Peeps, sorry this is so l8! I actually started reading the letters abt 2 and a half hours ago, but then we got a big thunder storm that wdn't quit an' I hadta shut down the 'puter. Drag!
My letter: Not much 2 add 'cept an apology and an xplanation Jeremy. I actually made that comment abt Jeremiah Johns, not U, Jeremy. U know how Jeremiah's been l8ly, what w/the not-funny pranx he's been playin' on every1 and the crude jokes. But I think my Mom an' Stephanie assume I typoed so they "corrected" his name 2 "Jeremy Jones".
Lizzie's letter: OMG, Liz! U admitted that U love Paul!!! So, Liz U R gonna get an apt in Mississauga 4 the summer an' then prolly hafta move again in the fall?!?!?!?!
Mom's letter: Erg, I dunno if U h8 this 2, but it bugz the heck outta me when Mom starts one of her monthly letterz w/"Thanks for your interest in our family's happenings." Like she'z the host of the fam an' naturally every1 is starting w/her letter like U start @ "Go" in Monopoly. Whatevs.
Kinda weird how Mom makes it sound like Robin's all better an' U can C fr. Dee'z letter that the ear infections R still on-going. Do U think mayB Mike an' Dee let Mom
think the illnesses were all gone cuz they'd had enuf of her?
Well, now that Mom's written abt my summer-job planz, I guess my memory-block is lifted. So I'm doing the Lilliput's job 4 the summ. Boring, I know. I was hoping the rumour abt me doing voice-overz at Los Bros Hernandez animation studio turned out 2 B the true one. ::sigh::
BTW, how on earth doez Mom know abt Lizzie's teaching style? That was kind of a weird comment.
Dad's letter: So Dad thinx Ger an' Dunc R his peers. Uh-oh, Mike, this soundz like a bad, bad sign, like U warned me, abt Dad stealing my friends.
Can U believe how casual Dad is abt the idea of Liz breaking up w/Paul? Soundz like he's totally written off the relationship already. I think this wd cheese me off if I were Liz. Liz, does this cheese U off.
Mike's letter: Hm, so U had this big convo w/Melville Kelpfroth where U found out all abt how Mel and Winnie had been profs. But it didn't help w/yr sitch. Hm, Y didn't U, like, address the probs U R having w/them, like, directly, insteada hoping that beer and listening 2 stories abt war history wd fix everything?
Dee's letter: Robin's still getting sick a lot. What R the chances it'll turn out that cigar smoke is the culprit, eh? Oh, and Andrea's gonna visit. I wonder if she ever thinx abt changing her name back 2 Kaitlyn.
Gramps/Iris: OMG, does NE1 wanna hear abt slutty old peeps an' their denture humour? Not me?
Pets: LOL, I pretended Dixie's smart! That dog'z dumber than Eddie's rear left paw! An' notice Liz tried 2 dump Shiimsa. Not cube!