Yesterday's Bad Mood
I got in2 a really foul mood yesterday. I'm not sure Y. In 1 of my classes, I was actually thinking "Snarl, grumble, snort, snivel, snarl." I don't know what came over me that I was thinking that. I mean, who does that? I think I scared the girl who was sitting 2 my left w/the sour xpression on my face. As I was stomping around betw classes, I felt pretty sure I had a thot bubble w/a dark cloud over my head. I think sum girl w/, like, no pigment in her hair saw it. I wonder if my dark cloud spooked her so bad I made her hair turn white? I hope not, I have enuf problems worrying abt my own hair springing back in2 the st00pid prop bun on its own, which I think accts 4 @ least 75% of my bad mood yesterday, now that I think of it. I musta taken that idiotic thing down abt 17x. NEway, in PE I tried 2 do a slam dunk. Bad mistake, w/my bad mood. Esp since my handz had turned in2 theze scary little bird-claw appendages @ the endz of my handz, so I cdn't handle the ball 2 well. & it went WHAKK! on the backboard. At the bus stop, I think the black cloud was back in my thot bubble, only bigger. Kidz were lookin' @ me like I was sum montster fr. a bad movie on l8-nite TV. Then, on the bus going home, I was thinking, "Weird. ...Nobody wants 2 sit on the bus w/me." Tho now that I think back, I can understand Y peeps must been scared off.
Dunc, wd U like me 2 help U make a card 4 kimmi? I've got card stock & I know U R good w/Photoshop. Just a thot. Sorry thingz R bad rite now & also sorry I've been all pissy over nuthin'. I have a feeling I'm gonna B pissy sum more B4 the week's over. Sorry in advance, ppl!
Dunc, wd U like me 2 help U make a card 4 kimmi? I've got card stock & I know U R good w/Photoshop. Just a thot. Sorry thingz R bad rite now & also sorry I've been all pissy over nuthin'. I have a feeling I'm gonna B pissy sum more B4 the week's over. Sorry in advance, ppl!
At 11:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest April flower,
I hope you are in a better mood today! Please don't kick my shins again. I need to be in prime condition for basketball season. Pierce Inverarity told the Coach that I am looking taller than ever, and Coach is considering making me first string. The lifts I put in my sneakers after I had that "short day" are really helping!
Anyway, if you are in a good, non-kicking mood, please meet be by my locker before lunch. Maybe we can canoodle a bit in private.
Your devoted pre-fiance, Gerald
At 11:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Teachers who go to school when they are sick are not "stupid." They are responsible people who carry out their duties even when they aren't feeling their best. Who would teach the class if the teacher stayed home every time she wasn't feeling well? Being a good teacher is about personal sacrifice and even sometimes suffering in silence.
Shiimsa has been doing very well with her niceness lessons. She has still not picked a new singular name, but she has learned to say please and thank you. Jesse is working wonders!
Isn't she funny?
I have been thinking about the whole marriage issue. On one hand, it would be nice to be married to have someone to keep me company, to do the "boy chores" around the house (and some of the "girl chores" too!), and to just generally take care of me and make me feel safe. On the other hand, I think it is important for me to set a good example for my students. If I get married, they will think that they are supposed to get married too, even though they are too young. So maybe I should stay single forever, just to show my girl students that it is OK to not get married ever, if you don't want to. Otherwise, how will they know they have that choice?
Shiimsa is just the cutest thing ever!
Best, Liz
At 11:51 AM,
howard said…
I am so glad Becky is finally better. There are only so many ways you can make chicken soup interesting and yet still healthful. I hate it when my bud is sick and sleeping all the time. On the other hand, taking care of Becky really brought out the mother in me. It almost made me want to wear my old lady Belfrieda Batsize outfit, when I didn’t have to. I put on an old lady shawl instead.
Your news about bird-claw appendages is distressing me. I must not have done as good a job on the hand massage as I thought. If your hands are still like that, then come by the salon after school and I will try to fix them again. If my hands were doing that I would be in a bad mood too.
