The Witch is Powerful, But I'm Not So Sure She'z Good!
Aw, man. Man, oh, man, oh man. Where do I start? I had a lil convo w/Mom abt all this that's going on w/Howard Bunt. BUNT! NEway, I was like, "Mom, I thot this was all resolved last yr. It turned out that Howard only pretend went after Liz cuz of that conspiracy where he was tricked in2 thinking Anthony was Liz's grandfather and he took a dive 2 make GrAnthony look all heroic. And the Witch of the North ended up conveniently forgetting the whole thing since it was so bogus NEway. But now this?" Mom sed, "April, sit down." So I sat on the Chesterfield & Mom sat next 2 me. She sed, "All of what U say may well B true. Or @ least it may well have been true." I didn't answer, just looked real confused. And she sed, "Reality is what the Witch of the North sez it is, April. Haven't U figured that out by now?" I sed, "I guess." She went on, "Well, ppl were complaining 2 the Witch abt how unsuitable it was that Howard wasn't suffering repercussions for what he'd done. Ppl who don't read our family's letterz, that is. Y don't they just read the letters?" She shook her head an' I shrugged. "NEway, now that Liz is back in Milboro, the Witch has decided we need 'closure' and 'resolution' in a public way, meaning a trial, that can B covered in the paperz & on TV newz, so even ppl who R 2 lazy 2 read or know abt our monthly letterz can know that crimez don't go unpunished." Me: "But he didn't really commit a crime!" Mom shook her head w/a kinda sad smile. "We're back 2 reality again. Thoze angry ppl wd never accept the big-conspiracy angle, so Lynn is ready 2 alter reality."
I got a scary thot in my head and asked, "Am I gonna get sucked in2 this new reality, like actually believe it and all?" Mom put her arm around my shoulders and sed, "I'm afraid U probably will, April. But if U keep written notes on everything and review them from time 2 time, U can probably shake it off--@ least 4 a while." I wanted 2 know how she knew this wd work, and she sed, "Y do U think I do all that scrapbooking, writing captions 4 my fotos, do U think I'm just that compulsive?" I had 2 admit I did, and she kinda rolled her eyez and laffed. I asked, "Is it gonna start soon?" Mom sed, "I think so. Quick, April, do U know what a subpoena is?" I was all, "Duh, of course, I watch cop showz all the time. And we learned this in school, 2. It's a writ requiring appearance in court to give testimony." Mom sed, "Write that down, b-cuz I have a weird feeling U R abt 2 4get." So I did, I wrote abt the whole convo I just told U abt.
And then the freekiest thing happed. First, I felt my mind go kinda blank. Then I felt like I was abt 11 yrs old again, my brain wiped of all kindsa knowledge an' xxperience fr. the last 4 yrs, an' I went up 2 Liz, like, "What xxactly is a subpoena, Liz?" And Liz was, like, "It meanz I have 2 go 2 court." I looked @ the subpoena and asked, "U, like--have 2 go?" And Liz was all, "Yes. It's the law. If U receive a subpoena, U R legally required 2 attend." And I was, like, "So, the guy who attacked U is finally gonna get what he deserves!" And Liz was, like, "He'z gonna get sumthing, April.... But I doubt that he'll get what he deserves."
Then I went back an' read my notes, and everything came flooding back 2 me. Shizz, guys, I hafta take v. good notes, cuz my brain was so wiped 4 a mo there! Pls, guyz, I need U 2 help me keep my brain working! Pls remind me of stuff, and post notez 4 me in the comments 2 help me remember, K? Becks, I totally don't wanna B a "stupid Patterson", but the Witch up North totally wants me 2 B one, and we all know her powers, don't we?!?!!?
NEhow, Liz also wrote abt my convo w/her in a comment last nite:
I got a scary thot in my head and asked, "Am I gonna get sucked in2 this new reality, like actually believe it and all?" Mom put her arm around my shoulders and sed, "I'm afraid U probably will, April. But if U keep written notes on everything and review them from time 2 time, U can probably shake it off--@ least 4 a while." I wanted 2 know how she knew this wd work, and she sed, "Y do U think I do all that scrapbooking, writing captions 4 my fotos, do U think I'm just that compulsive?" I had 2 admit I did, and she kinda rolled her eyez and laffed. I asked, "Is it gonna start soon?" Mom sed, "I think so. Quick, April, do U know what a subpoena is?" I was all, "Duh, of course, I watch cop showz all the time. And we learned this in school, 2. It's a writ requiring appearance in court to give testimony." Mom sed, "Write that down, b-cuz I have a weird feeling U R abt 2 4get." So I did, I wrote abt the whole convo I just told U abt.
