April's Real Blog

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Thanks, Connie!

I just hafta say, thanks, Connie, 4 going shopping w/my mom so I didn't have 2. Mom got it in her head 2 go 2 the mall brite & early again cuz they were having special sales w/limited, 1st-come, 1st serve merch. & somehow she roped Connie Poirier in2 going w/her. She just got back & I heard her tellin' Dad all abt how Connie's "pride" kept her fr. saving $ w/the senior discount. Ma was all, "I cd get used 2 this, John. I'm gonna go upstairz & make myself look even frumpier so more salespeople will assume I'm a senior! Whoo! Five bucks!" Dad sat down & kinda shook his head @ Mom's back as she went up the stairs. Then he muttered something abt how she needn't try so hard 2 look old & decrepit.

Dunc & his dad will B here l8r so our dads can play their little choo-choo gamez & Dunc & I can jam. Dunc sez Mom's been feeding Kimmi LaSalle's mom all kindsa stuff abt how he's a bad seed & even gave her a brochure abt getting law-enforcement 2 keep him away. This is so weird cuz my mom's alwayz going on & on 2 me abt how Dunc is like fam & he's so wonderful. Wait. OMG, Dunc, I think that's it. If my mom thinx of U as an honorary member of the fam, that meanz she thinx it's OK 4 her 2 meddle in2 yr love life. & she musta decided that Kimmi's not good enuf 4 U. OMG, that reminds me. I saw her holding a picture of U next 2 Keesha Grant's middle-school yearbook pic & saying how cute U'd look 2gether.

Oh, Dunc, I think Beckers is rite & U totally need 2 do that Hurricane Katrina benny @ the Freemans. Cuz it's gonna B massively gr8 exposure. & I know Huey & Riley wanna get U 2 do a bunch of rap stuff. Even some of yr own, cuz they found yr samples online. Now, just 2 prepare U, Huey's gonna want U 2 wear yr hair in a 'fro & Riley's gonna want U 2 do cornrows. MayB U shd shave yr head, LOL.



  • At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Its so cube that ppl r listening 2 my mp3 tracks on the net. I say ok 2 the gig, Beckers, on these conditions:

    1. McDunC gets 1 set @ least 20 min long;

    2. No one cuts MCDunCs hair but he will wear hair xtensions if they make him look more studly;

    3. MCDunC gets 1 comp ticket 4 Kimmi; an' most importantly,

    4. MCDunC gets a copy of the tv programme on DVD or VCD 'cos r dish wont get it.


  • At 12:53 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    hey, dunc, i can make a vcd 4 u. don't know abt the rest. :)

  • At 5:35 PM, Blogger April Patterson said…

    oh, man, becky, that does sound crizzazee! u must b glad 2 b outta there even if yr mom is grumpy!

    dunc, i think u shd just accept the playlist becky comes up w/since this is such gd xposure. u don't wanna miss a big chance cuz u r in a controlly kind of mood. btw, i was totally lol when u came by 2day w/1/2 yr hair in cornrows & the other combed out in2 an afro that was 2 funny. then my mom goes & asks whether that's a special barbados style. & yr dad was all, "yeah, we call it cou-cou style!" & burst out laughing.


    p.s. ger's much better & shd b back in school 2morrow.

  • At 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Whatevah, Beckers. Im gonna take my conditions 2 these Huey an' Riley dudes 'cos they r tru MCDunC fans.



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