Gah, I Made a LAME Pun!
I h8 myself rite now. Not only did I make a lame pun yesterday, but it involved me referring 2 Dad as my "pop". Extra lame, with lame sauce on the side. :(
Y'see, the band was @ my house 2 practice. Dad sed we shd do our rehearsal in the garage so we cd say we're a "garage band". whatevs. So we were banding away, playing our instruments. I don't know if it was the loudness of our playing, or the weird orange energy field that surrounded us while we played, or mayB even the distrubing grimaces we had on our faces, but sumthing really terrified Edgar during our practice session. @ least @ first, I mean, it seemed like he was runnin' 4 his life, but then insteada running away, he decided 2 hang out w/us. wagging his tail and drooping his earz down low. I played my guitar really hard and Eva tambourined like crazee and we sang w/out actually singing NE words, which was sorta odd, I guess. Our instruments were sounding like "BOOMPA BOOMPA TWANGG WHAPPA FOOMP BWANG"! My dad came in2 the garage carrying his coffee mug and sat down on the steps 2 listen 2 us. When we took a break, Dunc asked Dad, "Whaddya think of our sound, Dr. P.?" And Dad was, like, "It's all good, Duncan! U kidz R rite in2 the 'pop culture'!" We all stood there lookin' gobsmacked while Dad went in2 the house, and then I sed, "OK, guyz--we've gotta make sum changez." And then it happed. I punned. Like a typical st00pid Patterson, I punned. I sed, "We can't do NEthing that soundz like 'culture' 2 my pop!!!" C Y I h8 myself rite now? And every1 in the band LAFFED! Dunc even laffed WITH HIS TUNG STICKING OUT! We don't know what came over us.
But U know what? I don't think Dad's "it's all good" reaction actually had NEthing 2 do w/us. I think he totally went 2 his office, gave himself sum nitrous oxide, and chilled out 4 a while listening 2 Bobby Curtola in his headphonez. Whenev he does that, it totally mellowz him out and he has no worriez.
Still, h8 myself 4 the pun. I'm going 2 log off now & wallow in my shame.
Y'see, the band was @ my house 2 practice. Dad sed we shd do our rehearsal in the garage so we cd say we're a "garage band". whatevs. So we were banding away, playing our instruments. I don't know if it was the loudness of our playing, or the weird orange energy field that surrounded us while we played, or mayB even the distrubing grimaces we had on our faces, but sumthing really terrified Edgar during our practice session. @ least @ first, I mean, it seemed like he was runnin' 4 his life, but then insteada running away, he decided 2 hang out w/us. wagging his tail and drooping his earz down low. I played my guitar really hard and Eva tambourined like crazee and we sang w/out actually singing NE words, which was sorta odd, I guess. Our instruments were sounding like "BOOMPA BOOMPA TWANGG WHAPPA FOOMP BWANG"! My dad came in2 the garage carrying his coffee mug and sat down on the steps 2 listen 2 us. When we took a break, Dunc asked Dad, "Whaddya think of our sound, Dr. P.?" And Dad was, like, "It's all good, Duncan! U kidz R rite in2 the 'pop culture'!" We all stood there lookin' gobsmacked while Dad went in2 the house, and then I sed, "OK, guyz--we've gotta make sum changez." And then it happed. I punned. Like a typical st00pid Patterson, I punned. I sed, "We can't do NEthing that soundz like 'culture' 2 my pop!!!" C Y I h8 myself rite now? And every1 in the band LAFFED! Dunc even laffed WITH HIS TUNG STICKING OUT! We don't know what came over us.
But U know what? I don't think Dad's "it's all good" reaction actually had NEthing 2 do w/us. I think he totally went 2 his office, gave himself sum nitrous oxide, and chilled out 4 a while listening 2 Bobby Curtola in his headphonez. Whenev he does that, it totally mellowz him out and he has no worriez.
Still, h8 myself 4 the pun. I'm going 2 log off now & wallow in my shame.
