April's Real Blog

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Things that happen in the papers

So, like, Mike wrote sum more abt his visit an' convo w/Weed and Carleen in Toronto:

Little sis. I am sure your readers have been on pins and needles waiting for the next installment of my story about visiting with Josef Weeder and Carleen Stein to tell them what happened during the fire at my apartment. When I last was telling this story, Josef and I were talking in the coffee bistro, and Josef gave me words of encouragement which caused me to start weeping profusely. I am not a man who displays emotion easily, or apparently quietly either. We were eventually asked to leave because I was disturbing the other customers. I made a mental note not to sign autographs of my book in that coffee house. It was so poorly named Donut & Coffee anyway. I should have no truck with an establishment who can’t spell “doughnut” properly.

As we were walking out of the coffee shop, Carleen positioned herself in between me and Josef, so we were forced to talk over her and she also served a barrier to any more touching by Josef. I suspect she thought Josef touching me on the shoulder was the source of my emotional outburst in the coffee bar. Josef, was still able to touch me with his concern for my well-being. He asked, “So, what are you gonna do?” I know what he was really asking. Josef and I have lived with or close to each other for 11 years. This fire would mean the ending of all that. However, I knew my mother would never let us stay anyplace other than with her, including any temporary living arrangements which might be provided by our insurance company. So, I had to tell him the truth. I said, “For now, we’re going to stay with my parents. We don’t have a lot of choice!” Knowing Josef, he would catch my hidden meaning on “not having a lot of choice”.

Then Carleen looked directly at Josef, and he had a very nervous look on his face. I knew something was up. Josef said, “Carleen and I will bunk in at the studio, and the Saltzmans are staying with friends until our apartments are cleaned. Heaven only knows how long that will take!” I looked at my old friend Josef as he said these words and I got the message loud and clear. He and Carleen were not going to try to find a place near my mother. They were staying in Toronto in his studio and then were going back to the apartments. It was the end of an era in my life, and it was all thanks to the situation created by those smoking Kelpfroths, of which Carleen was clearly taking advantage. I looked at Josef’s face closely to see any signs he was going to change his mind, but there were none forthcoming. I looked at him to remember the details of his appearance, (pulled-back hair, muppet nose, oddly-shaped cranium), on this night, our final night together as he stood in front of the Sushi & Taco Bar across the street. This was my last time in Toronto with Josef, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I said, “Man….I feel sorta….sick!” Then out of nowhere, Carleen spoke. Well, actually she was directly to my right, but she hadn’t spoken in so long, I had almost forgotten she could speak. As is usual with Carleen, she tried to give words of comfort, but she simply had no idea what was going on. She said, “You’re in shock, Mike. Your whole family is. Losing your home is a major trauma. It’s going to take a long time to recover.” How would Carleen know how my family is doing? Carleen hadn’t seen my family. And the signs of shock are usually a sudden drop in blood pressure, cold and clammy skin, a weak or rapid pulse, irregular breathing and things like that. Carleen was touching my arm, like she could tell shock from feeling my coat. My sickness felt more like I had a queasy stomach, like maybe I was reacting to seeing Josef in combination with the Sushi and Taco sign behind him.

But then I thought about it. Maybe it was shock. Shock at having an apartment fire almost destroy my novel. Shock at having my best friend living apart from me due to the fire. Shock knowing I would probably never get Ned Tanner back with Weed living so far away. I thought to myself, “This is the kind of thing that you read in the paper…but it’s always happening to someone else.” And I looked up in the sky, almost like the Lizardbreath does when she is trying to be especially earnest. I could actually feel myself looking like Liz and my lips started to get fluffier. I was freaking out until I realized I don’t read the paper, except for my column in the Clarion Weekly. Then I felt much better.

That’s it for today, little sis. More details of my story tomorrow. I know your readers can’t wait for my next installment.

Michael Patterson
Mike, I don't think Carleen was trying to use "shock" as a medical diagnosis. People use "in shock" all the time for when something traumatic leaves U kinda stunned. But I agree she really wdn't know if that applies 2 the fam, eh?

Zeremy, the crayzee thing is that Mom's chaperon rule only applies 2 Ger. So, like, I cd hang w/U w/out an adult. BUT. She's got all of Mboro watching 4 Ger 2 suddenly, accidentally show up @ places where I happen 2 B. She sez, "April, it's not that I don't trust U, tho mayB I shdn't. But I sure as heck do not trust that BOY!" So I dunno what.


