It's not that I don't think Mom an' Dad shd "romance" ea other, I just don't esp. wanna know abt it. So of course, Dad had 2 call me (I'm talking 2 'em more while I'm away @ the farm in Winni than I was @ home, seemz like.) He sed, "April! I love your mother!" I was like, "Really? I thot U loved trainz, an'
toler8ed Mom. He laffed and sed, "U teenagerz w/yr sarcasm! NEway, I was in the kitchen drying dishes, looking across the room @ yr mother, who was standing @ the kitchen table scrapbooking. And I felt this swell of love. In fact a shiny, 3-D heart popped up in my thought bubble! I sidled up to her holding 2 mugs of tea in one hand, and I'm not even sure how I managed 2 do so, but I was holding them both by the handle, and I didn't even spill!" I'm all, "Get out!" And he's, like, "No, it's true!" I was hoping he'd go off on a tangent abt carrying hot drinx in mugs an' not spilling them, but he went rite back 2 his topic. "So, I sed, 'Xxcuse me, miss. I was staring @ U from over there... And was wondering if U'd join me 4 a drink.' And yr mother sed, 'Well... I guess so.'" I tried that old trick of pretending U have a bad connection by making fake static soundz, but Dad didn't notice an' he continued, "So, we were sitting having our tea, and I sed, 'I'd like 2 get 2 know U better. If U're not busy 2nite, cd I invite U out 2 dinner?' And yr mother sed, 'That wd B nice. I accept.' And I asked, slyly, 'And after dinner cd I take U home?'" I interrupted, all, "Dad, U're talking 2 yr daughter! MayB U shdn't tell me more!" Dad was all, "Pishposh! U're mature enuf 2 know. So yr mother answered, 'Hmmm.... That mite B a distinct possibility.' And she was looking @ me with that fetching looking-upwards hopeful xxpression I find so endearing. As we walked off, arm in arm, I thought, 'Who sez "speed d8ing" isn't romantic!"
I was all, "Dad, U've been married 2 Mom since B4 the stone age, if U an' Mom make sum quick dinner planz, I don't think that counts as 'speed d8ing' even if U make yr planz v. v. quickly." And Dad was, like, "Spoil sport!" And he hung up. And then the friggin' phone rang again and it was Mike! "April, in case U have the dreaded writer's block again, yr talented, award-winner brother has just the thing 2 rescue U!" I was, like, "Mike! I'm gonna write abt this creepy convo I just had w/Dad!" Mike was all, "Resorting 2 writing abt creepy convos--nice alliteration by the way--a sure sign of writer's block!" And B4 I cd argue more, he was like telling me abt
sumthing that happed when I was like 2 months old. He sed he was looking thru his old journalz 4 inspiration 2 apply 2 his "Sheilagh" manuscript, and he found an entry abt when he was 15 and had 2 babysit me. He was sitting on the couch holding me and thinking, "Yeah. Right. Everybody take off and leave Michael here 2 look after the drool queen." Then he sed out loud, "It wdn't B so bad if this kid cd
DO sumthing! --Right, Ape?" And just then, I sed, "Glkkthh..." and smiled. He got all happy and sed, "She
SMILED @ me!!" Awwwww. Apparently, I was cute back then, cute as a friggin' button. Didn't have "fugly" dayz like I seem 2 have like every other week. ::sigh::
NEway, that's all 4 now. I've gotta milk Bossie the cow.