Saving Sheileccch
Here's the l8est post from Mike:
April,OK, those of U who bet that Mike wd save the manuscript B4 his kids don't win, but the peeps who were betting he'd risk his life 2 save the MS can collect, I guess. But not real gambling, Paul, pls don't call the OPP in on my friends!
Little sis. As I promised you, this is the third installment of my family’s night of excitement. When I left off yesterday I had just finished my manuscript for my novel, I had praised my muse, and I had smelled smoke, and my wife Deanna helped the children put on their boots and coats, while I called emergency. Carrying on from there:
The smoke alarm was still going off and making a lovely “BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”
sound. You get the idea. There were 54 E’s just in this installment, compared to 68 yesterday. I am not sure, but I think the smoke alarm sound was only audible in our bedroom which could account for the lessened number of E’s. When we were in the children’s bedroom, I could clearly hear Deanna say to our daughter, “We’re going into our room.” And then our daughter said, “Why?” and Deanna responded with that classic motherly rejoinder “Just do as I say!” Then after that I heard the smoke alarm again. So, I thought the smoke alarm had a limited sound projection, or that my wife’s and my daughter’s voices are so loud and shrill, they can easily drown out a smoke alarm. In any case, the effect was less E’s.
Deanna was carrying the duvet from our daughter’s bed and our daughter was carrying her stuffed animal, while I carried my son into our bedroom. It was there I saw my wife Deanna suddenly drop the duvet and pick up 2 large books. Seeing this caused me to think, “If those books are more important to Deanna than having a duvet to cover our children and keep them warm outside, then is there something in the apartment more important to me than helping Deanna get the children all the way down the fire escape and to confirmed safety?” Maybe Weed and Carleen and Ned Tanner, or Lovey and Morrie? "No", I thought. They are in the other apartment building, and not the same one I live in. Then, the answer came to me as swift as a bolt of lightning (which by the way is not the reason why there was smoke in our apartment)--- Sheilagh Shaugnessy and her story. Yes, I suddenly remembered my manuscript, which I had just completed only a few minutes before all this happened.
So, I said to Deanna, “Get the kids out. I’ll be right back!” And Deanna said, “Michael---Where are you going?” And I said, “To get my manuscript! It’s in the attic!” Then Deanna said, “WHAT?!!! The place is filling up with smoke! Are you CRAZY?!!”
I had to pause a moment to contemplate that question. First I had to ask myself if I had done any backups of my manuscript. Of course I had. I had printed it out. So, even if the computer crashed, I still had a paper copy. Alas, both copies would be destroyed in an apartment fire. I could ask one of those computer smart people at Portrait Magazine where I work, if there is a way to make a copy someplace other than your home, but it was too late to think about doing that now. I would probably burn to death trying to figure out how to make a copy someplace else by myself.
With that possibility removed, the next question was whether or not I should go to the attic to get my manuscript. Looking at the wisps of smoke, they didn’t look very threatening, but Deanna did say that the place was filling up with smoke, so there was the possibility that with her keener vision, she could see smoke that I could not see. That told me it would be risky, but would it be worth risking my life to try to save Sheilaugh, in the event my wife’s eyesight was truly better than mine?
What happened then blew me away. It was as if I'd entered the conscious mind of someone else. A woman, whose life story has captivated me totally, as if it were my own. Sheilagh is just a young woman from England. She had to make a terrible decision too, which cost her dearly. She chose to leave her life in Devon, England to live with a brutal man and in brutal conditions in Bodner Saskatchewan. I felt the weight of her decision. I heard her voice, incredulous, vulnerable and lonely; looking for the one man in her life who wouldn’t disappoint her, who wouldn’t let her or her children down. She was looking for the man who had spent the last sixteen months chronicling her life; so that the whole world (or the people who read best-selling books anyway) could see a strong woman, capable of taking care of her children, and capable of handling everything that life had thrown at her, and capable of leaving her abusive husband to die from exposure in the snow. How could I let such a woman die in a blazing fire, if there was anything I could do to prevent it? Michael Patterson is not a man, so consumed by self-interest; he could ignore the pleas of Sheilagh Shaugnessy and her children.
Of course, about then, my daughter was whining about something and it broke my concentration. But it didn’t break my conviction. I said to Deanna, “I’ll go crazy if I don’t get it!!!” And get it I tried.