And then the freekiest thing happed. First, I felt my mind go kinda blank. Then I felt like I was abt 11 yrs old again, my brain wiped of all kindsa knowledge an' xxperience fr. the last 4 yrs, an' I went up 2 Liz, like, "What xxactly is a subpoena, Liz?" And Liz was, like, "It meanz I have 2 go 2 court." I looked @ the subpoena and asked, "U, like--have 2 go?" And Liz was all, "Yes. It's the law. If U receive a subpoena, U R legally required 2 attend." And I was, like, "So, the guy who attacked U is finally gonna get what he deserves!" And Liz was, like, "He'z gonna get sumthing, April.... But I doubt that he'll get what he deserves."
Then I went back an' read my notes, and everything came flooding back 2 me. Shizz, guys, I hafta take v. good notes, cuz my brain was so wiped 4 a mo there! Pls, guyz, I need U 2 help me keep my brain working! Pls remind me of stuff, and post notez 4 me in the comments 2 help me remember, K? Becks, I totally don't wanna B a "stupid Patterson", but the Witch up North totally wants me 2 B one, and we all know her powers, don't we?!?!!?
NEhow, Liz also wrote abt my convo w/her in a comment last nite:
Well here is something for your blog tomorrow, you can quote me or not, but now I want to talk about when I told you about the suppeena, how you didn't know what one was and I had to tell you, that was a very nice big sister/little sister teaching moment, it was great, it made me remember how you are much younger than me and I am your mentor, just like how I teach elementary school kids, you have to learn from me, you even looked way younger than usual when we talked. I liked how you asked me if I "like, hafta go" to court, that was so cute, and I had to pat you on the head and explain that yes I did and it was scary but big people sometimes have to do hard things, and you would understand when you grow up, it was like a bonding moment. Then you asked me if Howard would get what he deserves which I think answers your rather slutty and crazy friend Becky's question about who you will be supporting in this, obviously it is me, us Pattersons are the model citizens of Milborough, Mom was even voted "most reasonable woman" by the Milborough Shopper eighteen years running, and I even look like her with the bun and glasses.Gah, I need 2 soak my head!
Anyway, then I told you Howard would get something but probably not what he deserves, you probably want to know what I was thinking there, well it was about what that nice old policeman told me the other day, about how they would not give Howard the chair because Canada never had the chair, just some stupid painless method of hanging that they got rid of 30 years ago, and I was thinking about how Mom had told me that even the Good Witch of the North probably can't get the death penalty reinstated in Canada, that there are limits to her powers, which is not too surprising, remember she said that in the movie too, she couldn't send Dorothy back to Oz and I guess she can't get them to kill Howard either, but what do you expect, I guess I will have to settle for life in prison or some lame punishment like that. I mean, I was violated, he didn't exactly grab my "chest area" but he did grab the part of my t-shirt that went over it, that's obscene.
At 10:34 AM,
April Patterson said…
aw, doodz, mom an' i r gonna hafta go over 2 gramps an' iris's place this afternoon 4 gramps's dixie visitation. i have a feeling we r gonna hafta listen 2 a lame story abt the shopping outing they r going on 2day, and i have a feeling mom an' i r gonna laff like it's the most hi-freakin'-larious thing i've ever heard. and i have a feeling that's gonna b the topic 4 2morrow morning's blog entry. sorry, peeps, but u know sundays r off-topic.
At 1:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
April, I just went over 2 Jeremy's house 2 ask him if he's really fake-engaged to Becky, and he was like, "Yes, maybe, I don't know, I think so." He looked confused. I didn't like his answer. I'm @ Horny Tim's with Vicki.
At 1:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
That's okay, I don't mind, I could use a day off from thinking about my big Howard problems, as you know I am nervous about talking about my feelings and important things that happen to me, I like to push that stuff deep down until I am anxious and afraid all the time like a rabbit being chased by a wolverine. Now I will have to talk about it, that will be hard.