At 11:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
You may think we were laughing at your pun, but the super serious way you took the music and starting trying to rewrite it so it would make your pop mad, was what made me laugh. I don’t think I can sing Burn Model Trains! Burn! and not laugh. Don’t worry about the pun.
At 11:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. I knew you would write about your pun, as if that were the most important part of your rehearsal. It's so good to see you're a Patterson, not only in your punning, but in your writing.
Michael Patterson
At 12:01 PM,
April Patterson said…
lol, luis, yeah, i guess that song has gotta go, eh?
mike, u really, really wanna hurt me, don't u?!?!?!?! gd job, u hurt me!
At 4:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, I had a wonderful afternoon at your house yesterday. I know you didn't see me, I was outside. I guess your father was supposed to do a lot of fall yard work, but he kept hanging around in the garage between long trips to the bathroom.
So, giving up on your father with his musical appreciation and bowel complaints, your mom called me over to take care of the yard. Which I was only too happy to do. I could never say no to your mother anyway, she's everything a woman should be. Never complains, silently sacrifices everything for her children, it took her a full hour and a half on the phone yesterday to give me this week's details of silent suffering and sacrifice.
Anyway, I listened to your "music." Please excuse me if I got some of the song titles wrong, your caterwauling made it a bit tough to pick out details:
The Spaying Blade What kind of feminist claptrap was this? Yuk. And I didn't know you went for "cutting into that bitch" type street stuff. You weren't raised in an American ghetto, Apreal...
Run, Rooster, Run I think you have the wrong mix of instruments for this, Bluegrass just doesn't sound right with electric guitars and keyboard.
Litte Red Crevasse okay, this had a nice wholesome Beach Boys sound, but 80 km to the litre? And when you equip a car with "nitrous," it goes in the ENGINE, not into your nose!
Go Tell Margaret (God's On The Phone) The less said about this the better. Religion and feminine hygiene are two subjects that have no place together in a song. Or seperately. And why was this a Duncan solo?
The Last Train in the Basement Okay, I admit, this one was really sad and gothy, but who'd kill themselves by having a kid's train trigger a double barreled shotgun?
The Goose Flies Back I didn't understand the imagery in this at all. The parent geese seemed pretty silly, why would they try to keep the goslings together after they've learned to fly on their own? Why would a "strong northern raven" own a pair of blue balls? I thought ravens just plucked up shiny stuff like aluminum foil.
At 4:43 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, anth, i never xxpected u 2 listen 2 us so closely! well, the songz u heard, we're still developing them an' all. we'll b changing stuff around, esp. since my dad seemed 2 like our music way 2 much!
At 6:05 PM,
Anne said…
Just checking n b4 the festivites start. :) Me & Gordie made the basement super-clean 2day after Marjee took us shopping 2 stock up on all the partee essentials (xtra Coke, Starbucks Dblshots, Chocopuffs, etc). Sis, you rock!
It's funny that u guys had that orange force field happening when u played, bcause Burned Butt Casserole's lighting & sound guy is here setting up, & he sed that's 1 of the effects he uses. He has 2 b careful not 2 overdo it tho bcause it made an entire audience have seizures, like those Japanese kids watching anime a few years ago.
At 6:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, April, I'm at Vicks's place helping her with the final touches for the party. It should be a blast! Then I'm off to Becky's to help her make her hair party-perfect. See you in about an hour, I guess!
At 6:25 PM,
April Patterson said…
hey, vicks, marjee! i'm still figuring out what 2 wear, but i'll b there! ger & i r gonna meet halfway and walk 2gether.
At 7:16 PM,
Anne said…
Cool, Apes! I know no1 likes 2 b the first guest @ a I hope Gerald was able 2 train his Aunt Vinnie's dog Lebowski 2 clean all those litter boxes!
