My Psychotic Episode
I don't know just what got in2 me, peeps, but Friday (9/12) evening, when I got home after working @ Lilliput's, I went in2 a freak-out, where I kicked my foot in2 the air so one of my shoez went flying off an' hit the ceiling w/a big ol' WHACK! I scared the friggin' bejeez outta poor Eddie, who went running for his life, and during this weird kicking of mine, I had my eyez squeezed shut, my fists balled up, and my arms were in sum weird strongman kinda config, like my rite arm was up, making a muscle, and my other arm was doing the same thing, but upside down, kinda like I was doing a tricep xxercise. And my feet and shoez had become freakishly small, and my limbs seemed undersized 4 my body. I had my hair up in a high ponytail insteada the prop-bun, and I was wearing sum lowrise blue pants, a white shell, and a little shorty top with light green/dark green vertical stripes. With my eyez still squeezed shut, I screamed out, "IT'S NOT FAIR!" And then I went and got my books, flung them on2 the kitchen table, and again, I was all, "IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!" Like I was gonna keep doing this drama-queen shizz until sum1 came along 2 find out just what I was spazzing on. When I flung thoze book on2 the table, I did it w/so much force that they caused a weird aura of orange and brown motion ripplez on the table.
Well, Liz came over, all wearing a pink top and matching pink earrings, and asked "April? What's the matter?" And without even opening my eyez, I shrieked, "Every teacher thinks that their subject is more important than NE1 else's!" I yelled this w/my tung sticking out, sumhow. Then I opened my eyez & went on, "So, what do they do?-- Heap so much work on U that it's not POSSIBLE 2 do a good job on NETHING!!!" Then I did that classic "Patterson" gesture of placing one hand on my sternum, all "I've got 2 essays 2 write, 3 pages of math 2 do, an entire set up history diagrams 2 complete and a book 2 read--by Monday!" Then we sat @ the table and I put my elbows on the table, scrunched my eyez shut, and buried my forehead in2 the heelz of my spindly lil handz that were all misshapen again. Liz put a hand on my back & another on my left elbow, and she sed, "Take it easy! Just start something after dinner and dedicate one hour 2 it." I crossed my arms across my chest, open my eyez 3/4 of the way, and sort of sucked my upper lip in while jutting my lower up in a most unnatural way, as Liz continued all, "Then, take a break and do another hour. U'll B surprised by how much U'll accomplish." Then, while primly placing one hand betw her boobs, Liz was all, "What? ...Y R U looking @ me like that?" And I was all, "U're a teacher, EEEEEEElizzzzabehhhhhth." Then I squeezed my eyez just, and yelled w/my mouth open as wide as poss, Mom style, "U're one of THEM!!"
Gah, I think I mite need sum anger management. MayB a lil thorazine? I h8 it when I get all unhinged and overreact so much, like a latter-day Elly! It so freaks me out when this happs.
Well, I h8 2 admit that Liz's advice wasn't all terrible. I did get started on my h'work rite after dinner, and I worked on it all yesterday. I'm almost dun, I just hafta proof my essayz and finish the last chapter of the book. But still, I guess I really wanted sum1 2 agree abt the whole "unfair" thing. I guess no1 past schoolage really will, tho.
Well, Liz came over, all wearing a pink top and matching pink earrings, and asked "April? What's the matter?" And without even opening my eyez, I shrieked, "Every teacher thinks that their subject is more important than NE1 else's!" I yelled this w/my tung sticking out, sumhow. Then I opened my eyez & went on, "So, what do they do?-- Heap so much work on U that it's not POSSIBLE 2 do a good job on NETHING!!!" Then I did that classic "Patterson" gesture of placing one hand on my sternum, all "I've got 2 essays 2 write, 3 pages of math 2 do, an entire set up history diagrams 2 complete and a book 2 read--by Monday!" Then we sat @ the table and I put my elbows on the table, scrunched my eyez shut, and buried my forehead in2 the heelz of my spindly lil handz that were all misshapen again. Liz put a hand on my back & another on my left elbow, and she sed, "Take it easy! Just start something after dinner and dedicate one hour 2 it." I crossed my arms across my chest, open my eyez 3/4 of the way, and sort of sucked my upper lip in while jutting my lower up in a most unnatural way, as Liz continued all, "Then, take a break and do another hour. U'll B surprised by how much U'll accomplish." Then, while primly placing one hand betw her boobs, Liz was all, "What? ...Y R U looking @ me like that?" And I was all, "U're a teacher, EEEEEEElizzzzabehhhhhth." Then I squeezed my eyez just, and yelled w/my mouth open as wide as poss, Mom style, "U're one of THEM!!"