Howard K
At 12:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, ur allowed 2b n a bad mood. i know i am n a bad mood mosta the tyme & this yr u have been n a bad mood @skool a lot. no wondah u wanna go goth.
back n sept., u were n a bad mood wen u & rebeccah did that strange fake fite. then u were n a bad mood wen u had zits 4 a month & rebeccah asked u4 the english outline. now ur n a bad mood again this week. it seemz like every tyme ur n skool ur n a bad mood. thass way cube. ur my hero. i think i messed up & wuz happy a little this yr. thass not like me.
At 12:23 PM,
howard said…
Her hair was very relaxed when she was in the salon just recently (and her hands too). I made sure of it. You are right, though. Marjee says she has things for relaxing hair that are more powerful and longer lasting than a shamp-Oh. I am trying not to be insulted by the statement. I have to put ego aside for April's sake.
Howard K.
At 12:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, weird thing just happened. a tall, skinny goth z-girl came up 2 me & wuz starin' @me. i sed, "wut?" she sed, "y aren't u red, like yestahday?" i just stared @her. then she asked me if i wuz rel8ed 2 the girl w/no pigment. i just stared @her & she stared back. then she sed, "a foolish thot 2 say a sorry sight" & turned around & left. weird.
At 12:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Boozhoo (Hello).
I read your writings today about being in a bad mood. I was happy you did not write about your supper, since you wrote about your lunch and breakfast before. I am trying to be open and honest. Your sister says she finds it a profoundly attractive quality when we talked last on the phone.
Your sister asked me if I thought teachers who go to school when they are sick were "stupid." I said no. I think teachers are smart and I don’t think they are any less smart when they are sick. Your sister said, “I like your open and honest answer and so does Shiimsa.”
Your sister asked me if I thought it was important for her to set a good example for her students. I said definitely yes. Her students need all the good examples they can get. Your sister said, “I like your open and honest answer and so does Shiimsa.”
Your sister asked me if I thought it was important for girls to see marriage as something you do at the right time with the right person, and not when you are too young. I said definitely yes. Many Ojibway girls marry too young because they have children when they are still in school. Your sister said, “I like your open and honest answer and so does Shiimsa. In fact, Shiimsa says ‘Thank you mountie.’” I was very excited to hear that. I think your sister is thinking about our relationship the same way I am.
Gi'-ga-wa-ba-min' na-gutch! (See you later!)
Constable Paul Wright
At 12:50 PM,
April Patterson said…
sorry i've had such weird, crabby moods, peeps. ger & i had our mtg b4 lunch since i've been in a decent mood so far. i hope it holdz up, tho i have a weird feeling whoev is controlling my hair mite also b controlling my moodz. freakee.
howard & marjee, i'll try stopping by the salon when i have a chance. i m not sure whether that will b 2day, 2morrow, or mayB next wk, tho!
At 12:56 PM,
howard said…
Becky is right. I talked with Sugar and she says she has some hair straighteners that could uncurl a steel spring. When you get a chance to stop by the salon, Sugar and Marjee will have you limp-haired in no time. I can also take a look at your hands, if they are still causing you trouble. Don't worry about the cost, Sugar said that since we didn't get your hair right the first time, this is for free.
Howard K.
At 1:36 PM,
Anne said…
That's cube of Sugar 2 do yr hair 4 free. U mite ask if she could do sumthing about those black clouds that r coming out of yr scalp. I txt'd Marjee about that & she said it might b the aerosol spray u use.
Me & Gordie were talking about how it'd b much more fun if r foax just let us take care of rselves when they went outta town. Since his dad's in prison, Mrs. D. has her brother Ferdinand watch him when she has 2 go outta town 4 work. His uncle Ferdinand is nice, but n2 a sorta "alternative lifestyle," & sumtimes when he's around the house he likes 2 wear a housedress & Easy Spirit pumps. Gordie told me "It's not pretty."
