I am NOT going home!
Hi, foax, I M writing this from Becky's place, where Howard has made us the most delicious brekky. Mike posted this bit last nite:
And BTW, puns R STOOPID and not punning = the least of Grandpa's problems. Just take yr dumb advance $ and get outta my house so I can have my nice, non-poopy room back, selfish prig!
Oh, and P.S.: Gramps does not swear when I visit. He just smiles a lot and enjoys my music. I think Iris was trying 2 spare yr feelings. I'll tell her she shdn't bother, cuz U DON'T HAVE NE FEELINGS! Or @ least U care NOT @ ALL abt NE1 else's.
April,OMG, No! BOXCAR! The rec room is not "the storage room," arsewipe, and it's NOT OK 4 Liz 2 poop it up. Of course I "MIND" U imbecile! Gah, I'm so not coming home the rest of this week. I get no respect in my idiot family!
Little sis. Sometimes a curious thing happens when you learn something new. Not only do you realize that you have learned something new, but you also realize that what you thought you knew or you assumed was correct, was in fact, completely wrong and you wish that you had taken the time to properly research it instead of just charing ahead with your assumptions and putting them into an internationally read publication. For example, if you had read our family's monthly letters or talked to the people who have been around Grandpa Jim, like you and Elizabeth and mom and Uncle Phil; you would get the impression that Grandpa Jim's aphasia meant he was limited to saying 4 or 5 bland words, like "Yes" and "No". You wouldn't know that many persons with aphasia retain certain automatic responses, such as swearing, counting, naming the days of the week and social responses, such as "Fine," "Thanks," and "Hi." As a professional journalist and soon-to-be best selling author, I can tell you there is no substitute for properly conducted research and fact-checking. There is nothing worse than having to publish a retraction or to somehow pretend you had checked your facts all along. Obviously, you and mom and Elizabeth left a little something out of your descriptions of your visits with Grandpa Jim. There is certainly nothing about me which would cause Grandpa Jim to start cursing.
That's how I felt during my visit with Iris and Grandpa Jim, when Iris was telling me, "Sometimes your grandfather says awful things, Michael. He can't help it. He tries to speak-and swear words come out!" I replied to Iris, "Weird!" You see, little sis, when I was little, Grandpa Jim used to swear all the time, so it is odd now that he would try to speak something other than swear words, but he would actually say swear words instead. It made me think Grandpa Jim might have had aphasia when he was younger and living with Grandma Marian. I know that's improbable, but the idea does put Grandpa Jim in a somewhat more favourable light. I was speaking to Iris in shadows at the time she said that, so I think she must have thought she could feel my chest without Grandpa Jim noticing. But he did, and he gasped and put his hand over his mouth. That attracted both my attention and Iris', and she took her hand off my chest. Then we stared over at Grandpa Jim curiously, to make sure his gasping sound wasn't a sign of a new medical problem. Fortunately he looked alright, and Iris continued explaining to me, "It's a curious part of his disability…we're dealing with it."
After having my chest touched, I was desperate to change the subject back to me and my book or some other non-touching subject. I said, "They've offered me an advance, Iris! They say I've written a best seller!" I don't know if I passed on that particular conversation to you or not, little sis. My publisher did actually say my book would be a best seller. I also tried to get him to agree I had written the great Canadian novel, but the publisher said all he really cared about was how well the book sold and not about its place in Canadian history. That's a little short-sighted I think. In any case, Iris' response was also a little less than spectacular, because she said, "That's lovely, dear!" with an especially long exclamation point. I have learned in my experiences with Iris, when she uses especially long punctuation it is a sign her mind is wandering on to things she finds interesting, like bunions and old lady perfumes and arthritis and how many dead people she knows and things like that.
Things got dark again, and Iris leaned her face in close to mine. I was afraid she going to go for a kiss, when fortunately, Grandpa Jim had another bout of cursing. It was, "*@{star symbol}!! Boxcar!! No! No! No! No! NO!!" I wasn't sure if he was mad about Iris' flirting or something completely different. Iris sensed my confusion and said, "He wants to be included in the conversation. He wants to hear more about your contract." I wasn't so sure about that. Grandpa Jim's hand gestures left little to the imagination. So I said, "How do you know?" Iris said, "I can read him like a book!"
