Becky's True Friends
This past Monday, Becks came up 2 me in the hall @ school & was all, "Hey, April!" And I was all, "Hi, Becky." Then, she was, like, "I heard U were getting a new band 2gether! I'm glad! U guyz were OK. U got me started on my career, an' I'm moving up! But, that's how it goez rite?" Then she reached down in2 her bag & pulled out a CD, all, "Want 1 of my CD's? My Dad's my agent now--an' I'm getting 2 meet sum major music ppl! Jeremy Jones sez I'm gonna B famous.-- Sum ppl say I already am! ...But hey, --Don't worry..." Then two girlz showed up on either side of her while she was walking off, one waving a booklet w/"math quiz answers" on the front cover & another with a folder that had "essay" on the cover. Like they were trying really hard 2 get her trub, eh? & she closed her eyez, looked over her shoulder @ me, & I felt my eyez shrink down in2 little pinhole-sized dots while my mouth turned in2 a lil dash. And sum Peppermint Patty-lookin' girl clamored after the essay-holding girl who was sportin' a Dee bowlcut & round granny glasses. Just a sec B4 theze three girlz had been in the shadowz. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow person approaching behind me. This person was suspiciously Shannon-shaped. But, w8, I'm blanking on what happed next. I'll prolly tell U 2morrow, U know how I am w/the slow storytelling.
At 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Boozhoo (Hello).
I read your writings about your talk with your friend Becky. I know it must be disappointing to you to find your friend’s friends are trying to make her cheat in school. I discussed it with your sister during our regular daily phone call and she said, “I hate cheaters, but at least they were attending school. I would trade 2 kids who are never here for 1 kid who cheated but was here all the time.” I asked her what she meant by that. Your sister said, “My class is ½ empty most of the time. They’re sick or they are on the trap line, or they are looking after their nizhigosh (auntie), or they are with their mishomis (grandfather), smoking fish. I have only 2 students who attend every single day and that is because they have problems at home with their ngashi (mothers).”
I said, “My people realize what is important to them. Sometimes you miss class for more important things.” Your sister said, “I have been here long enough to no longer find regular truancy to be new and exciting. Sometimes I wish I were teaching in the south, where the kids actually go to school. My dad said he heard of cases where even Ojibwe have grown up, gone away to school, and have chosen their schooling just so they could come back home to live full time, but once there for five years or so realize that they themselves have changed, and it does not satisfy them!” I said, “I have heard of cases where whites do the same thing.” Your sister said, “I am having a mental image of where you are sitting while we're talking on the phone. I think I am missing you less.” I said, “You are getting good at Native humour, my sweet girl. I am feeling more accepted by you.”
I love talking to your sister on the phone about important things. It makes me realize how much I am in love with her.
Gi'-ga-wa-ba-min' na-gutch! (See you later!)
Constable Paul Wright
At 10:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
april, i did tell rebeccah i thot she wuz gonna be famous & i also sed she already wuz famous. @least thass the way ic it. she alreddy headlinez a supper club, so thass pretty famous. az 4 4gettin’ who ur friendz r, well rebeccah iz not so gud @that. i know that all rite. if ur havin’ auditionz 4 ur band, lemme know. i mite audition, if i have the tyme.
mr. mirabell is gettin’ closer 2 doin’ macbath w/the drama club & he haz been rilly cranky l8ly. they lost a cast membah yestahday & the guy they got 2 replace him iz 1 of the skool bulliez. i dunno who, cuz i am terrible w/namez. dirne cud tell u. she iz a lot bettah keepin’ up w/peeps than i am. i guess wen u lose sum1 @the last minute, u gotta take wut u can get. dirne iz rilly n2 the costume drama thing. she sed, “thoze costumez r like fashion history.” mr. mirabell asked 4 dirne’s help n selecting a costume 4 lady macbeth, but dirne sed the costume iz a secret. i dunno y that iz & i don’t rilly care. dirne sed, “if shakespeare wuz alive, he wud luv it.” dirne sed she thinks i shud wear a costume wen i am doin’ lites & sound, but i sed it wud just get n the way. dirne sed, “a good bf wud say thanx 2 a gf who wunts him 2 look good.” i sed, “sorry, dirne. i dunno wut i wuz thinking. if u wanna get me a costume u can & i will evn wear it.” dirne sed, “wow, jeremy! u gave n rilly fast. it wud’ve taken my old bf 3 dayz b4 i nagged him n2 doin’ that.” i sed, “my mom sez girlz always win clothez arguments, so i shud save my nrg & give up wen she takes me shoppin’.” dirne sed, “another gr8 thing ‘bout u. ur mom haz tot u well.” dirne sed, “a gud gf alwayz shud give her bf a kiss wen he givez in 2 wut she wunts.” dirne kisses me a lot & i like it. i think i am gonna give up 2 her a lot.