Now, I know your readers are probably sitting on the edge of their chairs in suspense. Did I get my manuscript? Did I burn to death? Will there be a happy and heart-warming Christmas moment at the end of my story of our excitement that evening? I will give your readers just a little hint to keep them going until my next installment: I am a Patterson.
Michael Patterson
Labels: fire, poor priorites, stoopidity
At 9:42 AM,
duncan anderson said…
ONLY 1 MORE DAY TILL I LEAVE 4 BARBADOS!!! YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! Im not going 2 skool 2morrow cos Id just have 2 leave aft 1st period neway 2 get 2 the airport on time.
Mike, u foob, I dont care abt yr st00pid fire story nemore. Y dont u have backup of yr st00pid book offsite? Didnt u learn abt backups @ Portrait Magazine?
Apes, Ill b around aft skool 2 drop off yr Xmas pressie. Then Zed & I r having our Xmas d8. I had Charles Wallace borrow her iPod 4 me yesterday & I've filled it with my original tunes so she wont miss me while Im gone. I even rote her a new tune for Xmas, its called "Zed u r A 2 Me." I hope she likes it!
MCDunC the Studly
At 10:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
Boozhoo (Hello).
I read your writings quoting your nisayenh (brother) where he talked about going back into his burning apartment to get his manuscript, and your niinim (sister-in-law) called him crazy. After reading your nisayenh (brother’s) writings yesterday, I had a feeling he was going to talk about doing some more unsafe things, although I did not make any bets on it. In the Ontario Provincial Police, illegal gambling is enforced by the multi-jurisdictional Ontario Illegal Gaming Enforcement Unit, comprised of the OPP and municipal officers, divided into squads that are strategically located throughout the province. There are enough problems with illegal gambling operated by organized crime in Ontario, that the Illegal Gambling Unit will not be interested in a small-time, short-term gambling operation conducted by a teenaged girl. Do not worry about me reporting you or your friends.
Your sister tells me your nisayenh (brother) is ugly, but he is not stupid, so I asked her how going back into his burning apartment to get his manuscript was not stupid. After all, if he dies, then your nishimis (niece) and nindoozhim (nephew) would have to be raised by your niinim (sister-in-law) alone. Your sister said it would be alright because your niinim (sister-in-law) would have the support of your ngashi (mother). Then I said, “Like she supported your mishomis (grandfather) after his stroke?” And your sister said, “Exactly. Those children will never want for the lack of a book or a book on CD, overstocked by Lilliput’s.”
I asked how it would be worth the risk to his family for your nisayenh (brother) to go back for this manuscript, but be missing a noos (father) if he dies. Then your sister said to me, “Paul. My ugly nisayenh (brother) said it all in his little hint. Didn’t you read that part?” And I said, “Because he is a Patterson.” And your sister said, “Absolutely. Nothing really bad ever happens to a Patterson. Besides, ugly nisayenh (brother’s) manuscript will turn into a best-selling book, which will be able to support his family for years. Even if he dies throwing it out the window of a burning attic, he is a better noos (father) than he would be if he lived without it.” I said, “Do you think your nisayenh (brother) is a good noos (father)?” And she said, “He’s not as good as my noos (dad), but he is pretty close for an ugly nisayenh (brother).”
Sometimes conversations with your sister confuse me. I don’t know if I will ever understand all the special rules of being a Patterson. I will see you in 3 more days for Christmas, after I take a little trip to Mtigwaki (Land of Trees) to see if I can straighten things out between me and my friend Susan Dokis, whom I call Chipper. She is still mad because your sister is not spending Christmas in Mtigwaki (Land of Trees), which I told her about the same time I told her about my transfer to Toronto in January. Maybe you can explain the special rules of being a Patterson to me when I get to Milborough.
Gi'-ga-wa-ba-min' na-gutch! (See you later!)