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Thanks to Grandpa Jim's disability, Iris was forced to do the punning for the two of them. I felt sympathy for Grandpa Jim's situation like I had never done before. Sheilaugh Shaugnessy may be draped in the glamourous robes of best seller, but now it was my Grandpa Jim's turn to receive my undivided sympathy. He was sitting there in front of me, making obscene hand gestures at Iris. I know it was because Iris had attempted to make a pun off the word "book" since I had been talking about mine. Poor Grandpa Jim. He's trapped in his punless body, having to suffer through Iris' puny punning. I cannot imagine a worse fate. Fortunately, he will be all better by September, or so I've heard.
I'll tell you more about my visit with Grandpa Jim and Iris tomorrow, little sis; and if you're lucky, maybe the day after that too. Just to let you know, since you were sleeping over at that slattern, Becky McGuire's house tonight; mom put Elizabeth temporarily in the storage room, where you sleep. She didn't want Elizabeth to mess up the guest bedroom bed. I'm sure you don't mind.
Michael Patterson
And BTW, puns R STOOPID and not punning = the least of Grandpa's problems. Just take yr dumb advance $ and get outta my house so I can have my nice, non-poopy room back, selfish prig!
Oh, and P.S.: Gramps does not swear when I visit. He just smiles a lot and enjoys my music. I think Iris was trying 2 spare yr feelings. I'll tell her she shdn't bother, cuz U DON'T HAVE NE FEELINGS! Or @ least U care NOT @ ALL abt NE1 else's.
Labels: crowded house, Gramps, Iris, Mike's literary pretensions, stupid puns
At 9:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. I was about to take you task for saying puns are stupid, but then I noticed all the swear words you wrote in addition to my nice letter to you. Obviously you have had a stroke too, and are suffering from the same aphasia as Grandpa Jim. I mentioned it to mom, and she said, “No, Michael. April’s swearing is clearly the result of her spending time with Becky McGuire. Every time she goes over there, she comes back with some bad habit. April is not staying at Becky McGuire’s house the rest of the week. Becky is too bad an influence. Besides, she has to come home and clean. The rec room is a mess.” Mom is so smart when it comes to understanding you. She can read you like a book. I wonder if Becky McGuire has visited Grandpa Jim and that’s the real source of his swearing.
Michael Patterson
At 11:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow...when did the world get to be so easy and carefree, I never noticed before, I think I will write a poem:
I snuggle down
in my sister's warm bed
She's gone, who knows where
The bed is dirty
And smelly
But it doesn't matter
It's home
Mom, wonderful Mom
Of the angry gaze
And the gaping mouth
Comes to my door
Reminds me of my childhood
Says, "Come out of there
Get cleaned up."
We leave the room behind
The nasty truth of the past night
And go to the bathroom
Mom draws a bath
And puts some Mr. Bubble in it
I get in the hot bath
And my Mommy scrubs me down
The soothing squawk of her voice
As she yells
I close my eyes and my mind drifts
All too soon, Mommy says I'm done
Time for breakfast
At breakfast, oh, intimidating
Sister-in-law, so fashionable
Long, flowing purple housedress
Or burnt orange-colored sweatshirt
Today, a pink dotted blouse
Why can't I be that glamorous?
Sister-in-law Dee begins to yell
Her yelling is almost as soothing
As Mom's
She yells, "I am a pharmacist!"
"Why do I get no respect
Around here? You should have
Consulted me
Before your attempted suicide by pills."
I don't mind
Dee is just a Patterson spouse
She doesn't know
She doesn't understand
Mom gives Dee a slap on the head
And her soothing squawk begins
I don't care, I eat my breakfast
All the while
I eat Dee's breakfast too
So hungry for some reason
I hear Mom say, "Not a Patterson!"
And "stupid!"
And "A Patterson doesn't commit suicide!"
And "She'll never catch a husband
If you run your mouth like that"
I kick Dee under the table
Idiot might lose me a husband
But then I laugh
And I give Dee a big hug
She means well
I think now
That I might call Anthony
Just as friends though
Don't ask me about Anthony
Or if you do, I won't care
I'll just ignore you
I'm so happy today!
I wonder why.
