Watch out for the bear droppings
U know that trick where U cut out pics of eyes and tape them 2 yr eyelids? So when U R so bored U don't know what 2 do U can close yr eyes but still look like U R paying v. v. close attention? Well, Dad & I decided 2 do that this morning. Cuz after yesterday, we had a feeling Ma was just warming up for a week's worth of breakfast reminiscences abt her time w/Liz up north. We were all ready 4 her when she showed up & started yakking away abt berries and bear poops, & we were totally getting away w/this whole eyelid trick. Until Dad started to SNORE. Oh, and DROOL. Boo. Mom had a total fit when she realized we'd been napping. & after she ripped our false eyes off our lids, she told her story all over again. Ugh. So apparently every1 thought it was big funny 2 warn Mom 2 watch out for the steaming mounds o' bear defecation. Now that's comedy. When yr life is terribly, terribly dull that is. Tho my mom admitted that the Jesse kid looked creepy when he laughed with his little stalker tongue sticking out.
NEway, I'm sorry my post is l8 2day. Since my mom had 2 tell her dumb story 2x 2day, I didn't get a chance 2 post B4 school. Then on the bus, Dunc wanted me 2 look @ pics he'd taken of himself & tell him which 1's made him look tough. Well, gotta go B4 I'm caught using my phone during school hrs.
NEway, I'm sorry my post is l8 2day. Since my mom had 2 tell her dumb story 2x 2day, I didn't get a chance 2 post B4 school. Then on the bus, Dunc wanted me 2 look @ pics he'd taken of himself & tell him which 1's made him look tough. Well, gotta go B4 I'm caught using my phone during school hrs.
At 10:38 AM,
April Patterson said…
hey, becks, yeah, the doc did say ger wd b getting better & better. i guess he's still having sum side effects, eh?
wow, when u & i talk abt our moms it's like 2 diff brandz of freak. i'd ask dunc if his 'rents cd adopt us, but then i remember how much they overreacted 2 his legal billz.
actually it's kind of a shame that those "wise natives" warned my mom abt the bear poops. it wd have been much more sticky-out-tongue funny if she'd stepped ankle deep in2 a big ol' mound of it.
At 11:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Darling Flower,
I am doing better. I can almost have feelings again. For example, my heart does that little fluttery thing when I see you. I am hoping for some more improvement though. Everyone keeps telling me that I move very slow. I get shoved a lot in the halls.
Regards, Gerald
At 12:02 PM,
April Patterson said…
lol, liz, 2 funny! i will def warn connie cuz u know ma will b running over there 2 impart her new "native wisdom" abt bear sh*t. rotflmao!
i'm not surprised ma cleaned u out like that. ever since she's been back, she's been making me bake, bake, bake, & on top of that, she sendz dad out 2 buy treats fr. the bakery. that woman is nev. full!
At 12:14 PM,
April Patterson said…
lol, i will totally tell my mom. btw, i think there's a storefront available abt half a block fr. my mom's store. u know she'll go there abt 20x a day if yr mom opens her biz there. :)
At 12:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
April, now I understand what yr mom was on about yesterday when I stopped by her store to buy some cards and stationery. She ran up to me and was like "Nicenativegirl! I am so happy to see you! I feel so close to you since my Liz is practically native herself, teaching all the precious yet precocious and wise native children up in Mtigwaki! You bring your purchases right up to me when you are ready, so I can give you the family discount!" And she hugged me. Weird.
At 3:03 PM,
howard said…
I am so glad that your mother is feeling better. It was hard to see her in so much pain last night. One of the singers in the Milborough Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Light Opera was a transgender who had gotten implants about the same size as your mom’s and suffered from terrible back pain, so she got them removed. It can be done, but probably not so soon after just having them put in. I told your mom last night that I would take in some of those outfits that I gave her, so she could get her waist back. I did a few this morning that you can pick up when you come for supper tonight.
All this talk about bear feces reminded me of a few ladies I remember seeing in Mtigwaki selling dolls and figurines, with a peculiar odor to them. Kortney thought they were cute and asked what they were made of. They responded Ursidae Carnivora Faex. She was going to buy one when I told her that was Latin for bear feces. I am not surprised they made the substance into an age reducing mask. The Mtigwakians are a nasty people.
