Liz testifying in thot bubbles
Howard was nice enuf 2 post sumthing abt what happened most recently in the trial:
April,That trial does sound v. irregular, Howard. Not @ all what we learn in civics class @ school!
The trial started back today and believe it or not, your sister finally testified. My lawyer, Mr. Benis had me wear an ugly, ugly, ugly gray suit, but I least I got to pick out a brightly-coloured peach tie, which clashed a little with my hair colour, but I had to make a fashion statement somehow. Well, my underwear was nicely coloured too, but we won’t go into that.
Then some odd things happened. I said, “Where’s the court clerk and court reporter that usually sit in front of the judge?” Mr. Benis said, “The judge decided he didn’t want today’s testimony to be recorded, because Elizabeth Patterson might say something to embarrass herself.” I said, “Well, you can almost count on that.” Mr. Benis said, “I know, Mr. Bunt. I know.”
Then I didn’t have to sit in the prisoners box, like I had been before. This was because Judge Patterlover, for some reason took completely over from the Crown attorney and asked your sister to identify me in court and I had to sit beside my lawyer Mr. Benis. I said to my lawyer, Mr. Benis, “Isn’t having me sit here beside you illegal?” Mr Benis told me that since I was not a criminal in custody, I could sit beside him if I wanted. I said, “Why didn’t you tell me this before?” My lawyer said, “People don’t like to see a Bunt and Benis together in public.”
Judge Patterlover said, “Miss Patterson, is the man accused of assaulting you in this courtroom?” My thought was, “Well, duh! Does he expect her not to identify me when I am sitting right beside the Defence Counsel?” But your sister stood up and dutifully said, “Yes, your honor.” I said to Mr. Benis, “It’s ‘Yes, your lord.’ She messed up. Do I get points?” Mr. Benis said, “No Howard.” Then Judge Patterlover said, “Please identify him.” Then your sister leaned over and nodded in my direction. I said to my lawyer, “Does leaning and nodding count?” Mr. Benis said, “Well, duh! You’re sitting right beside the Defence Counsel.”
Then I noticed Judge Patterlover was wearing sunglasses. I said to Mr. Benis, “Why is he wearing the shades?” Mr. Benis said to me, “Because he is trying to look cool in front of Elizabeth Patterson.” I could kind of understand that. Elizabeth was rocking the big lips and looked a lot more like your sister-in-law Deanna in a wig, than your sister. Judge Patterlover said, “In your own words, tell the court exactly what occurred between you and the accused on August 11th, 2005.” I said to Mr. Benis, “Why isn’t the Crown Attorney doing this?” Mr. Benis said, “Judge Patterlover wants to be the only person to talk directly to Elizabeth Patterson. She’s so important; he doesn’t want the Crown Attorney to mess it up.” I said, “What? That’s not fair. This is ridiculous.” Mr. Benis said, “Howard, you knew you weren’t going to get fair and impartial in this trial, so I don’t know why you are complaining.”
Then your sister just sat there and said nothing. I said, “Why is she just sitting there?” Mr. Benis said, “It’s a witness-aid. Sometimes in the case of sexual assault offences, an underage witness is protected by having their testimony done over closed circuit television. In the case of Elizabeth Patterson, the court is allowing her underage brain to testify via pictorial thought balloons.” I said, “You’ve got to be kidding.” Mr. Benis said, “Wait and see.” Sure enough, a thought balloon popped up and there was me leaning in toward Elizabeth last August, and making her drop the cash register tape. I thought to myself, “Look how out of shape I was back then. It’s no wonder Elizabeth rejected me. I am so glad I worked out over the last year.”
Then your sister had a thought balloon pop up which said, “I want to be accurate. I want to be fair. I don’t want to sound as though I hate you, Howard…but…I do.” Mr. Benis said, “Well, she just admitted she has or is going to commit perjury. Plus she thinks with ellipses. She is a class A loon. I just wish the court reporter was here to record that thought balloon as evidence.” I think I would have thought the same thing too, but I was too bothered by the fact your sister hates me.
In fact, I am so traumatized by that fact, I can’t go on. I will have to finish writing this to you at some later time.
