Mike guesses what Dee wants 2 hear?
April,Mike--the first time she sed "it," Dee was talking abt yr apt. When she sed "It's like it never happened," "it" was the fire. Duh.Little sis. I believe this will be the last part of my story involving the fire, so your readers can finally rest easy after having heard all the details. I had returned home after my very emotional visit with Josef Weeder and Carleen Stein, and I found my wife Deanna staring wistfully out the window of our room, which used to be your room. I remember reading once that one of the questions women really like to hear is "What are you thinking about?" You can't go wrong with this question, because just asking it shows you are a sensitive and caring husband willing to listen to whatever your wife wants to say, no matter how silly it is. The occasion seemed to call for it, since Deanna was staring wistfully after all. Deanna responded, "How it all was before the fire." That seemed like a dangerous answer to me, because as a husband, you don't know what "it" is. If she is talking about perfume or makeup or sanitary napkins, then you are venturing into an area of conversation most men avoid at all possible costs. If she is talking about how your relationship was before the fire, then she is most likely going to lead into saying something about how "it" was better before, because women rarely ever say the relationship was worse than it is currently. I thought to myself, "I better not say anything and hope she is not talking about relationships or other really girly things."
That worked out very well, because Deanna started to elaborate on what "it" was. She told me, "I can see the clothes in the closets, where everything was in the kitchen, the kids' room, the hall carpet, the pictures on the walls…" I got a little nervous then. I looked outside the window, and I couldn't see those things. I thought it might be one of those games where you see images in the clouds, but the clouds I saw looked like a rubber duck, a laptop computer and Josef Weeder's nostril hair. Then I thought she might be speaking metaphorically, like the things she could see stood for something else which was similar to what she saw, i.e. her lost childhood, or her alienation from her parents, or her never-changing hairstyle. Then I remembered, "This is Deanna. She is not that deep. She's talking about actual things." But then I was nervous again, because she was talking about things I could barely remember. I thought to myself, "I hope she doesn't quiz me to see if I remember those things too. I could tell her all about what was up in the attic, and all about our bedroom, which is where I spent most of my time; but I was iffy on those other places." Once again, I kept silent for my own safety and it worked again.
Then Deanna said, "It's like it never happened. We'll wake up in the morning and go home." Once more I panicked, because I didn't know what "it" was. The first time "it" was something which could be before and after the fire. This time "it" was something that happened, which could be reversed and return us to our homes, like the fire, or our marriage, or something worse. I had to take action quickly to cover all the bases. My mind was racing like a top, and miraculously the solution came to me. I said, "We'll have a place of our own again, Deanna. But, for now, as long as we're together….we're home." It was a cliché, but it seemed to work. I put my arm around Deanna and held her close and for once she didn't push me away and make some joke about how I wasn't getting any. We had a nice quiet moment. I breathed a sigh of relief. I had once again survived a conversation with my wife.
Michael Patterson
Labels: crowded house, Dee, don't have sex in my bed, Mike
At 10:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Boozhoo (Hello).
I read your writings where you quoted your nisayenh (brother) talking to your niinim (sister-in-law) about her visions. My people, the Ojibway, often had visions and dreams, which they considered to be their contact with the spirits of the world. Sometimes an Ojibway would use a hallucinogenic mushroom to help them see the visions. I asked your sister if your niinim (sister-in-law) was known to see visions of her past life, or if she used hallucinogens, and all your sister would say is, “She’s a pharmacist, so if she used hallucinogens it would be by accident, or maybe a planned accident.”