At 1:54 PM,
April Patterson said…
howard, that is v. cube of sugar. i hope thoze str8eners will help when i get the chance 2 go in.
paul, i can't guarantee that i won't b writing abt dinner when i do my blog entry 2morrow. i don't want 2, but sumtymez, i find myself writing abt subj's i nev. planned 2 cover. it's v. weird, i know.
jeremy pted out the tall, skinny goth girl he'd been talkin' abt in his comment above & i told him that's zandra. he sez he'll try 2 remember her. she'z got an ouroboros tattoo.
soundz like shiimsa's doing well w/the niceness, eh?
becks, it sux that a teacher gave u a super-bad cold. liz, it's better 2 have a sub come in than 4 a teacher 2 go spreading illnesses.
vicks, hm, the ferdinand guy soundz colourful!
At 2:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 2:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shiimsa really is the funniest cat ever, I think!
I am really concerned about Paul's last post. He says he thinks I am thinking about our relationship the way he is thinking about it. But I don't know if I'm really thinking the way he thinks I'm thinking. And I don't know if I like the way I think he is thinking about it. Also, I don't think I want to think about our relationship in the way he thinks I'm thinking about it.
In other words, I think maybe Paul thinks because I'm talking about marriage, that I mean I want to get married to him. Because I don't! I'm not even in love with him yet! All I said was, IF this is what love feels like, I'm loving it. That is very different than saying that I love Paul. And I am not ready to do that yet.
I like Paul's honesty and openness, but I am not sure that is enough. I sometimes wonder if maybe we weren't fated to meet each other, but that we are together because we are the only two single 20-something halfway attractive people in Northern Ontario. Anyway, that's what Viv said when I told her my "fate" theory.
Also, there are some qualities that Paul doesn't have that I always expected to have in a husband. Although he pretty much does what I want. Mom says that's important. But Paul is not a dentist or a doctor or some other high-paying professional. He is a cop. That is nice for him, but it is dangerous with low pay and long hours. This is not a good profession for a husband to have. Mom is always talking about how Dee is the perfect wife. I think this is a strong hint to me to look for a husband who is like Dee: an attractive person with a high-paying job who is willing to do whatever I want. Paul only has two of those three things. Maybe I should keep looking.
What do you think, April?
Best, Liz
At 3:14 PM,
April Patterson said…
liz, i think u need 2 decide 4 yrself how u feel abt paul & what u think is imp. in a relationship. don't use what mom sez abt mike & dee 2 decide what's rite 4 u. only u can really know what's most imp. 2 u.
At 3:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kaa-mesnin gwanaaj oshki-ikwe! (I miss you, beautiful one)!
I read your writing to your sister. I am trying to be open and honest with you, since you have told me you find it a profoundly attractive quality. I realized I had not been open and honest about my salary. As a constable with more than 3 years service time, my annual salary in the Ontario Provincial Police is $ 69,254.00. I am very happy you are thinking about the same thing I am thinking. I know you wouldn’t be interested in how much money I am making if you weren’t thinking about those things, which are the same things about which I think.
If Shiimsa is reading this, let her know I make enough money to keep giving her fresh fish and cat toys when I visit. Also let her know I am in love with her owner.
Gawaabmin miinwa (Hope to see you again soon)
Constable Paul Wright
At 3:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, where on zandra'z bod iz that ouroboros tattoo? i think i have seen @least 2 z-girls w/them, but it's hard 2 tell, cuz the z-girls don't show much skin thass not covered n black & they all look alike.
At 3:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh God! Paul thinks I'm thinking the same thing he's thinking! And I'm totally not!!! I don't want to be thinking about that while I'm still my age. It would set a bad example to my female students. If I got married when I was 24 or 25, they might think it was time to get married and do it right away, at age 8 or 9. Then I would feel terrible.
I know Paul has always been open and honest with me, but I think maybe he's lying to me about how high his salary is. Mom told me that cops do not make very much money. I don't suppose she could be wrong about that, could she?
