Depending on Liz
So, like, this convo w/Gary Liz had on Monday? The one abt Paul & race? Well, l8r that day, Gary finally changed the subj & was all, "We have a visitor coming in 2morrow, Liz. Her name is Susan. She'z a teacher from Thunder Bay." Liz was, like, "2morrow?" Even tho he'd clearly sed "2morrow", but she sez she was stalling & didn't know what else 2 say. Then Gary told her, "Yeah. She wants 2 work in a community like this 1, so we've arranged 2 have her stay 4 a few dayz. " Liz went, "Sounds good!" & Gary sed, "I was hoping U wd show her around, introduce her 2 the kidz & make her feel welcome." Liz was, like, "U can depend on me, sir!" She sez she pointed @ herself w/one hand when she sed that, & that when she did, she had a terrible feeling that her body got all masculine looking & she resembled Mike with a bun. NEway, when Liz sed Gary cd depend on her, Gary sed, "I know." & Liz left the room 2 find a mirror & check 2 C whether she was having a "Mike" day. "Mike" dayz suck. She sez that much l8r, she overheard Gary telling Viv abt the convo, & Gary was all, "Viv, as Liz was leaving the room, I thought, '& I have 2keep reminding myself not 2 depend on her 2 much!'" & Liz was all, "April, what cd he mean by that? I don't like the sound of it!" I was, like, "It's hard 2 say, Liz, he cd mean a lot of thingz." Liz was like "That's no help. I wonder if he'z worried I'll marry Paul & move away? Is that the real reason they're bringing in this Susan chick? Oh, & I heard Gary asking Viv whether she ever notices I sumtymez look like a dude! Y does that have 2 happen?" Well, U know how it is w/convos where U really don't have NEthing useful 2 add.
So, Howard, I M glad U R cured of that "wordplay" ailment U had yesterday. Glad I cd help. & Sorry again I had 2 throw so many awful, awful punz @ U!
Edit: In case U haven't refreshed, my post abt the March letterz is up! Woot!
So, Howard, I M glad U R cured of that "wordplay" ailment U had yesterday. Glad I cd help. & Sorry again I had 2 throw so many awful, awful punz @ U!
Edit: In case U haven't refreshed, my post abt the March letterz is up! Woot!
At 10:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear April,
Part of me wants to ask Gary why he would think I was leaving. After all, it might be smart of me to make sure Gary knows I still want my job, so he doesn't go giving it to Susan instead.
But then again, Mom always said that confrontation is wrong. It is better to push worries, furies, and frustrations down into the pit of your stomach. Then, when your tummy feels like a hard little knot, and you get nauseous, you know you are being polite and doing the right thing.
I think I'll take her advice on this one. You know how much I hate confrontations. Also how much I hate letting other people know about my plans for the present and future. I think I will just handle my future teaching plans in my own way, and let Gary handle his staffing plans in his own way. I think that's best.
At 10:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Elizabeth,
My dad is a psychoanalyst, and he says that your coping style is likely to lead to anxiety and/or somatoform disorders.
He also says that your mom must have really messed up and scarred you during toilet training, because your stubborn suspicion and reserve are the hallmark characteristics of the anal retentive personality. He says to ask you if you derive physical, sexual, or emotional pleasure from deliberately retaining your feces--?
Sincerely yours, Gerald
At 10:33 AM,
April Patterson said…
liz, i think yr 1st thot abt talking 2 gary abt wanting 2 stay was the rite one, not that mom stuff. think abt where that mom stuff ever gets mom, eh?
At 10:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear April,
Mom was right about some things. I know it is hard to admit that because she is so nosy. But her lessons about avoiding conflict are important. Nobody likes a woman who looks for trouble.
I am sure the situation with Gary will all work out for the best...somehow.
At 11:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
rebeccah, ok. i have marked ur 15 1/2 b-day on my calendar 4 3rd base. wut about shortstop? did u & april pinky swear 4 that 2? ru there ne othah thingz u & april have done pinky swearz? i wanna plan ahead.
At 12:27 PM,
April Patterson said…
becks, i dunno what shortstop is either but i think yr plan soundz good.
At 1:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
rebeccah, 15 4 shortstop! a full bf an' gf 4 at least 6 months! ur gonna b 15 b4 6 months. evn april turns 15 next month. i mite az well w8 4 3rd base.
az 4 shortstop, it iz the position between 2nd & 3rd base, if u know wut i mean.
At 1:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Elizabeth,
My dad is waiting for your answer. He needs to know in order to confirm his diagnosis. By talking to your sister April, I have learned that you probably have some of the anal retentive traits, but not others.
For example, April says you are probably stingy. She says you live at home in the summers and mooch off your parents and Lawrence so you can save on things like rent, utilities, car payments and insurance, and groceries. She says that you also buy most of your clothes at Goodwill's annual "Green and Tan" sale. But she says that you have admitted to her that your apartment in Mtigwaki is often cluttered, so you are not compulsively neat.
Do you think you are a perservering person? April says you are very stubborn about some things (like not talking about your love life or feelings at all) but that you also cave in easily in other areas (you let men walk all over you).
Dad says he needs more information to clear up this mystery.
Sincerely yours, Gerald
At 1:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please tell your father that I will handle my personality in my own way, but thank you for his concern.
At 2:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
rebeccah, do u rilly not know this or ru b-ing funny? shortstop iz up the skirt, undies still on. i can't b-lieve i hadta rite that.
At 2:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
rebeccah, 1 of the thingz my dad taught me & he knowz a lotta 'bout this kinda stuff, but it iz kinda creepy 4 him 2 tell me neway. the bases r the 4 "f"s. french (1st), feel (2nd), finger (3rd), f**k (4th). catcher iz like wut howard duz w/guyz. i dunno ne center field.
At 7:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
rebeccah, i unnerstand ur definitionz now. so, lemme c if i got this str8:
15th b-day is 3rd base: feel privates over undies
16th b-day is out of park home run: sex
did u have d8s n mind 4 all thoze othah baseball termz? i got my calendar reddy 2 mark it n.
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