Anyway, the septic system blew in the Milborough Seniors' Living Palace, and I have been cleaning up waste material and listening to complaining seniors all day. Old people really love their toilets. If your mom gets "Krystle's Kakes and Pies" going, I would much rather work there. I think I’ll make a few pastries tonight, so you can see if you can recommend my cooking to her. I have only done Beaver tails for you, but I can make other stuff. Let me know if you have any preferences.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 3:32 PM,
April Patterson said…
becks, that is so cube abt yr mom getting a break on that lea$e. i hafta help @ the store 4 a little while after school 2day so i'll tell mom then. she will b so xcited. then i'll stop by yr house so we can go 2 howard's party 2gether.
howard, i can't blame u 4 wanting 2 change jobs. that soundz so nasty @ the odefoax home. as 4 the dessert stuff, i m sure whatev u make will b good. oh, ger & dunc want 2 know if they can come 2 but they were 2 shy 2 ask themselves.
marjee, my mom is on a total native kick now. i'm sorry she was so freaky 2 u, but i guess @ least u got a discount.
At 4:57 PM,
April Patterson said…
so i'm @ becky's now helping her make signs 4 her mom. i told my mom abt the bake shop & she's totally pumped abt it, lol. mom was so busy talking abt liz & noble natives, she hardly had any work 4 me 2 do after school 2day. just unpacking some new bks & stuff like that.
neway, becks & i will b leaving 4 howard's party soon. he called fr. the odefoax place 2 say it was ok 4 ger & dunc 2 go, so they're mtg us there.
At 5:35 PM,
howard said…
I am home from the grocery and have started cooking. Come on over. In addition to you, April, Gerald, and Duncan; I also invited Kimmi LaSalle, Jeremy Jones, Vicki Simone, Marjee Mahaha and Maynard Mahoney. I am going to make enough food so it won’t matter who shows up. I should have enough for you to take home for your mother, just so she can get a sample of my cooking. Did you guys need a ride to my apartment?
By the by, I did invite your mother, but she said she was too busy setting up "Krystle's Kakes and Pies” to come. I was impressed she is getting that business going so quickly. Usually, you have to apply for a business licence and with a place where food is stored, prepared, or sold for human consumption, you have to have the place and its equipment examined before you can start. Maybe she knows a way around that stuff.
See you soon,
Howard Kelpfroth
At 6:21 PM,
April Patterson said…
so i'm posting this fr. howard's place. ger & dunc were w8ing 4 us when we got there. kimmi got here rite aft. we did (her 'rents don't know dunc is here), & marjee just walked in w/maynard & vicki. u shd see the outfit howard has on! but i will let him describe it himself. mm, he's passing out sum mini-quiches. i luv those thingz. oh, & jeremy jones just walked in. he rolled his eyez @ me but smiled as soon as he saw becks. going now. howard wants 2 do a sing-along!
At 7:27 PM,
howard said…
I was reading your post and got this strange sense of déjà vu. You may be right about the bear feces dolls. I wouldn’t put anything past those Mtigwakians. They have a very odd sense of humour. I think you are a saint for educating them, with all that practical joking. It must be very trying.
I am sorry you are stuck in Mtigwaki and can’t come to my get-out-of-jail party. So, I will let you know how the party is going. I am wearing my bright red Carmen outfit, with matching red sandals and red castanets tied around my wrist. I also have on my favorite long Carmen wig, with the hair that goes down to my waist. I look just like a slutty Senorita who works in a cigarette factory, except without the smell. I think I look pretty hot, but I am pretty sure that the guys here don’t agree.
I tried to do a sing-along of favorite opera choruses, but only Becky seemed interested, and I think was just pretending. So, I brought out the supper, we started off with wild mushroom soup, Silesian dumplings, and the Kelpfroth family potato and cheese pierogies, and a beef tenderloin served with mushroom sauce (mushrooms were on sale at the grocery). Then I brought out my pastry tray that I made to impress Becky, so she can recommend me to her mother. We had Swans, Napoleans, Frangipane Boats, Chambord Slices, and Eclairs.
We retired to my living room and everyone has kind of coupled up (Becky and Jeremy, April and Gerald, Duncan and Kimmi, Marjee and Maynard). I sat with Vicki Simone, so she wouldn’t feel left out. Then I suggested a good old-fashioned game of Truth or Dare.
Kimmi started out and chose truth. I gave her the question:
“Who is most beautiful person you know (inside and out)?”