Then I asked your sister, if she believed the same way your nisayenh (brother) did, that “as long as we’re together, we’re home.” Your sister said, “If my ugly nisayenh (brother) was thinking right, he would have said, ‘As long as we’re together in Milborough, we’re home.’ That’s what I would have said. Probably he’s just taking it easy on Deanna. Her family tried to get away from Milborough years ago, and that had to scar her emotionally. Speaking of being scarred emotionally, I can’t wait to see you in Spruce Narrows after New Years, so you can take me to visit all my old friends in Mtigwaki (Land of Trees), particularly Jesse Mukwa.” I said, “I am looking forward to it. Sometimes when I visit Mtigwaki (Land of Trees), I go to the teacherage and I remember how it was before. I think I am going to see your clothes lying on the floor and not hung up in your closet, and your kitchen with all the dirty dishes and the empty Kraft dinner boxes, and the hall carpet Shiimsa tore up, and all the pictures of your family and your friend Anthony on the walls. I think I am going to see you in it, like you never left, and I can visit you there every time I get time off from work.”
Your sister said, “You’ve been using those magic mushrooms too, eh? All you are going to see going to the Mtigwaki (Land of Trees) teacherage is Susan Dokis, and she doesn’t look anything like me. I don’t think she even has a cat. I can’t wait to tell her how much better things are at the Glenallen School than what she has in Mtigwaki (Land of Trees) school. As a fellow teacher, I know she will be very impressed.” I said, “Chipper (my nickname for Susan Dokis) is looking forward to seeing you.” Your sister said, “I forgot you call her Chipper; but I suppose it is better than being called Coffee Cake, like I was called before they gave me my spirit name.” I am really looking forward to seeing your sister again next week. It has been too long since I last saw her. I think I will have to avoid eating coffee cake while I am with her.
Gi'-ga-wa-ba-min' na-gutch! (See you later!)
Constable Paul Wright
At 10:26 AM,
howard said…
You know I do that sometimes. Sometimes I think back to how my life was before I attacked your sister. I had a nice apartment and I got to sing with the Milborough Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Light Opera Company, often taking the lead in their productions. I was working with and dating Ross, and he was mostly nice to me, even though he was not that good-looking. Some mornings, I would wake up and think I will go back to work for Lawrence Poirier, and sing my light opera.
Those thoughts have been replaced by a different dream, which is to not be put in prison for life or hung like Saddam. Sometimes, when I am snuggling with Becky at night, I shiver a little at the thought of it and Becky says, “Quit hogging the covers, Howie!” But every once in a while Becky will say, “What are you thinking about? You can tell me as long as it isn’t dirty.” So, I share my feelings with Becky. She says, “Howie! As long you’re not in prison, you’re with me.” And I say, “And we’re home?” Of course Becky says, “No, Howie. As soon as I turn 18, we’re getting a place away from my parents. I think I need a summer home and a winter home at least.” I like her thinking a lot better than those poor people who think they can never leave Milborough.
Howard Bunt
At 10:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
april, readin’ ur bro’s post makes me feel bettah. it’s nice 2 know adult guys have the same probs talkin’ 2 girls i do. i know it seems obvious 2u wut his wife wuz talkin’ ‘bout, but thass cuz ur a girl & unnerstandin’ othah girlz iz ez 4u. if i look @it & xxamine it carefully, it looks like ur sil is sayin’ the whole fire thing seems unreal 2 her.
ur bro goes w/”we’ll have a place of our own again” & thass wut works. i woulda nevah guessed that, cuz she wuzn’t talkin’ ‘bout wantin’ a place 2 her own again. i woulda gone w/”it’s amazing how a fire can change thingz” or “wow! u have a good memory!” i guess thass the reasn y ur bro iz married 2 a hott babe w/a bowl cut & i can’t keep a gf.
At 11:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. The first “it” was my apartment. The second “it” was the fire. Good. At least I guessed those things in addition to some others. It’s always worse when you make guesses about what your wife is saying and none of your guesses are right. A friend of dad’s named Homer Simpson says his fallback in those kinds of situation is to whimper and say, “I’m sorry. I was wrong. I’ll never do it again. I love you.” You would not believe how often that works, even when you don’t know what you are apologizing for.
Of course dad has it fairly easy understanding mom. Most times when she is upset about something she unhinges her jaw and screams it at the top of her lungs. And she punctuates it with a hurled frozen vegetable. Dad’s only problem in understanding is trying to determine if mom is yelling at him or or yelling at the dogs.