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  • At 10:52 AM, Blogger howard said…


    After I read your Blog entry, I asked the doctors here at the hospital about the shock and trauma your brother might be experiencing if in fact Carleen Stein has made a correct diagnosis of your brother. The doctor said what your brother was experiencing was not clinical shock, where there is greatly reduced blood flow, rapid shallow breathing and danger of collapse, coma or death; which is the kind of shock my aunt Winnie and uncle Melville experienced from their burns from the apartment fire. The doctor said the technical term for my aunt and uncle’s shock was hypovolemic shock, which is common for persons who have received extensive burns.

    Your brother would be experiencing the wider definition of shock which includes a wide range of less acute symptoms, for example panic attacks, depression, hysteric states, numbness in parts of the body, amnesia, fainting, dizziness, and poor concentration. Some of these symptoms may be difficult to distinguish from your brother’s normal, pre-fire behaviour, so the doctors at the hospital suggested your brother and his family might want to see a professional psychotherapist for help. Considering how your brother and your sister-in-law reacted to your nephew’s ear infections by using Lovey Saltzman’s home remedies, I have this feeling he won’t think of doing anything as sensible as that. And of course, your sister usually solves her emotional problems by getting drunk, which is not a good solution for your brother either. I would try to get your father to make the suggestion, since he seems to be the only person in your family who is responsible, medically speaking. Perhaps he could say something to Deanna, while they are riding together to work, assuming he is not showing off by speeding.

    Howard Bunt

  • At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    april, lemme c if i got this rite. ur bro iz @ur place. josef weeder & carleen stein r @hiz studio & their landlady & her husband r @sum friends. so, ur bro went 2 toronto & met up w/all of them, xxcept the landlady’s husband, evn tho they are all livin’ in different places. they all get 2gethah @their burnt apartment so they cud stare @it & say bad thingz ‘bout the peeps who burnt the place, & then go get coffee? thass kinda weird, u know. i mean it mite make sense if they were meetin’ w/sum fire inspector 2 talk ‘bout the buildin’ or sumthin’ like that, but 2 just meet up @the burnt apartment 2 talk ‘bout the fire is odd. i think i wud mebbe call them up 2 have that convo, but thass just me.

    neway, i can just guess wut ur bro wuz like when he came back frum that convo. “oh, i’m in shock. i feel sorta sick. i think it’s gonna take a long time to recover.” i hope u can stomach it.

    this is gonna sound weird, but my future sis wunts 2c disney on ice 2nite @the rogers centre (usedta b the skydome). i told her i wud get her tix 4 us 2 go, but i would kinda like 2 go there w/kids, u know, so i don’t feel st00pid. so, if u & ur niece & nephew wanna go u can. &u can bring gerald 2, if u think ur mom duzn’t have ne watchin’ the rogers centre & he promises not 2 try 2 go on the ice 2 show mickey & minnie his sk8ing techniques.

    just don’t bring ur bro. he seems 2b in the mood 2 tell every1 his fire story & i don’t wanna spend the nite listenin’ 2 him, cuz it mite bring out my violent side, eh?

    lemme know if ur innerested.

  • At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Boozhoo (Hello).

    I read your writings where your nisayenh (brother) and the people who lived next to him were talking about his apartment fire and how he must be in shock. As a member of the Ontario Provincial Police in the Northwest, I have seen post-trauma shock before. It is one of the reasons I chose to go into the Ontario Provincial Police instead of going into the First Nations Police. I have seen my people experience shock not only from a traumatic event, but the way they were treated by people in the Ontario government after the trauma. If a fire occurred in an apartment where a person who was First Nations was living, the first persons accused of starting the fire would have been my people. There was a time when an OPP constable would have included a racial slur in the accusation, like, “Were you trying to start a sacred fire to talk to the Great Spirit in your room?” or “Everyone knows the Ojibway get drunk and start fires.” or “The reason this fire caught so quickly is because of all these flammable cheap Indian things in the apartment.”