At 12:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
april, i think i unnerstand now wut wuz goin’ on when i saw ur sis skipping 2 skool & ur mom drove up b-side her & made her get in the car. wut i don’t unnerstand is the weird convo i had @lunch 2day. i wuz sittin’ @lunch mindin’ my own bizness wen zapata henderson & zenobia barnaby sat down b-side me. zenobia sed, “jeremy. zapata & i have a disagreement & we need ur opinion 2 decide it.” i sed, “not again. i am getting rilly tired of this.” zapata sed, “ignore him, zenobia. sumtymez jeremy sez awful things. he can’t help it. he tries 2 speak nice things – & mean thingz come out.” zenobia sed, “weird!” zapata sed, “it’s a curious part of his personality. we will simply hafta deal w/it.” i sed, “i’m sittin’ rite here, u know.”
zenobia sed, “have u heard that michael patterson haz been offered an advance 4 his new book which iz sure 2b a best seller?” zapata sed, “that’s lovely, dear. imagine that. i remember v.v. well wut zandra sed ‘bout his work wen she read it.” zenobia sed, “i believe it was ‘*@*!! no! no! no! no! no!!’” zapata sed, “nothin’ ‘bout boxcars?” zenobia sed, “i don’t think so. wen zandra gets upset she usually uses terms which r automatic responses, like ‘no’ and ‘*@*’. i don’t think boxcar wud b an automatic response for ne1 xxcept a railway man.” i sed, “yru havin’ this convo rite next 2 me?”
zapata sed, “i think jeremy wunts 2b included in the convo. mebbe he wunts 2 hear more about michael patterson’s book contract.” zenobia sed, “how do u know that, zapata?” zapata sed, “oh, wen it comes 2 jeremy, i can read him like a book.” i sed, “u can not.” zapata sed, “sure i can jeremy. ur like readin’ the cat in the hat.” zenobia sed, “i think jeremy is more like green eggs & ham.
then zandra larson wandered by & zapata sed, “wut book do u think jeremy is most like, zandra?” zandra larson sed, “not this discussion again.” & she turned around & left. then zapata & zenobia got up & left. i’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout their convo 4 awhile now & i still have no idea wut they were talkin’ ‘bout. ne ideas?
At 12:59 PM,
howard said…
It was wonderful having you over last night. It was like having a slumber party with us all in our nightgowns and eating chocolate and watching romance movies. Just to let you, in case your mother doesn’t let you come back tonight, I did go over to your house and got your father to let me in since this is apparently one of the days during the week when he doesn’t work. He seemed more than happy for me to go to the rec room and do a little cleaning. It is very difficult to get certain stains and smells out of a chesterfield and mattress, but I think I have managed it. I don’t think I realized exactly how much Kraft dinner your sister ate until today.
Your brother’s story about your grandfather certainly brought back memories for me. I remember well a male acquaintance I had who was a railroader. He was so used to being around railway cars that he did actually use the names of the cars for swear words, at least the cars he didn’t like. When he got angry you would hear a flurry of different car names. I remember once when he stubbed his toe, he screamed out, “Lorry, Coil cars, Autoracks, Refrigerator cars, Airplane parts cars,Flatcars, Gondolas, Hoppers, Tank cars, and Slate wagons!” Those were fun, if confusing, times.
Howard Bunt
At 1:25 PM,
April Patterson said…
omg, howard, u r so totally the best! xoxoxoxox!
mike, i was swearing cuz u deserved 2 b sworn @. no stroke, an' nuthin' 2 do w/becky. fyi, it's not cool 2 take my room away from me so i hafta sleep in the rec room, then use the rec room 2 store all yr junk. then call the rec room a "storage space" that i sleep in, like that just sumthing i do, sleep in storage spaces. and it's not ok 4 liz 2 use that room, and the bed i hafta sleep in, as a toilet. and it's not ok 2 force ME 2 clean up after liz. just so u know, if howard hadn't been so nice abt cleaning up that mess? i wdn't b coming home. i'm not kidding. mayB i still won't, since my whole family doesn't care abt me.
jeremy, i have no idea.
liz, i think yr medication usage needs 2 b monitored. u know, by a doctor or psychotherapist. not ger's dad, tho. he'd prolly just recomment that u get laid.
At 3:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Now that I have a new lease on life, whyever would you think that I might need medication, no sirree, I'm as happy as a clam, I don't need pills to make me happy, only weak people need those, what I need is a husband, and I'm going to get me one of those, I'm beautiful and smart and a wonderful, kind, generous, thoughtful, honest girlfriend, and I'm sure I don't need any help at all to get me the most wonderful, Dad-like husband out there!
La la la la la la,
The world is beautiful you see
Because I'm a Patterson
Things just come to me!
I don't even need to try
I don't know exactly why
But it's not a lie
Men just look at me and sigh
"She's the one for me--!"
Jobs fall into my lap
Interviews are a waste of time
I go home, take a nap
When I wake up, the job is mine!
Being a Patterson is a beautiful thing
Every morning, I wake up and sing
"The world is my oyster!"
