Guest Blogger: Jeremy Duncan!
Yo, it's Jeremy Duncan here! April asked me to guest blog for her today, because she says if she tries blogging today, she'll have to tell you all about her parents' visit to the cemetery to buy their dead-person plots, and her mom wanting a plot "with a view" and lameness that goes like that. I can so relate, because I blog too, and I also have boring parents.
My girlfriend Sara dumped me recently, which pretty well sucks, especially since Pierce wrote about it on his myspace. But dude's gonna make it up to me with the party he's having tonight! He told me his parents are out of town, and I guessed that this means party at their place. Pierce told me he would have used the words "apocalyptic realignment of the earth's tectonic plates," but y'know, tom-ay-to/to-mah-to and all those old-people clichés. The important thing is par-TAY tonight at Pierce's place. Oh, and April told me about her friend Duncan's little birthday get-together at Tim Horton's this evening. Pierce says if you can sneak away afterwards, you're all invited to his apocalyptic thingy.
Jeremy Duncan, signing out for April
My girlfriend Sara dumped me recently, which pretty well sucks, especially since Pierce wrote about it on his myspace. But dude's gonna make it up to me with the party he's having tonight! He told me his parents are out of town, and I guessed that this means party at their place. Pierce told me he would have used the words "apocalyptic realignment of the earth's tectonic plates," but y'know, tom-ay-to/to-mah-to and all those old-people clichés. The important thing is par-TAY tonight at Pierce's place. Oh, and April told me about her friend Duncan's little birthday get-together at Tim Horton's this evening. Pierce says if you can sneak away afterwards, you're all invited to his apocalyptic thingy.
Jeremy Duncan, signing out for April
At 9:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
jeremy, dude. i know just how it iz 2b dumped. so how did she do it? did she bite a piece outa ur arm? did she send xxplodin’ clownz aftah u? did she totally humili8 u n fronta the whole skool by tellin’ every1 but u she wunted 2 break up w/u so she cud go 2 a party b-ing thrown by ur ex-gf? i h8 breakups. thass y i am takin’ it v.v. slow w/this girl i like. we go out, but she still talks a lot ‘bout this othah guy who alreddy haz a gf. i am tryin’ 2 keep my eyez open ‘bout how the relationship iz prolly gonna end, so if it duzn’t, i’ll b rilly, rilly happy & if it duz, i can say i saw it comin’. i’m tryin’ 2b smarter this tyme.
At 9:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
My name is Shannon Lake. I am special needs. My mom does not let me go to teenager parties. Thank you for the information. Sorry about your girlfriend. I heard she dropped you because you were boring and predictable, like a faithful dog. If my mom let me have a boyfriend, I would never drop him because he was boring and predictable. When you are special needs, you like things to be the same. When things change a lot, it makes me very nervous. I like everything to be where it should be. A boring and predictable boyfriend would be perfect for me. Only mom says I can’t have a boyfriend. When I get my Towards Independent Living (TIL) certificate, I am going to find a good, boring and predictable boyfriend. He will be very happy with me. Even though I am special needs, most people think am a very nice girl. I think boys like nice girls. The nicest girl I know, April Patterson, has been dating since she was 11 years old. Her not-as-nice friend Becky McGuire does not have a steady boyfriend, and people say she has been roadside. Obviously nice girls win, when it comes to boys. I can’t wait until I get my TIL.
Shannon Lake
At 6:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, Jeremy dude, yeah, Shannon heard right, Sara decided our relationship had become too predictable. I totally didn't see it coming. We were hanging out together, having pizza, and I was thinking I was the happiest I'd ever been. I had no idea Sara didn't feel the same way. Later, I heard D'ijon put the idea in her head. Thanks a lot, D'ijon!
Jeremy Duncan
At 6:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
jeremy, i can totally rel8. my last 3 gf's were the same way. i wuz totally n lurv, & the next thing u know, physical & emotional scarring.
'course d'ijon cud b gettin' ur ex-gf outa the way so she can make her move. i have seen that happ b4. my 2nd gf decided she wunted me back, & helped my 3rd gf 2 decide 2 break w/me. 'course 1ce my 2nd gf had me back, she decided she wunted sum upper class guy nstead. mebbe d'ijon wunts u, dude.
At 6:32 PM,
April Patterson said…
hey, jeremy, that's so harsh that sara dumped u like that! not cube @ all! thanx 4 doing the blog entry 2day. our meetup w/dun @ horny t's is gonna b in like 15 mins or so. then we'll c if we can sneak 2 pierce's after.
At 6:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
No problem, April, always glad to blog!
Jeremy, I hope that theory about D'ijon's not true, 'cause that would cause a major mess with Pierce! It'd be toxic!
Jeremy Duncan
At 6:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
jeremy, the othah possibility iz that d'ijon duzn't like u. girls like their bff 2 have bf's they like 2. if u notice she iz tryin' 2 get pierce 2 hang w/othah peeps, then that cud b the reazn. u shud watch her v.v. closely durin' ur partee @pierce's.