    When I spoke to your sister about your brother’s fire and how it got started, she mentioned the man who started the fire was drinking and smoking in bed, and she wasn’t surprised he was the cause, because he was fat and ugly and he did not have a charming ethnicity to redeem him. I did not know what she meant. She said, “For example. Jesse Mukwa’s aunt Margaret is fat and ugly, but she talks about things like accidentally stepping in bear feces. She is charmingly ethnic. The man who lived below Mike was just fat and ugly and so it was obvious, he was up to no good.” I told your sister I had known many fat and ugly people who were nice and they were not very “ethnic.” Your sister said, “That’s just another difference you are going to have to get used to in the South. After you get your transfer, and you can’t figure out who to arrest, you can just arrest the fat or ugly people and you will always be right.” Your sister’s comments reminded me a lot of hearing the same kinds of comments made about my people when they had to deal with the police in the past.

    I have seen many Ojibway affected by this treatment, so they react whenever they see someone from the OPP arrive with mistrust and emotion which comes from the shock of that treatment. One of the biggest advantages I have on my job, and dealing with my people, is that I am not white. When they see me in my uniform, they know they are not dealing with some person who will assume they are guilty, just because they are Ojibway. I told your sister I would not be arresting people just because they were fat or ugly. Your sister said, “Well, Paul. You would be wasting your time trying to investigate anyone else, but I guess you will have to learn it the hard way.” I hope your sister is not right, but I have this bad feeling she is right.

    Gi'-ga-wa-ba-min' na-gutch! (See you later!)
    Constable Paul Wright

  • At 2:23 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    zeremy, i asked my mom abt going 2 disney on ice w/u and yr future sis, and she sed she thot that was a wonderful idea. even tho she totally thinx i'm a "martian" and a "creature" she still believes i can b a "good influence" on u, so whatevs, rite? but she sed, "don't even think abt trying 2 sneak ger in w/u. i have contacts @ the rogers centre who will b keeping an eye on u 4 me." so much 4 that idea, eh?

    when i asked dee abt taking merrie an' robin with us? she like practically fell down and kissed my feet, she was so happy. "april, u don't know how much this means to me! i haven't had a moment 2 myself since the fire, and my poor babies r so traumatized, they've been xxtra clingy. i'll bet this ice show will b just what they need 2 take their minds off their trauma!"

    so it looks like a plan.

    paul, that's awful how the police have treated ojibway peeps. fwiw, i think liz is wrong. she keeps telling u stuff abt "the south" that's really more "liz stuff" or mayB "patterson/richards stuff." not "south stuff."

    howard, dee tells me that my dad did try 2 impress her by speeding, but she convinced him that "sensible driving" is much more impressive 2 her.


  • At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    april, i shud have known ur mom wud have peeps everywhere 2 keep an eye on u & gerald. sorry that didn’t work out, but i’m glad u can come neway. i won’t feel az st00pid @disney on ice w/my future sis if there r kids there 2.

    my future sis will come by 2 pick u & ur niece & nephew up. she duzn’t have ne child seats in her car. i figger u have thoze. i gotta ask, wen u sed ur sil practically fell down & kissed ur feet, she didn’t rilly kiss them did she? i’ve kinda heard stories ‘bout how wen peeps offer 2 babysit 4 her, she like, runs away frum her kids screamin’ in happiness. u know there’s sum thingz u hear ‘bout peeps, but u wud rather them happ 2 sum1 else.

  • At 5:56 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    zeremy, dee didn't actually kiss my feet, tho she looked as though she mite @ ne moment. oh, and she's acting like she's totally ready 2 run off screaming w/the happy again as soon as we leave.

    we've got carseats 4 the kids, no prob.


  • At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    so this iz 4 the peeps who like 2 know wut’s goin’ w/april. my future sis & i picked her up & we got her niece & her nephew in their car seats & in the car. my future sis sed 2 them, “who wunts 2 go c disney on ice?” they both said, “yay!” & we cud hear april’s sil, their mom shrieking, “yay!” frum ovah in the house. my future sis sed, “mom is kinda enthusiastic isn’t she?” the niece meredith sed, “mom is alwayz like that wen sum1 else takes care of us. she duz a dance everytyme she drops us off @daycare. sumtymez she sez, ‘free @last! free @last! i thank the heaven, i’m free @last!’”