I am going to try to avoid going to see Grandpa and Iris, I have not seen them apart from holidays for years and that's how I like it, I have too much to think about in my own life to waste my time on "extra relatives" like Grandpa and Iris, who isn't even a relative really, just some pumpkin-shaped lady he married because he needed a free nurse but we're all supposed to pretend she's like a real relative just because she married Grandpa. I have enough "people in my life" with you and Mom and Dad and Mike, and I don't even like Mike that much really, he is pretty annoying with that "Lizardbreath" stuff so I have pretty much avoided seeing him except on holidays since he got married, that has worked out great. I don't really like Dee much either, she is so nosy about my love life, I always want to say to her "if you wanted a exciting love life why did you marry my stupid brother, you could of dated a policeman and a pilot if you wanted to, but you didn't, so shut up and mind your own beeswax," but I don't because Mom says it's not polite. I like Merry and Robin okay because they're kids and I just adore little children because I'm a girl and all women love kids, at least the normal ones, but I have to be around Mike and Dee for that and so I just forget it usually, it's not like I don't have cute kids at school, and Francoise is pretty cute for a kid who is half-Frenchy. So holidays are enough, I couldn't believe it when we got together for that "belated Canada Day family picnic" this year, I had totally hoped we were going to get to miss doing that, but I guess we had to, it's going to be hard to avoid all the "extra" relatives now I am home, at least Grandpa and Iris didn't get invited. I haven't seen those Manitoba people in over 10 years, that is my idea of an ideal relationship with my relatives, if I want to spend time with some people I would rather it just be my parents and my friends and my kids from school and natives and potential husbands, they're the important people, and sisters are cool too, unless they start calling you "Lizardbreath" and wearing your clothes, then it's time to cut them out totally.
At 1:42 PM,
April Patterson said…
liz, mom an' i r @ gramps an' iris's place. they asked abt u, but mom made an xxcuse that u r going thru 2 much 4 a visit w/xxtended-fam relliez. u really rn't missing much, as u will c when i write up an' post 2morrow morning's entry.
At 1:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for lying for me, I am going to the salon to get a mani/pedi now, maybe that counts as "stress relief," what do you think?
At 1:55 PM,
April Patterson said…
yeah, i think mom counts that as "stress relief" as long as that's what u call it.
At 2:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, i am so confuzed. my mom sed she talked 2 eva ‘bout me b-ing an idiot like my dad, cuz of the fake engagement 2 rebeccah. i asked her wut eva sed back 2 her. she sed, “this eva girl likes the cowboy talk, eh?” i sed, “yes.” my mom sed, “she’z prolly gonna come ovah, but she hazn’t decided if she iz gonna make up w/u or not.” i sed, “so wut’s she comin’ ovah 4?” my mom sed, “i dunno.”
so eva came ovah & i answered the door & she sed, “wut xxactly iz a fake engagement, jeremy?” i sed, “it meanz i hafta pretend 2b engaged, wen i’m not.” then eva sed, “you, like—hafta pretend?” i sed, “yes. it’s the way it works. if ur fake-engaged, ur required 2 pretend.” then eva sed, “so, ur ex-gf rebeccah iz finally gonna get wut she wunts!” i sed, “she’z gonna get sumthin’ eva…but i doubt that she’ll get wut she wunts.” eva sed, “duz this make sense 2u, did i punch u out hard enuff 2 give u thoze stitchez, duz rebeccah wanna get back w/u, ru rilly fake-engaged?” i sed, “yes, maybe, i don't know, i think so." eva sed, “ur not str8-talkin’ enuff 4 this cowgirl. i’m gonna head u off @the pass & spend sum tyme w/anothah cowgirl.” then she left.
my mom sed, “eva haz been wearin’ sum pretty revealin’ clothez l8ly.” i sed, “wut? wut duz this hafta do w/nethin’?” my mom sed, “she wuz wearin’ mainly t-shirts this summer w/u, wuzn’t she?” i sed, “ru tryin’ 2 tell me sumthin’?” my mom sed, “no. i’m just makin’ an observation. usually wen a girl starts wearin’ more revealin’ clothin’ she’z tryin’ 2 attract attention.” i sed, “&?” my mom sed, “u know, jeremy. ‘bout a week b4 skool, i noticed eva changed n2 the more revealin’ outfits. mebbe u wanna think ‘bout if nethin’ happed ‘bout a week b4 skool.” i sed, “ok. april came back frum winnipeg. duncan came back frum hiz ‘rents cottage. april’s sis got a job teachin’ n mboro.” my mom sed, “innerestin’.” i sed, “u don’t think eva’z tryin’ 2 attract april or her sis do u?” my mom sed, “no. don’t b silly. eva seemz v.v. str8 2 me.” my mom can b rilly confuzin’. i shud prolly try 2 talk 2 eva again, but the doc @hospital last nite, sed i needta take it ez 2day. so, i am gonna follow hiz advice. i hope ur havin’ a good tyme @ur grandpa’z.
At 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Boozhoo (Hello).
