Filling up the hungry an' stuff
Hey, so when I was getting ready 2 leave @ the end of my recent visit w/Gramps and Iris, Iris sed, "I wish U didn't have 2 go." As I put on a boot, I was like, "Yeah, but Dad's* coming 2 pick me up, an' I've got stuff 2 do." Iris sed, "I know." Then as I was walking out the door (w/Dixie, BTW, I 4got 2 say I had her w/me all that time), Iris put one hand on my back and sed, "Well, thanx 4 the visit." I sed, "NE time. And Mom will B here 2morrow, OK? She's going 2 bring supper, so B hungry!" Cuz, U know, she didn't want peeps saying I'm the only one who visits. And Iris sed, "Oh, we'll B hungry! Yr mom's cooking is worth STARVING 4!!" I felt a bit sad that she felt the need 2 kiss up 2 Mom's cooking, but I thot, "And we'll try 2 fill U up!" Cuz I was thinking abt metaphorical starving, like 4 company and attention. With "we" meaning me and Dixie, of course. Mom's trying 2 fill them up means stuffing their maws w/gross casseroles.
*Sorry 2 say that this mite mean that 2morrow's entry mite B devoted 2 my car convo w/Dad. This mite also bleed in2 Saturday's entry, but I hope not next wk (cf "after the telethon"). BTW, Liz was borrowing my car, since she took hers in 4 service (xxcuse 2 hang out more @ Gordo's Garage an' Grill) and Mom blithely volunteered mine. Suxx 2 B me.
*Sorry 2 say that this mite mean that 2morrow's entry mite B devoted 2 my car convo w/Dad. This mite also bleed in2 Saturday's entry, but I hope not next wk (cf "after the telethon"). BTW, Liz was borrowing my car, since she took hers in 4 service (xxcuse 2 hang out more @ Gordo's Garage an' Grill) and Mom blithely volunteered mine. Suxx 2 B me.
Labels: Dad, Iris, Mom, Patterson food obsession, pets
At 8:22 AM,
DreadedCandiru2 said…
Well, it's plain to see that your mother is a firm believer in the Johnston Institute. One of their guiding principles is that giving people tons of fatty food is the best way to show them you care about them.
At 1:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Formerly little sis. I know you are excited about the prospect of discussing your discussion with dad about your discussion with Iris about being hungry; but I simply have to show you the advertisement spot for my novel Stone Season. It is fantastic.
Michael Patterson
At 1:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, speakin’of metaphorical starving, i coulda used sum metaphors in 2day’s english test. how did u do?
also, i gotta say, 2b honest, this group d8 thing 2 double-d pizza w/eva abuya & her bf, the silhouette of duncan anderson, & luis guzmán & his gf rosario & her little megafone makes me nervous. these peeps r not gonna like me b-ing out w/u evn tho u & gerald split.
At 1:53 PM,
howard said…
Well, your Blog entry today explained to me why I got a call from Iris asking if I had a copy of an article I found once called “Finally! How to Turn a Greasy Casserole Into a Healthy Meal Without the Use of Toxic Degreasers”. I can make a copy for you too, if you think will help you deal with your mother’s cooking. Let me know.
Howard Bunt
At 6:56 PM,
April Patterson said…
dc2, i guess that's true!
mike, omg, how do u not notice that the only blurb that didn't insult yr book in that ad was the ned tanner quote?
jeremy, u r rite, this is turning in2 a weird d8. silhouette duncan kinda creeps me out. i miss regular duncan (sorry, i know u don't get along w/him, but we've always been gd friends, u know?).
howard, i'd b curious 2 read that article. tho my way of dealing w/mom's cooking l8ly has been 2 make my own food or eat out!
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