatched in some fashion, since the rodents have lost their organizational skills. I don’t really buy the leader theory. However, I know that Dr. McCauley was not in favour of altering the wires in our house, because he said it interfered with the cable reception. I think he means he doesn’t want anyone finding out about our illegal cable.
The rodents used to be always bunnies, but more and more lately we have seeing other rodents, like squirrels, for example. I guess the desire for an electrical buzz is not limited to one species of rodent. However, it is still mainly bunnies.
Howard K.
At 6:09 PM,
April Patterson said…
howard, the "leader" theory does sound a lil far-fetched, but hmmmm. since i titened "bunny" security @ our house, buttsy hasn't been getting out. i wonder. . . . nah, u're rite, that's a crayzee theory.
neway, gisli just got here & we r abt 2 leave 4 the big pre-engagement party. c u there!
At 6:18 PM,
April Patterson said…
comment glitch
At 6:33 PM,
howard said…
I will see you there. I am driving Becky and Jeremy. I hope you have your speech, poem, and song verse ready for the toasting. In Iceland, the prewedding party is mainly about the toasting. Drinking and fighting are also a part of it, but I hope that won't happen.
Howard K.
At 7:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
ok, alreddy this pre-wedding party iz gonna b innerestin’. i am sittin’ @the same table az april & rebeccah & gigli (gerald) cuz they r maid of honour & best man & i am rebeccah’s d8. the vitabikar, came up 2 me 2 do that insultin' thing. he sed, “old man, y do u sit w/the groom’s daughter. u do defile the groom w/ur aged presence. take a drink so all will b 4given.” i sed, “wut is n the drink?” rebeccah’z dad sed, “it is mead. the drink of the gods and of heroes. the mead of the giant suttung, made from the blood of kvasir, was the source of wisdom and poetry.” i sed, “i don't wanna drink nething w/blood n it." rebeccah'z dad sed, "there iz no blood. mead iz a fermented alcoholic beverage made of honey, water, & yeast." i sed, "my mom duzn’t want me 2 drink alcohol.” rebeccah sed, “ur mom iz not cube. don’t b a wuss.” gigli sed, “duz it rilly have alcohol n it?” rebeccah’s dad sed, “of course. this iz an icelandic wedding.” i sed, “don’t u have nething else?” the vitabikar sed, “well, we do have brennivín.” rebeccah’s dad sed, “a true icelandic drink, especially good after sampling hákarl.” gigli sed, “wut’s that?” rebeccah’s dad sed, “hákarl consists of putrified shark meat. u need the brennivín 2 mask the disgustin’ taste of the meat. it’s the only way 2 get it down.” i sed, “i’ll try the brennivín. i don’t wanna drink nething alcholic.” course i drink the cup of brennivín & rebeccah’z dad & the vitabikar start cheerin’. they sed, “he haz drunk the black death.” it tasted like it 2. it wuz v.v. strong & it wuz v.v. alcoholic. course now gigli wunts 2 try it cuz i did. he sez he haz 2 prove his manliness or sumthin’. ooh. i don’t feel so gud.
At 7:18 PM,
howard said…
I could just kill Thorvald for giving those boys Brennivín. Brennivín is an Icelandic schnapps. It is considered the country's signature alcoholic beverage and is known for being so nasty that almost nobody in Iceland drinks it except alcoholics, and they only drink it because it is cheap. I went to Anne Nichols and said, “We have minors here. What do you have that is nonalcoholic?” She is trying to find some soda. Incompetent caterer.
Howard K.
At 7:54 PM,
April Patterson said…
so, like, i just delivered my speech. i still have my toast & my poem. this was my speech:
my earliest memory of becky's dad, thorvald mcguire, is from when becky & i were around seven yrs old. it as summer & i went there 4 a sleepover. we were playing in the pool in the backyard, & mr. mcguire came out saying "watch this bellyflop!" &
mrs. mcguire ran out & sed, thorvald, don't u'll break the pool!" he usta b pretty fat, not like now when he's all buff. mr. mcguire sed, "woman! don't u tell thor what 2 do!" & he bellyflopped, & the pool didn't break, but half the water splooshed out & mrs. mcguire got all wet. she went, "thorvald, of all the boneheaded thingz 2 do!" & she stomped back in2 the house. mr. mcguire was all, "how 'bout some badminton, girlz?" so we played 4 a while, but we kept getting the birdy caut in treez & up on the roof, & i hadta keep climbing up on a ladder while mr. mcguire went, "whuh-whuh-woah, there, chicky! don't fall!" l8r, when becks & i were in our pj's having s'morez, mr. mcguire lectured us on the importance of marrying a strong nordic man. "xcept u, little april, it doesn't much matter whom u marry, as i expect u derive from weak stock." i cried until he sed, "no offense" & made sum more s'morez. becky sed, "stop making my friend cry! & don't talk about marriage, i'm only seven!" mr. mcguire sed, "it's never 2 early for an education."
