Cry a River For Michael P
Okay, so here's the official family script: Michael works too hard! He is just working himself ragged, w/his full-time bigboy job during the day & his writing that he does @ nite (instead of, y'know, acting like a parent or a hubby, but that's just me commenting here). The fam script sez Michael totally needs to quit that soul-crushing day job so he can pursue his destiny as Canada's best! writer! evah! Then he & Dee R supposed 2 move in2 this house, Mom & Dad R supposed 2 move in2 that smaller house w/lotsa choo-choo yard space, & I guess I'm supposed 2 live in a van by the river.
So last nite, Mom was totally coaching Dee on what she shd say 2 Mike up in his lonely lil attic o' writing an' hiding. But first Ma had something 2 get off her chest. She's all, "Deanna Sobinski Patterson, what were U doing spending time & precious $ on a frivolous 'beauty lunch'?" (Yeah, Mom did those lil air quotes even tho she was on the phone & Dee totally cdn't see her do them.) Then: "Oh. Michael bought U a gift certicate, eh? Well, that's different. That just goes 2 show I raised my boy right. Hold on one sec." (She puts her hand on the mouthpiece & yells 2 Dad.) "John! John 'Pat' Patterson! Michael bought Dee that beauty lunch. Becuz he loves her! If U luv me, U will buy me 10 beauty lunches, w/xtra lunch! U hear me?!?!" Then, back 2 Dee: "Okay, so Dee. Remember what U have 2 do this evening. U go up 2 the garrett & tell my precious boy he can't keep up these long hours. Remind him he gets up @ 6 2 get 2 work by 8:30 & then gets home by 7, shoves his food down his gullet & goes upstairs 2 write until 11 or l8r. When he tries 2 tell U that he's OK & U need the $ point out the 'irony'" (air quotes) "that U don't have 2 die in order 2 make a living." I can only try 2 guess what Dee was saying on the other line, but I heard Ma saying, "Just do it, Dee! Remember what U signed on 4 when U became a Patterson! What do U mean U've been like a single parent NEway? I won't listen 2 talk like that! U march upstairz & do as U R told, or U know what!" & she slammed down the phone. Yikers!
Well, Becky & I have had sum wild adventures getting all those samples to Ms. Brenda Starr. Thanks 4 yr update last nite, Ms. Starr. This all just gets weirder & weirder, doesn't it? I know U have a rep 4 being a gr8 investigator, so I hope U will B able 2 fig out who wd deliberately make Mboro str8 guys age prematurely. Cuz Gerald, Dunc, Jeremy, & a zillion other boyz I know don't wanna look like Gramps when they R 20!
Well, gotta run, ppl!
So last nite, Mom was totally coaching Dee on what she shd say 2 Mike up in his lonely lil attic o' writing an' hiding. But first Ma had something 2 get off her chest. She's all, "Deanna Sobinski Patterson, what were U doing spending time & precious $ on a frivolous 'beauty lunch'?" (Yeah, Mom did those lil air quotes even tho she was on the phone & Dee totally cdn't see her do them.) Then: "Oh. Michael bought U a gift certicate, eh? Well, that's different. That just goes 2 show I raised my boy right. Hold on one sec." (She puts her hand on the mouthpiece & yells 2 Dad.) "John! John 'Pat' Patterson! Michael bought Dee that beauty lunch. Becuz he loves her! If U luv me, U will buy me 10 beauty lunches, w/xtra lunch! U hear me?!?!" Then, back 2 Dee: "Okay, so Dee. Remember what U have 2 do this evening. U go up 2 the garrett & tell my precious boy he can't keep up these long hours. Remind him he gets up @ 6 2 get 2 work by 8:30 & then gets home by 7, shoves his food down his gullet & goes upstairs 2 write until 11 or l8r. When he tries 2 tell U that he's OK & U need the $ point out the 'irony'" (air quotes) "that U don't have 2 die in order 2 make a living." I can only try 2 guess what Dee was saying on the other line, but I heard Ma saying, "Just do it, Dee! Remember what U signed on 4 when U became a Patterson! What do U mean U've been like a single parent NEway? I won't listen 2 talk like that! U march upstairz & do as U R told, or U know what!" & she slammed down the phone. Yikers!
Well, Becky & I have had sum wild adventures getting all those samples to Ms. Brenda Starr. Thanks 4 yr update last nite, Ms. Starr. This all just gets weirder & weirder, doesn't it? I know U have a rep 4 being a gr8 investigator, so I hope U will B able 2 fig out who wd deliberately make Mboro str8 guys age prematurely. Cuz Gerald, Dunc, Jeremy, & a zillion other boyz I know don't wanna look like Gramps when they R 20!
Well, gotta run, ppl!
At 11:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
hi, april. keesha grant told me 2 check yr blog last nite & i didn't get a chance 2 post until 2day. i'm not sure if the pharmacist who told me all that stuff about birth control was yr sil. is she a blonde chick who looks like she uses a cereal bowl 2 cut her hair?
At 11:49 AM,
April Patterson said…
yes, dagny, that's my sil dee. i'm sorry she gave u bad advice! it's a gd thing u didn't follow thru w/it.
At 12:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Girls,
Howard is just now waking up. He's pretty groggy. The Professer let me in on a few of his findings. Installed in Howard's 32nd molar was a GPS device, but there was something more there, something he himself is having sent out to have analyzed. Also, there was another GPS imbedded in the skin behind his ear. The Professor says that in intends on studying the devices, but for now they are no longer operational.