    my future sis sed, “how old ru?” meredith sed, “4 yrs old.” my future sis sed, “u talk like ur a lot oldah.” meredith sed, “every1 sez that. if u talk like ur 4, the old peeps who read ‘bout our life, can’t unnerstand wut ur sayin’.” the nephew, robin sed, “rite”. april sed, “they’re lucky. wen i wuz young, i had language probs till i wuz way old. i think merrie alreddy speaks bettah than i did back wen i wuz 6 or 7.”

    my future sis sed, “every1 develops different. wen i 1st met jeremy, he looked like he wuz in grade 8 & now he looks like he cud b my dad.” april sed, “i don’t think he looks that old.” i sed, “thanx, april.” merideth sed, “old, like anthony.” robin sed, “old man.”

    we were drivin’ ovah 2 get 2 the 404 2 the rogers centre & we passed thru this neighbourhood w/heritage houses & the kids started yellin’ “our house! our house!” april sed, “slow down. this is the neighbourhood where the kids’ house wuz.” so my future sis slowed down & sure enuff we saw 1 of the houses had black marks on it and windows broken out. the kids started yellin’ “momma lovey! momma lovey!” & sure enuff we saw this woman w/sprayed back black hair, a giant nose, and a mole on the side of her face which wuz ‘bout az big az her nose. april sed, “stop the car.” so my future sis pulled ovah & stopped the car.

    the old lady wuz lookin’ @the apartment house & saying, “a meesa masheena 2u kelpfroths! may u b fercockt & fershlugina, u momzer, u putz!” we got the kids outa the car & they ran ovah 2 the lady & they were shoutin’ “momma lovey! momma lovey!” she sed, “merrie. robin. ur here 2?” april sed, “lovey. i’m mike’s little sis, april, & this is jeremy & his future sis.” lovey sed, “but where’s michael & josef & carleen? they were just here.” april sed, “the last i saw michael he wuz home in mboro.” lovey sed, “but we were supposed 2 nosh @the donut & coffee place aftah i finished cursin’ the kelpfroths.” we were all kinda silent 4 a bit & then april sed, “lovey. it’s thursday, december 28. i think they alreddy left w/o u.” lovey sed, “oy. they wud leave an old woman in the street 2 do cursing by herself? i told them it wud take awhile 2 use up all my yiddish curses. ur bro iz a little self-centred, but josef iz a good jewish boy & his gf carleen iz…well, no1 knows wut she iz. 1st nations, asian? do u know?” april sed she didn’t.

    my future sis sed, “if we’re gonna make disney on ice we needta leave.” lovey sed, “that disney. sum peeps say he didn’t like the jews, but every1 knows donald duck iz jewish. u take the kids & gay ga zinta hate (go in good health). i need 2 call morrie. he only comez ‘round wen there’s no1 2c him.” so we got in the car & left aftah the kids gave lovey sum hugs.

    thass where we r so far. april may wanna tell u the next part.

  • At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    rogers centre iz where the blue jays play, but disney on ice didn’t take up the whole field. we have seats a little up frum the ice so we can c all the characters pretty well, which is wut happs wen u get tix @the last minute. we got the kids in their seats & got little blue jays booster seats so they cud c ovah the heads of the adults who were there. we were gettin’ seated wen this man came ovah 2 us & sed, “april patterson?” april sed, “yes”. then the guy took out this pic & looked @all of us v.v. carefully & sed, “good. i don’t c ne1 matching the description of gerald delaney-forsythe. which 1 of u iz jeremy jones?” i sed, “i’m jeremy.” the man sed, “u needta be sittin’ where u can c april interact w/the children.” i sed, “y is that?” the man sed, “my instructions say it iz so u can be converted frum ur evil ways by c-ing how well a patterson interacts w/the young & it will activ8 ur latent fatherly instincts.” i sed, “u’ve obviously not met my father.”

    the man sed, “who’s ur father.” i kinda didn’t wanna answer him. my future sis sed, “his father iz country jones, who ran off & left him & his mother when he wuz a baby.” the man sed, “ur country jones’ kid? ur the 1 he rote i gotta put on my hat & leave that brat about?” i sed, “thass me.” the man sed, “i am a big fan!” then he started shakin’ my hand a lot & kinda huggin’ on me. merideth sed, “men huggin’. like daddy & uncle weed.” robin sed, “no kiss. icky.” april sed, “alright. i’ll sit between zeremy & the kids. is that all rite?” the man sed, “oh, yes. enjoy the show. i’ll b checkin’ periodically 2 make sure no1 matchin’ the description of gerald forsythe-delaney shows up. i met country jones’ kid. that makes my day.”

