Success smells like smoke to Mike?
Well, here we go with more Mike. He posted this bit last nite in a comment:
April,Mike, my rule is NOT ridiculous. It's called having good MANNERS! I don't know how U can fail 2 C that. So, foax, what do U think Mike did first, save his manuscript or his kidz? We shall C. For the kidz' sake, I hope Dee thot fast, whether she's really Becky's cousin or not. (And I don't know Y believe what Becky sed abt this puts me on a naughty list. Geez, just do the friggin' DNA and get it over with.)
Little sis. Are you going to stop reading my posts because of this ridiculous rule you have set for the people who participate in your Blog? Very well then. I can fight back. I was going to tell you the whole story of the excitement at my home, but I think instead I will give it to you in installments. So there. Nyah. Nyah.
Now I think about it, that’s probably not a punishment for you, since you like telling stories in installments. By the way, don’t think of asking Deanna for her version of the whole story, because she heard how you were supporting Becky McGuire’s awful story about her birth, and so now you are on her naughty list. Mom is on Team Deanna, since she finds the idea her grandchildren are somehow related to Becky McGuire, quite abhorrent. So, don't bother asking her either.
Despite your unfortunate choice to believe Becky, I will tell you what happened--the first part anyway. After making sure Deanna got my daughter calmed down from the excitement of Christmas, I went up to my attic office to finish my book, and Deanna followed me up. She started rubbing her hands on my shoulders and said, “Come to bed, Michael.” Normally, this would be enough motivation to get me to bed, but for some reason my darling Deanna’s left arm seemed to bear a little resemblance to the left arm of a certain spinach-swilling sailor man, and frankly my left shoulder was in too much pain to consider Deanna anything but a source of agony. So, I said, “I’m so close to finishing this book, Dee….Give me another hour.” Deanna agreed, and when I saw her go, I saw she was in one of her more masculine appearance days, and I had some regrets about turning her down.
But the deed was done, and there was nothing for it, but the “TICK-TAPPITA TICK-TAPP TAPPITA TAP-TICK-TAPP-TICK-TAP, TAP-TICK” of the typewriter. You know someday, I am going to have to write a book on the proper punctuation for onomatopoeia.
But that day will have to wait, because I was filled with joy and elation that “It’s done! I can’t believe it’s done! This is my first real manuscript.” I spent a lot of time shuffling and reshuffling those gorgeous pages of ink and paper, while “THUMP THUMP” ing it on the table. You know, little sis, there is almost nothing better than shuffling and “THUMP THUMP” ing manuscripts on the table, and people do complain less about it, if it is your own manuscript you are “THUMP THUMP” ing.
Having completed this momentous task, over which I had laboured and sweated over for years, I descended the stairs, and lifted my hand to shake the hand of my fair muse, Sheilagh Shaugnessy, who appeared to me there. I said in a loud voice, since I was on the stairs and surely no one could hear me, “It is done, fair muse! Oh, that I should inhale the sweet smell of success!” For some reason, I was expected the smell of cinnamon buns, but when I reached the landing of the stairs from the attic, the smell of success I smelled didn’t have anything to with cinnamon or buns. Actually, I smelled smoke, 2 distinct strands of smoke to be exact, clearly moving through the air.
This is where my installment ends today. I will write more to you tomorrow, and you will have to judge for yourself whether or not you want to read it.
Michael Patterson
At 9:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
april, hey! 4 sum1 who wuz complainin’ peeps weren’t givin’ u the rite amount of sympathy 4 ur grandpa’s stroke, ur not givin’ ur bro much sympathy either. i dunno if ur bro’s place wuz the place n the news ‘bout the apartment fire or not, but they hadta lose more stuff than just his manuscript & hiz kids r involved 2. ur bro iz an idiot, but that duzn’t mean u hafta kick him wen he is down, evn tho i know sumtymez thass wut pattersons like 2 do.
i dunno y ur goin’ off sum deal w/gettin’ a dna test 4 ur bro’s wife, which iz gonna be way 2 xxpensive 4 him 2 afford, which iz obvious if he iz livin’ in sum slumlord apartment, where they don’t have smoke detectors. ‘sides, if rebeccah’s story iz rite, then deanna’s birth mom iz dead 4 like 10 years, & u know frum mboro history in skool how tyffani-ambre carrington-einarsson died. i dunno how much body there iz left 2 get a dna sample frum 2 check maternity. & rilly, i dunno y u care who deanna'z mom rilly iz, xxcept az sum way 2 get 2 ur bro & ur sil. kinda cold of u, april.