kortney. i've known kortney for a few years, from when she worked @ my mom's bookstore, lilliput's. but kortney asked me not to talk about all that, so i won't. i still really like having teeth. so, in closing, i'd like 2 quote the icelandic
singer & great thinker björk guðmundsdóttir, in her song "human behaviour":
if you ever get close to a human
and human behaviour
be ready to get confused
there's definitely no logic
to human behaviour
but yet so irresistible
there is no map
to human behaviour
they're terribly moody
then all of a sudden turn happy
but, oh, to get involved in the exchange
of human emotions is ever so satisfying
there's no map and
a compass
wouldn't help at all
human behaviour
wouldn't help at all
human behaviourehaviourno map and
a compass
wouldn't help at all
human behaviour
At 7:57 PM,
April Patterson said…
oops, i messed up my pasting a bit @ the end. it's messed up pasting & not drunkenness, i promise. ignore everything after the 1st "there's no map and/a compass/wouldn't help at all/human behaviour"
At 8:41 PM,
April Patterson said…
ok, so gisli & jeremy r both, i think, a lil bit drunk. i just read my poem, which, despite having that "raise a glass" stuff, is not my toast. we learned abt petrarchan sonnets in english class, so i decided 2 try writing one:
i, adalbjorg, do ask the gods 2 bless
this thorvald mordsson-kortney krelbutz link
i've promised kortney i won't b a fink
or else she'll make my mouth a toothless mess
but kortney krelbutz? sum have tried 2 guess
the reason thor chose kortney. it's a kink?
but those who ask this stuff, i really think
u mite as well just challenge mike 2 chess
cuz either way, u'd just b wasting time,
& wasting time is silly, i must say
just raise yr glass & wish these 2 the best
& if yr drink is nasty here's sum lime
2morrow shall b lucky freya's day
& i am honoured 2 b called a guest
At 8:41 PM,
April Patterson said…
glitchy mcstitchy.
At 8:50 PM,
howard said…
My speech,
The first time I met Thorvald McGuire, he stole my car, after getting me drunk and distracting me with some very nice kisses. Of course I got the car back, scratched, dented and with an odd odour in the back seat; but doesn’t that say everything about Thorvald? He may not be perfect, and he certainly smells bad with that freaky raven’s heart he is carrying right now. But somehow he steals his way into your heart. He was there to protect me on those lonely days and nights in prison, when a man couldn’t get a decent dress or even a pair of lacey panties. When I had to wear cotton / poly blends and prison stripes, Thorvald always found a way to get me some of the lacey stuff and even a good pair of pumps. Those were good times with good friends. When I think of prison and lace, I think of Thorvald.
As for Kortney, I think I may be one of the only people here has been with both the bride and the groom. OK. I see from people’s faces, that last statement might not be true.
In any case, I first met Kortney when she was a nightclub stripper showing off her stuff to the sleezy men and young boys of Milborough. I knew she was someone special when she whipped out a gun and pointed it at someone’s head to save my worthless butt. We were traveling companions for awhile and I got to experience the sensuous nuances and supple graces that will make Thorvald a very happy man. Now she will belong to Thorvald forever and ever and ever and ever and ever with no chance of being with anyone else for the rest of my life. I wish the two of them happiness. They certainly deserve each other.
I have composed a poem in honour of Thorvald and Kortney:
In the light of the morning,
And the sun shining through,
As Thorvald is with Kortney,
As I have love for you two.
May your days last forever
May your nights be filled with love
While your throats fill with passion
And other things thereof,
Remember this great truth
That you were meant to be
A beautiful woman
With a man that is worthy.
Then I sang them Lofsöngur by Sveinbjörn Sveinbjörnsson, a very traditional Icelandic song.
Howard K.
At 8:55 PM,
April Patterson said…
kortney & thorvald r both totally dabbing @ their eyez now cuz of what howard sed. like totally touched!
At 9:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
i feel awful. how many tymez have i gone 2 the bathroom 2 hurl?
my speech wuz like this:
2 thorvald mcguire. my xxclusive friend w/bennies’ father. thorvald interrupts & sez “not 4 long. ur not worthy 2 squire my becky-thora.” i sed, “i’m n the middle of a toasting u. mebbe u shud lemme finish.” kortney sed, “let him finish thorvald. he can barely stand up.” thorvald sed, “clearly not of icelandic stock 2b so affected by brennivín. let’s have anothah round of it.” the peeps around me sed, “no. no. mead only.” rebeccah sed, “dad. let jeremy finish.” i sed, “thanx rebecky. az i wuz sayin’ thorvald iz a big guy & i hope he & kortney r az happy az i am w/beckers.”
i have a poem:
u2 like iceland
so do i
i hope u like b-ing married
so do i
i hope u have babies
so do i
thor loves his hammer
so do i.
i couldn’t remember the rest, or rilly the poem i rote @all. then i sang 'sól að morgni by bubbi morthens. aftah i wuz done, beckah’s dad sed, “that singing wuz not 2 bad 4 a drunk 40-year-old man.” i sed, “thanx.” & i sat down. i feel awful.
At 11:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
i woke up & i am still here. how long can peeps do songs, poems and speeches? i am so sick.
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