I don't even want to be thinking about this! It's too soon! I'm still on the "loving how him loving me feels" stage!
Maybe I should do something to send anti-marriage signals to Paul. What is a good anti-marriage signal? How do you keep fending off Gerald's proposals without crushing his fragile little spirit?
At 3:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:56 PM,
April Patterson said…
jeremy, zandra has a tat on her back. i noticed it when she was showing it 2 zenobia barnaby earlier this wk. she was telling zenobia that she got the tat in toronto.
At 3:57 PM,
howard said…
Vicki Simone,
I think I know your boyfriend Gordie’s uncle Ferdinand. You are quite correct, his fashion sense needs a lot of help. I have tried to talk him into high heels before, but he insists on wearing comfortable shoes, because of his bad feet. He doesn’t understand that sometimes you have to sacrifice pedal pleasures for fantastic fashion.
You forgot to mention Ferdinand’s facial hair. Long sideburns and mutton chops. It is just awful. It reminds me of someone I have seen recently. I don’t know who. Anyway, Ferdinand is doomed to be a hausfrau, I am afraid. He’s a nice guy, even though he is “not pretty,” as your boyfriend would say and someone else I have spoken to recently has said the same thing. I don’t know who. My memory must be going.
Howard K.
At 4:02 PM,
April Patterson said…
liz, i think it's poss mom was misinformed abt what police officers make. or mayB she only knew sum stuff abt rookiez & not what a constable w/paul'z seniority wd pull in. i wd give paul the ben. of the doubt if i were u.
i don't know abt anti-marriage signalz. i'm a bad person 2 ask. the peeps in that depression group can tell u, & so can candace.
p.s. liz, dunc sez he is e-mailing u a picture of faustus so u can show it 2 shiimsa/angra mainyu
At 4:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think I can help you with anti-marriage signals. If your breath did not put him off, then there is a good chance this cop thinks of you the same way I think of Deanna, who is a pretty girl, even in her old bathrobe with her hair full of static - she's a beauty. No matter how much she complains about my work, I want to provide her with everything she's ever wanted. Mom says I chose my wife well. But it was a struggle. I was able to stand her unexpected trip to Honduras. I was able to put up with getting married in secret so we wouldn’t be living in sin, even though everyone thought we were. Actually, when I say everyone, I really mean just her parents. When you I think about it, it doesn’t make sense. Her parents were the only ones who cared if we were living in sin, so why did Deanna want to make it look to them like we were? Like I said, it was a struggle.
You could try some of those things Deanna did. Maybe you could go teach in Honduras. You could offer him a fake marriage. Or you could try convincing him to vent his clothes dryer into his attic, by putting a knee-high stocking over the hose and telling him it will make a great humidifier. I almost did that one, until our landlady Lovey stopped me. Be sure to let me know how it goes. It could make for a great article.
Michael Patterson
At 4:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
jeremy, zandra'z tat iz on her back? i won't b able 2 spot that. the unis cover the back pretty well.
duncan sed she iz the scary girl playin' lady macbeth n the drama club. wen i am workin' the sound 4 drama, i will c if i can figger out which 1 is lady macbeth. it's hard 2 tell. the iambic pentameter makes me dizzy if i lissen 2 it 2 much & i think there iz more than 1 z-girl n drama. or i cud just b dizzy & think there iz more than 1. i dunno. it's not that mportant i guess.
At 5:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mike, you are the meanest brother ever. I don't think any other girl in the world has ever had a brother as evil and abusive as you are! The way you treat me is the absolute worst! There is nothing crueler or more evil than calling your sister by an unflattering name. They are always saying how terrible that Karla Homolka was to her little sister, but I think she got off light compared to the hell you have put me through with your "Lizardbreath" routine.
That said, your ideas are stupid. I have already thought about going to teach in a different country. Paul just said he would try to follow me. And I already said a million times that I am not interested in getting married at such a very young age. So I am not interested in a sham marriage, a fake marriage, a secret marriage, a pre-marriage, or any of the other stupid stuff that you and Dee went through to make sure that she only looked like a shameless slut but really wasn't, or whatever.