Howard Bunt
At 3:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have a terrible problem, I am testifying against Howard now and I don't want to sound like I hate him, so I am thinking about stuff I could say in my testimony to make myself sound more fair and nunbiased, I need some help picking out some good ones that will sound like I totally gave Howard the benefit of the doubt, even though he is a goer-afterer, well here they are, pick out what you think are the best ones:
1. Howard was always very quick with words, even though that Crown guy says they were inappropriate for the work environment, I did kind of enjoy the banter back and forth with him,
2. When Howard followed me home, that Crown guy calls it stalking, but he could of just been making sure I got home safe, which is why I told Dad not to call the police,
3. Maybe Howard wasn't trying to go after me, maybe he just wanted to dance, after all he is gay,
4. Maybe Howard wasn't trying to rip off my shirt, maybe he was trying to help me with the dirt stains on it, I think he might of had one of those stain-eraser markers in his pocket because I felt something hard in his pants.
Get back to me soon we are on another delay right now but who knows when we will start again, until then I am so freaked out that Anthony has to hold my hand, I am so lucky he is here for support, he says I can even sit on his lap if I need to, gosh he is so wonderful!
At 5:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. I would love to help with your problem of trying to sound fair and accurate, but not sounding like you hate Howard. I really didn’t like the ones you wrote about Howard. Mom and Dad have told me all about the case, and so as the professional writer in the family, let me offer these few suggestions.
1. I may think Howard is a double-dealing, serial rapist, who would cheat his own mother out of her last dime, but I don’t hate him.
2. I may think that if Howard merely touches water it becomes a contaminated, poisonous liquid capable of attacking more than one women and removing her from her prime baby-making years, but I don’t hate him.
3. I may think that if Howard’s breath reeks so much that even my breath smells better in comparison, but I don’t hate him.
4. I may think that Howard is so horrible he deserves to have the death penalty reinstated, but I don’t hate him.
5. I may think that if you stacked Howard against the greatest villains of history: Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Jack the Ripper, Stephen Harper; Howard would still be the worst, but I don’t hate him.
I think you will find these to be much more effective, in the event you have the chance to use them.
Michael Patterson
At 5:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, sumtymez in cases where the witness iz like a kid, the judge will do the questionz nsteada the crown attorney. @least thass the way it wuz in 1 trial i wuz in involving my dad wen i wuz little. i'm not saying the judge iz treatin' ur sis like a kid, but u nevah know. she iz kinda livin' @ur house w/ur 'rents & she duz have lips like ur niece these dayz.
2day @skool, i am in my last couple of dayz of in-school suspension. i have kinda got usedta it. i dunno if i wanna go back 2 regular skool. the whole idea gets me depressed, like a goth z-boy. i have been doin' this z-boy thing 4 a week now. i think b-ing depressed all the tyme is makin' me depressed.
At 6:27 PM,
April Patterson said…
liz, i think u r just supposta tell the truth. that's what the civics teachers @ my school say.
zeremy, if this keeps up, u will prolly start getting depressed abt being depressed. then depressed abt being depressed abt being depressed. and on and on. mayB being back in reg school will actually make u feel better. unless u then start feeling depressed abt not feeling so depressed nemore!
At 6:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
As usual, you are too young to understand, but the question is, what is the truth, I mean, I can only guess why Howard did what he did, and why I did what I did, and as you know I try to look very, very, very hard for the good in everybody, which Anthony says is one of my very best qualities and shows how much good there is in me, and I would hate to lose Anthony's good opinion of me by saying something that makes it sound like I did not try to look for the good in Howard even after he went after me, so I am trying to think of how to say the events that happened in the fairest way which would definitely be a way that left the possibility open that everything Howard did had an innocent explanation, even though I hate him.
Mike, as usual you just don't get it, Howard is not all bad, after all, if all the other men in Milborough were dead or something, I might agree to marry him and have little clown-haired babies, I'm not getting any younger you know, even though I hate him for making me have to talk about my feelings in public at this trial.
At 10:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello loveys,
Sorry for my long absence! That stupid bint Liz spent practically the whole weekend either with Anthony, or yapping on the phone with him. It was more than I could stand.
By the way, April dear, when I said "be mean to Gerald," I meant really mean. Liz is not capable of the kind of cruelty I'm talking about. Shivving Gerald in the gut should kill any lingering love he might have for you. Now, take care to choose a knife less than three inches long. You don't want to kill him. Just make sure it hurts enough that he doesn't want to have anything to do with you anymore. And if he calls the cops, just call Brad Luggsworth, and he'll take care of everything.