Constable Paul Wright
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
april, it’s gotta b sed. ur bro iz whacked. whacked in the head, crayzee. u know, if u evah complain ‘bout how he duzn’t spend more tyme w/hiz kidz, i am gonna write 2u & say, “april. the best thing 4 ur niece & nephew iz 2 nevah spend tyme w/ur whacked out, crayzee bro. i thot my dad wuz bad w/abandonin’ me when i wuz little, but ur bro leaves hiz kids w/their mom 2 go aftah hiz st00pid story in the middle of a fire. most tymez, wen u tell a story ‘bout ur bro, i can say, “well, @least he izn’t az bad az my dad.” but not this tyme. he’z worse. neway, i’m glad hiz fam iz safe, evn if he iz nuts.
oh, i just remembered sumthin’. if mcdunc the studly asks u if u wanna hear his new tune 4 xmas, called "zed u r a 2 me", say “no!”. say “no!” till he believez u. there iz dancin’ that goez along w/the song which u do not wanna c. i know wen i saw it, the 1st thot which came n2 my head wuz, “y cudn’t u have left 4 barbados yestahday?” the 2nd thot wuz, “wut duz crotch grabbin’ hafta do w/theze song lyrics?” the 3rd thot wuz, “mcdunc the studly duz not know hiz alphabet & i nevah, evah wanna c his body makin’ the letter ‘Q’ again.” the 4th thot wuz, “warn peeps”. so, i am warnin’ u & evry 1 else ic.
At 10:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
I know you haven’t talked to anyone at school about your brother being crazy, but if you need to talk to someone and get comforted, I am ready to do it. After all, remember what a good job I did comforting you after your grandfather had his stroke, and I took you to look at the other special needs kids to compare them to your grandfather. I have some of the kids who are crazy already lined up to walk past, whenever you are ready to talk. Some of them drool, and foam at the mouth, and have gang markings on their teeth (which is not a violation of the dress code), and I know you will feel better about your brother, when you see them. When I see you in the hall, be prepared for some expert comforting just like only I can do, and especially not Eva or Gerald. Only two more days to get some comforting from me in 2006.
Shannon Lake
At 10:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
As a certified hero myself, I've got to add a little to the discussion.
As we all know from the Bible, or maybe Star Trek, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
Mike is actually engaging in the most admirable form of heroism here. He's endangering himself, his wife, and his kids for all of us. It's posterity that matters here, not a couple of toddlers. For who is Mike to let an ultimately unimportant nuclear family stand in the way of literary history? In the end, it doesn't matter to the world if Dee, Merrie, and Robin die or not. The important thing is that Sheilaugh Shaunessey survives, for she'll live for years, nay, generations.
What if Mark Twain had jumped out of a burning brothel, leaving Huck Finn behind? What would the world have lost?
For Mike to worry about his family, transitory souls who'll walk across their three score and ten and then die, rather than literary gold that'll live through the ages and beyond would be the height of selfishness.
Mike is a hero! hero! HERO! He cares about all of us. We all die, eventually. Art can live through the ages. Don't ever let your sister-in-law forget that.
At 11:05 AM,
howard said…
I would have to agree with Jeremy and not Anthony on this one. The term your sister-in-law used with respect to your brother, “crazy”, seems very appropriate to me. And I know “crazy”. I spent many years in the Milborough Training School for Boys and while I was there I got psychological help to deal with my “crazy” desire to be a gay, transvestite opera singer. I remember very well the time I was tested using a burning building, a hamster, and an original score from La Traviata and I had to…um…well, you’re still 15 aren’t you? I’ll have to wait to tell you this story when you’re older.
I am sorry to hear you won’t be joining Becky and me for Christmas or New Years. Your boyfriend Gerald should be here for part of Christmas and most of New Years. As you are probably aware, the R.P. Boire Boys Senior hockey team has been doing very well, since Gerald has been using low calorie vitamin supplements, and not all the illegal sports drugs he took last year. Becky’s father, Thorvald took Becky and me to see a game at Pine Point Arena, where they beat the Etobicoke Boys Senior hockey team pretty badly. Becky did not want to go, but her fafa Thorvald insisted it was necessary to support her “adopted’ Viking brother. After she went though, she told us she was glad she had come, because she really appreciated seeing Gerald’s form on the rink. He did look good and he even scored a goal.