‘course wen i told my mom she called ovah 2 ur mom 2c if there wuz nething she cud do 2 help, & ur mom sed, “no thanx, cuz it is less of a xmas miracle, if othah peeps help out.” my mom thot that wuz a rilly weird response. so mebbe, ur attitude iz comin’ frum ur mom. i dunno.
At 9:31 AM,
duncan anderson said…
Oh, man, this smells like a gr8 lawsuit 2 me! Hasnt Mr Genius Editor & Writer read this? Or this? Like we dont get lectured on it 100X/yr @ skool. Mayb Mikey has a lotta insurance on his wife & kids.
L8r. My mouth doesnt taste weird ne more. Im not taking ne breath strips, tho, unless I cracked the pack myself.
At 10:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
i'm sorry if i sounded harsh, zeremy, but i was way mad @ mike, 4 totally disrespecting me and my friends. did u c how he talked abt becky? an' chances r he won't even read yr post where u just defended him like that, cuz u r not in our fam an' in his mind there4 not worth reading.
and no, i guess it doesn't really matter abt dee's dna (tho actually i think it wd b cube if she turned out 2 b becky's cuzzie). i just don't like how this was totally dismissed cuz it came from becks's mom and becks and how i'm on the "naughty" list 4 believing it.
and of course i was worried abt merrie and robin. that was my 1st worry, cuz i imagined my bro caring more abt his sheileccch novel than abt his kids. sorry, but that's how he comes off.
dunc, i know, totally.
At 11:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
april, that last thing i posted wuz kinda harsh on u. sorry april. i’m not rilly defendin’ ur bro, but kinda worryin’ ‘bout u, cuz ur usually the queen of nice. altho i have noticed ur bro knowz wut buttonz 2 push 2 get u upset. don’t get mad, but readin’ ur bro’s posts & particularly hiz monthly letter r hard 4 me, cuz a lotta tymes, i fall asleep in the middle of it & end up w/keyboard face, eh? wen he starts usin’ the old tymer words, like “fair muse” i know he’z a few carrot coins short of a carrot. so wen he sez things not so nice ‘bout rebeccah, i kinda ignore it, cuz i figger, “well, he’z crayzee, so y get worked up, eh?” i dunno how cube it iz 2b rel8ed 2 rebeccah. evry tyme rebeccah talks ‘bout her fam’s histry, she’z rel8ed 2 sum1 else i know. i wudn’t b surprised if she tellz me sum day i am rel8ed 2 her. & ur prolly rite ur bro is more innerested in his sheilagh novel than hiz kids. thass prolly wut we will find out in his next installment 2morrow.
At 12:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. My lovely wife Deanna said it was remiss of me not to point out that both she and our children are well and uninjured physically (mentally and emotionally is a different story), in case any of the readers of your Blog were wondering. As to your friend Duncan’s questions, I can assure him that there is no way a Patterson would ever file a lawsuit against Lovey Salzman for improper smoke alarms. Duncan has been around us Pattersons long enough to know better than to even ask such a question. Pattersons do not file lawsuits. In fact, we only file criminal charges, when we are forced to, by old family friends, as the Lizardbreath can attest.
Also, please let Duncan know that life insurance policies are typically placed on the person, whose salary is the one that needs to be replaced in the event of an accident. At least that’s what Deanna told me, when she bought the policy for me.
Michael Patterson
At 3:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sgt. Royalson here.
Just a brief note to let you and your young friends know that I've been re-assigned to the arson squad, so I suppose I won't have much to report on regarding the Pattersons.
As luck would have it, a call is coming in even as I type this.
...Hmmm. Well, it seems that my immediately prior statement is already inoperative. "Suspected arson at the Saltzman Mansions. Investigate one Mel Kelpfroth, Mrs. Irving 'Pepper' Saltzman, and youthful vandal 'Merrie' Patterson as possible suspects."
Your family seems to draw crime like Lynn Johnston draws Canadians.
Sgt. Royalson (on Special Detachment, Arson Unit)
At 8:18 PM,
April Patterson said…
zeremy, i know xxactly what u mean abt falling asleep trying 2 read mike's monthly letterz. actually, that's one of the main reasonz i stopped doing my big "monthly letter" posts. between mike's stuff and dad going on an' on abt the choo-choos or teeth, or whatev he's on abt in ne month? gah, it was hard staying awake and THEN writing a big post! believe me, there were lotsa times i ended up w/keyboard marks on my face.
and yeah, mike totally has his wayz of making me upset.
sgt royalson, mr. saltzman's first name is "morrie." mayB morrie "salt" saltzman, eh? i dunno. g'luck w/the investigation.
