Dogs protecting, LOL!
Sorry this is so l8, peeps, & I gotta make it a quickie. So, I sent a lame e-mail 2 Liz abt how I can't believe she's teaching a teacher & then I did this big complainy thing abt Connie "babysitting" me when I'm old enuf 2 B alone & I have the (lazy, sleeping) dogz 2 protect me. Yeah, Connie's actually easy 2 pay off 2 leave me alone, but Liz & I wanna have this e-mail in our "official" record in case we need it, eh?
At 11:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
duncan, the sisters of mercy tix r urs. if it iz not zandra, the z-girl who asked 4 them haz not asked me again. i'll give them 2u between classes.
At 1:09 PM,
howard said…
You won’t believe what kind of hairstyle this woman asked for at Sugar’s hair salon today. She wanted her hair with long bangs, but the rest of her hair pulled back tight as if it were going into a pony tail, but instead of going down like a pony tail, she wanted it to go up like a water fountain or a shrub coming out of the ground. It was ugly-looking. After Marjee finished with it, she said to me she was glad your hair has never looked that bad, no matter what styles your mother forces on you. So remember, no matter how bad you have it with your mom and hair, there is somebody out there worse off than you.
Howard K.
At 1:34 PM,
April Patterson said…
howard, it's interesting u shd mention my hair. y'see, i've got it down 2day, it's all loose & flowy & cute. jeremy gave me a weird look in the hallway between classes. he sed, "april, it's a good thing u don't have yr hair up in that ugly propellor bun yr mom likes u 2 wear." but when he sed that, he actually looked kinda disappointed.
i told jeremy abt this thing that happed when connie showed up after mom & dad had left me their note sat. i saw her thru the window b4 she got here, so i twisted my hair in2 that 'do 2 mess w/her. she was, like, "april, take that hairdon't down! as long as yr mother is away, i m gonna c 2 it that u have nice, normal hair." connie's kinda cube. she's actually gonna give me sum $ 2 get my hair done @ yr salon after school. so i'll c u & marjee @ 3:30, eh?
oh, & then jeremy was, like, lookin' @ my hands. he looked freaked. he sed, "april, yr hands look like their kinda melting." i put 'em behind me & sed, "yeah, that's been happening since my 'rents left. i 1st noticed when i sent liz that e-mail i wrote abt in 2day's blog entry. i txt'ed liz 2 ask if i shd worry, but she sed it happs 2 every1 in our fam @ sum time or other & it just goez away on its own. my family is so fugged up.
At 2:37 PM,
howard said…
I have always been fond of loose flowing hair myself, particularly if it has just a hint of curl to it. Those are my favourite wigs to wear. I have noticed with some of the ladies who are my regular shamp-Oh customers, which means they come in every day, if they have their hair pulled back in a severe bun, it causes them to have a receding hair line, which isn’t very attractive. I am glad you have a chance to let your follicles breathe.
I am sure that I do not need to remind you that if you want a shamp-Oh, since you are underage, Connie acting as your temporary guardian will need to sign a waiver. It’s not like shamp-Ohs are illegal, after all I am only stimulating the scalp, but Sugar thinks it is best to have that extra legal insurance. Without the waiver, I will have to give you a regular shampoo. Sorry.
As for your hands, speaking as one who spent 3 weeks as a dog, you should feel very fortunate your hands will return to normal without magical intervention. It doesn’t just happen to you, but I think to almost everyone who lives in Milborough, and not all of them are lucky enough to have the trend reversed.
See you at the salon.
Howard K.
At 3:07 PM,
April Patterson said…
howard, connie gave me one of thoze waivers. i've been having trub writing 2day cuz of the prob w/my handz. i'm glad liz sez it's gonna b temp.
At 3:37 PM,
howard said…
Excellent news about the waiver for the shamp-Oh. Marjee says she prefers doing hair when the client has had a shamp-Oh, because not only are they more relaxed, but their hair is more manageable. You are going to look fabulous. We will have to take pictures, so you can remember how pretty you can be, after your mom gets back and forces you to put your hair back up.
Also, if you want me to try a hand massage, I will see if I can work your hands back into shape. I know your sister says it is going to be temporary, but I know how frustrating it can be to not have the use of hands. No charge for hand massage, if that's a worry.
Howard K.
At 3:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
April is in Howard's chair now and he's applying the shampoo. She told him she'll give the hand massage a try. Vicki is here, too, and she's giving April some hairdo suggestions. She also has a digital camera with her, so she can follow Howard's suggestion and take pictures.
At 4:08 PM,
howard said…
I had the same problem with April’s hair as I have with April’s mom’s hair. It has been pulled back too much. April had a pretty strong reaction once I loosened up her scalp, particularly in the areas where it is the most tightly pulled back. She seemed a little embarrassed, but I told her that around here, people are used to it getting a little loud in the shamp-Oh chair, which is true. Sugar thinks I am not doing my job right, if it gets too quiet.
Her hands were a mess though. They were all stretched out and it was like the joints were disconnected from the fingers. It was trickier than I thought it would be to get them back to normal. They look OK and April was really happy to be able to wiggle them again. She had a strong reaction to the hand massage also, which I wasn’t expecting. April is very relaxed and happy-looking now. She is a very beautiful girl when she is not tensed up. On to Marjee.
Howard K.
At 4:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, as Howard mentioned, April was extremely. . . . relaxed when she got out of Howard's chair. After a brief consulation with me and Vicki, she decided we should keep her length and her bangs (since her mother will expect as much when she's back from the trip), but I gave her lots of nice, long layers that she can either dry straight or allow for her natural wave to come through. Howard suggested we go for the wave, so I used the diffuser on the blowdryer. Also, we did a temporary color-rinse. A sort of dark burgundy. It ought to be gone by the time April's parents return. We all agreed she looks very pretty.