Neway, I'm wearing this top w/dark-wash boot cut jeans & spike-heeled black sandals. I figure the xtra height will help me better see what's going on tonite. My hair looks like the model's, thanx 2 Marjee. :)
At 7:44 PM,
April Patterson said…
vicks, i m wearing this top with these bottoms. but u'll know that soon, cuz ger an' i r abt a block away fr. yr house!
At 8:03 PM,
Anne said…
That's a good outfit u put together. I have the same top in lite red & I almost wore it 2nite! I just put on this necklace since I thot my whole getup could use some more colour.
Sleeveless & short sleeve shirts r the way 2 go since the place'll seem warm w/who knows how many ppl here. Gordie nvited the whole jv curling team, can u believe it??!! He also talked the partee up on his My Space page, so I know word had to get around fast.
& I see u & Ger now. Cool!
At 8:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, so Hector, Pierce, and I saw Gordie's bulletin on MySpace so we had to come over! Looks like a kewl party so far!
Jeremy D.
At 8:39 PM,
howard said…
I’ll be wearing this dress . Becky and I are running a little late, because we are bringing Nolan Sears, and she wanted to make sure she was properly scented to impress him.
Howard K.
At 8:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, i am not gonna show u on-line wut i am wearin' or eva iz wearin'. eva can do that if she wunts. wut i will say iz that if u thot eva wuz showin' a lotta skin @ur rehearsal yestahday, she's showin' evn more 2nite. i think i am gonna go crayzee, cuz she iz so hott.
At 9:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, iz duncan wearin’ a baby blue spaghetti strap top? eva sez it’s a tank top & duncan looks v.v. nice n it. i dunno if i agree w/that, but duncan duz luk more feminine than zandra larson, dressed n black frum head 2 toe. she luks v. warm. i dunno if it’z cuz she haz so many clothez on, or if she duzn’t like the way eva iz smirkin’ @duncan.
At 9:17 PM,
Anne said…
Yr rite, Jeremy. Eva looks hott, & I can say that n a totally hetero way. I think she bought her top @ Urban Outfitters, but she can tell us 4 sure!
Jeremy, u don't look as middle-aged as u usually do. Props 2 Eva 4 the new haircut & threads!
April told me that Duncan was wearing a lite blue tank top @ band practice, but I figured that had 2 do w/the garage having no AC. Zandra's n head 2 toe black & wearing goth makeup. It's a cool look but I hope not uncomfortable n this weather.
Oh man....Ted Bartlesnoff just spiked the watermelon-mango punch w/Everclear. He thot no1 was looking, that foob.
At 9:26 PM,
howard said…
I think Becky's date Nolan just chugged a big cup of the watermelon-mango punch. Becky saw Ted Bartlensoff spike it, but when she started yelling, "No punch!" I think Nolan thought she was telling him to drink the punch. With any luck, it won't make Nolan too drunk.
Howard K.
At 9:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, for those of you who aren't here to see us, I've got this top and this skirt on. Jeremy's wearing this t-shirt and jeans that look sort of like these, except he got them that way the oldfashioned way instead of paying extra for them to look all beat up.
At 9:33 PM,
April Patterson said…
ger an' i r having a v. good time so far. i hope nolan doesn't get sick! eva, jeremy, vicks, becks, howard, i think u all look really nice 2nite!
At 9:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, eva'z smirk haz attracted jeremy duncan, & hiz friendz hector & pierce. they came w/3 girlz who do not look happ. i like b-ing w/a girl who looks so hott, but i keep 4-gettin’ othah guyz think she iz hott 2.
At 10:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
If that purplish/grayish skin girl does not stay away from our boyfriends, she is going to have some trouble. Actually, Jeremy is technically not my boyfriend any more. I just came along with him, so he wouldn’t feel left out when Hector was with Autumn and Pierce was with D'ijon. I used to be Jeremy’s girlfriend, but D'ijon pointed out that we were so not compatible. So, it doesn’t matter to me one bit if Jeremy looks at the purplish/grayish skin girl’s breasts. I really wish the boys weren’t drooling like that.
Sara Toomey
At 11:13 PM,
Anne said…
Thanx, Apes! U & Ger look so cute & fashionable 2gether too.