We didn’t see you there, but considering your mom’s “Gerald prohibition”, it was not too surprising. Thorvald said you hadn’t been to any of Gerald’s games all season, but they’ve only been playing since mid-November, so I can understand why you might have been distracted with your sister moving into your house, and my trial, and school work, and your grandfather’s stroke, and your brother trying to kill himself by running into a burning building for the sake of literary art. However, you know how Thorvald is. He said something about how it is too bad you were not there for Gerald, as a proper Viking girlfriend should be. He doesn’t understand all the extenuating circumstances which would keep you away. I am afraid not spending Christmas or New Years Eve with Gerald will just add more fuel to Thorvald’s Viking firesteels.
I am so tired of hearing him say, “I would have thought April, Gerald's girlfriend, would have come down to the game to be with him, but she seems to be staying away. Rebeccah Bergthora has certainly come through, though. She always was incredibly reliable. Maybe that's why Gerald never appreciated her. She was too reliable, and treated him too well. I am always amazed how boys seem to prefer girls who mistreat them. I suppose it is more exciting! There's always lots of drama! It makes me glad that I fell for a dull, reliable (but incredibly good in the sack) girl like Becky’s mother!” Of course, Becky takes him to task for saying such ridiculous things after she only went to one game of Gerald’s, and Becky’s mom is anything but dull and reliable. If you could sneak out of your house and make an appearance at Christmas, it would go a long way in helping with Thorvald’s comments.
Howard Bunt
At 11:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am glad there is one person who “gets it” and knows what being a true hero is all about. Your example with Mark Twain, the burning brothel, and Huck Finn is the perfect analogy, even though my story about Sheilagh Shaugnessy is a lot better than Huck Finn because is it is a story about an English woman in Canada. Everyone who knows the Pattersons and how often we say, “Po" or “Loo” or “Ta”, knows how important the British are to us, and really to all of Canada, especially their British toilet slang. This is a part of the Sheilagh Shaugnessy literary legacy which will influence generations of flushing, and book-buying Canadians to come.
Anthony. You alone seem to understand what is truly important in life. I can’t wait for you to become a part of our family. I would propose to you right now myself, so you could be in the family already instead of waiting for the Lizardbreath to wise up, but it would not be appropriate. Although I know dad has researched the possibility extensively. He says Canada has relaxed its laws on same-sex marriages, but its laws against polygamy still stand. If you could go ahead and propose to Elizabeth, it would certainly expedite matters of getting you into the family a bit faster. I think New Years Eve proposals are best, don’t you?
Michael Patterson
At 11:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can't wait to get into your family for any number of reasons. *wink wink*
One aspect of family life that I've really learned a lot from you about is space. Your space, their space. And the importance of having some kind of barrier in between that allows one privacy. I have a feeling we're going to be learning some important lessons in the coming weeks about space, and the lack thereof, and who has unused bedrooms for sheltering single career gals who've been very good friends for years and years.
Your dad's been talking a lot about bringing me into the family one way or another. I just wish he'd do it without so much touching. I pointed out that me being married to his daughter meant I'd be married to him in a way, too, and that made him feel better and he started talking about some chainsaw girl calendar with real skinny ones. I'm thinking of getting him a gift subscription to Barely Legal because I get six free months with it.
Anyway, I've got a ring all set. It needed a professional cleaning and I had to get new engraving (not the whole thing, just the name, you wouldn't believe what they charge per letter so I hope Liz doesn't mind a ring that says "Love always and forever Elizabe" with the last "e" not quite matching) but I'm ready to pop, if you know what I mean.
At 12:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
As a master of the written form, let me assure you I understood your many innuendos in your post quite well. For example, the way you said, “I can't wait to get into your family for any number of reasons. *wink wink*” is clearly an indication you want to get the superiour medical care which being related to a doctor and a pharmacist can get you for eye examinations. Then when you talked about the ring you have ready for Elizabeth and how you were ready to “ready to pop”, you used the word “pop” both as indication you want to “pop” the marriage question to Elizabeth, but also as an indication that you are waiting for Elizabeth to assume the “pop” or father role of your little half-Quebecoise child, since you have so ably filled the role of mother for so long. That was very clever writing, but it was not beyond my abilities to understand it.
I agree with you completely about space. A man’s family has to have a certain understanding of the boundaries and limitations a man has to have. So, when he goes rushing into a building to rescue his manuscript, they let him have the space to go ahead with that important mission, but understand that the space must be removed when he returns for the praise and embraces and carol singing which is due to him upon his successful return in this most important mission. Once again, our two minds are alike.