At 10:42 AM,
howard said…
Becky has been having real problems with girls trying to hand her math quiz results and essays. That’s the problem with being so likeable and popular as my bud is. But Becky is really afraid that one of these days, a teacher is going to catch them trying to do it, and she will get into real trouble. It is frustrating, because I don’t know what to do to help. Any suggestions?
By the by, I hope you listened to her CD. I think it is pretty good. She recorded it in the studio her at her Bungalow and it includes all original songs by Becky. I’m glad Jeremy Jones sounds like he still supports Becky and Becky acknowledges it. Drew is much better for Becky than Jeremy, but I am glad there are no hard feelings between them.
If you haven’t already selected the members of your band, good luck with it. It can be fun to be the one who picks people in auditions. It’s like you get to have your own private concert.
Howard K.
At 11:02 AM,
April Patterson said…
the cd is v. cube, howard, i really like it!
paul, wow, it soundz like liz is going thru sum major changez in how she seez thingz up in mtiglala. it's nice that u 2 r having those gr8 phone convos.
jeremy, i'll let u know what's up w/the band when we decide our next step, eh?
At 11:21 AM,
Anne said…
Hey Apes, r u & Becks still wearing shoes w/o socks? I tried that once & my feet got all blistered. Dirne's taught me a lot about fashion, but I know u have to b comfortable. And follow the stoopid dress code @
So Becks can prolly tell u about that girl w/the bowl cut, but I know she's one of the "special needs" students. The other day she had on a retainer w/the band that went around her head. I can totally relate 2 all that orthodontic NEway, mayb she's rilly smart, I dunno, but if I were Becks I wouldn't want 2 crib material off her.
Neway Apes, it'd b cool if u got the band back 2gether & played some shows around town. Me & Gordie'll make as many shows as we can & spread the word. :-)
At 1:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
April, @lunch 2day, Vicki & I were talking about Becky Mcguire’s new hairstyle and her shoes without the socks. I think she was trying for a look like this
or this
or this
or this
or this
or this
or this
or this.
But of course, Vicki and I couldn’t decide, except we did agree that Becky’s hair is too wavy to pull off that look naturally without using a barrett to hold it back behind her ear. We also decided those girls who follow her around waving papers marked math quiz answers and essay are trouble. I think they are friends of Becky’s bf Drew Fontaine’s old ex-gf, Alice Moinonplus. She may be trying the same kind of thing to Becky that got her and Drew in trouble over his French paper.
I would suggest Becky hang around us instead of those girls for protection, but there is that whole “she’s my bf’s ex-gf” thing. Mom says a proper gf stays far away from her bf’s ex-gf. But of course, Becky and I were both there at your birthday party, but that could not be avoided.
Vicki and I both decided your hair has been looking better lately, even though you still put it up. Did you have it done? I asked Jeremy and he said it looked the same to him. As great a guy as my bf is, his fashion sense is severely underdeveloped. But hey,-don’t worry. I am training him.
At 2:07 PM,
April Patterson said…
hey, dirne, becks sez that sumday, thoze celebs will b trying hard 2 get the "rebeccah" look!
i agree those girlz r trub. i hope becks is careful!