Speaking of violence, April, do you remember the summer after Liz broke up with Eric? Do you remember how irrationally angry she was? How violent? How she stood and stared vacantly at your father playing with his trains? I can sum up the reason for all that in thirteen little letters:
Even back then, Liz knew the Elly wisdom: feed a cold, starve a fever, feed a depression...enough to choke a horse.
Actually, I thought it was funny when you tried on all Liz's underwear! I'm sorry about that concussion she gave you. The thongs were mine, though.
TTFN, XOXO, Vivienne
At 4:19 AM,
howard said…
I think I have recovered enough from the fact your sister hates me, to tell you what happened next during her testimony during my trial. As you may remember, the judge was questioning your sister and was allowing her to testify via pictorial thought balloons.
The first picture was from the perspective of a fly on the ceiling. It looked like your sister was crumpled to the ground and I was trying to pick her up off the ground. I don’t know. It was from a pretty long distance. You sister said to accompany this picture, “At first I thought he was joking…but he wasn’t.” This will be a confusing reference unless I remind you what I said just prior to that point. Your sister had said, “I’m pretty trustworthy.” And I responded with the pun, “Oh, you’re pretty, alright.” So, I guess your sister must have been thinking that my compliment to her appearance was a joke, and then she realized it wasn’t. I have to admit, I do find your sister attractive, thanks to her Patterson allure.
The next picture was pretty awful. I had my hands on your sister’s shoulders and she hit my forehead and put her hand in my face. You sister said to accompany this picture, “I fought with him. I begged him to let me go.” I whispered to my lawyer, Mr. Bunt, “Elizabeth didn’t really beg me. She told me. Pattersons don’t beg.” Mr. Bunt said, “With this thought balloon, I don’t think such subtle distinctions will make much of a difference.”
The next picture was even worse. Your sister had turned around and I had a hand on her shoulder and on her stomach, and she saying “Help!” It was a speech balloon in a pictorial thought balloon. I don’t know if I had seen one of those before. You sister said to accompany this picture, “I screamed for help. I thought no one could hear me. All the other employees were outside.” Mr. Benis said to me, “She just gave you proof your intent was not rape.” I said, “What do you mean?” Mr. Benis said, “There were other employees there who could have walked in on you. Whether you did or did not know about the arrival of Anthony Caine, you could not have been unaware that the other employees were there. What were you saying here?” I said, “Well, the dialogue I had been given to say was, ‘Whoa…she’s feisty! I like things a little rough!’, to show that I was being playful.” Mr. Benis said, “Good. We can use that.”
The next picture showed Anthony Caine on top of me tweaking my ear. I almost burst out laughing. I forgot how stupid it looks. Your sister said to accompany this picture, “But one of my friends was there. He pulled Howard away from me and pushed him to the ground.” I said to Mr. Benis, “You notice she left out the ear-tweaking.” Mr. Benis said, “Howard. You told me this looked ridiculous and it does. Did you really say, ‘Oww!’ with 2 “w”s? I said, “Yes.” That was a little embarrassing. I was pretty fat then, but if they see me now, as much as I have bulked up, they are going to want to see how Anthony Caine compares and when they do, they are really going to wonder.
The next picture was of Anthony blindly trying to find his glasses he got mangled when he dropped them on the floor. Your sister seemed to be helping him. Your sister said to accompany this picture, “I’ve known Anthony since grade school. He’s so easygoing…I never knew he could fight!” Mr. Benis said to Judge Patterlover, “How is the witness’ testimony about her childhood friend relevant? How is what she said relevant to this thought balloon picture?” Judge Patterlover said, “I’m asking the questions here, not some defence counsel lawyer. Continue on Miss Patterson.”
Then she pulled out baby pictures of Anthony to show to the court and some school projects they had worked on together when they were in school together. There was a nice picture of your sister and Anthony going to a school dance. They were passed around the courtroom, and people cooed over the pictures. When they made it back to the Judge Patterlover, he said, “Anthony looked a lot better without the moustache.” There were a few cries in the public benches which agreed with the Judge. I said to my lawyer, Mr. Benis, how long is this going to take?” Mr. Benis said, “From the looks of those scrapbooks, it could be a lot time.” And it was. I will tell you more tomorrow.
Howard Bunt
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