However, I should give you a warning about the important lessons in the coming weeks about space, and who has unused bedrooms for sheltering Patterson girls. You should make sure my parents do not try to foist April upon you along with Elizabeth. Her overly-critical nature is not conducive towards Patterson-style romance, where you talk to the woman about something, but have thought balloons which express your true feelings. April is notorious for being very blunt, when she is around Elizabeth and her love interests. Not only that, but it is important for Elizabeth to have time with your little half-Quebecoise daughter alone, so she can see the Anthony part of her, which overshadows any French-minded habits she may have retained from her genetic background.
As for your suggested gift for my dad, the gift subscription to Barely Legal, I think dad would appreciate the thought of it, since it would be coming from you, but the ladies in that magazine are too young for him. Think “Skinny Grannies Gone Wild” and you will be much closer to what dad really wants. Of course, the gift we all want in the Patterson family, is for Elizabeth to be wearing your engagement ring, regardless of cleaning or re-engraving. That would be the perfect Christmas gift. Better Elizabeth with a dirty and poorly-lettered ring, than Elizabeth in her current, pitiful, ringless state.
Michael Patterson
At 1:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Once again you are all not thinking about how Mike has to make an example of how great Pattersons are, remember, Mike has to work on building a landmark, but it has to be a moveable one because he hasn't moved to Milborough yet, and he has to be able to take it with him when he comes home, so that is why he's a writer, and he can't have a landmark if his book burns up, so he had to go in to save his landmark.
Also, Mike has to set an example of heroism as a member of Canada's First Family, he had to run back inside and get the book because that's heroic, it is not enough to be heroic and save your wife and kids because any chump can do that, it might be kind of impressive if he saved the Kelpfroths but he can't count on that because you just know the cigar started the fire down there and they might already be dead, but hardly anyone can write a book and then also save it from a fire, that's amazing.
I am hoping that Mike will save the book and then him and Weed will run in and save the Kelpfroths and that will make Mike not only get more on the path to taking over Mom's throne as Canada's First Citizen (which is what she really wants for him) but also it might help Weed realize what is really important to him and propose to Carleen, this living in sin stuff is just not right, also maybe then they would hurry up and have a baby like normal people do, it's very distressing for Mom that Mike has friends who are supposed to be "good" who are not married and don't have a baby, also it would be less confusing for me, I mean it's hard enough for me to remember "Candace = good" since she doesn't want to get married, although it is a little easier now she is with Rudy and I know Rudy wants to marry her, but not much, also, I know how terribly all wrong living in sin goes because I lived with Eric, with separate bedrooms of course.
Anyway, stop worrying, Mike is a Patterson, he will be just fine, I am glad to hear that Dee remembered a Woman's Place and brought the scrapbooks Mom made for her out of the fire, you know baby photos are worth extra danger in a fire escape, but only if you are a woman, it shows what a great Mom Dee is, Mike is a man so he saves a career thing but a Proper Patterson Woman saves something relating to her family, because a woman should think about her family first, that's just how a Patterson is.
At 3:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
On behalf of the Coalition of the Special Needs, the Disfigured, and the Sanity-Deprived Students of R.P. Boire Senior Secondary School, I have been asked to request that you please stop "lining up" students from our ranks for the purposes of displaying these student to April Patterson to make her "feel better" about various situations. By doing so, you are making our members feel worse.
Nicolette Chazarai
Student Liaison
Coalition of the Special Needs, the Disfigured, and the Sanity-Deprived Students of R.P. Boire Senior Secondary School
At 6:56 PM,
April Patterson said…
hey, guyz, i switched over 2 the new version of blogger. it took a while 2 transition, an' i hope this isn't going 2 turn out 2 b a huge ol' mistake.
howard, what becky's dad sed abt me not going 2 hockey gamez isn't xxactly true. i did go 2 sum gamez in november, but i sat in the "girlfriends" section, not the "viking girlfriends and associates" section that mr. mcguire made up. cuz, y'know, i'm not a viking.
liz, dad sez he has sum classified ads 4 u, u know, the apt listings?
mike, u hafta b nice 2 me since i gave up my room 4 u.
dunc, thanx 4 the cube gift. hope u liked mine!
zeremy, dunc didn't do his dance. i think zandra forbade it or sumthing.