Gah, I think I mite need sum anger management. MayB a lil thorazine? I h8 it when I get all unhinged and overreact so much, like a latter-day Elly! It so freaks me out when this happs.
Well, I h8 2 admit that Liz's advice wasn't all terrible. I did get started on my h'work rite after dinner, and I worked on it all yesterday. I'm almost dun, I just hafta proof my essayz and finish the last chapter of the book. But still, I guess I really wanted sum1 2 agree abt the whole "unfair" thing. I guess no1 past schoolage really will, tho.
At 11:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
april, i guess since i am skool age i don't count, but i don't think it iz fair either. i had homework frum all thoze dayz n the dominican republic this week, plus the weekend homework. i have kinda gotten used 2 studyin' w/eva cuz she iz rilly efficient. i miss studyin' w/her. she duz a diffrent way than ur sis tho. she sez, "1st u corral all thoze homework varmints. then u get the equipment 2 brand them or saddle them. then u stake the cow or hobble the horse 2 the ground till the work iz done." thass kinda sayin', "figger out wut u hafta 2 do, get the info or equipment required 4 the homework, & then once u start sumthin' don't stop till it's finished." i tried doin' the way ur sis suggested, but my mom sed, "jeremy jones. if u keep taking breaks every hour, u will nevah get ur homework done."
by the way, i guess u dropped either french or science 4 math, since i thot u sed n ur monthly letter u were takin' science, french, english & history. my guess iz french, since we r only required 2 have 1 credit of that 2 grad & u got that last year & u & duncan r on that science kick.
At 12:39 PM,
April Patterson said…
i may or may not have dropped french. i might or might not clarify this in a letter or in conversation. sorry 2 b cagey, but a weird force is keeping me fr. giving a str8 answer on this ish.
btw, i didn't end up taking a break after every hr. i took one after the 1st hr cuz liz was kinda hangin' around trying 2 make sure i did thingz xxactly like she sed. after she lost interest in me/got more interested in booze, i just went to working 4 longer stretches of time.
At 2:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sheesh, did you get out of the nasty side of the bed Friday, only to find it was perched at the top of the Ugly Tree, fall and hit every branch on the way down?
I dunno about this vet thing. Most of the women vets I see on TV are really cute, though I suppose you have the ponytail down pat. If I could suggest some alternate careers, based on my long years of television and movie viewing:
-Meter maid Ideally one who becomes the bane of a sportjacket wearing, wryly humorous detective.
-Nosy neighbor Your life may be pretty boring, but there's something going on at that suburban ranch across the street where the husband is always unknowingly walking out the door to go to work dressed in a tutu, or being seduced by the evil identical twin sister of his wife.
-Clerical curmudgeon Start reading by really dim light so you can ruin your eyes and get some of those Far Side ladies glasses. Devour entire packages of Hostess Freshness and work on the world-weary wisecracks.
-Closet lesbian. You'll have to work on making your voice a little more shrill. I can write you a letter of reccommendation for accounting school for your future job at the bank.
-House Mom Okay, all but one of the teenage girs at the boarding school are all hot enough to set the drapes on fire, and you're there to sort of balance it out. Work on your homey wisdom.
-Downtrodden worker or peasant Your life of drudgery will finally end when a attractive, spunky new employee/community member arrives and you become fast friends and an early convert to her cause.
-Ugly Duckling This isn't too bad an outcome, looks-wise. You're a spotty little nobody that goes unnoticed until you take off your glasses and un-bun your hair in order to help out your best male friend who just might, might finally notice you and become your boyfriend if you can help him win the motocross race to stop the evil land developer.
-Supervillain Henchwoman How do you look in a tie and a severly-cut uniform? Swipe a riding crop on your next trip to Winnipeg and work on intimidating people with it.