At 3:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
As I promised you, this is the next installment of our night of excitement. When I left off yesterday I had just finished my manuscript for my novel, I had praised my muse, and I had smelled smoke.
Then the smoke alarm went off and made a lovely “BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” sound. You get the idea. There were 68 E’s just in this installment, and trust me when I say there will be more E’s in my installment tomorrow. I counted them as a matter of habit due to the instincts of my journalistic training. The smoke alarm sound caused me to reminisce about the last time I heard the smoke alarm go off in the apartment. It was back in 2002 and Josef Weeder was frying / burning an egg. Then as Josef was pulling the apart the smoke alarm to get the sound to stop, Lovey Salzman appeared at the door to ask if there was a fire. Then it occurred to me, there was something different from that time when I heard the “BEEEEEEEEEEE” of the smoke alarm in 2002, aside from having fewer E’s, and this modern-day occurrence. Lovey Salzman had not arrived at our door, asking if there was a fire, when actually it was Josef’s cooking. I thought to myself, “If Lovey is not here, then this must not be a cooking fire. Plus this smoke doesn’t smell like the Kelpfroths’ cigar smoke or incense or gaseous excretions, smoky smells we have dealt with since they moved in. It must be a real fire.” My first thought after that was, “Get mommy!” But then I realized I wasn’t living with mom, not yet anyway, so I ran for the nearest mommy, and that was my wife Deanna.
Little sis, as you may recollect, my wife Deanna is a heavy sleeper, since she slept through the Tinkle Tonkle noises of our ceiling fan over the summer. I said to her, “Deanna! Wake up! Something’s wrong! The smoke alarm’s going off!” But this did not wake her up. So I grabbed her right arm with my right hand to brace me, and I gave the hair near her bangs a vigourous tug with my left hand. This woke her up and she said, “What?”
Then time was of the essence. I yelled at Deanna to go “Get the kids! I’ll call emergency!” But Deanna grabbed her forehead instead, I think because I had yanked out a little of her hair near her forehead when I was trying to wake her. So I yelled “HURRY!!” at her with 2 exclamation points to get her going. When I was talking about that moment later on, the authorities explained to me that calling emergency while I was there in my bedroom of a burning apartment building was probably not the best way to do things, and I should have left the bedroom before making that call. I completely agree with that advice now. I should have gone into the kitchen, where we keep our phone books, so I could look up the emergency numbers. Just to let you know April, the number is 9-1-1, in case you ever get caught in an apartment that’s on fire.
Well, Deanna was ever the smart mother. She got the kids’ coats and put hers on first, so she would not have to deal with that while she was helping the kids on with their coats and boots. I was so proud of her intelligent way of dealing with an emergency. I heard her say, “Robin, Merrie—Let’s get your coats and boots on! We’re going outside—Right NOW!” It was definitely the voice of authority and the kids took note of it.
Our daughter is old enough and responsible enough to put on her own coat, as you know from when I told you how she traipsed around after me in her coat and pyjamas the night we found Ned in the plumbing. But our son needed help with his. He kept on saying to Deanna, “No mommy. Boots on outside. No burn Robin.” He was so cute.
And speaking of cuteness, our daughter thought we were going outside to see Santa, because she said, “Is Santa here?!!” Now, I know what you’re thinking, little sis. Why does our daughter think that going outside in the middle of the night with a smoke alarm sounding off is the way to meet Santa Claus, when she is 4 years old and has experienced Christmas before? Well, sadly, the answer is that our daughter has never actually spent Christmas in her own home. We always travel to Milborough and have Christmas there. The whole tradition of Santa coming and delivering presents to her own house while she is sleeping is a completely foreign concept to her. I say, “always travel to Milborough”, but that is not completely the truth. My daughter’s very first Christmas Eve in 2002 we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning at Deanna’s parents’ house and had Christmas dinner in Milborough. But there was so much complaining about that situation, we and Deanna’s parents have traveled to Milborough every Christmas since then, just to keep the peace with mom. Mom is happy about the arrangement, but it means our daughter doesn’t have the first idea how Santa Claus works. Mom always says that is best to protect your daughters from getting involved in the more commercial side of Christmas, so you can concentrate on the true meaning of the season. I said, “The birth of baby Jesus?” And mom says, “No, Michael. The food.” When she’s right, she’s right. That’s our mom.
That’s it for this installment, little sis. I wouldn’t want to spoil you with too much information for your readers. More tomorrow.
Michael Patterson
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