At 9:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
I got a request from Nicolette Chazarai, the Student Liaison to the Coalition of the Special Needs, the Disfigured, and the Sanity-Deprived Students of R.P. Boire Senior Secondary School not to have students lined up to comfort you. So, if you need comforting for what happened to your brother, I will have to do it the old-fashioned way of giving you a big hug. I will have a big hug waiting for you at school tomorrow, in case you need it.
Shannon Lake
At 9:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
I know you must be lying about that apartment stuff, Dad is the most perfect man in the world and I want to marry someone just like him, and I would never marry someone who would tell me to move out of the house we share together and get my own place, that is a horrible quality in a husband, so Dad must not have it either, besides, I know Dad likes me best of all his kids because he is always talking about you and Mike but he hardly ever has anything to say about me at all, which is because I am so great and there is nothing to complain about with me.
You are just jealous because Dad is going around telling everyone you have turned into a "princess" and a spoiled "only child" which is like the most horrible thing a Patterson can call you, he says you are acting like a total brat and he wants to find you some private space in the house so he can stick you there where we can't see you, because you are so horrible, just like that spoiled brat slut friend of yours, Becky McGuire, I told Dad that if he doesn't want you to turn out like her he should really clamp down and make you not see Gerald too often, and he said he's going to do it, nyah nyah!
At 9:46 PM,
April Patterson said…
liz, u r just mad cuz dad's been saying it mite b a good time 4 u 2 look 4 an apartment, and that he can't believe u haven't been looking.
ger an' i were already in trub so dad didn't hafta get ideas from u abt clamping down, u goof!
shannon, i think a hug soundz better than a lineup!
At 10:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, i’m rilly glad u didn’t get 2c the mcdunc dance. neway, rumour haz it ur bro & his wife r in ur room cuz u have (or i shud say had) the ensuite bathroom. it kinda bites 2b the youngest. my future dad & future sis r gonna b in mboro thru the holidays & my future sis will have my room, while i stay on a cot in the basement. it’s ok 4 awhile, but it’s weird goin’ n2 my room & it smells all girly. i hope ur bro & ur sil don’t leave ne kinda strange smellz n ur bed, if u know wut i mean.
eva abuya sed u mite stay ovah @her place if u wanted. she duzn’t h8 me nemore & we r talkin’ again, in case u haven’t noticed. i thot it mite b 1 of thoze xmas or kwanzaa spirit kinda thingz, but eva sed she wuz just tired of b-ing mad @me. i asked eva how thingz were between her & duncan, & she sed they were “sort of together”. i guess thass her way of sayin’ she still wunts duncan, but realizes zandra larson iz still in the pic. neway, u’ll like sleeping w/eva. her bed iz rilly comfortable. u rilly can do almost nething n her bedroom & it won’t wake up her ‘rents, cuz they r in a different wing. i asked eva ‘bout that once wen we d8in’, & she wuz b-ing pretty noisy, & she sed noises didn’t bother her ‘rents that much cuz the crime in nigeria wuz on a different time zone. she wuz rite. her ‘rents nevah came by 2 ask ‘bout ne noise, no mattah how noisy eva got. i didn’t rilly understand it, but u know, i wuz prolly a little 2 distracted by eva 2 ask many questions ‘bout her ‘rents. all u hafta remembah is that the abuyas keep the door 2 the underground laboratory locked & no visitors r allowed. don’t try that door, & u’ll b fine in eva’z house. i think she sed there wuz sum kinda trap door, if u tried 2 get n2 the underground lab, but i nevah tried it 2 find out.