In a most boister-ous way.
I don't need to worry
Everything will work out swell
Would-be husbands better hurry
I could be engaged tomorrow, fare the well!
Little April, listen up
You're a Patterson, your cup
Runneth over with good luck
Still we must maintain our pluck
'Til our future husbands we do meet
And they sweep us off our feet
Like we Patterson girls deserve
They just have to work up the nerve
To propose to girls so great as we
With our illustrious pedigree!
I've prob'ly already met the guy
But he's nervous and he's shy
He knows I'm too good for him
But not to marry'd be a sin!
That's how I know
I soon will have a beau
By December I'll have a ring on
Because I'm a Patterson!
Hee, I think I'm going to go help Dee with that project she's sewing!
At 6:01 PM,
April Patterson said…
hey, i m @ dunc's house. his mom took pity on me.
liz, i guess i'm glad u r happy, but i think the prozac has sumthing 2 do w/it. just quit the poopy meds, ok?
At 6:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. One of the things Iris told me was that persons with aphasia say things and don’t even realize they are saying them until they are said. That’s the only the reason I can think you would be saying I deserved to be sworn at for things which are certainly out of my control. You know I don’t make the decisions about where people sleep or where things are stored, or who does the cleaning in the house (at least not yet, anyway). That responsibility goes to the maker of the lists. As for calling the rec room a storage space, that is simply an accurate description. It certainly doesn’t qualify as a rec room anymore. With all the things that are in it now, maybe calling it a storage closet might be a better term. What do you think?
I would write more, but I think I might need to step in between Deanna and Elizabeth and mom. Elizabeth insists on helping Deanna with that project she's sewing, and Deanna is protesting that she knits and does not sew. But mom insists Deanna sews because that’s what she wrote in her most recent monthly family letter about Deanna. Deanna is now telling Elizabeth that Indian beading and quillwork techniques are not the same as knitting. Deanna is explaining to mom that knitting needles are not actually giant sewing needles. Now mom is going on a tangent about how she would like to teach you some basic sewing tricks so you won't feel quite so out-to-sea when you’re on your own for the first time; but you were too much of a Martian to take instructions from her once she was retired and had the time to teach you. Now Elizabeth is crying that mom never took the time to teach her sewing tricks, but mom protests that is because she wasn’t retired then. Deanna suggests that mom teach Elizabeth her sewing tricks now, but mom hissed at Deanna she didn’t want Elizabeth near any sharp objects.
I changed my mind. I don’t think I will step in. Sometimes it is more educational to observe.
Michael Patterson
At 6:41 PM,
April Patterson said…
mike, u mite not b the one who made thoze decisions, but u sure r cheerful abt them an' u act like they r good and rite. and u KNOW that if u stood up 4 me 2 mom, and sed 4 xxample that the junk oughta b stored in a storage space (like in that one monthly letter) mom wd go 4 it. instead u act like i don't matter and i shdn't mind b-ing treated like dirt.
that's y i'm pissed @ u, and it has nuthin' 2 do w/brain injuries. my brain is fine. yrs is prolly not, tho.
apes, who mite never come home
At 7:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. Of course you matter. You are a Patterson after all. What you don’t seem to realize is the direct correlation between suffering and success in a Patterson’s life. For example: Back in 2003, when I wrote my exposé of the fashion designer Divala, and Mitch Frenum fired me for it; I suffered through 3 solid months of financial hardship, including having to borrow money from mom, which she has never let me forget. But thanks to that suffering, I was able to get Mitch Frenum’s job. That was a valuable lesson for me. With great suffering comes a huge payoff.
When I see you in the storage closet, suffering from not being in your own room, of course I am smiling and cheerful about it, little sis. The dirt you are treated like now will be the expensive, detoxifying, mud pack masque of your future. You should enjoy your time in the storage closet, and revel in your misery. That’s what I would do.
Michael Patterson
At 9:49 PM,
April Patterson said…
and i think u just want me 2 suffer. u r just making xxcuses so u can pretend not 2 b horrible.
and i matter cuz i'm a PATTERSON? do u realize how impersonal that is? nothing 2 do w/me as a person that u cd mayB even care abt, just "patterson"?
if u really cared, u wd find wayz 2 make things better 4 me NOW! not pretend that ne kind of abuse that gets dished out 2 me is ok cuz suffering is, like, good 4 me. that's just sick an' twisted.
i'll b living w/my friends till further notice.
