April's Real Blog

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Secret Weapon

Yesterday after school, Liz an' I were on the staircase, in identical poses as we listened 2 Unk Phil practicing his trumpet, all "TATTICA-TATTICA-TATTICA TAAAAAA".  Liz was like, 'I like listening 2 Uncle Phil practice.  And I was all, "Me 2."  I was also a bit psyched cuz even tho Liz had her hair up in a bun, mine was down, an' it's gotten pretty long, like almost 2 the middle of my back.  I cdn't believe it hadn't rebunned, even tho I wasn't getting ready 2 go 2 bed or shower.

NEway, when U. Phil was cleaning his mouthpiece, I went up w/1 of my typical Apes-style questions, all "Uncle Phil, Y is a trumpet shaped like this?"  He sed, "It's just a long piece of tubing, April.  Bending it just makes it easier 2 handle!  In fact, w/a mouthpiece and a bell, U can play NE piece of tubing."  I was like, "No way!"  So of course he wanted 2 demo by getting a hose, sticking a bell on one end an' his mouthpiece on the other:  "B-hold, the flexible, valveless hose-a-phonium."  Even tho I cdn't C myself, I cd feel myself getting this freekee look on my face, all speedfreak eyez an' muppet mouth, prolly w/sum motion lines off the left side of my head.  Then while Unk Phil was playing the "hose-a-phonium", all "BWEAAAPPATATAPATA TWAARRRBORPPPP", I called Ger, saying "Gerald!  Call the guyz in the band!  --We've got a secret weapon!!"

I'll prolly tell U more abt this, but I don't think that'll B till Monday.  I feel one of those typical diff-topic Sundays coming on.



  • At 5:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, wnen mOm an' Dad wer outt, Aprl an' I had or owen parrty...in there liqor cabnet! Mor laterr, hafta go helpp Apil clen uoop. Liz

  • At 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    More about the hosaphone(tm) can be found at http://hosaphone.com


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