I read your writings about talking with your sister about subpoenas. I should let you know what I told your sister last night about subpoenas. It doesn’t just mean you have to go to court. I had to tell your sister that going to court on a Saturday or a Sunday, when she was not teaching would not work. There is a date, time and place printed on the subpoena. That is when and where your sister has to go. Also I told your sister, she has to show the subpoena to the people in charge at the Glenallen School to let them know why she will be gone so they can arrange for a substitute teacher. Then your sister asked me what a substitute teacher was. I said, “It’s someone who is hired to take the place of teachers who can’t come to work, for things like court appearances.” Your sister said, “Another thing Glenallen has that the Mtigwaki (Land of Trees) school didn’t have.”
I was confused by this and I asked my friend Susan Dokis, whom I call Chipper, if the school in Mtigwaki (Land of Trees) had a substitute teacher. Chipper said, “Suds (her nickname for me), when I asked about substitute teachers in Mtigwaki (Land of Trees), I was told Laurie McLeod-Shabogesic, is the elementary-level substitute teacher. However, I was also told that Elizabeth Patterson never used a substitute in the 2 years she was there.” I said, “Chipper, it’s probably because my sweet girl never got sick.” Chipper said, “She was sick a lot, but I have found out she would take the students into her home, and play them educational videos while she slept on the chesterfield.” I said, “Isn’t that a violation of school policy?” Chipper said, “It most certainly is. Apparently some people believe that just because Mtigwaki (Land of Trees) school is a First Nations school, the Ontario laws and the Mtigwaki (Land of Trees) school policy about child protection do not apply to them.” Chipper said a few more things about it, which I am not going to repeat, because I am sure she didn’t really mean them.
I should also tell you the subpoena requires more than just coming to the court at a certain place and time. It also means that Elizabeth is required to give evidence in a court proceeding. She may have to take the stand and testify personally in the case against Howard Bunt. If your sister shows up in court but refuses to testify, the presiding judge may order that she is jailed for contempt of court. Elizabeth was surprised to learn this. She said, “I made my videotape last year. I don’t know why they need anymore than that. People in Mtigwaki (Land of Trees) were not this greedy.” I tried to convince her that testifying is the right thing to do and she would get in trouble if she didn’t. She did not seem happy about it, but I think she understands she has to give evidence.
That is probably more detail about subpoenas than you need, but since my sweet girl didn’t know this, I expect you didn’t either. I am not trying to say that you and your sister are completely and utterly ignorant of the most basic essentials of the Canadian justice system. Obviously you are not. You are much smarter than that.
Gi'-ga-wa-ba-min' na-gutch! (See you later!)
Constable Paul Wright
At 3:37 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, paul, did liz think she cd just show up @ the court whenev &, like, not testify?!?!!? i, um, knew that stuff abt subpoenas. well, i didn't know when i had that convo w/liz, but when i read my notes an' got my memory back, i knew.
At 3:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Don’t feel bad about forgetting things. I do it all the time. Subpoena is a hard word. It looks like there shouldn’t be an ‘o’ in it. Sometimes people tell me things and they expect me to remember it right after they told me. It takes me a long time to remember. Sometimes my teachers forget they have to repeat things to me. It looks like your sister knows how to teach special needs children. She told you a subpoena means you have to go to court 2 times. My teachers have to say things more times than that to me. But, when you asked your sister if subpoena means the guy who attacked her is going to get what he deserves, I could tell you still didn’t know what a subpoena is. Your sister should have told you a third time. Then you might have gotten it. It’s hard to learn things, but if you keep trying, I think you will learn what a subpoena is. I know I read your Blog entry a lot of times so I could understand it. It’s fun to learn new things, even if it’s hard. Writing it down when you know what it is, is a good idea too. I do that all the time.
Shannon Lake
At 3:58 PM,
April Patterson said…
no, shannon, my question wasn't cuz i didn't understand abt a subpoena, i was jumping ahead 2 the idea that liz wd testify in court. & then i read my notes and remembered everything i knew. i'm so glad i had made thoze notes!
At 4:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. I know how difficult it is to adjust to changes in reality. I have some notes I kept over the years to remind me how things used to be. I call them my collections. Like you, I sometimes use them to remind me of things I have forgotten. For example, in some of my oldest collections, I can see that my best friend growing up was Lawrence Poirier and he used to be white and heterosexual. I used to get into fights with him over Deanna Sobinski. When I look over my collections, I can remember a happier and simpler time, when I barely knew any thing about social issues.
I'm sure it's the same way with you and Liz's subpoena. I can remember when a Patterson would never, ever consider entering a courtroom and testifying in a trial against a man she was trying to get put away in prison for the rest of his life for grabbing her and touching her boob. Cheeze. I can remember when a Patterson would never have her boob touched, or in my case, touch a boob. Lifting someone up by the butt and grinding your hips into them, yes. Boob, no.
