He's only sorry cuz they made fun!
OMG, Dad is such a dork! U'd think he'd B ashamed of himself 4 speeding 2 impress a coupla 15-year-old boyz who R friendz w/his daughter? But it turnz out the only reason he was thinking he shouldna been speeding 2 pass other carz was that once he was pulled over, they all passed him an' made fun of him by--and this is one of the weirdest thing I ever heard--having their front-seat passenger stick a hand out of the window and point it at him like a gun, like "ha-ha, we just shot U"!
So Dad just told me abt this 2day, like outta the blue. Then, I sed, "Dad? When U wrote a character ref 4 Dunc, Y'd U write a ref 4 the lil model of him in his dad's layout insteada writing abt the real Duncan?" And Dad was all, "Oh, did I? Hm, I guess I got carried away once I started thinking abt that layout Nigel Anderson has. One of the most interesting thing about it is his extreme attention to detail, such as...."
And I cut him off an' sed, "Dad, Dunc is abt 2 get in major trub if he doesn't get sum real help! So cd U pls write another one this time, only focus on what a fine, responsible young man Duncan is, insteada getting on a whole choo-choo tangent?" And Dad said, "Oh, okay. Sure." And he went off to go work on it. Dunc, I hope this draft is gonna B better than the last 1.
Mike, it was nice of U 2 write a letter 2 support Dunc, but I don't know Y U hadta fill it w/put-downz abt me. I M not "stupid", "emotional [sic] unbalanced", "ignorant [about computers]", or "temperamental". And I never tortured Farley. Don't U start that whole slander again!
So Dad just told me abt this 2day, like outta the blue. Then, I sed, "Dad? When U wrote a character ref 4 Dunc, Y'd U write a ref 4 the lil model of him in his dad's layout insteada writing abt the real Duncan?" And Dad was all, "Oh, did I? Hm, I guess I got carried away once I started thinking abt that layout Nigel Anderson has. One of the most interesting thing about it is his extreme attention to detail, such as...."
And I cut him off an' sed, "Dad, Dunc is abt 2 get in major trub if he doesn't get sum real help! So cd U pls write another one this time, only focus on what a fine, responsible young man Duncan is, insteada getting on a whole choo-choo tangent?" And Dad said, "Oh, okay. Sure." And he went off to go work on it. Dunc, I hope this draft is gonna B better than the last 1.
Mike, it was nice of U 2 write a letter 2 support Dunc, but I don't know Y U hadta fill it w/put-downz abt me. I M not "stupid", "emotional [sic] unbalanced", "ignorant [about computers]", or "temperamental". And I never tortured Farley. Don't U start that whole slander again!
At 11:42 AM,
duncan anderson said…
Hey, Apes!
Sorry I didnt notice the libellous stuff abt u in your bros letter, I was just so xcited 2 have a letter of reference that actually talked abt me & not model choo-choo me.
I didnt sleep much Thurs nite so I fell asleep on the living room couch while my mom was talking 2 my dad. My mom was in bed when I woke up again so I dunno what the big emerg is @ the goat farm but I bet my dad will b back in Mboro in the front row of the courtroom Tues am. Sux 2 b me.
At 11:45 AM,
duncan anderson said…
Apes, Zed just called me & asked me 2 go 2 Niagara Falls w/ her 4 the day. I think my mom is out grocery shopping so I left a note 4 her.
At 12:37 PM,
April Patterson said…
hey, dunc, no prob abt missing the libel. u've got a lot goin' on w/the court stuff so i can totally understand u just zoomin' in on the parts that can help u, eh?
i hope u & zed have fun @ the fallz!
At 1:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. I think libel is a little strong a term for that character reference I wrote for your friend Duncan. I prefer to think of it as "quoting from my source". I have to keep my journalistic integrity. After all, as you may remember, I was not around Milborough for most of your growing up years, and so those stories have come primarily from our beloved mother, the woman who "doesn't drive at breakneck speeds endangering the lives of boys." As for torturing Farley, I seem to have some recollection of a little sis and her 2 friends having all kinds of adventures with an extremely patient dog. You may be too young to remember the times Farley was washed and dressed in unusual clothing or ridden like a horse. Torture may too strong a term, I suppose. But then again, so is libel.
Michael Patterson
At 3:39 PM,
April Patterson said…
i dunno mike, it sounded 2 me like u were putting yr own spin on theze things, like mom mita told u sumthing that happed an' u made decisionz, like "oh, that meanz april's an over-emotional, incompetent moron." nice, mike. v. nice.
At 4:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. The family and I will be visiting Milborough over Victoria Day weekend. Maybe we can work on those self-esteem issues.
Michael Patterson
At 5:15 PM,
April Patterson said…
u mean u wanta make my self esteem worse? lemme know in advance. i mite just hafta spend victoria day weekend w/ger.