-The Smart One You can help your dimwitted but good looking friends get out of jams and solve mysteries by first, noticing clues, and second, interpreting those clues in a manner that leads toward a solution. Study obscure branches of science.
-Token Dumpy Lawyer Okay, all the guys at the law firm are so sharp looking they throw off sparks when they brush against the elevator door, and the women look like they spent four hours at the salon before work, but they need you for your jovial sense of humor that breaks the awkward silence when the two partners who've just slept with each other for the first time are having an uncomfortable moment in the corridor.
-Angry at the World Feminist You'll dress in black and make Janeane Garofalo sound like Barbara Billingsley, but somewhere out there members of the hairly leg club will be cheering you on. Your willowy best friend will appreciate you in the end.
Hope you got your homework done,
At 2:58 PM,
April Patterson said…
Sheesh, did you get out of the nasty side of the bed Friday, only to find it was perched at the top of the Ugly Tree, fall and hit every branch on the way down?
pretty much. but i'm not fugs every day. unlike a certain sum1 w/a walrus 'stache that looks like xxtra long nosehair, and a weird slicked-back hairdo. and a whiny voice. and a weird patch of freckles on ea. cheek. (if u wanna c who this guy is, anthony, look in the mirror or @ the pic on yr drivers' license.)
thanx 4 yr "suggestions", but i'm gonna stick w/vet. or musician. or musical vet.
and yeah, homework's all done. wooooo! who wants 2 meet me @ horny t's?
At 3:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, i wud luv 2, but i am still up 2 my neck n homework. i'm gonna b lucky 2 get it done b4 2morrow. i miss eva.
At 3:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Jeremy, I haven't decided whether to forgive you, but a real cowgirl doesn't let down a cowboy in need. I'm done with my homework, so I'm on my way over. Well, I will be after I pick up a double-double and some timballs to go. Want anything?
At 3:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
if u wanna c who this guy is, anthony, look in the mirror or @ the pic on yr drivers' license
You really need to work on your sense of humor. You couldn't be more wrong in your assessment, but then you're still a child and maybe I'm too threatening in my masculinity for someone who still reads Tiger Beat.
Not like they're a threat to Liz or anything, but the whole female staff at MMM pretty much has the hots for me because I'm the complete package.
And lest you think I'm bragging, pretty much every day I'm on the receiving end of sexually suggestive banter from Donna like:
"Hey Caine, is that a tootsie roll in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
"What does someone have to do to dig into that nose-net of yours, besides get Hazardous Material licensing?" (as you can tell from the double-entendre, I'm SEXY DANGEROUS!)
"Astro-glide isn't for your hair, Caine," indicating that she wants me to try it on something of hers.
Donna and the other girls also do "wakka-wakka" bass guitar sounds whenever I walk past their desks which I think is a tribute to Saturday Night Fever icon and well-known babe-magnet John Travolta, or maybe even Shaft.
At 3:27 PM,
howard said…
Becky should be available for a Tim Hortons trip. I read her the reading assignment book out loud, while she was doing the math, history diagrams, and essays. That saved her a lot of time, although my voice is a little hoarse from all the reading. What kind of whacko teacher assigns War and Peace as a weekend reading assignment? Was that your assignment too? I am beginning to suspect at least one of Becky's teachers has it out for her. Maybe the one who wanted a free, autographed CD of Becky's new recording, which Becky refused to give to her, because Becky was afraid she would be accused of bribing the teachers. The kids in her school are even worse this year with offers to "help" Becky out with schoolwork. I have a really bad feeling something is going to happen while I am in prison with Becky and these schoolwork bribes.
Howard Bunt
At 3:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
eva, wutevah u wanna bring iz fine by me. mom sed if u come ovah, don't wear nethin' 2 revealin' or i won't b able 2 concentr8. i am rilly glad ur comin' ovah. i'm not az good @gettin' homework organized, i mean corraling the varmints, az u are.
At 3:33 PM,
April Patterson said…
i dunno abt the humour thing, anth, cuz yr last post made me lololol!!!
yup, howard, same book, can u believe that? i'm @ ht's now, sitting here w/ger and vicki. oh, i c becks walking in now!
At 3:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Okay, Jeremy, I'm sporting a turtleneck and I'm about to walk into Horny T's. I can see Becky's at the counter and April's at her favourite table, with Gerald and Vicki.