Cheer up, Sara! Burned Butt Casserole brot their entire street team w/them, & 1 of the guys from there's been checking u out. He's kinda hott--& I can say that n a totally hetero
Uh oh...Gordie just drank 4 cups of the punch. I better try 2 get him 2 sit & play Call of Duty 2 or something.
At 11:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, burned butt casserole's music iz way cube! they have a gr8 ruff kinda sound. that number Mystery Meat iz definitely danceable. eva iz dancin' w/me & think she xxpected all the guyz 2b lookin' @her cuz she iz so hott & she iz in full smirk mode. howevah, every1 seemz 2b lookin' @april & gerald. wut iz he doin'? u know @the grade 8 grad, he did that ballroom stuff w/april & he'z doin' it again. u wud think the relationship tween him & april hadn't progressed @all n the last year. it's so awful every1 iz starin'.
At 11:36 PM,
howard said…
Burnt Butt Casserole's music is not really to my taste. I think Becky has enjoyed Nolan's inebriation to a certain degree. He has to close dance with her so she can hold him without him falling down. Becky's scent selection seems to have taken effect, since they are really more kissing than dancing. However, it will be interesting to see how long Becky's arms can hold out.
Vicki Simone seems to be a little upset with Gordie Duroccher. He has had a little too much to drink, and Vicki has informed Gordie she will not be dancing with him on top of a skateboard. And by informed, I mean yelled at him with her fists balled up.
By the way, April. Do you need me to step in between you and Gerald? I know I gave you some dance lessons, but it doesn't help much for the Viking ballroom dancer. Gerald does have a curious combination of foxtrot and axe-throwing moves (without the axe of course). It looks somewhat akin to a documentary I remember seeing once on Emperor penguins in a snow storm.
Howard K.
At 11:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
You are right. The guy from the Burned Butt Casserole street team is cute. I have been making out with him for about 10 minutes now and all Jeremy Duncan has been doing is staring at April and her boyfriend Gerald dancing. Why isn't Jeremy coming over here and getting all jealous? April and Gerald aren't that bad a dancers. Well, on second thought, I guess they are. That looks painful. Can't somebody make them stop?
Sara Toomey
At 1:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
april, u know there r sum peeps who wud say wen gordie ran n2 u & gerald on hiz sk8board & stopped u2 frum dancin', it wuz an accident & peeps coulda got hurt & it wuz sumthin' peeps should not b happy 'bout. unfortun8ly, none of thoze peeps were here. i did think mebbe wen they lifted up gordie & started goin' "hooray for gordie" & clappin' 4 him & slappin' him on the back, & the band played a special song n honour of gordie Somebody Saved My Life Tonight, it wuz a little much. it is kinda funny c-ing vicks all ovah gordie & sayin' "my hero." but thass prolly cuz it's the 1st tyme all year gordie has ridden a sk8board & not ended up n hospital.
i know howard iz tryin' 2 teach gerald how 2 dance rite now & eva haz been dancin' w/a lotta guyz, so if u wanna dance lemme know. yes, eva did dance w/duncan & jeremy duncan, & pretty much every guy here, ncludin' mosta the band. aftah gordie took u & gerald down, she wunted 2 make sure her smirkin' power still worked. i'm glad ur her friend, cuz i don't think mosta the girlz here like her much.
At 1:26 AM,
howard said…
Never fear. Your boyfriend will be cured of this awkward Viking ballroom dancing by the time I am done with him. He has stepped on my feet so many times now, I am feeling a real sympathy for those red marks I saw on your feet. I hope you don't bruise easily. I am expecting my feet to be black and blue by tomorrow.
You may be feeling like a little pity party right now, but at least your date didn't pass out on you, like Nolan did with Becky. I guess he is not accustomed to drinking, which is really not a bad thing, considering he is a teenager, after all.
Oh well. Break is over. Now to teach Gerald how to close dance.
Howard K.
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