vicks, i really like the new purse & shoez u've got 2day! did u get 'em when u went shopping w/dirne? sorry i didn't get 2 go w/u. mom wanted sum of her "quality time" w/me. :rolleyes::
At 2:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, vicki simone sat w/dirne & eva & shannon & me @lunch. she & dirne talked a lot ‘bout hair & fashion. wen vicki mentioned the girl w/the bowl cut who iz special needz & how she wuz wavin’ ‘round her essay n fronta rebeccah, shannon sed, “i…know…all…’bout…her. she’z…special…needz…cuz…she…haz…a…lotta…behaviour…problemz. she’z…like…a…genius…smart. it’s…rilly…hard…4…peeps…2…get…along…w/…her. becky’s…rilly…popular, so…mebbe…she…thot…givin’…her…an…essay…wud…help…her. i…dunno. wen…i…got…there, becky…&…the…othah…girlz…had…alreddy…walked…off.” i sed, “so we don’t hafta w8 4 april 2 tell us her story, wut did u 2 talk about?” shannon sed, “we…had…the…same…convo…april…&…i…alwayz…have. i…tell…her…she’z…rilly…nice…&…i…like…her…&…thass…true. then…april…feelz…bettah…‘bout…wutevah…wuz…botherin’…her, which…iz…usually…becky. i…dunno…y…i…alwayz…seem…2…talk…2…april… aftah…she…haz…a…problem…w/becky, but…that’s…how…it…goes, right?” eva sed, “becky. becky. becky. i am sick of hearin’ ‘bout becky. can we pleaze talk ‘bout sumthin’ else?” i sed, “ok. wut do u wanna talk ‘bout?” eva sed, “duncan. omg. he iz so cute. i know i met him back last yr, but it seemz like i am just noticin’ him 4 the 1st tyme this year.” shannon sed, “i…thot…u…sed…he…wuz…innerested…n…sum1…else.” eva sed, “oh, he iz. but there’s sumthin’ ‘bout him. it’s like i am drawn 2 him.” i sed, “u think the purple-lipped guy iz attractive?” shannon sed, “jeremy. duncan’z…nice, evn…if…hiz…lips…r…deformed.” eva sed, “i like his lips. @least i think i do. wenever i look up @duncan, i close my eyez like this.” shannon sed, “stop…it! u…luk…so…smug…i…wanna…smack…u.” i sed, “shannon’z rite, eva. if ur gonna do that, turn off the smug part.” eva sed, “i dunno if i can. it iz my natural reaction.” i sed, “go 4 unnatural.” shannon sed, “i…agree.” eva sed, “ok. i’ll try.”
then dirne turned 2 me & sed, “do u think april haz had her hair done?” i sed, “she haz a curse on her hair. it will alwayz luk the same.” dirne sed, “ur so funny, jeremy. i love that my bf haz such a gr8 sense of humour.”
& that wuz how lunch went.
At 2:59 PM,
April Patterson said…
can't talk abt my hair. 2 depressing.
At 3:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest Becky flower friend,
I don't understand what you're trying to say. You are a very likeable girl. You are beautiful, talented, and you have everything anyone could ever want. That's who you are. I don't understand what you mean when you say Drew doesn't want to know you as a person. Isn't that who you are as a person? I like you, but you really confuse me sometimes.
By the way, I am one of the people who says you are famous already. Any girl who has performed on the radio and who has a weekly show at a premiere nightclub is famous. At least in Milborough. Which is the only place in the world that counts, at least in my eyes.
For my part, I am not too pleased with how Duncan and April are trying to change the band by adding Eva. Eva is nothing like you. She can sing and dance, but she does not play keyboard. She tries to be as pretty as you, but she is failing. She wears too much makeup. Also, when she tried to copy your curly blonde hair, she dyed it so light that it looks like my grandma's hair. I think that if you won't rejoin 4-Evah, we should either be a trio, or find someone who is exactly like you.
But since Duncan and April disagree and want Eva to join, I will go along. I think Duncan is mostly doing this because he has the hots for Eva. And I am going along mostly because I want to put the potion in the motion with April, so to speak.
My mother says that hanging out with Becky's dad and Drew is making me sound more mature. Do you guys think that's true?
Sincerely, Gerald
At 3:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
April and friends,
I thought the visit to meet Paul's family went well. Seeing his place made me nervous though. I hope he is not too much of a neatnik. As you know, I am sometimes a little bit of a slob. Don't tell Mom. But maybe when I get married, that will make me want to be neater naturally. I hope so. I think marriage is probably so wonderful that it can change people for the better. What do you think?
The only thing I don't think I like is Paul's relatives' attitude toward my cat. They seem to be angry with Shiimsa for scratching Paul, instead of rightfully blaming Paul for upsetting Shiimsa to the point she felt the need to scratch. As far as I can see, this is the only flaw that comes with dating Paul so far. I think I can live with that.
I have to work on not taking myself so seriously. To be honest, the teasing still really bothers me. People tend to tease you about things that they think are your flaws. When people tease me about being slow to make up my mind about something or for being secretive, it upsets me. I do not think these things are flaws. I think these things are actually two of my best traits.
I am worried about Shiimsa. She has been so depressed ever since Faustus left that she has not had the will to scratch or climb or play. I haven't gotten mad at her for cat-like behavior even once! Vivian thinks maybe we need to get her spayed so that she at least won't want a man cat in that certain secret naughty way. But I think it would be cruel to do that because every woman wants babies. I am thinking maybe we should try to find her another little "friend" locally. But Shiimsa says no, that Faustus is the only one who really understands "Angra Mainyu." I am so confused.