At 3:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Boozhoo (Hello).
I read your writings about my sweet girl helping you with your homework. When you wrote about her idea of working for one hour, taking a break, and then working for another hour, I must admit I like it a lot. When your sister lived in Mtigwaki (Land of Trees) and I visited her, I don’t think it is a surprise to you that your sister’s apartment was usually dirty. I remember your sister saying to me, “It’s not fair! It’s just not fair! Everyone else in Mtigwaki (Land of Trees) has a cleaner apartment than I do. So, what do they do? They come by and look in my window, so that it’s not possible to get any cleaning done. I have a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room to clean, not to mention Shiimsa’s litter box.” I said to her, “Take it easy. After dinner, we’ll work together on cleaning your apartment and after one hour, we’ll take a little break and do another hour. You’ll be surprised by how clean we’ll get this apartment.” Then your sister gave me a strange look and said, “You clean like my mother. You’re one of them!!” It was a slightly surprising reaction. But we did get your sister’s apartment clean. We used that technique every time I came to visit my sweet girl in Mtigwaki (Land of Trees). There was not a time I left your sister’s apartment when you couldn’t dance on the floor in sock feet and not worry about stepping on anything.” After all those visits, I am very happy your sister has learned this way of doing things and is using it to help you too.
Gi'-ga-wa-ba-min' na-gutch! (See you later!)
Constable Paul Wright
At 3:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
eva, ok. i'll cu soon. i've got my pencilz all sharpened & circled 'round the eraserz. everythin' iz the way u like it.
At 4:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
April, Jeremy and I just spent an hour working on assignments, and now we are taking a break. He's following my instructions very well. That makes me happy.
At 6:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. I don’t think you need any thorazine. What you need is a little Patterson understanding. All of us Patterson kids take a little something away from each of our parents. I got mom’s skill with writing and dad’s success with business. Elizabeth got mom’s physique and dad’s “withdraw from the world” way of dealing with life. You obviously have picked up mom’s method of dealing with adversity. When I was old enough to learn about how babies were made and how genetic characteristics were passed from one generation to the other, I think this was sometime after my daughter was born and the first time someone called me a filthy b******d for having my daughter’s lips injected with collagen, I began to wonder if any of us Patterson siblings would develop mom’s tendency to become so enraged at things, she would unhinge her jaw and scream full out in frustration. The Lizardbreath and I were too demure for such behaviour and we general avoid conflict at all costs, but you, little sis, are clearly the inheriter of mom’s special ability. Congratulations. I am quite sure that mom is delighted to know her legacy has been passed on to a succeeding generation.
Michael Patterson
At 7:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, studyin’ w/eva iz gr8. she iz so organized. every hour iz, she sez, “& wen we take our next break, if the cowboy haz finished hiz next essay, he gets a speshul treat frum the cowgirl.” i have been writin’ like crayzee.
At 8:31 PM,
April Patterson said…
mike, mayB, mayB not. liz told mom abt my lil freakout, and, according 2 liz, mom's 1st reaction was 2 throw back her hed, unhinge her jaw, and scream, THAT'S NOT FAIR! I'M THE ALPHA FEMALE AROUND HERE! I'M THE ONE WHO HAS THE EXTREME OVERREACTIONS TO THINGS!!! but then she put her hands to her heart, all, "my baby massively overreacting 2 things w/an epic, out-of-control temper? that's so, so--darling!" and she burst in2 tears and went 2 connie'z house.
jeremy, it's good 2 have a study partner. i like 2 study w/ger, but he h8s science, so that's gonna b a prob this yr, i think.
At 8:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
April, I was very nice to Jeremy during our last break. I think he's going to do well on these assignments.
At 3:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
april, thanx 2 eva, i finished my homework. we were talkin' & eva haz told me sumthin' i nevah knew b4. she haz a oldah bro, who iz old enuff 2 leave the house, & she can't stand him. i asked eva y it wuz she can't stand him, & she wudn't say xxactly. she sed, "jeremy, it's a secret. but he haz sum associates who r bad newz, like sum1 w/the initialz L.L." i dunno wut she iz talkin' 'bout. but it wuz innerestin' she haz an oldah bro. since she iz not an only child, i guess this meanz ur mom can like her.
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