    ‘course aftah the guy showed left, april wuz in a pretty bad mood. she may tell u about it, if she wunts.

  • At 7:44 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    k, so a lil bit after we left mike's neighbourhood, a hospital came in2 site, and the littles were all, "auntie winnie! uncle mel!" zeremy's future sis was a bit confused, but i xxplained that this was the hospital where mike had been checked 4 smoke inhalation and where the kelpfroths were being treated. the kids were all, "stop the car! go in and visit!"

    i was, like, "but the kelps have a patterson ban, strict orders not to let pattersons near them!" zeremy suggested we use fake names.

    so when we went in, we told the nurses we were here 2 visit the kelpfroths. zeremy and his future sis used their real names, then i sed i was avril crépite-indéfiniment, with my niece joyeuse crépite-indéfiniment and my nephew merle crépite-indéfiniment. the nurse told us where the room is, and we went there.

    we found howard sitting between the two beds in his aunt and unk's hospital room. he was really surprised 2 c us, and i xxplained abt the fake names. merrie and robin wanted to give the kelps hugs, but howard had 2 tell them their condition didn't allow hugs.

    merrie was all, "thank god u r alive, auntie winnie and uncle mel! i've been asking mommy and attic guy if u r okay, but they never answer me!"

    mel k had tears in his eyes and he was all, "i'm so relieved u r ok! when that crayzee woman broke in2 our place and set that fire, i was worried sick abt u kids!" winnie was sobbing and nodding.

    howard seemed glad that his aunt and uncle were getting a visit. he sed it was starting 2 feel like the whole world wished them ill. i cd c how he'd feel that way.

    after a lil while, zeremy looked @ his watch an' sed we'd better make trax 2 get 2 the ice show on time. so we hadta do our goodbyes an' go.

    i think zeremy's gonna tell u sum more, in a lil while.


  • At 7:48 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    oops, i didn't realize zeremy was posting while i was. so obvs we got 2 the rogers centre, and zeremy told u what happed when we got there. i'll u sum more in a bit, but 1st robin an' merrie want sum refreshments.


  • At 8:49 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    weird. sum1 just came on the loudspeaker, all "red alert! security! a person resembling gerald delaney forsythe has gained entry! prepare 2 deploy!"


  • At 9:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    we're seein' the disney on ice show & my future sis is goin' "look minnie & mickey begin their magical journey in scenic london & they have matching outfits." merrie sed, "fugly outfits." robin sed, "rite". april sed, "i dunno. my fam usually wears worse stuff than that. don't u agree, zeremy?" i kept my mouth shut.

    then my future sis sed, "oh, look. they've gone 2 hawai'i 2 visit lilo & stitch & celebr8 ohana. i luv lilo's outfit w/the palm leaf imprints." merrie sed, "lilo duzn't wear minis." robin sed, "2 old." april sed, "i guess they rilly cudn't get a little girl sk8er 2 do lilo. the girl they got iz v.v. pretty & she gets 2 wear her hair down. do u think wud be prettier w/her hair up, zeremy?" i kept my mouth shut.

    then my future sis sed, "oh, look. they've gone 2 never land 2 visit w/peter pan, wendy, michael & john." merrie sed, "never land is 1star 2 the right. there'z no moon." this wuz cuz the sk8ers were dropped in on harnesses in fronta a picture of the moon. robin sed, "lost." april sed, "wow! the sk8er 4 wendy is a little 2 big up front 2b a little girl. i wuzn't that big till last year. wut do u think, zeremy?" i kept my mouth shut.

    then my future sis sed,"oh look. they've gone under the sea 2 sk8 w/the little mermaid & thoze ginormous starfish. those pants that look like a mermaid tale r so cute. i wondah if i can buy a pair." merrie sed, "star fish? there weren't star fish in the movie." robin sed, "no sebastian." april sed, "she sure is showin' a lotta skin on that cold ice. i think should cover up a little. did i say that? i think my mom is starting 2 get 2 me. what do u think, zeremy?" i kept my mouth shut.

