Tiny, small, or medium hurts
Mike just posted last nite abt sumthin' that happed w/his littles:
April,Hm, mayB U shda taken Merrie 2 hospital, Mike. Sumthing cda been broken!
Little sis. Sometimes I am such a good father, I cannot even believe it myself. The timing of being a good father is so precise, I doubt that a lesser man than Michael Patterson could accomplish it without divine guidance. Of course, sometimes I feel like I, myself, Michael Patterson could give out divine guidance. Let me give you an example.
Just today, my daughter and my son, I forget their names. However, for the point of identification, let’s say my daughter is the great purple one, and my son is the one dressed like he participates in a marching band, with colour-coordinated tuxedo pants and matching shirt and socks. Oftentimes the great purple one likes to chase marching band boy around our apartment, with the frightening threat of being touched. The great purple one usually has the speed advantage over marching band boy, because of her extraordinary full leg extension when she runs, and the fact that she can hover. Marching band boy also occasionally hovers, but usually only when he is about to get caught by the great purple one.
It was all good fun until the great purple one showed marching band boy a sight that he had seldom seen before---teeth! I have to admit I was frightened by the sight too, but marching band boy was especially afraid and slammed a door on the hand of the great purple one, a blow so vigorous, not only did it affect the great purple one’s hand but the resultant explosive light was so powerful, it caused me, for a brief instant, to be seen as a silhouette.
Now there are those who may say that if your child’s hand gets caught in a closing door, the first thing to do is call your doctor and see if the child’s symptoms merit going to hospital for an x-ray. But as mother has taught me, via her own attentions toward my children, that you do not act, unless you are absolutely sure you are needed. You have to wait for just the right moment to intervene or people will not appreciate you as much as if you are there with them all the time, like a certain mother-in-law I know.
So, I waited. I waited as the great purple one gasped at the sight of her reddened digits. I waited as the great purple one gasped as she achieved a catatonic state and her eyes started to turn a slight shade of blue, as she appeared to be going in to some kind of shock. I waited as the great purple one opened her mouth as wide as it goes gasping for the precious air. And still, I waited. Then finally the moment came. The great purple one’s bulbous lips receded into her head and she cried a great “Yeeowww”. I took her in my arms and gave her the best medicine a father can give--- a great, big hug. As her tears went careening about around her, I thought to myself, “A big hurt needs a big cry.”
But perhaps I should define my terms better:
Tiny hurt: A bump. Needs a cry lasting 2-3 seconds.
Small hurt: A scrape where the skin is broken. Needs a cry lasting no more than 15 seconds.
Medium hurt: A deep laceration. Needs a cry lasting no more than 1 minute.
Big hurt: Anything which would normally include a hospital visit. Needs a cry lasting no more than 3 minutes.
The great purple one was still crying after the 3 minutes was up, and I told her that her time was up, but it did not matter. Yours truly had saved the day with my hug and I was once again, super father to my kids. I tell you little sis, some days it just pays to be a great dad.
Michael Patterson
At 10:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. To alleviate your worries, I checked the door thoroughly and it does not appear to be harmed in the slightest. Your big brother has all the angles covered, as usual.
Michael Patterson
At 11:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
april, b4 ne1 starts going off on ur bro b-ing a bad dad, all i hafta say iz @least he wuz there. there wuz 1 tyme wen i wuz on a visit w/my dad where i broke my arm jumping off a hotel chesterfield & landed on a coffee table (st00pid, i know) & my dad nevah noticed, evn tho i screamed 4 a long tyme. & i'll bet ur bro nevah left hiz kids so he cud chase aftah sum purple-lipped bass guitar player either. just cuz ur bro iz 2 st00pid to check ur niece's hand 4 broken bonez @least he wuz there 4 her.
At 11:08 AM,
April Patterson said…
omg, mike, i was so not worried abt the friggin' DOOR. i was worried abt merrie's hand. she cda had a BROKEN BONE, u foob!
jeremy, yeah, i guess u have a good pt.
At 11:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mike & April,
I just wanted to chime in and say one of the reason's I'm such a great dad is because of all Mike's advice.
Mike's been very much a mentor to me when it comes to parenting, and I haven't thanked him nearly enough. Single parenting has a few extra wrinkles, like having to make meals now and then or putting the kid to bed, but he still has incredible wisdom to give. If he could ever get the fiction bug out of his system I'm sure there's a bestseller on marriage and family life in his soul.
I think one of the best pieces of advice he ever gave me is about how you just need to be an observer, taking a documentarian approach to your child's development and only intervene when asked for assistance. Plus it's a chance to get a little teaching in. For example, if Francoise just says "hungry" I ignore her, until she uses a complete sentence with appropriate polite phrasing, like "Daddy, I'm hungry, would you please make me [insert proper name of meal for time of day]."
Discipline is hard to maintain, and it almost breaks my heart to deny Francoise any loving words, physical contact, or recognition until she's done with the messy messy MESSY! business of potty training but I want her to grow up healthy and well adjusted and able to care for herself as soon as possible.