If Deanna screamed at the top of her lungs and threw things, it would be easier to understand her. As it is, she loves to use pronouns and then I have to guess what they mean. If I am right, then she is happy. But if I am wrong, she turns cold and icy. When I talk to the men with all our couple friends, they all say the same thing. “Deanna is being kind of cold tonight. Did I misinterpret a pronoun?” Like I know the answer. I usually tell them it’s because they don’t have kids; or if they do have kids, then I tell them it’s because of the way Deanna was raised by her overbearing mother. Most guys can understand that. I guess in one respect, it’s good we are at mom’s house, because now Deanna will no longer wonder why no one but Weed and Carleen wants to socialize with us anymore.
So, little sis, since you are so good at understanding Deanna, would you do your big brother a favour. If you see Deanna using pronouns, and I don’t seem to be understanding them, could you whisper the answers to me? That would be very helpful. The house is crowded and Deanna is probably going to be a little tense, so I expect she is going to be using a lot of pronouns.
Michael Patterson
At 12:09 PM,
duncan anderson said…
Hey, Apes, the catsitter called this am & said Faustus is missing, my mom is freaked but Im not, that cat always comes back prolly cos I dont want him 2.
I had the weirdest dream last nite. U were asleep on the rec room couch in yr 'rents basement & u were freezing like I was when I slept on the couch when my 'rents were fiting. I laid down next 2 u 2 try 2 keep u warm. U were shivering so I put my arms around u. Then I woke up. I had 2 think of the crazee old lady who lives around the corner & smells like p b4 it was safe 4 me 2 get out of bed. I rilly rilly h8 the end of the month, it messes w/ my head 2 much. But mayb u shld sleep @ my house, sleeping in the basement in the winter is brutal.
L8r. I have 2 do a sound check b4 the hungovah tourists show up 4 brunch. We r doing a brunch matinee this aft instead of r usual nitely gig cos Perdita says the nite b4 NYE is always dead in the hospitality industry. We r closing @ 5 pm & going 2 the goat farm 4 dinner w/ 8 billion relatives.
p.s. Have u seen Zed newhere no1 answers when
At 12:14 PM,
duncan anderson said…
At 12:17 PM,
April Patterson said…
mike, i guess i'll try. but if dee has, like, a habit of using pronouns w/out giving a referent 4 them 1st, i mite need 2 lend her my grade-9 grammar textbook so she can brush up on that stuff.
paul, i really don't think dee was having visions or nething fancy like that. it's like picturing sumthing in yr head. it soundz like u did the same thing imagining how liz had her apt @ the teacherage when she useta live there.
howard, i think getting outta mboro is a v. good thing.
zeremy, don't feel bad. u've had sum bad luck w/gf's, but i think yr luck will get better.
At 1:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, i guess it’s good 2b optimistic, but wen it comez 2 me & gfs the evidence iz against me having bettah luck w/them in the future. i know sumtymes in ur fam, ur bro or ur sis just have good thingz kinda happ 2 them.
u know, ur sis’ current bf just happened 2 show up in mtigwaki on a nite where she looked rilly good in front of a lotta peeps. if he had gone 2 visit her on some othah nite wen she wuz like, chasing her cat ‘round her apartment screamin’ @it, he mite of just handed her ur mom’s glasses & left.
or like w/ur bro where his wife just happened 2 have a car accident in fronta him, so he cud b nice & visit her in hospital. if he met her sum othah tyme, she mite have sed, “ew! yru hangin’ on that tall guy w/the pony tail all the tyme who smellz like he smokes weed?”
i don’t have that kinda luck. so i appreciate u thinkin’ my luck will get bettah, but i kinda doubt it will. unless u know sumthin’ i don’t know. do u?
At 1:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. I don’t think Deanna would like it if you handed her a Grade 9 grammar textbook. You’re not much help. Every man knows women are mysterious, unfathomable creatures; and it doesn’t have anything to do with grammar.