    thass how it wuz goin' till the loudspeaker came on w/the red alert! my future sis sed, "who?" i sed, "april's bf. he's blond & built like a hockey player." merrie sed, "baloo!" robin sed, "bear!" then my future sis sed, "oh look. they've gone 2 the jungle book 2 visit w/ baloo the bear. i wondah if we r gonna hear the bare necessities. april sed, "thass no bear. thass gerald!" sure enuff it looked like the sk8ers 4 mickey & minnie were completely confuzed. the worst part wuz wen baloo the bear started 2 sing. i sed 2 april, "it's no wondah u don't give him a mic in 4evah&eva." the children in the audience & actually mosta the peeps sed, "make him stop! make him stop!" then sum security peeps ran out onta the ice 2 get baloo, but they weren't on sk8s. wut happed next wuz pretty funny. i think april wunts 2 tell u tho. it mite help her deal w/the shock & the trauma.

  • At 9:32 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    omg, i have nev been so embarrassed in my life. the singing. the awful singing. as baloo the bear. the bear who wants 2 "get bizzy" w/"my little april flower" on april 1, 2007. how m i ever gonna live this down? an' my lil niece an' nephew hadta hear that? omg, omg, omg!

    neway, ger was only able 2 sk8 away fr. thoze security peeps cuz he had sk8s and they didn't. once the security peeps got their sk8s on, they were able 2 subdue him. with a stun gun. it wasn't pretty.


  • At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    it's a good thing it's not actually against the law 2 imperson8 baloo the bear on sk8s. &it's a good thing it's not actually against the law 2 kiss baloo the bear on sk8s, evn tho mosta the kids in the audience were goin' "Eww!" It didn't much mattah 2 april.

    she wuz so traumatized wen the security peeps used the stun gun on gerald, she ran down on2 the ice 2b w/him. unlike her relatives, she cares 4 peeps who get hurt, evn if they shock her. april & gerald had sum kinda xxchange like "y did u do it?" & "cuz i luv u & wanna b w/u, evn if i hafta imperson8 a disney character in an ice show." she thot the idea gerald wud go 2 so much trub 2c her wuz v.v. romantic. & so there wuz a little kissin'. i mite of thot it wuz romantic 2, xxcept for the costume bear fur stuck between april's teeth.

    the peeps @rogers centre told us 2 leave. merrie sed, "april's bf works 4 disney?" robin sed, "cube." my future sis sed, "but we missed the part where mickey & minnie come back 2 london & sk8 w/the 101 dalmatians. i wunted 2c if minnie haz a diffrent outfit 4 comin' back."

    the guy monitorin' april 4 her mom walked up 2 us & sed, "i will b reportin' this! this iz a definite infraction of the rulez!" i sed, "u know. i mite b able 2 score u an autographed copy of my dad's l8est album, if u don't report it. aftah all, technically, april wuzn't seen w/sum1 meetin' the description of gerald, unless ur description sez 2-1/2 metres tall & hairy." the man sed, "an autographed copy, eh? cud it say 'to stan, my biggest fan'?" i sed, "sure. give me ur name & address." so the guy gives me like his name, address, phone number, 5 different e-mail addresses & made me promise 2 send it, like 20X.

    we're goin' now 2 get sum dessert. my future sis sez she knows a place. april can prolly tell u more deets of wut she & gerald talked 'bout or nething else, if she wunts.

  • At 10:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    my future sis took us 2 the cn tower 4 dessert. she sed, "the desserts here r gr8 & there r sum v.v. romantic viewz." i sat in the back w/the kids, so april & gerald cud b in the front seat w/my future sis drivin'. we went up the elevator & merrie & robin sed, "again!" so we went back down the elevator & up again. aftah we got up again, gerald sed, "again!" but april sed that wuz the last tyme, cuz i think the super-fast elevator wuz making her feel a little sick. gerald sed, "ur prolly in shock, april. havin' a bf show up in a bear suit in an ice show iz a major trauma. it's gonna take a long tyme 2 recover & heaven only knows how long that will take, but i unnerstand kissing is 1 of the best ways 2 get bettah."

    we didn't have dinner, cut cn tower iz rilly xxpensive. but there were sum fantastic views & we got 2c sum airplanes fly by. my future sis sed 2 april, "mebbe u & ur bf wanna go ovah by urself 2c the view. jeremy & i will keep the kids occupied." merrie sed, "we don't wanna c them kiss neway." robin sed, "eeww!!"