We live in troubling and confusing times, April. Sometimes, when I am in my attic trying to escape from it all, I wish I were living in the old house on Sharon Park Lane again, and hiding in the attic there.
I went to talk to Anthony Caine about the progress on getting someone to produce the pilot for "Foobing with Mr. C", but he was all full of talk about how he was going to do in the Howard Bunt trial. He says he has practised doing a testimony so powerful, it will make Liz swoon with delight. Of course the way the Lizardbreath is these days, she will probably be surprised that Anthony is there, and for that matter that Howard Bunt is there. At least she was clear-headed enough to explain a subpoena to you.
Michael Patterson
At 4:50 PM,
howard said…
I hope you keep good notes. I would hate to think that you would start hating me after all the things we have done together in the last year. I have fears about the reality change too. I am going to keep good notes, so I can keep my memory straight, but I have this fear I am going to turn into a horrible monster of a guy, who needs to be put down like a rabid dog, or an infectious bacteria that needs a good dose of antibiotic, or a poorly cooked casserole that needs to be thrown in the trash before anyone eats it.
In the meantime, my lawyer has asked me to make at least one public appearance a day with Marjee Mahaha as my fake fiancee. It was pretty easy today, since we both worked at Sugar's Salon. Then afterwards, my lawyer said we should go into a public park or the Milborough town square or someplace with a lot of people like that, and kiss a lot, with Marjee taking the lead on the kissing and showing off the engagement ring, so it we will look like a happy engaged couple. Marjee doesn't seem to mind doing that at all, but when I told Becky she was livid. The last time I saw her she said she was going to find Jeremy Jones for some reason.
Howard Bunt
At 4:59 PM,
April Patterson said…
howard, i m sooooo glad i've been keeping this blog, cuz it's really helping me. whenev i feel that new reality trying 2 take over my brain, i go back & read the archives and the comments and it helps me get my head str8 again. i hope it helps u, 2.
At 5:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
April, I just got a very threatening text message from Becky. But Howard is my friend, and I need to do what I can to help my friend, even if it means some extreme PDA in the park!
At 5:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Boozhoo (Hello).
I read your writings about keeping notes about subpoenas. I wonder if this reality thing is affecting me too. Some days I think, "Why am I trying so hard to get the transfer to Toronto? Elizabeth obviously doesn't want me to move until after Christmas. I should start trying then." But then I remember, "Paul. You have been madly in love with Elizabeth ever since you first met her. You would do anything for her. If you didn't get the transfer to Toronto, it would be a complete change in my personality." I think I need to start keeping notes, like you do.
I have been having another problem with my health. Around the time Elizabeth bought her car, I started having these sharp stabbing pains in my back. Now, with the Howard Bunt trial coming for Elizabeth, it feels like I am being stabbed a second time. The doctors here do not know why I am feeling this pain, but I hope it goes away soon.
Gi'-ga-wa-ba-min' na-gutch! (See you later!)
Constable Paul Wright
At 5:06 PM,
howard said…
That's good advice about using your Blog to jog my memory. By the way, if you ever get a chance to kiss Marjee Mahaha, you should. She is a very good kisser. I think our time in the park made an impression on everyone there. They started yelling at Marjee, "Arrange a conjugal visit. We don't want to look at that."
Howard Bunt
At 10:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
marjee u man-stealing slut, all a fake engagement means is that u go out in public w/ howie, hold his hand, and smile @ him adoringly, an' show peeps ur ring a lot, an' talk a lot abt ur wedding plans, an' how many babies u want 2 have w/ him. those r all things that show u want 2 get married. kissing an' making out an' the other slutty stuff u like 2 do just shows u r a shameless whore who wants 2 get laid whether she is married or not. that is ur real personality, but it has nothing 2 do w/ helping howie, u selfish skank!!!
i asked fafa if he would kill u w/ his axe an' he sed he would check the sagas 2 c if it's ok 2 kill ur own child if ur more favorite child asks u 2.
if i were u marjee, i would shape up b4 fafa comes back w/ that answer.
bergthora thorvaldsdottir
At 12:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mike's right. I'm practicing for my courtroom testimony. I understand that juries really like to hear rhymes, so I'll try to work in the following:
"If the boob was brushed, Howard must be flushed."
"Bunt loves to stalk, and that ain't just talk."
"If a Patterson's gone after, perp should hang from that rafters."
"If the t-shirt's ripped, his nads outta be nipped."
"He tried to Bunt past first base, now put him in the barred place."
Whaddya think?
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