God, she's put a terrycloth robe on the bedpost and is pretending it's a mommy like the other little girls have and hugging it again. I have to go and give her a time out.
At 12:27 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, anthony, i m calling yr social worker now! i'm so glad she gave me her card.
At 1:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks a lot April, the police are here now. Since she doesn't work Sundays, the social worker had them show up. Now my day is ruined. I was hoping to morally support Liz later today too.
Liz, your crazy pubescent teenage sister is totally out of control.
At 1:46 PM,
April Patterson said…
well, my work there is done. françoise will thank me sumday.
At 4:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. Calling a social worker on Anthony is not cool. Mom says you are busy admiring Uncle Phil and having band practises, and Dad says you have a pile of things that you are involved in; but apparently you still have enough time to try and wreck your sister's last chance at getting married and Gordon's only chance to maintain his business, by getting Anthony Caine in legal trouble.
While everyone else in the family is pulling together and helping each other because Grandpa Jim had his stroke, you are taking steps to damage whatever chances he has to recover. Mom is helping out by letting Uncle Phil practise at her place and talking to Connie Poirier about her mother who died from a stroke and cooking and cleaning. Dad is helping out by being an anchor and going to work, and (along with me) putting in all those railings in Iris and Grandpa Jim's apartment (even though the apartment managers said they would handle it, but you know how apartment managers are). Elizabeth is helping by writing and taking a bubble bath. I am helping by dropping off dry cleaning, mailing mail, returning rental movies, dropping off library books, borrowed casserole dishes and cutting out 30-odd construction-paper turkeys for Liz's students to work with in art class. Deanna is helping by making sure Iris knows exactly how bad a stroke can get. Ardith is helping by taking the kids off our hands during the evenings, so we can get all these things done. Even the pets are helping by allowing themselves to be walked by Connie Poirier. The whole family is involved in helping out Grandpa Jim and you have to make trouble.
When you have children of your own, then you can criticize the way Anthony Caine is raising his child. Until then, if you think Baby Françoise is in some kind of danger, you should tell Liz to go take care of it. After all, it's going to be her job eventually. She might as well get started.
Michael Patterson
At 5:18 PM,
howard said…
Unlike your brother, I am quite happy about anyone who helps a child and brings a little misery to the life of Anthony "Ear Tweaker" Caine. As for your brother's children, I am happy to report to you that when they were playing over in my Aunt Winnie and Uncle Melville's apartment this afternoon, my aunt says your niece, Merrie, did not appear to have any damage from door-slamming,except that both children seemed to be very careful around doors. Your brother and sister-in-law's regular sitter Ardith Narayan, apparently was not planning to take on your niece and nephew on Sunday, once she found out that most of your brother and sister-in-law's activities to help out your Grandpa Jim actually had nothing to do with your Grandpa Jim. So, my Aunt Winnie volunteered.
My aunt Winnie said the children were playing a new game, she had never heard of before called, "Wait For It." In the game, the children would try to outlast each other waiting for something they wanted, usually a hug. My aunt asked them where they got the game, and your niece told her it was a game for learning how to be a good Daddy. I am not sure how the two things relate, but you know kids. You never can tell what sorts of things they are going to pick up.
As for me and my personal life, I have been concentrating on spending time with Becky, since I probably only have a few weeks left before your sister sends me to prison. My lawyer, Mr. Benis, wanted me to make some more public appearances with Marjee Mahaha, but she went helicopter-riding with Warren Blackwood this afternoon and she has not come back. Mr. Benis is not very happy about that, but what can you do?
Just to let you know, contrary to your monthly letter, Becky wanted 4Evah&Eva to appear right before her at the school Halloween party to help build up your reputation, and not to treat you as a subordinate opening act. If her professional band and you are associated, even in spirit, then you should be able to get more gigs than you have been getting, which as I understand it, has been none so far. She could have picked the Burned Butt Casserole group, but she chose you instead. I know you say you haven't been hanging out with Becky, because of those Eva Abuya issues, but you can come over by yourself. Once I am in prison, Becky is going to need some support from someone who doesn't have an ulteriour motive.
I would appreciate it if you would visit and I promise not to slam the door on your hands.
Howard Bunt
At 5:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the moral support. Not the kind of moral support I give Liz, Liz-style moral supporting goes much deeper, but it's really appreciated nonetheless.
I try not to be mad at April. I know she's a pubescent teen who is constantly in the bathroom keeping people from getting their stress properly relieved by bubbles and hot water, or acting like a Martian, or making cacophonous whoompa whoompa doomp noises with her friends. She'll do some growing up in a few years when she has children of her own.
Just tell your mom for me that tonight Liz and I were finally going to go visit Jim in the hospital tonight in between stopping at the LCBO and morally supporting each other in the car but that April ruined it by being a tattle-tale and now Liz might not ever see Jim resting comfortably or maybe even ever again because of her.