At 3:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Little sis. Sometimes in a good conversation, when you get to a lull, you suddenly come to the realization that things have been happening you have been ignoring because of your involvement in the conversation. For example, when I was talking to our Grandpa Jim about my book, I hit such a lull and I suddenly realized Grandpa Jim’s hair was pushed back on his head almost behind his ears. I looked at his mouth and it appeared as though his dentures had been pushed back into his mouth so his lips were lolling over them. Yes, they were lolling during the lull. Even Iris was standing with her back to the wall as if she had been pushed away from our conversation by some force. Then I realized what had happened. I had been speaking so quickly and so enthusiastically, the sheer force of my verbal output had pushed back Grandpa Jim’s dentures and hair; and had pushed Iris to the wall. Of course, I immediately apologized.
I said, “Sorry, Grandpa—I’ve been talking way too fast! It’s just that I’m so…” Then my mind started to reach for a word like “excited” or “enthused”, but my Patterson heritage simply would not allow that. A pun must be made. If I have been creating an unusual airflow with the rapidity of my conversation, then obviously I must be “pumped", as in To propel, eject, or insert with or as if with a pump and that would have the secondary meaning of “pumped” as in Really excited. Two meanings = One great pun.
One of the little known problems with aphasia is apparently the inability to laugh with a sticky-out tongue at a great pun. All Grandpa Jim could manage was an “Uh!” So, I started to explain it to him. I said, “You know…pumped? Like, really excited?” I was about to launch into definition #2 to complete the map of the pun’s double-meaning, when Grandpa Jim put his hands forward palms first as if he was trying to push me away, or he was trying to show me his technique for doing a breast exam or he was trying to demonstrate another meaning of “pumped” like in Physics where it means To raise (atoms or molecules) to a higher energy level by exposing them to electromagnetic radiation at a resonant frequency. I sat there for awhile trying to interpret his hand motions and while I sat there I could feel my buttocks getting bigger from the lethargy. Actually it was only my left buttock. I hate when that happens after sitting someplace for a long time. It gives you a strange half-female / half-male look, until the swelling goes away. You don’t know humility, little sis, until you have had strangers on the street point at you and call you hermaphrodite. Fortunately, Iris intervened because she was able to understand what Grandpa Jim’s hand gestures meant. She said, “Yes, dear. I’ll get it for you.”
Then she picked a book with the words Picture Pallet (French words) and said, “He finds pictures useful when he can’t express himself.” That sentence struck me with fear, little sis. You are too young to remember this, but when I was young and I explored Grandpa Jim’s old workshop when he used to live with Grandma Marian, I found Grandpa Jim’s picture book which had French words on it. Needless to say, they were pictures I certainly did not want to look at with Iris and Grandpa Jim looking on.
I was greatly relieved to see the picture book was actually a book of pictures of household or other ordinary objects and not pictures of slutty French girls doing naughty things with baguettes and croissants. Iris handed Grandpa Jim the book and then stood behind his chair and grabbed his right arm as his fingers moved across the pictures in the book. I think Iris must have thought that by going behind the chair, I would not be aware of the fact she was moving Grandpa Jim’s pointing hand by keeping a controlling hand on his right arm. For a brief moment darkness fell on me, and I imagined a silhouette which bore a striking resemblance to Grandpa Jim with the extended chin, loose collar, and stray hairs on the front of his head. Only I knew the silhouette was actually me. I could see myself the same age as Grandpa Jim with Deanna standing behind me, supporting me, and she moved my arm to whatever picture she wanted me to say. “A horrible way to go,” I thought and I immediately felt pity for my grandpa. I faded back into reality and I heard Iris say, “What’s that, Jim? …He’s pointing to a car…and…a gas station!”
Little sis. Your brother is not stupid. I could tell Iris was going to interpret the car and the gas station as Grandpa Jim is running out of gas and needs a dinner fill-up, or some sort of environmental statement on how they take the bus everywhere, or just to tell me Grandpa Jim is a little gassy and I might want to cover my nose. But before Iris could even get to her particularly poor brand of humour, I decided to leap forward, grab Grandpa Jim by the shoulders and said, “Thanks Grandpa---I’m glad you’re pumped too!!” I could tell Iris was upset I had trumped her humourous statement, because her whole appearance suddenly darkened. It didn’t matter to me. Standing in front of me was a man who appreciated the fact I had managed to outpun his controlling wife. His radiant grin at me was all the affirmation I needed.
That’s almost all I have to say about my visit with Grandpa Jim and Iris; but I do have a little bit left I will save to tell you tomorrow.
Michael Patterson
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