I didn't really BEG!
So anyway, I took my car over to show it to April and she asked if we could go for a drive and I said "Mais oui!" and I'm not really sure why I did that, maybe because I had been talking to Anthony and he was complaining about his Quebeckwois(sp?) wife and how she kept insisting that she wanted Francoise to learn to speak both English and French at home at the same time, and how Anthony wanted her to learn only English first because he didn't want the baby to turn out to be a nasty French bitch like her mother.But really, I didn't "beg" Liz 2 stay. I just wanted 2, like, "establish the facts", like they alwayz say on the TV cop an' lawyer showz. I dunno Y I had 2 B all dorked out w/the Keanu "whoa" an' the lame question abt having a car. It's like I had total amnesia abt the "little blue car" that Gordo called "toast" when it broke down 2 yrs ago.
Anyway we went on the drive and April asked me what it was like to own my own car and I said it was scary because I might be out of a job in September. Then April begged me not to move away and I promised I wouldn't that I would stay here down south no matter what, even if I can't get a job ever, I'm not going back up north, it's just not for me, even if I loved my friends and my school and the town and my apartment and also Paul was up there. Then I said we could spend lots of time together and April said that was good but that she was going to the farm next week which I knew so I am not sure why that surprised me.
So, like, when I told Liz that I'm leaving 4 Manitoba next wk, she looked totally shocked, like bug-eyed shocked. I'm glad she wrote that bit in her comment abt how she'z not sure Y she was surprised, cuz that confused me 2.
Oh, the d8 w/"Ger" last nite. We met up @ the multiplex, when suddenly he got a fone call. His face got all, like, storm-cloudy while he was on the fone, and then he was all, "Family emergency. Gotta go. Can't get in2 it, now."
Oh, Liz, in case U didn't C Paul's comment, he xxplained Y he didn't get a chance 2 call U @ yr usual time last nite:
It’s too late to call your sister now. I just finished a 20-hour shift of working to help with a big fire in Northwest Ontario. I told my shift captain I needed to call your sister at 10 pm for our usual 2-hour call. My shift captain said, “Constable Wright, you will not be calling your girlfriend while you are at work, unless you want to find yourself looking for a job.” I decided to betray your sister and stay employed. After all, one of us has to be in order to make the car loan payment on her new car.Mike, do U want me 2 keep reminding U abt this indented stuff being quotes, or do U think U can remember? In case no, the first indented part above is me quoting Liz. The second indented part is me quoting Paul.
If you get up before I do tomorrow, and your sister asks if you have heard from me, please tell her what happened. I can’t call her because she needs her rest for her very trying teacher job. They have been working her so hard; I don’t know how my sweet girl can keep up. She told me what her school was like, and I can tell you, the school in Mtigwaki (Land of Trees) was a lot less demanding.
And Liz, it's "Québécoise".