i had my last tutorin’ session 4 2006 in the learning resources centre 2day & so i decided 2 give out xmas gifts 2 my 2 tutors 4 the year--zandra larson & zenobia barnaby. i wuzn’t rilly sure if they celebr8ed xmas, but they seemed ok w/gettin’ prezzies. @1st zandra wuz a little shy ‘bout acceptin’, but i sed that she & zenobia were like the only 2 girls in skool who nevah thot i wuz a drug user aftah the gym jam, so they deserved a nice prezzie. i got each of them 2 tix, front row, center 2c evanescence on january 8, @the air canada centre frum my work connectionz. zenobia wuz rilly xxcited. i sed 2 zandra that duncan shud b back frum barbados by january 8, since we wud b back in skool by then, so she cud take him. zandra sed he bettah b. then i handed zandra a little box w/a necklace in it. it wuz a hyborian age death symbol with the university of toronto emblem (T w/a sideways maple leaf). she sed, “where did u get this?” i sed, “marjee mahaha’s old bf maynard mahoney makes them w/logos frum different universities, az part of sum prison arts & crafts thing. i think u sed u were thinkin’ ‘bout u of t next year” zenobia sed, “by crom. thass a cube necklace. wut did u get me?” i sed, “well, u were hintin’ ‘round ‘bout this 1, & it took sum huntin’ 2 find it. but i found u an authentic 1961 Disney TM 101 dalmatians cruella de vil long cigarette holder.” well, zenobia wuz rilly xxcited & actually looked happy (which i dunno if i have evah seen b4 on zenobia’s face. it wuz kinda scary, rilly.) she gave me a rilly big kiss, which if u have evah kissed a chain smoker, u know is kinda like kissing a wet, cigarette (not that i have evah rilly kissed a wet cigarette b4, but i kinda imagine it frum wen i have kissed smokers b4). i sed 2 zandra, “ur not gonna do that 2 ru?” zandra sed, “no.” i sed, “thass good.” zandra sed, “i didn’t get u nething.” i sed, “u have been a rilly good tutor 4 me this year & i know i am gonna need help next year 2. thass all i want.” i don’t know if zandra rilly accepted that answer, but it is true. zenobia hadda leave rilly quick 2 go try her cigarette holdah. i sed 2 zandra, “if i don’t cu 2morrow, have fun in ottawa ovah the holidayz.” she kinda stared @me. sumhow i got the feelin’ zandra duzn’t like ottawa v. much.
At 11:13 PM,
duncan anderson said…
Hey, Apes, I just had a rilly cube d8 w/ Zed. She rilly rilly loved her song! We r so good 2together, I no we r 4evah!
I hope u rnt disappointed w/ my pressie. I dunno whats up w/ yr bro & his wife & their brats & I dont rilly care, but I thot u wld like the key 2 r house & the burglar alarm code & the password in case u accidentally set off the alarm. Dont worry abt the cats, we have a petsitter 4 them, she comes in btween 2 & 4pm evry day, but come 2 think of it I havent seen Faustus l8ly, not that thats a prob.
Ill have another pressie 4 u when Im back from Barbados.
Perdita says they r getting internet @ Redd Hott Bajan Mammas cos all the tourists need it, it shld b running by the time I get there so mayb I can post while Im Im a house musician. If not, c u @ skool on Jan 8th.
Merry Xmas & Happy New Year,
Bajan Studly
At 11:17 PM,
duncan anderson said…
At 11:21 PM,
duncan anderson said…
Sorry, Apes, I sorta spaced out 4 a min.
I 4got 2 tell u sumthing. Evahs been going on & on abt her new queen size bed & how comfy it is. Im not saying nething else xcept I wldnt even let Falstaff sleep ovah w/ her.
C u Jan 8th.
At 1:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. I was ready to give you another installment of the story of my family’s excitement. I had written down describing how our fire escape had been our balcony and a convenient route to the back yard, but now it was a welcome exit from an apartment rapidly filling with smoke. I had written how I had bravely gotten Dee and the kids outside and heroically alerted the emergency fire crew, before heading magnificently back into the apartment, up the stairs to my office to get my laptop and my manuscript.
But my wife, Deanna, saw me writing this stuff down and declared the next installment of the story of my family’s excitement was hers to write, since it was all about her. She says it is time for her to reassess my priorities if I wanted to be a proper husband and father. So I must defer to her for the sake of my marriage. I will give you the short story though, just in case she forgets to write.
Deanna got the kids down the stairs, but she had left Merrie's favourite blanket and two photograph albums on the fire escape. She'd dropped them so she could carry Robin and push Merrie down the stairs by the hood of her jacket. Then she told the firemen to go up and rescue me, and played ignorant about whether or not the Kelpfroths were downstairs where the flames were. Deanna is such a good wife.
That’s the short version. Deanna might add more details if she chooses to write. I will definitely be writing your installment for tomorrow though. Definitely.
Michael Patterson
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