At 5:30 PM,
April Patterson said…
mike, it figs u wd defend anthony, cuz u r almost as casual abt yr littles' well-being as anthony is abt françoise's. i don't care if u don't think it's cool 2 get anthony in trub, what i care abt is looking out 4 his helpless toddler. and if this helps make sure that liz never dumps paul 2 hook up w/anthony, then that's just a bonus.
fyi, i've been helping out w/the whole gramps sitch by actually spending as much time as i can sitting by his bed, so he can hear my voice and know i care. i think that's better than all the b-s u've been doing, and loads better than relaxing in a tub.
howard, i'm gonna stop by becky's after my visit w/gramps ends. he's kinda falling asleep now, so i'll prolly b over in abt 30 mins. it's cube becks wanted 2 help 4e&e get more xxposure!
anthony, that's bull, liz can visit gramps w/out u. in fact, iris tells me she can tell fr. the noises he's making rite now that he'd prefer that. so there!
At 11:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
April and friends,
I am kind of upset about what Dee wrote about Mike cutting out the turkey hands for my class, she said it to make it sound like he has really been doing so much extra work, but what does it make me look like when she says it like that, like I am doing less than everyone else, that's what!
Here is the truth, as some of you know some of us have been trading off nights to spend at the hospital with Iris, we don't stay overnight but we stay really late until she is asleep to help her out, even though Mom keeps insisting Iris should just go home at night, she is staying, and April and I thought someone should be with her. Well Dad and me and April were signing up to take turns, and then Mom finally gave up telling Iris to go home and signed up because she says she has to be more giving than anyone else, so she takes two nights a week, and I called up Mike but Dee answered the phone and I said "So will you and Mike take turns also, since it's at night one of you can still be home with the kids" and Dee was all like "Umm uh umm we're so busy, ummm uhh" until I said "So that's a no, right?" and she said "No it's not a no, it's a yes, I just am trying to think, Mike has a big deadline" and I said "So he can stay home and you can go to the hospital, it's no biggie, the kids will already be in bed, how hard is that?" And Dee said "well the kids won't stay in bed, we put them in their jammies at 8 and they keep getting up and screaming every 10 minutes until 11 pm" and I said "you know what, I would pound on your ceiling too" and Dee said "well you can't expect Mike to work through that" and I said "Sheesh, well never mind okay?" and then Dee said "If you see Iris, remind her to call me for some more information about strokes, I found a really cool pamphlet at work."
Well just as we were starting to hang up I suddenly heard Mike in the background and he was saying, "My voluptuous vapid vacant-headed vixen, have you not thought of the ruin to my righteous reputation if we refuse the fraternal offer to participate in philanthropic felicity?" and Dee said, "Huh? I'm talking to Liz," and Mike said, "Give me the phone, my weak-willed wife," and the next thing I knew Mike was saying, "Hey Lizardbreath, what's shaking?"
Well I started to try to tell Mike off but all I could do was kind of go "why you..." before Mike said, "Serenity now, my simple, senseless sister-style sibling. I have a perfect proposition, that will allow me and my pulchritudinous partner to maintain our public pride, while still providing the patriarch with strong and selfless support." Then Mike told me that him and Dee would do stuff to help me and April have time to go to the hospital more, so we could take their turns, and they could still claim to be helping out, I was mad, that Mike always gets his way, and I was going to yell at him but Mom was there and she said "I can't take you kids fighting!" so I just said yes, and Mike said "Okay, timid teacher twit who has the temerity to try to tug me out of Toronto and to the hospital of Ted, where our tired grandfather is tethered to his bedstead, possibly with tularemia--" And I was like "what's tularemia?" and Mike said "Rabbit fever" and I said "If grandpa has that, it's not my fault, the bunny belongs to April! I don't even have a bunny anymore, April killed it," and Mike said "I know, she killed my dog, too," and I said "our dog" and Mike said "right, my dog."
Then he said "Let's get to the point, if you will cover my night, I'll do something for you for your class," and I said "What?" and Mike said "I don't know, don't you have work you bring home from school to get ready for the next day?" and I said "You want to grade papers?" and Mike said "no, think of something less difficult" and I said "well that's pretty much it" and Mike said "Don't you have any arts and crafts projects?" and I said "no, am I supposed to?" and Mike said "leave it to me, sistwerp, I will supplement your curriculum, and soon you will be elected Teacher of the Year," and I was psyched, and then Mike said that for her part Dee would keep Iris informed on all the latest information on strokes and would bring stuff back and forth from me in Milborough to Mike in Toronto.
April was kind of mad about this arrangement but it has worked out pretty great, the only problem is that I ended up trading my days at the hospital to April in exchange for doing some of her chores around the house, anyway, she always liked Grandpa and Iris more that the rest of us, so you would think she would be happy to get to be with them more. But then since all the extra chores were cutting into my moral support time Mom started doing them for me, which is really great of her, living at home sure has its perks, I'm at Anthony's now, getting some great support.
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