    so the kids & my future sis & i were sharing a chocolate, chocolate, double-chocolate death kind of dessert. i sed, "thass a lotta chocolate." my future sis sed, "it's hardly enuff." merrie sed, "we nevah get 2 eat chocolate." robin sed, "no choc." my future sis sed, "thass practically a crime. who won't let u have chocolate?" merrie sed, "grandma elly always eats the chocolate b4 ne1 else duz." robin sed, "no share." my future sis sed, "then u guyz eat all the chocolate u want & if thass not enuff, jeremy will get sum more." i sed, "rite. i'm made of money."

    merrie sed, "y do u wear black & call urself zeremy?" robin sed, "old." i sed, "it duzn't have nething 2 do w/lookin' old. in r.p. boire senior secondary, the goth kids wear black, cuz it's their style & they go by names beginning w/zed". my future sis sed, "i am so glad i am gonna grad this year. thass just silly." merrie sed, "no1 wears black in my fam." robin sed, "no black." i sed, "well mebbe u'll feel diffrent wen u get 2 senior secondary." merrie sed, "no. i am gonna stay 4 4evah." robin sed, "2". my future sis sed, "oh rite, i heard 'bout that. @least u'll alwayz b cute." merrie sed, "it stinks. i don't getta marry kevin." my future sis sed, "keeevin? who's that?" merrie sed, "my childhood sweetheart. pattersons alwayz marry childhood sweethearts." my future sis sed, "thass 2 bad. i am definitely not marryin' ne1 i knew in my childhood. how 'bout u robin?" robin sed, "cerys." my future sis sed, "what?" merrie sed, "thass robin's childhood sweetheart." my future sis sed, "u kids r pretty smart. duz jeremy have a childhood sweetheart?" merrie sed, "auntie april, but she'z not gonna marry him. grandma elly sez april iz gonna marry gerald, but mebbe she will have a love triangle w/jeremy & duncan & break their hearts." my future sis sed, "thass wut april's mom sez?" robin sed, "s'right!" my future sis sed, "then u bettah watch out 4 april, jeremy. she'z gonna break ur heart." i sed, "i don't think so."

    then april & gerald came back. april sed, "it's gettin' l8 & we needta get the kidz back & drop off gerald so my mom duzn't notice." my future sis sed, "no prob." so we left. april may have more deets 'bout wut she & gerald were doin' or mebbe not.

  • At 11:33 PM, Blogger duncan anderson said…

    Hey, Apes,

    Im having a gr8 holiday, @ the beach w/ cube grrls evry day & gigging @ Redd Hott Bajan Mammas evry nite xcept Xmas.

    2nite was the best nite of my life! The Mighty Gabby came & jammed w/ the band 4 a set, OMG, I had 2 turn my back 2 the audience 2 start playing I was so nervous but The Mighty Gabby says I have real talent, Ill send u the fotos 2morrow mayb.

    Got 2 go. The st00pid internet connection here is $5 US 4 5 mins & I have 2 pay cos I 4got 2 get the pw from Perdita Ill try again 2morrow.


    Jams W/ The Mighty Gabby

    p.s. Have u been hanging @ my place? If u have a NYE party dont tell the hole skool that didnt work 2 good 4 me last year.

    p.p.s. OMG, 4got abt Zed. Pls tell Zed that

  • At 4:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    duncan, jammin' w/the mighty gabby soundz rilly cube. b-ing @ the beach w/cube grrls evry day soundz rilly cube. i gotta say, dude, i am rilly jealous. 'course u missed seeing gerald sk8in' in a bear suit, so there r sum advantages 2 b-ing here.

    i dunno if ne1 is doin' nye @ur place. i hafta do a nye @sum old peeps place. they wunted a "DJ" 4 old folks & lotsa dance musick. old timer musick, but the pay is gr8.

    i think zandra iz up in ottawa, so u prolly wanna call her direct up there. 'course u shud prolly alreddy know that. mebbe that barbados sun is affecting ur memory. i'm so jealous.

    my future sis haz taken my room while she & my future dad r @my house. i hafta stay in the basement & it duzn't get v. warm down there.


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