At 7:09 PM,
Anne said…
Hey everybodee, sorry it's been hella long since I posted here, but I've been working triple time w/skool, visiting Gordie n the hospital & working @ the library. So I'm glad 2 b back! Neway, Apes, I dunno if u read the Toronto Troubadour--it's this new online zine--but I saw this entry by this guy who called himself "Writer_Michael" titled "My Father the Scandalous Speeder." Man, it was tedious 2 read, but the gist of it wuz that neone who disobeys traffic laws will bring lotsa shame & dishonor upon his or her family. Then he goes on 2 say that neone who does that should do what widows n India or Indonesia do & throw themselves nto a bonfire. Tres weird. So mebbe it's a coincidence, w/ur dad getting busted, but if it izznt I thot I'd give u a heads up.
So Gerald's home now from Our Lady of Benevolent Miracles Hospital finally. His mom's on another business trip, so Uncle Ferdinand's staying here again, only he's out bartending. So me & Gordie r gonna make out on the chesterfield. Is it me or does chesterfield sound like the brand of a cigarette? lol. Later, skaters!
At 7:20 PM,
April Patterson said…
hey, vicks, glad u r back & that gordie'z better!
that article soundz freekie! mike, r u mad @ dad?
At 7:31 PM,
Anne said…
Thanx, Apes! It was strange, 'cause this Michael guy sounded all fired up. Here's 1 part of the piece: "Anyone who affronts the traffic laws enacted upon the motorists of Ontario merits shame and contempt to the extent the legislation allows. If a passing driver feels the need to stick an arm out his or her window and point at the scofflaw speeder, so be it."
I forgot 2 mention that Ferdinand left a 12 pack of Keith's Pale Ale & a 5th of Canadian Club n the fridge. He gets lotsa freebies @ his job, so Gordie sed he doesn't think he'll miss it. We're gonna watch seasons 1 & 2 of "Trailer Park Boys" too. Partee!
At 7:35 PM,
April Patterson said…
njoy the boyz, vicks. that's a cube show!
At 8:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. The Toronto Troubadour has picked up my weekly column. The fame of your older brother continues to spread throughout the reading world. "My Father the Scandalous Speeder" was the title of this week’s column and I thought it was particularly poignant, considering the current state of father’s affairs and also considering that mom said I needed to do something to point out to dad that the worst part of being caught speeding, with underage boys not related to you in the car, is not watching cars pass you. Have you read it? If not, I will bring you a copy. I thought the part about the widows in India throwing themselves into a bonfire was a master stroke.
Michael Patterson
At 9:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, sorry i haven’t posted earlier. i wuz bizzy w/victoria’z day n to w/my future dad & sis & eva’z fam. i read ur blog entry. i hafta say that i am rilly happy i made the decision 2 not lie 2 ur dad ‘bout how i preferred a truck 2 his crevasse, cuz if i sed i preferred the crevasse it mita been me n the car w/ur dad w/a policeman givin’ him a ticket on the side of the road & evry1 seein’ me there & wonderin’ wut i wud b doin’ ridin’ n a car w/ur dad. wen i think ‘bout all thoze test drivez i took, i am so glad none of them ended up w/ur dad gettin’ a ticket. i would think gerald or duncan mite b upset by it, but obviously they aren’t. duncan seemz 2b more concerned ‘bout getting a character ref frum ur dad 4 his trial, wen he shud be thinkin’ nethin’ b-ing written ‘bout character frum ur dad iz kinda worthless till this whole thing blowz ovah. gerald. i know u like or r n luv w/gerald, but i dunno if nethin’ cud mbarrass him. me personally, i am so happy that i am not nvolved n the “doctor & the teenage boyz” scandal. must b ruff 4u, since it’s ur dad & ur bf.
At 9:11 PM,
April Patterson said…
it's embarrassing, jeremy, but dad keeps saying "patterson pass-over", meaning that nothing v. bad can happ 2 a patterson & this'll just blow over. i dunno, i think that seemz kinda arrogant, but whenev i tryta argue i get called a surly teenangster.
At 10:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
patterston passover? is ur famile like jewish or unitarian or something...it's just 10 and I'm woozy...vicks and i got a large harvest medley pizza and chicken crunchers from pizza pizza...i had all the crunchers and three fourths of the pizza, and now i'm feeling the bloat with the pale ale...i was hungry, but serious athletes have to stay in shape...i'll get back on the board tomorrow.
At 10:17 PM,
Anne said…
Ohmigod, I just realized I wrote Gerald n my first message when of course I meant Gordie. I dunno why 2 names starting w/the same letter trips me up, & I wasn't even drunk.
& sorry Gordie's acting like a foob about the pass-over thing. They haven't gotten 2 "context" n remedial English yet. So much 4 making out too. After Gordie totally gorged himself on 3 bottles of Keith's, the pizza & crunchers, he spent 45 minutes n the bathroom. He sed he's getting used 2 normal food after eating hospital food 4 so long. At least "Trailer Park Boys" is funny. That Julian reminds me of Nardo, but he's more funny than pathetic...lol
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