Well, got to go now! The DVD the kids were watching just ended, and I realize that I'm half an hour late dismissing them from school.
At 3:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear friends,
I do not know why my message is posted under the name of April's sister. It must be a blog glitch. Or maybe I have Alzheimer's like Mr. Patterson.
Sincerely, Gerald
At 3:50 PM,
April Patterson said…
ger, "beautiful", "talented", an' the stuff becky has, those r just, like, a coupla thingz abt her. they're not HER, like who she is on the inside. i think that's what becks meant. becks can correct me if i'm wrong, eh?
ger, i think u sound mature when u r not tryin' 2 b all pimp-daddy. & w/the band, i think u will end up agreeing that change is good. even if it can b hard 2 accept. & speakin' of change, u sed u liked thoze new kissing techniques i tried out on u betw 3 & 4 per. :)
At 3:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
gerald, u have a long histry of breakin' n2 othah peeps Blog identities. u did it 2 rebeccah's Blog identity plenty of tymez. i dunno y ur pretendin' ur post az april's sis iz an accident. ur not foolin' me.
i think u shud let eva b eva & not try 2 compare her 2 becky. she'z rilly nice & u shud give her a chance. i dunno y sum1 whose hair went blond n 2004 from brown n 2003, has ne room 2 complain 'bout eva's unusual choice n hair colour.
At 4:22 PM,
howard said…
I talked to your father about having Orque, Basher, Jojo, Snake, Blade, Cookie, Linwood and Artie dress up like "hoodlum teens." I said, “Thorvald, this stage is not big enough for all those people. Also, Becky does not need to be playing your elderly mother. The reason she doesn’t perform on weekdays is so she can get her schoolwork done. She doesn’t need any more troubles with her academics, as you know. She already has kids trying to offer her their school work, because they think she needs it. She has to turn her reputation around.”
Thorvald said, “But Orque does not play a believable old woman. Even the old people spotted him last night. He is hairy like Ragnar Lodbrok.” I said, “Who?” Thorvald said, “From Bragi's Ragnarsdrápa.” I said, “Sorry I asked. Also, the whole thing is a little silly.” Thorvald said, “Like Thor, you must strike with your hammer Mjolnir while the fire is hot. These old people will not remember your great deeds past this week and they will go back to talking about how their grandchildren only visit on their birthdays or how wonderful their honeymoons were or how much they enjoy eating cake or how much they like napping. But they will remember they had a good time in the Valhalla, even if they don’t remember why. It will help build my Becky-Thora’s audience.” I said, “OK. If I I don’t have to do it forever and it will help Becky. I’ll strangle as many will fit on the stage, and no more than that.” Thorvald said, “You strike a bargain like Freyja over Brisingamen. Very well. I will make the changes you need.” I said, “I’ll throttle whoever you have on stage.”
So hey-don’t worry. It shouldn’t be a long term thing and your father appears to be willing to make some compromises. Also, could you tell Drew not to let his dirty clothes go for so long before bringing them over? If a stain sits in the clothes for several days, it is quite difficult to clean.
Howard K.
At 11:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, dirne was v. v. xxcited ‘bout drama club 2day. she sed, “mr. mirabell let me pick out lady macbeth’s costume. i researched it 2 find out wut girls in 1606 wud wear & it wuz not pretty.” i sed, “1606?” dirne sed, “the tyme wen the play iz supposed 2b. jeremy have u evn red the script?” i sed, “only 4 the liting cuez.” dirne sed, “it wuz during the tudor era. the best women wore silk stockingz & a farthingdale.” i sed, “farthingdale?” dirne sed, “hoops. then they wore a corset, a petticoat & an overskirt to display the petticoat.” i sed, “u got all that stuff?” dirne sed, “no, but i got the next best thing—a designer black dress w/a slit up the front w/a lacey undercoat that looks kinda like a petticoat. then the material iz pinched @the waist 2 make it look a little like she haz hoops, evn tho she duzn’t.” i sed, “it soundz pretty authentic.” dirne sed, “well, it iz still designer, so it iz kinda low cut. but zandra haz a nice long neck line, so it looks gud on her. i can’t w8 2 show it 2 her.” i wuz bizzy tryin’ 2 figger out all the new litin’ stuff mr. mirabell handed me since yestahday. there iz a scene w/macbeth & the 3 witches where there’z supposed 2b a parade of dead kingz. he wunts all kindsa weird liting fx durin’ that scene. it may b more than wut i can do w/the equipment n the cafetorium.