Kimmi blushed and said, “Duncan. He’s so kind and nice and good-looking. He sings really good and like the way his big purple lips look when he sings.” Duncan got really embarrassed by this.
Kimmi picked Duncan next. He also chose truth and she asked him, “What is your most romantic dream?” He said, “That private rainbow party you’ve been talking about. I dream about that every night.” Then he was embarrassed again.
Everyone took a turn and not everyone chose “truth,” but someone else is going to have to post it to you. I have to serve up some after dinner drinks.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 8:01 PM,
April Patterson said…
ok, so dunc chooses me & i say "truth." he wants 2 know the scariest thing i've ev. seen. i tell abt the time ma came running out of the shower stark naked cuz the phone was ringing & she thot no1 else was home. i didn't hear the phone cuz i had headphonez on. she nearly ran me ov. on the way 2 the phone.
i chose becks, who also did "truth." i asked her abt her worst fear. she's afraid she'll stay in mboro & b pathetic. she then asks jeremy jones, who says "dare." but becks wants 2 tell the rest.
At 9:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Friends,
Will someone please tell me what cunnilingus is?
Many thanks, Gerald
At 9:47 PM,
April Patterson said…
i think we're all sore after that! so i think jeremy promised not 2 try 2 do comedy nemore. wow, it seemz like all these crazee thingz alwayz happ when we all get 2gether!
apes, who's gonna sleep well 2nite
At 10:11 PM,
howard said…
After our little injury session, our after dinner drinks consisted mainly of water and headache medicine. I think I was the most uninjured because Vicki, Marjee, Maynard, and Gerald cushioned my fall. April was a little angry with Becky for doing a dare with Jeremy kissing her in front of Gerald, but she got over it pretty quickly. She is very mature for her age. Maynard wanted to leave, but Marjee talked him out of it.
I said that the new rule is that the dare cannot include any kind of physical intimacy. (That probably should have been the rule in the first place, but who knew Jeremy would actually kiss April. Not me.) It was Jeremy’s turn and he chose Vicki. Vicki chose truth. Jeremy asked her what guy in the room she would most want to be with. Vicki turned pale and said she was doing dare instead. So Jeremy said for her to eat a piece of meat, knowing that she is a vegetarian. Vicki said she wasn’t doing that. So, it was time for the penalty, when you don’t do either truth or dare. The group decided that we would go outside and that I would have to hold hands with Vicki and sing a love song to her, out where everyone could see her and what I was wearing. We went out to the parking lot and I sang Vicki this song:
Vicki Simone
She’s the cubest girl I’ve known.
She’s so cute and not a crone.
She’s strong and has a backbone.
Her voice is sweet, not monotone.
Deserves to be upon a throne.
Her half-sis Marjee chaperones
Her to concerts, she’s not alone.
Eating meat she won’t condone.
Her library job she bemoans.
Ottawa used to be her home.
Milborough now where she roams.
It wasn’t very long before people started staring at us from their apartment windows and calling out. Vicki was really embarrassed, but I think she liked the attention a little. Maynard said he wanted some coffee, so someone else needs to post now while I brew some up.
Howard Kelpfroth
At 11:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
becky sayz it’s my turn 2 say wut happened next. howard drove us home, an’ i am posting fr. there be4 i go 2 bed. becky iz still mad at me 4 kissing apeface. it’s not like i wanted 2. it wuz her idea, u know an’ i cd tell that apeface liked it. so i don’t know wut the big deal iz. i told that idiot geriatric forshit wut cunnilingus iz. u shd have seen the look on hiz face. “u mean u put ur mouth there?” he iz such a ‘tard. well vicki simone picked maynard an’ he chose truth. she sed, “were u really charged w. manslaughter?” an’ maynard sed, “yeah, but the police cdn’t make it stick. i wuz w. marjee the whole time. isn’t that rite marjee?” an’ marjee givez him this look like she wants 2 do manslaughter on him. it wuz so funny i laughed, but becky hit me on the shoulder. so then maynard picks marjee an’ she sayz truth. so he sayz 2 her, who’z the best man u’ve ever been w.? an’ marjee looks rite at him an’ sayz “howard.” well howard gasped at this. then marjee says, “i’m going home.” it wuz weird. that ended the party, except gerbil kept on saying, “i haven’t had a turn.” vicki left w. marjee an’ maynard an’ howard drove the rest of us home. these howard parteez r always crazee. i can’t w8 till the next 1.
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