At 7:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
You might be right about D'ijon not liking me. She's a bit hard to read. Thanks for the advice, man.
Jeremy Duncan
At 7:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
ok. lukin’ bad so far @horny tim’s 4 duncan’s b-day. eva iz like totally throwin’ herself @duncan. she iz wearin’ sumthin rilly low cut & smirkin’ a lot. zandra luks ticked off, i think mebbe cuz her body iz completely covered n black. nothin’ low cut there, but she luks good 2. zandra haz a pretty face & ginormous boobz that she can’t disguise, no mattah how she triez.i prolly wud b lookin’ @eva’z chest frum the smirks, but my neck iz so sore, frum april & eva’z smirk-practice session yestahday, i can’t move it. duncan luks like a v.v. confuzed bobble head. 4 hiz b-day, i got duncan 2 comp tix 2c gary numan @ circa nightclub on aug. 3. ‘course now i can c my mistake, cuz i now i think eva & zandra r prolly gonna try 2 convince duncan 2 take 1 of them 2 the show. i have 2 xxtra tix, i thot 4 me & eva, but now i am thinkin’ i bettah w8 & c who duncan pix. if duncan pix eva, i wondah if zandra wud go w/me 2c the show.
rebeccah & luis were here 4 ‘bout a second b4 luis sed sumthin’ ‘bout how he 4got sumthin’ & rebeccah went 2 help him find it. rebeccah’s neck haz been like continuously n hickies 4 the last week, so i can kinda figger out wut luis 4got. april iz tryin’ her best 2 convince gerald he shud not follow luis 2 help him find wut he 4got.
gordie haz a copy of a sk8board mag w/hiz pic n it. vicki iz totally mbarrassed by how the mag quoted her. vicki iz wearin’ a sorta…well…a not vicki-like outfit. i guess she wunted 2 make sure gordie wud be lookin’ @her & not eva. if my neck wuzn’t so sore, i prolly wud b lookin’ @vicki 2. az it iz, the only girl clothez i can c r on zandra, cuz she iz the only girl here w/clothing that goez above her shoulderz.
At 7:42 PM,
April Patterson said…
ger'z been tellin' duncan sumthing abt a viking saga that's supposta sumhow rel8 2 dunc's b-day, but dunc doesn't really seem 2 b listening. zed does look v. pissed @ eva. 4 his prezzie, i gave dunc sum music cd's he'z been wanting.
At 8:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
gerald sez, “celebration of the summer solstice iz close 2 ur b-day, duncan. 4 the viking it wuz wen the power of the sun iz @its height. it wuz @this time that most foreign trade wuz conducted, which iz anothah way of sayin’ raidin’ ur neighbourz 4 food & slave girlz. midsummer wuz the festival of power & activity. the god baldur iz sed 2 have been sacrificed @this time, but he iz reborn @jul; the hero sigurd wuz also sed 2 have been slain by treachery @midsummer by hiz blood-brothers hagan & gundahar.” blah. blah. blah. rebeccan & luis came back. rebeccah haz fresh hickies. now luis wunts 2 show her sumthin’ @the back of horny tim’s. this tyme i am rilly hopin’ gerald will take hiz viking yacking 2 follow them.
At 8:49 PM,
April Patterson said…
ger, like, suddenly realized y becks has so many hickeys. now he wants me 2 go around back an' give him sum hickeys. brb.
At 8:50 PM,
duncan anderson said…
Hey, guys, thanks 4 showing up @ Horny Ts I thot u wldnt want 2 b cn w/ me now that Im a internet geek celeb like that Star Warz kid. Id still b in bed if Zed hadnt made me get up.
So 4 the 1 peep in Mboro who doesnt no the story here it goes.
I had 2 spend my bday yesterday w/ my 'rents, aunty Perdita,uncle Alaistair & goat baby @ the Falls. We went on the Maid of the Mist & walked under the Falls & just when I started thinking that mayB Perdita wasnt out 2 kill me aft all we went 2 Marineland 4 the kiddy crap dolphin show. The shows almost ovah & then I hear the announcer go, we have a bday boy in the audience ladies & gentlemen put yr hands 2gether 4 Duncan Anderson, whos 5 yo 2day, come on down Duncan w/ your mommy & daddy. OMG. OMG. OMG.
They put a spotlite on me & peeps started laffing & then Perdita hands me goat baby & tells me 2 take him w/ me. So I got on this platform & they gave me ded fish 2 feed 2 the killer whale. Then theres a drum roll & the whale took the fish fr my hand & Im thinking Im outta there. But the peeps r laffing harder & harder & even the announcers laffing. Turns out when I held out the fish 4 the whale goat baby took my Razr fone fr my pocket & held it out 4 the whale. So my Razr fones in the stomach of a st00pid killer whale.