As soon as Howard has it together enough to walk we're out of here. Of course The Professor wants us to stay, but we have an appointment with my old friend and it is imperitive that we make that appointment. The Professor luckily is a little frightened of my friend and is scared of said person showing up at his lab, so he's letting us go without a fight.
This may be my last post for awhile, so don't be alarmed if you don't hear from me. All will be well.
Love and such,
At 12:21 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, brenda, the gps devices! the tooth 1 is def the 1 my dad put in, 2 track howard as his dental patient. the 1 behind the ear was prolly my mom, tracking him as her baker. my fam is crazee, no joke. i m so curious 2 know what the other thing turnz out 2 b.
when howard comes 2, pls tell him we miss him.
At 12:48 PM,
April Patterson said…
liz, i don't think ma called dee again after talking 2 u. i remember her slamming down the phone & unplugging it (odd cuz it's not the only ext) & muttering abt clueless spinsters who don't "get it" (air quotes).
mike writes slash, eh? i guess i shdn't b surprised. i'll bet he does ricky/julian slash (trailer park boys).
At 4:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey April. All this bad writer stuff has me curious. Is Mike connected to the net? Maybe I can hack in and we can post his stuff here. Well, not the slash stuff because that's really just gross.
At 5:24 PM,
April Patterson said…
hey, jason! i don't know if mike is online @ all. dee mite know, & sometimes she posts comments here. so if she does, mayB she'll let us know. or if she talks 2 liz again, mayB they'll talk abt it & liz will post.
At 5:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest April Flower,
Would you like to give this marital aid a try with me before I am required to send it back to Ypsilanti? Meet me behind your garage in 10 minutes.
Devoted to you with everlasting passion, Gerald
At 5:35 PM,
April Patterson said…
c u there, ger!
At 8:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, I am quite disappointed to report that my dear April Flower did not like the marital aid, so I have boxed it up and sent it back to Miss Eulalie in Michigan. I really liked your relatives, Becky, especially Miss Eulalie. If you ever go to visit her, can I tag along?
After I got home from my meeting with April, I logged onto my computer to look for some "stimulating materials." Dr. Schlanger prescribed a strict regimen of pornography to try to stimulate Big Gerald. I find a lot of it to be kind of yucky, but my dad has been monitoring my pornography consumption and he gets upset if I don't follow doctor's orders. Lucky me I found a website that has dirty fanfiction about my favorite TV shows. That's a little less gross than the close-up pictures of the Asian girls' hoohoos.
Anyway, I went on there tonight and there were a bunch of new stories by someone calling himself "MikeyP." This is a sample of some of the writing.
From the story Where No Hand Has Gone Before:
capten pickard said "number one you have been spending too many hours at work you are on duty for eight hours and then you eat and then you go to the holodeck to perfect the cadet training program and i am worried that you are wearing yourself out!" and comandir ryker said "but honey i am only working this hard to please you! and we can use the extra fedarashon credits to buy a really cute vacashon bungalow on risa! and then capten pickard put his arms around comandir ryker's neck and said "don't you see the irony number one? you don't have to kill yourself to make a living! remember, this is teh 24th centurey and we don't have mony anymore!" then they both laguhed and capten pickard kissed commandir ryker who grabbed capten pickard's furm buttoks with both hands too pull him intoo his body so he cold feal his torped tumessense. then fearfal of beeing seen by the othar offisers, they retyred to the capten's ready room noing that they were in fore som hot make up sex. except when they got in there capten pickard sed "i think maybee i am too tired for sex tonite also i have a headakche." so they just went to sleep in the capten's quarters insted with comandir ryker spooning the capten and the capten wearing his heavy terrie cloth robe.
Could this maybe be the work of your brother, April?
Concerned, Gerald
At 8:23 PM,
April Patterson said…
omigod, ger, i think it must b! that is sooooo scary. picard totally soundz like d, & mike luvs st:ng.
sorry i didn't like that thingie u tried, but it kinda hurt.
At 8:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry that I hurt you, my love. I looked at the instructions on the package again and I think we got it wrong. When they said "insert into orifice" I don't think they meant your ear. I was confused because "orifice" sounds kind of like "auricle," which was on our list of vocabulary words last week. Oh well. I already sent it back.
Regretfully yours, Gerald
At 8:38 PM,
April Patterson said…
it's just as well, ger, cuz that soundz like it's 4 ppl who r going @ least 2 3rd base.
At 8:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I know, but Miss Eulalie swore you would love it. I figured she would know. She claims to have had over a thousand lovers and says that she was deflowered by William Howard Taft at the 1912 Republican Presidential Convention. I took this as a sort of "guarantee of satisfaction."
One other thing I forgot to tell Becky is that Miss Eulalie confided in me that she lies about her age. She's really 108, not 104. She says she shaves a few years because it helps her catch "the really hot guys."
Sincerely and faithfully yours, Gerald
At 9:08 PM,
April Patterson said…
lol, so i c she @ least w8ed till she was 15. but u know i'm gonna w8 till i'm 16. becks & i totally pinkyswore.
At 9:33 AM,
April Patterson said…
o.m.g. becks! & so i guess this is what d is forced 2 let mike quit the dayjob 4. if only ma knew!
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