I talked to mom about it and she handed me a few books which she said were very helpful for dad. One of them is I’m OK. You’re Wrong. and She said. He trembled. I’m going to read them and see if they help. The first chapter is Knowing When to Dodge the Frozen Vegetable and When to Let It Hit. Sounds intriguing so far.
Michael Patterson
At 1:48 PM,
April Patterson said…
mike, dee just came in2 the kitchen an' sed, "i can't believe he did that 2 them! after what she sed abt it! and this, and that, and that other thing!"
neway, i told her referents r v. stylish rite now. i know dee wants 2 b stylish.
zeremy, i'm on my way 2 the mall 2 meet eva an' vicki. we're gonna hang @ the food court 4 a while an' then prolly do a bit of shopping.u an' yr future sis r welcome 2 meet us there if u want.
btw, dunc told me it was ok 2 have a low-key gathering @ his house nye, u know, since he gave me the key 2 use while he's in barbados. so far, the plan is 2 go over there w/eva, becky, vicki, an' gordie. u an' yr future sis r totally invited. unfortch, i can't invite ger. since my 'rents r not interested in hanging w/us 2 chaperon.
At 4:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, sorry 4 the delayed response. mom had me doin’ chores ‘round the house. future sis & i can do the mall, but we can’t do the nye party. i gotta sound gig w/sum old peeps for nye. so we can cu & vicki & eva @the mall. future sis wunts 2c wut mboro shoppin’ is like & she sez my goth outfits r borin’. i hope she is not thinkin’ ‘bout 1 of the victorian kinda goth outfits. neway, if ur still there, we’ll cu there.
At 4:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. Thanks for your help, but no thanks. Deanna just told me you said, “Roof for rents are very stylish right now, and I know you want to be stylish” accompanied by some kind of gesture. Dee assumed you meant that since Elizabeth is renting a room from mom, that we should be paying you rent for your room and I guess also rent to mom for the sewing room for the kids. Deanna said to mom that everything was not fine with that, because her mother wouldn’t charge her anything for us to stay there. Then they talked to you and you told them you were just trying to help me. Now, mom and Deanna are both mad at me. Please don’t help me anymore.
Michael Patterson
At 5:48 PM,
April Patterson said…
so, zeremy an' his future sis caught up w/vicks, eva, and me when we were abt 2 go in2 hot topic. zeremy's future sis seemed pretty enthusiastic abt that.
mike, i tried. it's not my fault dee is 2 stupid 2 know the word "referent." i know i didn't pronounce it w/ne "oo" sound in it. does she have hearing trubs?
At 9:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. Sometimes people hear the things they want to hear. You say “referent”. Deanna hears, “Roof for rent.” It’s possible that the years of getting collagen injections in her lips, and the resulting lisp in her speech, have altered Deanna’s way of hearing things. Or it's possible that the time we have spent in the last week, thinking about our former rental on fire and telling everyone we meet the story, has affected Deanna's perceptions. I don't know.
It’s kind like the way some people hear “Michael Patterson”, while others hear “Missing Parent.” I know there are some letters the same in there, but you would think it wouldn’t be that difficult to get it right.
Michael Patterson, not Missing Parent
At 10:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, hot topic wuzn’t 2 bad i guess. my future sis sed i shud say she chose 4 me (i paid 4) a tripp skull button jacket, some black zip pocket corduroy pants, a grey skull camo henley shirt & a black skull hoodie scarf. i got my future sis (she picked 4 herself), a green military patch jacket, a grey diamond thermal& tripp leopard over dye skinny jeans. it looks like this.
my future sis wuz like “good 2cu again, april. i dunno if u remembah me, vicki.” she didn’t, so i introduced them. my future sis wuz rilly innerested in eva. she sed, “jeremy. is this the girl who gave u the scar on ur 4head?” eva sed, “thass me. i told jeremy i wuz gonna punch him out & i did.” my future sis sed, “she duzn’t rilly look big enuff 2 punch u out, jeremy.” i sed, “she’s a lot stronger than she looks.” eva sed, “takes villainz by surprise, if i spent ne tyme dealing w/villains, which, of course, i don’t. but if ic a guy walkin’ ‘round proud w/a cell fone, then watch out. he’z gonna b punched out faster than a cowboy punches cattle.” vicki sed, “she’z kiddin’, i think.” then u sed, “ladies, it’s tyme 4 shoppin’. u can talk ‘bout zeremy & hiz scarz l8er. ‘sides, eva’s little scar on his 4head iz nothin’ compared 2 the scars he got chasin’ aftah me.”