I was up all nite thinking abt how Im going 2 get even w/ Perdita I no she set me up she thot of sumthing worse than killing me shes such a nasty girl I dunno how she fools evry1 in2 thinking shes so nice. I got up @ 6 am 2 change the sheets cos goat baby wet the bed again & I saw the lite flashing on my 'rents answering machine. Its Charles Wallace telling me 2 check out a url.
OMG. Sum1 put up a video of me & goat baby @ Marineland. The website counters already says 438 hits. I checked it again b4 I left 4 skool & it was up 2 3129 hits.
There was another message from CW when I got home fr skool he says hes found 18 different videos so far & me & goat baby r the video clip of the day @ sum tv station in Tokyo.
Im so boned. MCDunCs got no street cred left. Im going 2 have 2 change my name & get plastik surgery. 4 now Im putting Bajan rum in my dbl dbls.
p.s. Jer no way Im breaking up w/ Zed but she mite break up w/ me if the Z-grls dont stop laffing @ me.
At 9:12 PM,
April Patterson said…
dunc showed us one of the websites w/the vid of him, on zed's phone. omg, i feel soooooo bad. the g'ups r sitting way on the other side of horny t's an' dunc shoots daggers across every time he hearz his aunt perdita laffing. and she'z been laffing lots. i think dunc mite want us 2 go over 2 that party @ pierce's soon.
At 9:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
luis gave rebeccah hickeyz. april gave gerald hickeyz. my neck haz nevah looked bettah. gordie haz hiz sk8board out & talkin’ ‘bout how if he were @marineland feedin’ a razr fone 2 a killer whale, he wud ollie off the whale’z head while wuz doin’ it. vicki iz tryin’ 2 get him 2 put the sk8board up, b4 the horny tim’s peeps throw him out. duncan iz lookin’ rilly mbarrassed. now eva iz tellin’ a story ‘bout how she duzn’t like how killer whalez strut around w/othah peep’s cell fonez, making “super mportant whale soundz” n killer whale performance spaces, w/an attitude that sez,…the ocean iz my personal space, humanz. eva wuz doin’ bettah w/duncan wen she wuz smirkin’. duncan iz talkin’ ‘bout how he haz definitely lost hiz street cred & how evn killer whales have more street cred, & they don’t evn travel on streets. ‘course duncan haz put a lotta rum n hiz dbl dbls, so it’s prolly not the best tyme 2 let him know that mcdunc nevah had ne street cred. u don’t rilly want cred n mboro streets neway. now duncan just sed, “i have no street cred!!” that phrase soundz strangely familiar. i can’t read zandra rite now. i can’t tell if she iz laffin’ or cryin’ or just haz sumthin' caught n her throat. i hope laffin’ cuz duncan iz actin’ pretty goofy.
At 9:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
ok. it wuz sumthin' caught n her throat. gud thing mom made me take that cpr class @the hospital where she works. that wuz the most colour i evah saw on zandra'z face.
At 9:36 PM,
duncan anderson said…
Hey, Apes, yr mom likes me so much do u think she wld give me 1 of her new burial plots oh man oh man oh man the rooms bginning 2 spin.
At 9:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
ow!! thass gotta hurt. i think thass gonna leave a mark. @least he isn't bleedin'.
At 9:42 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, ok, guyz, remember what they taut us in school abt sitches like this!
At 9:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
wut? u mean sayin' he wuzn't drinkin', he just haz an inner ear nfection? or wut the teach taut us?
At 9:51 PM,
April Patterson said…
i meant what the teach taut us, but dunc's wavin' us off now!
At 9:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
sorry, april. doin' an imitation of a killer whale swallowin' a cell fone iz not "wavin' us off". hiz armz r supposed 2b flipperz. i guess it duz mean he iz ok, tho.
At 12:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
april, we got duncan home w/o alertin' hiz aunt perdita. zandra didn't wanna go 2 jeremy duncan'z party. she'z not 2 social w/peeps she duzn't know. eva wuz kinda n a bad mood, duncan didn't d-cide 2 take her 2 gary numan. i sed, "i have tix 4 us 2 go. i dunno y u wanted 2 go w/him." eva wuz all, like, kinda upset & happ @the same tyme. she sed, "jeremy jones. i cud punch u out 4 not tellin' me this n the 1st place, but i am rilly happy ur nvitin' me 2 go w/u." i dunno where rebeccah & luis went off 2. i didn't c them aftah horny tim's & i rilly didn't evn c them @horny tim's. aftah we dropped off duncan anderson & got to jeremy duncan's friend pierce's place, u guys musta alreddy gone. pierce seemed like a cube guy, but his gf d'ijon was a majour bitch. she did not like havin' eva there @all. i guess pierce haz a thing 4 african-american girlz & so there wuz sum competition goin' n her mind. eva & i kinda danced by ourselves, till she got tired & i tuk her home.
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