Now, buzz off!
At 6:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Becky,
I got napolied once. It's not so bad really. I would actually prefer it to getting called a nasty name like "Lizardbreath." In fact, it was really good. I hope to get it again sometime. It's not too likely though I guess. My mom says she doesn't like it in the house.
Sincerely, Gerald
At 6:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Becky,
No it isn't!! Just ask my April flower. She was there with me, and she got napolied too. She said later that she really liked it! And it was funny because she had sticky stuff smeared on her chin from it, but I didn't tell her, so she walked all the way home from Mr. Singh's store like that.
Sincerely, Gerald
At 6:46 PM,
April Patterson said…
becks, i think i shd xplain. if u eat a napolean pastry, like, really fast? ger thinks that's being napolied. he doesn't know abt the whole bill napoli thing goin' on in the states.
mike, obvs u r making liz feel worse. that's not cube. tho becks has sum good pts abt yr trying 2 push away paul. i'm not understanding that.
At 7:50 PM,
duncan anderson said…
Hey, Apes! Aft drama club 2day Zandra thanked me again 4 the tix b4 I cld get away so I guess shes rilly happy w/ them. Then sumthing weird happened I cldnt make myself shut up. I told Zandra abt how Ive nevah hurd Sisters of Mercy but Im always open 2 new musical influences an’ I told her abt lurning 2 play the langspil 4 Beckers dads wedding an’ I told her abt 4Evah an’ I told her abt MCDunC. Zandra was quiet 4 a min an’ I was trying 2 get out the door an’ then she goes, do u want 2 go 2 the Vatikan w/ me on Sun? I thot Zandra was making fun of me ovah Kimmi but she says the Vatikans a nite club in TO w/ an all ages goth nite evry Sun. I said yah ‘cos y wld I want 2 spend NEmore time w/ that psycho Mr Malkmus than I hafta. Then she goes, do u have yr kilt yet? I said I thot Mr Mirabell was giving us r costumes, an’ she goes, u dont want 2 wear that nasty crap the costumes r as old as the skool an' have prolly nevah bn cleaned. Zandra says she nos where I can get a rilly cube kilt an’ shell take me there on Sun. So I guess I no now what Im going 2 do w/ the $ my mom gave me 4 clothes 4 Disney World.
Yr idea abt making a card 4 Kimmi is gr8. Do u have time 4 it on Sat? Let me no.
At 8:01 PM,
April Patterson said…
dunc, yeah, i def have time on sat. whenev u wanna get 2gether, just lemme know. i've heard that vatikan place is cube. u will hafta let us know if it is!
becks, no, mr. singh has nev. done nething 2 me other than give me correct change!
At 10:44 PM,
Anne said…
That's inneresting, Howard. Gordie sez Ferdinand knows u. He remembers u from the Gig when he was working there as a bartender. the job didn't last long, but he sed u gave him great fashion advice. He doesn't wear white shoes b4 Easter NEmore, but he still thinx those uggo Easy Spirit shoes are the comfiest.
He got rid of the facial hair, tho. When he was working @ the Gig, he was looking 4 bears. That's what he explained 2 Gordie. I dunno why Ferdinand would want 2 get near dangerous animals, or what they'd b doing n Milborough.
So now he's working @ the Stagger Inn, the new bar down the street from the Roller-Rama. Ferdinand sed if u go there he'll buy u & yr date a round of drinx. Again, strange guy, but nice.
At 3:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Becky,
Of course it was Mr. Singh! I don't think there are other places to go to get napolied in Milborough, at least not that are in walking distance. It was fun, but Mom found out and told him never, ever to sell me another vanilla/chocolate/strawberry ice cream popsicle ever again.
Sincerely, Gerald
P.S.--What do mean about pastry, my lovely April flower? Don't tell me you've forgotten the day of our popsicle date at Mr. Singh's store!
Crushed, Gerald
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