then my future sis sed, “jeremy’s buyin’ so go crayzee girls.” i sed 2 my future sis, “y did u say that? eva haz this thing ‘bout hand-me-down clothin’ & the way april’s (ur) mom has her trained, she gonna have 2b talked n2 buyin’ sumthin’.” & sure enuff rite then u popped up & sed, “can i get this zeremy? it’s rilly cube, but it cost more then $10.” my future sis sed, “go ahead & b sure 2 get a sweater 2 match.” then u sed, “ok. if it’s alright w/zeremy, that is.” i sed, “everything’s fine april.” then u looked rilly confuzed wen i sed that, but u went off 2 find a sweater.
then i sed 2 my future sis, “wut are u thinkin’ ‘bout?” my future sis sed, “i can c clothes in their closets which u bought. & every tyme they c thoze clothez or wear thoze clothez, they r gonna think like wutevah bad happed between u, it’s like it nevah happed. they’ll wake up sum mornin’ & think 2 themselves, ‘wen i am w/jeremy, i’m home.’” i sed, “u don’t know mboro girlz. april has been d8in her bf gerald since for almost 4 years now. there iz no way she iz evah gonna leave him. eva is dead set on duncan anderson, evn tho he’s w/anothah girl. there iz no way of gettin’ her off the idea that duncan is the 1 for her. vicki simone iz hot aftah gordie duroccher, even tho he haz spent ½ the year in hospital healin’ frum sk8board accident-rel8ed wounds.”
then my future sis sed, “don’t 4get a lotta girls have the matchmaker chromosome.” i sed, “wut’s that?” she sed, “if they c a gr8 guy & their bff duzn’t have a guy, then they set him up.” i sed, “april & eva r alreddy bff. thass not gonna work.” my future sis sed, “girls like it wen guys buy them things. u bought my outfit, & i like u bettah, & i alreddy hafta like u, cuz ur my future bro.”
neway, i had a nice bill & u girls seemed like u liked ur clothez, so that wuz good, evn tho i hadda tell u it wuz like a l8 xmas & early b-day prezzie 2 get u 2 take it. i dunno if eva or u or vicki r gonna show ur outfits, it’s so l8.
At 10:45 PM,
duncan anderson said…
Hey, Apes, we just finished r erly NYD dinner of roast beef & yorkshire pud & plum pud w/ rum sauce. Rilly good! Back 2 goat 2morrow.
Im sorry I told u abt my dream mayb I shld have shut the **** up abt it. I wont talk abt it again if u stop avoiding me, k?
I 4got 2 tell u about my new bass, its so cube, I talked 2 Perdita & since Im coming back 4 March Break 2 gig, Im going 2 leave it here til then.
Ne1 heard from Zed I think mayb I did sumthing rong.
Need 2 crash now. I have a meeting @ the beach @ 7 am.
p.s. WTF is hot topic, neway?
At 10:46 PM,
duncan anderson said…
At 12:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
duncan, i gotta postcard frum zandra that sez, “i’m in ottawa. wish u were here & i wuzn’t” on the front. & it haz a picture of a lynx w/a gun 2 its head. on the othah side it sez, “duncan hasn’t called me yet. he must b havin’ 2 much fun in barbados.”
az 4 hot topic, it’s a clothing & musick store which sum peeps think is xxclusively in the united st8s, but mboro is so much like the st8s theze days, there is a location in the mall.
don't worry 'bout dreamin' 'bout april. i dream 'bout her all the tyme. w8! that didn't come out rite.
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