Vicki walked April home since she was still awfully relaxed!
At 5:06 PM,
April Patterson said…
thanx 4 walkin' me home, vicks. thanx 4 fixing my hand & helping me, um, relax, howard. ::blush:: & thanx 4 the v. cube hairdo & colour, marjee! i just got a txt fr. ger who sez he'z on his way ovr 2 c it!
At 5:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, so I punched Gerald in the stomach just as he was leaving to go see you, April. Punching Gerald in the stomach always brightens up my day! Don't worry, he was only doubled over in pain for a few minutes before he recovered and left for April's house. I expect he's there, now.
Gerald's Brother
At 5:47 PM,
April Patterson said…
yeah, he's here. he's like "tell my frater 'step off!'"
ger sez my 'do inspires him. . . .
At 7:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, i am rilly glad ur got ur hands fixed. they were freakin’ me out wen i saw u 2day. i am used 2u getting taller & shorter & i h8 2 admit, but i am a guy aftah all, i am used 2 watchin’ ur boobs growin’ & shrinkin’, but the handz wuz a new 1 on me. i wuzn’t disappointed u had ur hair down. rebeccah wearz her hair down. her hair iz rilly pretty & soft & thass the way i like a girl’s hair. i wuz tryin’ 2 remembah the last tyme i saw u n skool, w/ur hair down, & i cudn’t remembah.
At 7:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Boozhoo (Hello).
I read your writings about your dogs. I was reminded of the Ojibway legend of when the Ojibway met dog for the first time. Dog was a gift from a giant, who befriended 2 fisherman and gave them dog to protect them against Windigo, the evil spirit. Dog, was small like a fox, but when threatened would grow in size to protect the men. He chased away the Windigo and then shrank to a more dog-like size. Your dogs will be good protectors for you, while your parents are traveling. My people love dogs.
When you come to Mtigwaki, you will notice a lot of dogs wandering around the streets. Some of them look funny and walk strangely, but they are still good animals. Even though they are good animals for the Ojibway, it is smart for your sister to keep Shiimsa inside. I would not want my favourite kitty in the whole world to get hurt.
Gi'-ga-wa-ba-min' na-gutch! (See you later!)
Constable Paul Wright
At 7:41 PM,
duncan anderson said…
Thanx 4 the tix, Jer. I dont no if Zandra was the girl who asked u 4 them but she was happy I think 2 get them she said she was going w/ her TO friend Enid.
I talked 2 Mr Mirabell aft drama club 2day an' u r the sound/lite/fog man. He said hell b in touch w/ u closer 2 the dress rehersal d8. He wants sound an' lite @ the dress rehersal but he doesnt think we need 2 practise w/ fog so no fog till the performance.
At 8:15 PM,
howard said…
When I got home, Krystle (Becky’s mom) was in a foul mood. She said to me, “Did you know that Elly and John Patterson were on vacation in Baja, Mexico for at least 2 weeks?” I said I had been told. Krystle said to me, “How long have you known they were going?” I said, “Well, in December, April Patterson talked her mother into giving her dad a romantic weekend getaway for a Christmas gift. In January, Dr. Patterson was talking about taking a cruise. In February, both Elly and John Patterson were talking about taking a week off in March, but they didn’t say exactly when or where. Then at the beginning of March, they said it would be 2 weeks or a few weeks in Baja, and the next thing you know they were in Baja on Sunday. April told me it even took her by surprise.”
Krystle said, “Damn those Pattersons and their poor planning. Don’t they know my shop succeeds or fails based on Elly’s pastry consumption?” I said, “I believe that Elly has said you were her pastry buddy on more than one occasion.” Krystle said, “I might as well close the shop and take vacation myself. I talked to Ted, and he said he was in the mood for a trip, but not to Mexico.” I said, “Why not?” Krystle said, “Ted said no one in their right mind would travel to Mexico right now because they fear they'll be murdered or accused of being murderers.” I said, “That seems a little extreme for a whole country. So where are we going?” Krystle said, “We? Becky still has school, so you’re staying here with her.” I said, “You don’t want to take Becky with you?” Krystle said, “Does Elly Patterson take her daughter on vacations?” I said, “No. But she does not have your parenting skills.” (which is true, but not quite a compliment) Krystle said, “That’s true and I am going to take it as a compliment. However, Elly Patterson is gone now and Becky’s academic standing is too shaky to take her out of school. Becky’s March break starts next week and we should be back by then to do something with her. In the meantime, I want you to keep Becky under 24-hour surveillance. No wild destructive teen parties, particularly no parties involving her father. I want the house to be intact and as clean as it is now when we get back.” I said I could handle that.
I thought you might be interested in hearing that. I have to go pack Dr. McCauley’s things now. I suspect the real reason Krystle wants a trip alone with Dr. McCauley is to re-solidify her relationship with him. As for me, time that I do not have to spend in Dr. McCauley’s old house cleaning it up, is a vacation.
Howard K.
At 8:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
duncan, glad zandra wuz happy 2 get the tix. how duz zandra luk wen she iz happy? is it kinda scary-lookin'? neway, i hope it helps u dealin' w/her. also thanx 4 settin' thingz up w/mr. mirabell. it's gud 2 have a gig set up.
At 8:40 PM,
April Patterson said…
that's a cube legend abt the dogz, paul. thanx 4 telling me abt it.
don't worry, becks, i'm pretty sure i can connie 2 look the other way 4 @ least 1 party while my 'rents r away.
jeremy, yeah, it's good 2 have my handz back 2 normal. howard's a genius!
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