lady macbeth tried on the costume & dirne wuz v.v. happy. she sed, “she looks gr8. duzn’t she luk gr8?” i sed, “this izn’t 1 of thoze trick girl questionz where i’m not supposed 2 think ne othath girl looks gud iz it?” dirne sed, “a gud bf duz not fear wut his gf will think if he givez a totally & completely honest answer.” i sed, “all rite. the dress looks gud on her, but she seemz kinda mbarrassed 2b showin’ that much skin.” dirne sed, “i am disappointed she duzn’t seem 2 like it that much, but i hafta take pride n the overall effect.” i sed, “wut iz that?”
dirne sed, “look @the guyz n the drama club, jeremy.” i looked & sed, “wut ‘bout them?” dirne sed, “jeremy. u can b so dense sumtymez. the boyz r all starin’ @zandra, especially ur friend, duncan.” i sed, “the dress iz kinda low-cut.” dirne sed, “no. jeremy. it’s like they r c-ing a butterfly come outa itz cocoon. zandra iz a v.v. beautiful girl. it’s 2 bad she covers it up all the tyme w/thoze 2 cardiganz.” i sed, “ur prettier than she iz.” dirne sed, “but of course. it’s so nice of u2 say. but focus, jeremy. wut do u think of my dress choice?” i sed, “it looks kinda old style w/that lacey stuff. ur gud w/clothez. i don’t know ne1 better’n u @clothez.” then dirne sed, “jeremy jones. u rilly know the rite thingz 2 say 2 a girl. my old bf nevah gave me a compliment like that. ur gettin’ a kiss rite now.” so we kissed a little. i like kissin’ dirne.
we were walkin’ home aftah drama club, & this bushwhacker car pulled up b-side us. it wuz ur dad. he sed, “get n jeremy & dana.” i sed, “thass dirne.” he sed, “thass wut i sed.” i sed, “ok. wussup dr. p? y ru back n the bushwhacker?” he sed, “the sale on the crevasse izn’t final yet.” dirne sed, “wuz there sumthin’ wrong w/it?” ur dad sed, “no. it iz a famly tradition 2 take weeks completing car salez.” i sed, “cud u drive us 2 dirne’z house, dr. p?” he sed, “yes, but 1st i need u2 do look out 4 me.” i sed, “wut r we lookin’ 4?” he sed, “a blue & yellow car. it luks like it iz frum the 1980s.” dirne sed, “ic it. oh, it’s zandra drivin’ it.” dr. p sed, “zandra. who’z zandra?” i sed, “she’z a girl frum our skool.” dr. p sed, “y wud she b followin’ me?” dirne sed, “she wudn’t.” & sure enuff aftah dr. p pulled n2 a driveway, zandra drove by us, w/a kid n the back seat & sum old guy who looked like he wuz lyin’ down tryin’ not 2b seen. it wuz kinda weird.
i sed, “dr. p. zandra’z ok. u don’t needta worry ‘bout her.” dr. p sed, “i dunno. she’z a teenager izn’t she?” dirne sed, “yes. but so r jeremy & me.” dr. p sed, “ur w/jeremy, so ur ok & jeremy duzn’t luk or act much like a teenager.” i sed, “thanx 4 that. i luv hearin’ it.” dirne sed, “don’t be so sarcastic. dr. p wuz givin’ u a compliment.” i sed, “sorry. dr. p. thanx 4 the compliment.” dirne sed, “jeremy jones. u just do everythin’ i ask w/o complainin’. ur an amazin’ bf.” i sed, “thanx dirne. ur an amazin’ gf.” dirne sed, “no ur amazin’.” i sed, “no ur amazin’.” dr. p sed, “u2 r startin’ 2 make me sick. this iz ur stop.” dirne sed, “thanx 4 the ride, dr. p.”
so we went 2 her house & dirne’z dad wuz @the door. he sed, “ur l8. dirne wuz supposedta b back 30 minutes ago.” i sed, “sorry, mr. aufkleber.” dirne sed, “daddy. we were socializing w/the dentist, dr. patterson.” dirne’z dad sed, “well, then. v. good jeremy. i shud’ve know u wud be l8 4 a gud reazn. it iz alwayz mportant 2 take the opportunity 2 mprove ur social standin’.” i sed, “thanx, mr. aufkleber.”
thass wut i did this evenin'.
At 2:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, I didn't she shannon at your birthday party. If you and her are friends, why didn't you invite her?
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